The Legend of the Red-Eyed Child.
It was a dark, stormy night. No one was on the road except for one man who was going home in the rain. As the man walked, he saw someone up ahead. When he got close, he saw a child about twelve with white hair and red eyes. The child smiled at him showing pointy teeth.
"Hey—you—are you...?" he called to the child. The child turned and disappeared into the darkness.
"Hey!" the man said as he ran after the child. "Wait!" He searched around but the child was nowhere to be found. He was about to investigate further when something his mother told him long ago came back to him:
"Beware of the Red-Eyed Child my son, for if you see him you only have a week to live." The man shook his head. This is crazy. He was just spooked out by the rain. He started walking home again laughing at himself for his foolishness. But a week later, as the same man was walking down a dark road, he slipped and fell down the side of a cliff. His last thought as he fell was the warning of the Red-Eyed Child. And that my friends, is the legend of the Red-Eyed Child.
The boy laughed and put down the book. He had many names named after him but this was one of his favorite. Throughout time people had made legends, stories, and sung songs about him. He was Shisha, Messenger of Death. His job was to seek out people who would die in a week and warn them. Sometimes they would actually do something to stop their untimely deaths but most of the time they still died. Shisha sighed and used his magic to search the area for any interesting Deaths. Some old lady is going to die peacefully in her bed, some girl's going to drown in a week.
"Well I might as well go for the girl." He mumbled and started walking down the street.
"Shisha!" He turned and saw Lady Luck waving to him. Lady Luck used to have another name but she preferred this one. She was twenty-eight and the Messenger of a change in Fortune. However, that didn't always mean good fortune, despite her name.
"How's it going?" she asked.
"I'm bored again," Shisha pouted.
"You're always bored!" she laughed. "Being immortally twelve is hard."
"I found another legend about me," Shisha told her. "I'm now the Red-Eyed Boy."
"Is this legend any better than the rest?" Luck asked.
"Of course not!" Shisha rolled his eyes. "They still think I cause people to die, not that I'm a messenger!"
"Foolish humans!" Luck smiled. "Well I'm off. I need to go to a man whose fortune's changing."
"Better or worse?" Shisha asked.
Shi laughed again and headed off to give the doomed girl her warning.
He arrived at Death Academy and went in. He soon found himself in a music room and after sensing that the girl would be here very soon he sat down at the piano. He soon was absorbed in the music. When he was done, he heard clapping. Shisha turned to find a girl about his age standing at the door and after quickly checking found out that she was the one he was going to warn.
"Nice music," she said. Nice music? She liked it?
"You like it?" the boy asked.
"Yes, though it's kind of dark," she answered.
"That's the kind of person I am," Shisha told her.
"Are you a Weapon?" the girl asked.
"Yep, I'm a scythe."
"Cool! Do you have a Meister?"
"Do you want to be my Weapon?" she asked. Shisha stared at her. Him, be a human's Weapon? No way! But, there was something about her that drew him to her.
"Ok," he said finally.
"Cool!" she said again. "My name is Maka Albarn."
"I'm, uh, Soul Eater," Shi said, thinking of the first two words that came to his mind.
"Strange name," she said then looked at her watch. "Oh great. I should be home by now! See you!" Shisha watched her go and then mentally slapped himself.
"What was I thinking?" he wondered. "She's going to be dead in a week. Unless... No, I can't intervene. It's against the rules! I'll be her Weapon for the rest of the week, then I'll go back to warning people. Though I'm keeping the name. It's cool." Soul smiled to himself as he walked away from the school.
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