Disclaimer: I donotown the Percy Jackson and the Olympian franchise as that is owned by Rick Riordan. If I did...well read and you will see how the story would have gone ;)

God of Tides

Poseidon was battered with worry, his wife Amphitrite was due any moment to deliver him their child. Poseidon immeadiately perked his ears and heard his wife's laborous screams indication she giving birth.

He wanted to desperately visit his wife and help her through but Hera forbidden it. After a while the screams died down and Hera came out of the room washing her hands while stating to Poseidon, "Your wife is fine brother. Go see your sons." Poseidon was stumped by that and didn't expect Amphitrite give birth to twins.

As Poseidon greeted his two children, Leto was walking through a garden when she thought that maybe she should visit Olympus and congratulate Poseidon on the birth of his sons, thusly she began her journey just as Poseidon looked down upon his boys as they were wrestling with one another like they had done in Amphitrite's womb.

Amphitrite loved her boys and smiled down upon them before one of the toddlers, one with mesmerizing sea-green eyes though a human, flipped and pinned his brother, who had deep blue eyes and twin fish tails.

Poseidon smiled and conferred with Amphitrite and named the sea green eyed lad Perseus and his brother, Triton. The lads looked up at their father and ran and hugged him while Poseidon laughed and greeted each of his boys by their names.

