Enter Pumyra

"Dobo, you can't be serious? You can't seriously hold Lion-O captive in this cell! He's our King!" Cheetara cried out, arms spread wide in agitation, as she got right up into the Dog's face to make her point. When Dobo merely stared right back into her eyes, while lightly lifting an eyebrow at her outburst, Cheetara turned her ire on Panthro.

"Panthro, do something! We can't let this happen! Lion-O can not be forced to fight that...that cat," Cheetara growled out fiercely, as she stalked towards the large ThunderCat.

Panthro just looked uncomfortably ashamed that he couldn't really do anything to change Lion-O's circumstances. Dobo had just finished telling them all how he'd had to fight for his life, to rise to the top of the slave heap after Panthro had left him behind. After that story, Panthro didn't feel he had the right to stop Dobo's plan.

Tygra didn't really have anything to say either, as he kind of silently agreed with Dobo that Lion-O had to earn his freedom back. His little brother needed to learn that there were consequences to running headlong into situations like this, without thinking things all the way through. Besides, he had enough faith in his little brother that he believed Lion-O could get himself out of this latest mess he'd gotten himself in...as he always managed to.

Cheetara let out another growl, before she turned on her heel and stalked off to find somewhere private to vent.

She was so angry!

Angry at Dobo for locking Lion-O up.

Angry at Panthro for not doing more to help free his King.

And she was especially angry at Lion-O for getting himself locked up for 'another' female.

Though Cheetara had to be honest with herself, as she stalked angrily through the Dog's city, she was also a little bit proud of her King as well. Lion-O simply could not leave a fellow Cat behind to a life of slavery, whether it was a male or female Cat. He just wasn't built that way. Lion-O loved his people, and he'd do anything for them...even get himself thrown into prison, and forced to fight to the death against a fellow Cat.

But even if she was a bit proud of him for standing up for this 'Pumyra', it didn't mean she had to be happy about it.

Because she was most certainly not.


She was going to have to kill her.

As Cheetara watched in horror as Pumyra violently beat Lion-O up, she decided right then and there that she would simply have to tear Pumyra limb from limb.

Only the very firm and restraining grip of Panthro's hand on her shoulder, was keeping her from flying over the edge of the balcony they were all watching the fight from, and jumping down into the Pit and ripping Pumyra a new one for daring to hurt Lion-O.

Luckily for the other female Cat, Lion-O seemed to be talking some sense into her thick skull...though he had taken way too many hits in the process. Cheetara winced in sympathy as she looked down at her Cat holding his side in obvious pain, as he stood off against a wavering Pumyra. All Cheetara wanted to do now was go down there, and comfort and hold her King in her arms.

And somehow...finally...the sickening fight was over.

Cheetara wrenched herself free of Panthro's loosened grip, and flew down the stairs that led into the Pit and to Lion-O. She was by his side just as he wavered on his feet and nearly toppled over. She slipped her arm around his waist, and held him close as she helped him walk over to the side of the arena. Pumyra began trailing along behind them offering to help bandage Lion-O up, while simultaneously saying that there were other ThunderCats being held as slaves in a mine not too far away. While the information about the other ThunderCats was highly valuable, Pumyra putting her hands on Lion-O again after the beating she had just given him, was not something that Cheetara was going to allow to happen.

Lion-O for his part was his typical gracious self, as he thanked Pumyra for offering to help bandage him up. Cheetara was more than a little rankled that he actually thanked her after the hell she had just put him through. But Lion-O did make sure to let Pumyra know that he was already in more than capable hands, and that he would prefer if Cheetara helped him with his injuries.

Cheetara couldn't help the slight smirk of satisfaction that came to her face at his words, though she made sure to keep the smile carefully hidden from the other female Cat.

Eventually Pumyra seemed to get the message that her presence wasn't necessarily wanted or needed, and she skulked away to retrieve what precious few belongings she had, now that she was a free Cat able to leave.

Once Pumyra had finally left them alone, Cheetara helped lead Lion-O out of the arena through a narrow, dark tunnel until they came near the outer opening. Then she paused and half-leaned her suddenly trembling body against Lion-O's. Lion-O started in shock as Cheetara clutched her hands tightly into his fur, and buried her face against his neck while taking deep, shuddering breaths. He quickly raised his arms, ignoring the slight twinge of pain that accompanied the move, and wrapped his arms tightly around the now-crying Cheetara.

"I'm...I'm so sorry, Lion-O. I know I should be stronger. I shouldn't cry now because you're alright. You're here, you're alive, you're safe. But oh Jaga, for a while there I wasn't sure that you would be alright. I wanted to come to your side to help, but I wasn't allowed to," Cheetara practically spat out the word, as she warred with her inner self for being so weak she had allowed herself to be held back, while Lion-O had been beaten before her very eyes. Even though she also knew that if she had jumped down into the Pit to help Lion-O, they probably wouldn't all be allowed to go free now like they were. It just upset everything within her to know that the Cat she loved had been in danger, and she could only stand there and watch in horror without being able to lift a finger to help.

Lion-O leaned his head forward and began lovingly placing soft kisses all over Cheetara's face, as he held her as tightly against his chest as he could. He then pressed his lips against her ear, and began whispering into it with heartfelt conviction.

"Cheetara, you did absolutely nothing wrong. You didn't fail or let me down. The situation was...impossible. Hard and tough decisions had to be made by us all, but we managed to walk away safely. I know you trust in me, Cheetara. You trust in me to always find a way for us to end up back together, no matter what the situation. Remember, I promised you I would always find a way to return to you. Always..." Lion-O whispered as he dipped his head down and captured Cheetara's warm, tear-salted lips with his own.

The kiss was like coming home...for both of them.