FF_992224_1115788754 4/27/2012

Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint...

Sam looked around the room. He had something he wanted to say to his SRU colleagues, but was unsure how to begin. Greg saw his quandary, and helped him out.

"Do you have something you want to say, Sam," he asked gently.

Sam nodded and took a deep breath. "Today wasn't the first time I've been kneeling and restrained with a gun to my head," he said slowly. "But there were a few differences…," his voice trailed off and he stared off into something only he could see. After a moment, he shuddered and looked down at his hands clenched in his lap. "The last time, I wasn't injured," he said. He took a deep breath and continued, "But the biggest difference…" Sam was having trouble controlling his emotions. He clenched his hands tighter. "The biggest difference is that the last time I was behind enemy lines alone, with no one to rely on but myself." Another shudder ran through Sam's frame as he remembered what he'd had to do to get free. "And this time, I knew… I knew you guys were out there, doing everything you could to get me out alive." He bowed his head for a moment before raising it and looking around the room. "So, thanks… thanks for being there."

Silence filled the waiting room for a few moments while Sam's colleagues digested what he'd just said. Silent glances were exchanged between Greg, Ed, and Troy – a silent agreement that this might have to be addressed later on, but it wasn't important to what'd happened today.

"Sam," it was Isaac who broke the silence. "What did Inspector Stainton mean when he said you need to take precautions? Why would someone be coming after you?"

Sam paled slightly, but met Isaac's eyes directly, "I'm sorry," his voice was very soft, "but I'm not at liberty to discuss it." He frowned to himself. "Although," he mused, "someone must have said something to the inspector." Sam sighed. It didn't matter. Unless and until his team and SRU colleagues had the necessary security clearance, he couldn't discuss what had happened while he was in JTF2. Sam shrugged his left shoulder and met Isaac's eyes again, "I'm sorry," he repeated.

"It's ok, Sam," Ed said firmly, "We all understand the need for security clearance." He looked around the room, daring anyone to disagree with him. He was almost disappointed when no one did.

Troy Walker stretched as he rose from his chair. "I have to get going," he said quietly, "but I needed to make sure you were ok, Sam."

Sam nodded, recognizing the expression on the other's face. Team Two had seen him kneeling there with the gun to his head. And although they'd been the ones who'd rescued him, they still needed to see him afterward – alive and whole; just to reassure themselves he had made it out of there alive.

Troy rested his hand on Sam's good shoulder for a moment, before making his way out of the room. As if his movement was a catalyst, the rest of Team Two also made their farewells and left. Sam was a little uncomfortable with it, but allowed them all a touch of reassurance – whether it was a left-handed handshake, or just a brush of their hand against his arm or shoulder, they all needed that physical reassurance that he was still there.

Team One gathered around their wounded teammate after everyone else was gone. "Sam," Greg said, "I'll put in the paperwork for your sick leave tomorrow. Don't worry about anything. If I need you to sign something, I'll send it home with Jules. You concentrate on healing."

"Thanks, Sarge," Sam replied. He was a little more comfortable with Team One's touches. He wasn't sure how much they'd seen, but he knew they'd heard it all. He could see it on their faces.

"Sam, you did everything right," Ed said, firmly. "Don't second-guess yourself. This subject was determined and no amount of talking was going to stop him. We're lucky Team Two could stop him." His hand rested on Sam's uninjured shoulder for a moment. Sam felt a minute tremor for a brief moment before Ed squeezed and released him.

"Shelley and Wordy are having a cook-out on Sunday," he said, moving towards the door. "They're expecting the engaged couple to be there."

"We'll be there," Sam promised. He smiled up at Jules, his happiness at hearing them referred to in public as an engaged couple beaming from his face. Jules smiled in return, just happy to have him with her.

Raf and Spike both patted his shoulder as well, before heading home. Greg met Sam's eyes. "Be careful," he admonished. "We need you around."

Sam nodded silently. He was ready to head home. He just wanted to collapse into his own bed and cuddle with his new fiancée. Smiling tiredly up at Jules again, he waited for her to push him out of the room. Greg kept pace and Team One finally, officially left the building.

A/N: The End. And no big revelation of who the subject could be or why he'd entered the gas station with a gun. Hmm... Maybe there should be a sequel... Let me know what you think.