Perseus and Triton smiled up at their father before wandering off inside the palace while Poseidon hugged his wife and they watched out the window as their sons played in the courtyard.

~~~~~~~A Year Later~~~~~~~

Poseidon had brought his sons gifts and called Triton in first and gave him a trumpet of a twisted conch shell, a play trident, and the title as his herald. Triton smiled and thanked his father before leaving as Perseus walked up.

Now Poseidon loved both of his sons equally, but while Amphitrite favored Triton a fraction more, Poseidon favored Perseus and thus witheld his son's gifts so as to have Perseus ask for them. Perseus walked up to his father and Poseidon asked what Perseus wanted for gifts.

Perseus smiled and asked "I want to have a bow made out of copper and silver, a quiver of arrows that never runs out, a trident so as everyone knows I'm your son, to have the tides and the wilds as my sacred places, to have a lot of time to enjoy, herbs to eat and heal with, and to have adventure! Can I have these things father can I?" Perseus asked as he jumped up and down with excitement.

Poseidon smiled upon his son and said "Of course you can son, you shall start your freedom to have adventure by journeying to the forges of Hephaestus on Mt. Olympus for your bow, quiver, and your trident, then go to the garden of Demeter for your herbs and finally you shall go visit your uncle Lord Zeus for having the wilds as your domain but you can most certainly have the tides as yours."

Perseus exclaimed his thanks as he hugged his father and left immeadiately to begin his adventure.

Perseus travelled through the sea, by day and night he swam. Along the way he conquered some minor monsters till he came to land near a port town. He walked out of the sea and immeadiately sprinted towards Mt. Olympus. .

Perseus stopped at the mighty mountain of Olympus before smiling and started climbing. By day and night he climbed till he reached the summit and entered into the city of Olympus. As he passed through stalls of immortals selling their wares, he made it to the throne room as it were and knocked.

Perseus waited and then heard a loud "Enter!" and opened the door as he walked in. Perseus admired the beauty of the throne room and saw at the other end a tall man with electric blue eyes, a stormy gray beard wearing a blue and white tunic. Perseus knelt immeadiately realizing this was his uncle, Lord Zeus king of Olympus.

Zeus smiled at the boy, knowing who he was as his brother, Poseidon already informed him that his son would pay him a visit. "Rise young Perseus, and what brings you to Olympus?"

Perseus smiled as he rose and said "I have come to ask of your kindness, my lord, in allowing me to have the wilds as my sacred areas and to call upon your son, Lord Hephaestus to make me my bow and quiver of arrows, and trident, and herbs to eat and cure from Lady Demeter's garden as those are the gifts my father as allotted me.

Zeus smiled at the boy's politeness and decided to test him to see if he was worthy, and spoke "You shall indeed go visit my son, Hephaestus for your weapons young Perseus, and my sister Demeter for your herbs, but as for having the wilds well you will have to prove yourself." Perseus nodded and replied "Of course my lord, just name what you have me do and your faithful servant shall accomplish it."

Zeus smiled and thought of what he should have Perseus do before an idea struck him and went to set his plan into motion.

"Young nephew, recently I had a consort named Leto cursed by my wife Hera to not give birth on land struck by the sun's rays nor by an island moored to the earth. I want you to protect her and find a place where she could safely give birth, understood?"

Perseus nodded and accepted his quest from his uncle and left to go visit Hephaestus. As Perseus neared the smithy he could see black clouds from a chimney and went to check it out.

He came across a small building with no door but an open walkway and walked inside and found massive amounts of metal and coal.

Near the back of the room he heard a gruff "Who is it?" and Perseus smiled before saying "It is I cousin, Perseus, here to call upon your genius to craft me a bow of silver and copper, a quiver full of arrows which never runs out, and a trident like my fathers made of any sort of blue metal you can find."

Perseus heard a gruff "Hrmmpf" and out came a man who was ugly to look at but by looking at his hands, Perseus could tell that this man was brilliant when it came to the forge. "Hmmm, well let's see lad..." Hephaestus then picked up a bar of silver and a rod of copper and started to intertwine them together to form a cresent shape, he then took a long thin string of cloud fluff and seafoam and connected it to either end of the bow and then dipped it in cooling water in a plain marble basin.

Perseus was watching intently as this was going on while Hephaestus then took a long bar of celestial bronze and cobalt, along with silver and crafted a trident. Hephaestus told Perseus that it would be a few hours before his weapons would be ready so Perseus left the forges to seek out Lady Demeter for his herbs.

As he passed the forges and a temple which looked like every bird and beast were showing love, Perseus finally came upon a temple which had numerous plants growing around it. As Perseus entered, he looked around and saw numerous and various species of plants but especially wheat. He came upon a dias with vines growing around it forming a precipace with their intertwined ends and leaves.

Inside it was crystal clear water and various offerings, so knowing what to do Perseus took a couple golden coins he had and dropped them into the bowl. For a few seconds nothing happened until a wind rush through the temple before a gentle laugh could be heard. Perseus looked up and noticed a beautiful woman with golden hair and green robes of leaves, vines, and various plants woven together.

"Ahh dear nephew, you have called upon me?" Perseus nodded to his aunt before responding "Lady Demeter, I have come here to have some herbs to eat and to heal with from your garden since they are what my father allotted me as a gift. Would you please allow me to have some?"

