So some of you may have seen this the first I uploaded it. I took it down because I had no time to work on it and no idea where it would go. That is still the case, but the problem is I'm just in love with the story anyway. So yeah. Don't expect regular updates, especially as I have my GCSEs at the moment. But rest assured, this WILL be worked on. Eventually. And reviews will speed up the progress.

So, please enjoy :P

DISCLAIMER. This is a fanfiction website, so I don't own anything.

"Pond? Pass me that bottle. No, that one. Come on, bring it here, quick as you like."



Ian groaned a little as something was dabbed on his forehead. He raised his hand gingerly, and the dabbing stopped. He felt an open cut and grimaced.

"How are you feeling?" The voice was low, close. It was the same voice which he had heard a moment ago.

Wincing, Ian opened his eyes. A young man was crouching next to him, with the most ridiculous hair, and a bowtie and a tweed jacket. His eyebrows were raised, and he was looking at Ian earnestly, even with concern. Ian himself was lying on a sort of bed.

"Fine, thanks," he said, certainly. He closed his eyes again, and frowned. "Where am I? What happened?"

When he opened his eyes again, the young man was smiling. "Come on, now, Ian. I know you can answer both of those if you think hard enough."

Ian forced his eyes into focus, widening them and blinking. He looked around. The room he was in was odd; it was shaped almost like a science beaker, rounded and then narrow, with coral coloured walls which were hollowed by little hexagonal holes here and there. A woman with a shock of red hair stood a little way away, and behind her was another man, who looked, in Ian's opinion, like he might be a homeless person.

"It can't be…" Ian sat up, uneasily. There was no mistaking that column. But the huge yellow dome above it, the shape, the colours, this couldn't be…

He looked at the young man beside him, eyebrows knitting. He grew suspicious. "Who are you?"

"Go on," said the man, eagerly. "Tell me where we are. Guess who I am. Go on." He turned around and faced his companions, frowning. "Neither of you two say anything."

Ian blinked hard, staring at the column, rising and falling almost lazily. "Surely it's not the TARDIS…"

The man clapped and jumped up, utterly beaming. "There you go! Now that wasn't really so hard, was it?" He leant in close to Ian again. "Now if this is the TARDIS, who must I be? Who am I?"

"You can't be…" muttered Ian, in wonder, really looking at him for the first time. "You look so young."

"Come on, now. Who am I?"

Ian's lip twitched, and then he really did smile. "…Doctor?"

The Doctor's grin broadened even wider and he threw his arms around Ian. "Ah, Chesterton, it's so good to see you!"

Ian laughed and returned the hug. "I could say the same to you! But what happened? Why are you so young?"

The Doctor drew back so that Ian could see him again. "Regeneration."


He just smiled and turned to face the other two people in the room. "This could take a while. You two might want to find something else to do."

The man nodded, and took the woman by the elbow. "Right. Come on, Amy."

"Wait." The man stopped at her voice, looking uncomfortable. "Who is this person? I didn't realise you knew him." Her voice had the most fantastic Scottish twang that Ian had ever heard.

The Doctor stood up, turning on his heel. "Sorry, guys, forgot introductions. Chesterton, this is Amy Pond and Rory Williams, my current companions. And this," he said, turning back to Ian, speaking almost proudly, "is Ian Chesterton. He and one of his co-workers were the first people from Earth ever to set foot on the TARDIS."

So yar review please :P