John looked at the black headstone and traced the golden letters with his fingers.
"I miss you, Sherlock. Every damn day." he said quietly. "I kept everything just the way you left it. I think I'm just waiting for you to come home. Molly let it slip that you could be alive a few weeks ago. It just, I don't know, gave me hope that you'd be coming back."
John smiled slightly as he laid the agapanthus flowers against the headstone. "In all that genius, please let there be a knowledge of flowers. Please say that you know what they mean."
As he walked away, John looked back at the flowers.
Secret love.
A.N. I saw this one for a 'Labyrinth' story, and just had to do it for a post-Reichenbach story. I hope you like it, and any messages that people want to see, if you message me I will try and fit them in =)