
I do not own Young Justice. At all. :[

Ok, fair warning, I might not be able to update until may 4, aka, friday. I'll be too busy being smothered by school work.

Hope you enjoy :D

It felt so wrong, awkward, and unnatural. She looked next to her, glassy blue eyes resting on a bare patch of grass. It was flattened, a pale yellow starting to overtake the rich green. A memory of when Dick used to sit next to her every day, eating lunch and discussing plans for the weekend, came to mind.

Barbara reluctantly turned her head away, lowering her egg salad sandwich. She wasn't in the mood to eat, not since Dick wasn't around. His absence was like a black hole, draining her light and energy, leaving her plain and alone. She set the sandwich in her lunch box, grabbing a cheez-it from a clear plastic snack baggy. She held it in her hands, wondering what Dick was doing.

She heard a soft twitter above, tilting her head back; Barbara noticed fluttering in the dark leaves. The tree that she sat under was probably hiding a few birds. Momently distracted from Dick, she crushed the cracker in her hand, throwing it a good distance away from her and other students. It fell near a patch of beautiful yellow flowers, behind a few small bushes. Barbara felt her shoulders loosen when the birds flew down and began to peck at the cracker crumbs. She felt a little better.

A small commotion near the doors leading into the cafeteria caught her attention, but she shrugged it off, starting to pick at the blades of grass.

(Don't mind me, I'm just a plain ol' page breakline thingamajig!)

Artemis shoved her way through the glass doors, pushing students out of her path. They huffed, obviously annoyed, but Artemis was furious.

She was fed up with the side comments and rude whisperings that followed her around like a dog. She grasped her books tighter, holding them with her left hand. She had shoved a large muffin from her lunch tray into her bag, along with a carton of milk.

"Move!" She growled. Her feet ached as they hurried down the cement stairs. She was up all night chasing a thug while Green Arrow was at the Watch Tower. Students unhappily moved out of her way, having enough sense to not challenge the angry blonde.

Unfortunately someone wasn't so…sensible.

"Hey," Artemis stopped when a quiet voice reached her ears.

She whirled around, seeing an oddly familiar raven-haired boy. Quickly she spun around, making her way down the steps and across the courtyard. She noticed a large tree above a small garden. It was a perfect hiding—Dammit.

Artemis cussed none too softly when she looked down, her short skirt showing too much skin for her liking. No way was she going to be able to climb that tree. A slow and painful pounding echoed in her head, making bright spots dance across her vision. She suspected it was a migraine, either that or she was going to faint. But seeing no blackness at the edge of her sight, she swallowed down the wave of nausea.


Artemis' eyes widened when a redhead spoke to her. The redhead was Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon's daughter. She was virtually untouchable. If anyone bullied her, her dad would find out. And if he found out, then the unfortunate soul who picked on his daughter, well, the person would spend a night or several, in prison. Artemis felt her gut clenched uncomfortably. She forced a smile—more of a grimace than smile—and turned around, walking over to Barbara. She could see the raven-haired boy walk towards Barbara and her.

"Everything Ok?" Artemis said. She sat down, her face flushing at the annoyance of not being able to cross her legs. "I—uh…have a muffin?" She grabbed the muffin out of her bag, shoving it towards Barbara. Stupid!

"Oh, thanks, but, I'm OK."

"Well, I should probably get going…"

"Do you know why?"

Artemis froze. The tone in Barbara's voice somehow reminded Artemis of suspicion. A tone she was all too familiar with. "Why what…"

"Why Dick took a picture of you." Barbara murmured softly. She too wasn't sitting with her legs cross, but lying in front of her. She ran her fingers along a small ring of grass that was tied together.

"No, never seen him before, except on TV." Artemis fought the nervous laugh that threatened to burst out of her mouth. She swallowed it, imagining it being digested in her stomach acid.

Barbara's look reminded Artemis of how Red Arrow looked at her before his comment about a 'possible mole' leaked through his cracked lips.

"Artemis, meet me in the library after school. Don't be late." Barbara said, closing her lunch box and walking away. Seconds later the raven-haired boy showed up, looking at the disappearing figure of Barbara. His troubled frown jogged Artemis' memory, before anything else happened; Artemis grabbed the muffin, jamming it into her bag and speed-walking away. She could feel stormy blue eyes burn a hole through her back.

She hated this school.


Ok, since I didn't go into detail about Dickie. I'll give you a hint. 'It literally hit him...like a ton of bricks.' I probably gave it away but.../shrugs/

not much excitement in his chapter, so, I'll 'accidentally' tell you that there might be a mission involving the team...and Robin..and Bane. Him or Clayface. I like both villians.

Don't forget to review and comment about this story and the little mini contest thingy-a-ma-jig. /Pokes reviewers/ I'm also thinking about taking chapter requests, as long as it is relevant to the plot. You may wonder, why am I allowing a lot of requests? Well, I belive in 'power to the fans!' As long it's ruffly pg-12 and a half ;) Just Pm for more details.

J-A-M Girl away! /flies away in an awesome explosion/