A/N: So I'm really looking forward to the next chapters because I'm going to start introducing some poetry in them; all the poetry is mine, so I would really enjoy some feedback on that, good or constructive. (: Thank you to everyone who is still reading this…. 20 chapters…. I never imagined. Ever.


Everyone seemed surprised that I was doing so well after the encounter; they figured I'd be a wreck. And on the inside, I was. But they didn't see that I had found my release; it was my dirty little secret. And that was how it was going to stay.

My days seemed to carry on like normal after the encounter. I found myself having to be careful at the gym around Finn; normally, we'd quick shower off before going back home, but I couldn't with the scars. I had the hide them; honestly, with Finn, it was so easy to do. I would say I forgot something, or I needed to get home to check on Kurt, or some other excuse; and he bought every single one.

I caught myself turning to the blade during every shower; all the pain and guilt and worthlessness could bleed out of me, and I'd walk out feeling better than I had going in. The cuts hurt like hell; they hurt far more than a sore throat after puking ever did, but I deserved the pain. I was well deserving of it; my father made it evident. But that pain made me feel… alive. It was like a new type of high; and it hurt so bad, but I couldn't get enough of it.

Kurt's therapy was strengthened after the encounter with my father; he did not take it well. Nobody really expected him to. He was beyond paranoid; every time someone knocked on the door, he froze. He flinched at anyone's touch but mine, and was starting to close himself off again. I was really worried about him; but Burt told me to have trust in the therapist.

I would sit with Kurt every night in the privacy of his bedroom, and he would talk about his therapy that day; about what he learned -and today was no different.

"So today I kept telling the therapist I was weak. That I was too weak and that's why I tried to end my life. She said I wasn't weak, but my coping methods were. She asked me how I coped with the bullying, and I told her everything; the cuts, the self-destroying. She said I needed to find healthier ways to express my pain; ways that could possibly be beneficial to others. She recommended writing; that's where this comes in." Kurt explained, holding up his new notebook.

"Every time I feel down about myself, or need to get something off of my chest, or I just need a release, she told me to focus on writing a poem. It didn't have to be long, or have to rhyme, or even have to be good; I just needed to get it off my chest. And maybe someday, if I get really good at writing, I can do something productive with it. But for right now, she told me to try writing just to get everything out of me. And I wanted to share one of my poems with you. Can I?" Kurt asked.

I couldn't help but think how proud I was of Kurt. He was really trying to get better and he was succeeding. He was being far more of a man than I ever could be.

"I would love to read your poem, Kurt." I said, smiling at the beautiful man across from me. He flipped open to one of the first pages in his notebook, and handed it to me to read.

"It's not really that awesome, but I felt so much better after writing it."

The Darkness and The Devil

Look up to the sky and see the blackness of the night

And note the stars do not shimmer; darkness is in sight

And it starts to break you down; shows a subject apropos

You feel the darkness laugh at you and how you are alone

The darkness runs on pain; and he sees that you are prone

The darkness is your fiend and he's got you all alone

He got you living in a nightmare; the pain is overblown

And The tripping fest drifts you off into the unknown

The darkness that attacks decides the pain is not enough

So The darkness calls his right hand man; the devil of yourself

He is what volunteers to make the darkness very tough

And he tortures the poor innocent; pain inflicted on one's self

The darkness and the devil have got you where they want

And they think that with this plan they can never be stopped

And with their smirks and nasty minds they dissemble you

But there was one little kink that they did not think through

Light ending the tunnel comes rushing into save

The poor, little, soul the darkness had enslaved

And with its pure beauty it kills away the pain

And good prevails over evil this time as I know it will again

So never let the darkness sweep you in alone

Because really, it's all inside your head and you're not so on your own

Realize that even when the stars do not light the sky

They are somewhere out there, just not visible to the eye.

I was in tears when I finished the poem. Kurt had come so far; he was really recovering. He was going to be okay.