Demeter smiled and said "Yes you may nephew, I shall go pick some for you and since you seem to care for this, then I shall give one of each herb so you can grow your own garden in the sea or land, as you prefer." With that Demeter left to fetch the aforementioned plants while Perseus waited patiently.

Not too long later, Demeter came back with a bag filled with various plants, some of which Perseus recognized as rosemary, sage, yarrow, and many more. Thanking his aunt kindly, Perseus left and sought the forges to see if Hephaestus was done.

As Perseus reached the forges, he saw his cousin holding two items and Hephaestus greeted him and said "Here you are cousin, your bow and quiver which will never run out of arrows and could pierce light through any dark place. And your trident which is like your father's but powered down, but will grow as you will." Perseus took the gifts and hugged his cousin in thanks before leaving to try out his new weapons and to begin the quest, his uncle Zeus bestowed upon him.

Perseus left Mt. Olympus and shot various things with his bow and he became an excellent shot, though unbeknowest to him, his father and Zeus were together watching him. Perseus journeyed for an hour before coming to the water and thought about where Leto might have gone and decided to swim around the coast since that would have been an easy way to spy upon your pursuers.

It wasn't long before after swimming for a day that Perseus came upon a woman who is heavily pregnant. Perseus introduces himself, "Hi milady, I'm Perseus what's your name?" The woman smiled before stating "Hail Perseus son of Poseidon, I am Leto." Perseus smiled and proceeded with "Good day Lady Leto, my lord Zeus, sent me to protect you and help you give birth." Leto smiles sadly before stating "I wish it was that easy Lord Perseus, but Lady Hera has sent the dreaded Python after me to enforce her curse of me not being able to give birth on land where the sun shines nor on an island moored to the earth."

Perseus thought of what to do before seeing an island close to where they are and thought of an idea. "My lady there is a way! See that lonely island over there? We shall go to it and I shall prepare it so you can give birth." Leto, though hopeful, replies "How Lord Perseus?"

Perseus smiled before stating simply "I am the son of Amphitrite and Poseidon, brother to Triton." Leto smiles at the young lord's persistance and agrees to be lead to the island while the dreaded snake Python, whose skin was a sickly green while poisonous spines jutted along his back, watches the boy and his prey before smiling, sickly yellow rows of sharp teeth are seen before he begins slithering towards his prey.

Perseus, by stopping the tides, created a land bridge to the island and lead Leto to the island's shores. Once Leto walked onto the shore and near a shade from the trees, Perseus released his hold on the tides which flooded back to the shores, rapidly closing the land bridge in a wall of water. Python was overwhelmed before swimming to the surface and towards Perseus.

Perseus smiled at the snake before willing the tides to hold Python by reversing their direction. Perseus then sank beneath the surface and to where the island was moored to the earth. He withdrew his trident and began blasting the rock mooring with his sea powers through the trident. The resulting backlash causes the earth to quake and rumble.

Perseus kept blasting, and eventually after several hours finally unmoored the island and rose back to the surface of the seas and onto the shore near Leto. Perseus saw Python slowly make his way towards the shore before he raised his trident and willed the tides to release some of their hold on Python in order to move the island away from land and Python.

The island gave a gigantic lurch before slowly beginning to move away from Python. Perseus turns to Leto and asked her what to get so she can have a successful birth. "I need a jar of fresh water, and several strips of cloth my lord." Leto replies while Perseus concentrates before forming a ball of sea water and uses his powers to remove the salt, creating a jar out of it, and had the newly created fresh water pour itself into the jar.

Perseus set the jar near Leto while ripping his sea green tunic across his chest revealing his muscular upper body and ripped the cloth into strips as Leto walks Perseus through on what would happen and starting to give birth.

Perseus calmly put a strip of wet cloth on Leto's forehead as he prepared a larger cloth and with one final push, Leto gave birth to a shining silverly girl whom Perseus cleaned. The girl, thanking Perseus proceeded to help Leto give birth again to a boy.

The girl and boy thanked Perseus for his help while he nodded in appreciation. Perseus then caused the ground to sprout several Alfalfa sprouts which were high in calories providing energy as he told Leto to eat these as he went hunting.

Perseus went into the forest with his bow drawn and after a while caught several rabbits and a deer. Perseus walked back to camp and brought the game to the site and started cleaning it and gutting the animals.

Perseus then told Leto that he'll cook and prepared dinner, giving the best and biggest portions to Leto and her children. Perseus then took the best of his portion and sacrificed it to his father and Uncle Zeus.

After eating Perseus Leto that she could sleep as he'll keep watch and with that Leto took her children, nodded her thanks to Perseus who smiled back, and went to sleep.

Author Note: With this I'm back! I have been writing various shorts of stories and I have been reading more Pertemis stories and noticed that most were Chaos fics so I decided something different. Just to let everyone know that Tales of a New Leaf (my naruto fic) and Flight of a Winged Warrior (my panty stocking fic) are on hiatus for now as I am stuck with how to continue them and I decided to take a break from them to write this story. Rest assured I will continue those stories later but right now I feel a change of pace is needed. I hope you enjoy this story as I will writing it. Remember to please r&r so I can know how I'm doing ^^