"Kurt, that was beautiful." I whispered to him

"Blaine, you know who that light was? The one that took away the darkness?" He whispered


"It was you Blaine. You were the light. See, I've realized that yes, there were things in the outside world that broke me down. But nothing, not one thing, broke me down more than myself. I chose to believe the words that these devils threw at me. It wasn't their evil that destroyed me; it was mine own. Of course, yeah, they played a part in it, but I tore myself down more than they ever could. And I don't want to be destroyed anymore Blaine, I want to be happy. And when all the bullying was going on, you were the light that came in and tried to take away all that pain. I still let it destroy me then, but not now. And not anymore, Blaine. Because I'm worth it." He said, letting tears roll down his face. I smiled, slowly moving my arm up to wipe away his tears.

"Kurt, I am so proud of you. You are so brave, and special. You are a true fighter. You don't have to let it destroy you, Kurt. You're worth it. And I love you so much. I have never been prouder of you than I am right now." I said, letting another tear flicker from my eye. I leaned in to kiss Kurt on the lips, letting my action explain what my words couldn't. I was so happy for Kurt. I was proud to be with him.

"Blaine, you are my rock. You are my sturdy rock; always there for me when I need something to lean on. You saved me. And I love you so much. Blaine I… I could never live without you." Kurt said after he released from the kiss.

"I love you Kurt. So much. I'm so proud of you." I said, glancing over at the clock. 11 PM

"Kurt, baby, I gotta go to sleep.I love you so much." I repeated. I kissed him on the forehead before getting up and walking to the door.

"Blaine?" His voiced piped. I turned around to see my beautiful Kurt; eyes red rimmed, but a smile on his face.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" He asked. I smiled at Kurt.

"What will Burt say?"

"He'll be okay with it." He reassured.

"I don't know Kurt" I said unsure. I need to shower. Well.. that was part of it.

"Please?" He begged quietly.

I couldn't resist. It had been a while since I had been able to cuddle with Kurt in bed; and we had come so far. He was doing so much better. And he looked so adorable, begging. I could save it for a night. I could try. For Kurt.

"Fine." I said with a smile.

I crawled in under the covers next to Kurt, snaking my arms around his waist and pulling him in so I could lean my head on his shoulder blade. I planted a small kiss on his neck; I could practically feel his smile.

"Goodnight, Blaine."

"Goodnight, Kurt."

Kurt had moved slightly to shut off the light, but was quick to resettle himself in my arms.

"I love you." He whispered.

I smiled at his words, moving my lips up to kiss his earlobe.

"I love you more than you'll ever understand." I whispered in to his ear.

I listened to Kurt's breaths as they quickly began to slow down; showing that my beautiful Kurt had fallen asleep in my arms. I tried to join him in dreamland, but my mind was wide awake; Kurt's words taunting me.

I couldn't help but let his words break my heart; I wasn't a rock. Look at what I was doing to myself! I was destroying myself. I was my own worst enemy. I thought back to Kurt's poem; specifically the last stanza. I let the words sink in, and it wasn't long before I realized that Kurt was right; I'm not alone. Even if I don't see it, help is always around. And I was destroying myself. I was letting the words of other people break me; I was letting them DEFINE me. But they shouldn't define me, because I was worth it. Kurt was right; maybe I'm not so far off the beaten path of happiness.

I couldn't allow myself to cut anymore. I needed to find a new coping method; something just as effective, but not self-destroying. I was better than that. And Kurt called me his rock; I couldn't be a rock if I was broken. I needed to do it for Kurt.

Maybe people did care. Maybe I was loved. And maybe, just maybe, I could be happy again.

Post A/N: Yay! A turn upward for Blaine! The sun is shining! (: for now. O.o - Blaine is really dedicated to getting better for Kurt; he is so moved by how well Kurt is doing; and he now sees how much Kurt cares; and how much he and everyone else has cared all along.

I'm looking into introducing New Directions soon. Not very soon… but soon. Maybe. Possibly. I don' know yet.

And it's funny, I had a set ending for this… but now…. I think I might change it. Completely. Huh. !

And did you guys enjoy the poetry? I could REALLY use some feedback on that.

Reviews= love

Redvines= love


Reviews=Redvines. (: …. Well… virtual ones. To me… anyways. Yeah okay… my logic makes no sense. (: