Chapter Twenty-Eight: Peaceful Interludes and Deep Debates

"Welcome, Kin, to our humble home." Ma'shik had revealed himself in great splendour as they reached the plateau of the mountain. With the sun at his back he created an incredible silhouette that displayed his alien physique and power. "We asked Malek to bring you and here you are. My clan knows much joy for we may now reunite with our kin and perhaps make ourselves stronger as a result."

"Malek, what am I seeing?" Lantash demanded, shock clear in his tone. "Is what we witnessed true? Are these our cousins? Our forefathers?"

"Our forefathers for certain." Malek agreed. "Ma'shik can explain to you better than I can. His story is fascinating and shines much light into the history of our species."

"Why not tell us?" Jolinar asked.

"It would have been difficult to explain. We thought we were alone for so many centuries, just us and our evil cousins, but all this time we have had cousins out there and here. This clan, the Guardian Clan as they call themselves, is an incredibly powerful group who deserve the right to live in peace away from the war raging outside of this planet. But Ma'shik is right, together, if the Tok'Ra choose to ally themselves with this clan and vice versa, we would be very powerful and influential."

"If they are as powerful as legends say, are they capable of helping us survive? Of turning one of us Queen?" Cosima asked curiously.

"Why don't we stop being rude and ask them?" Malek offered as a reply.

"It is not rude, it is enlightening to witness your response to our existence, it can be very telling." Ma'shik replied. "Malek shared your strife with us the last time he visited us; we cannot promise we can help but we are willing to try. Our species whilst appearing substantially different, share enough genetic similarities that we could theoretically help you."

Cosima turned to Malek. "While I am not normally one for secrets, I cannot express my gratitude at being invited here. To meet such a unique and clearly impressive species is an opportunity I'd never imagined I'd have. Thank you."

Malek chuckled. "Then make the most out of it."

A deep chuckled echoed from behind him and the nervous youngster from before appeared. Malek smiled warmly. "Greetings Harish."

"You remembered?" He stated quietly, shocked and obviously grateful and in awe.

"Of course." Malek answered. "And you have become more courageous. Has your leader taken you under his wing?"

"The people think it is good we have new people in our society, to learn from and to teach. They want me and other younglings to meet you. But…I do not know if I know how to say the right things. I have never spoken to the humans on this world. All I know is the clan."

"Go with your gut, Harish, my people will not take offence to minor accidents, I am sure they are as eager to meet you as they are to learn. Talk to Jolinar, she is the one with the blonde human host, stood next to the more gruff-looking brown haired male host."

Harish laughed. "The host seems protective over the female. Are they…what humans call, mates?"

"Yes, do you not have the same thing? Our species have one breeding female, the rest of us are technically genderless symbiotes, we choose our genders and who we love but are devoted to our Queen. How do your people build relationships?"

"We too are technically genderless. You… see me…think me male but that is a gender I do not associate with, I just am. Like you we have a breeding gender, though they too are genderless in our minds, when it is time to breed we gather in groups and donate our…essence to the breeder, they then lay many eggs in water which will hatch and become the next generation."

"How does it work?" Victoria asked cautiously, nervous as she was one of only two humans' presence.

"The same way all breeding works." Ma'shik cut in with a fatherly tone. "We do not associate with gender by all of us are born with the ability to pass on our genes. But only a small amount of us are built to carry young. The breeder receives our essence, our supply of genetic material and forms the child and egg, just as any breeding pair or group do elsewhere, and just like all others it is an intimate act where we come together as a family and as a community."

"Fascinating." Delek input. "We have much to learn from you, it seems. But I hope that me and my people have something to share with you as well." He turned to look around him. "But Malek is right, we are being rude just standing around and talking. I look forward to meeting more of your clan."

"Then please follow me, my clan is eager to meet you." Ma'shik encouraged before turning and walking away, expecting them to follow which they did so gladly.

You can really sense their enthusiasm. Louis commented. I knew the Tok'Ra would love to meet the hive but seriously, they are really excited by this revelation.

-This is a moment of hope for my people. We have believed for so long that we are alone, that we are one are some of the last and fighting and often hopeless fight against the Goa'uld. To know we have cousins relatively untouched by the Goa'uld and unchanged by time gives us a reason to keep fighting. –

I think we best leave them to it, my heart. Louis commented, his heart full of love as he watched the group follow Ma'shik. We will only hear a story we already know. I kind of just want to sit an admire the view, perhaps do a little more riding and exploration while we are here. That's if we are allowed and it is something you want to do.

-I would love to do it, Mer Ann'wyld.. Spending time with you and admiring the views, even riding, is something I am eager to do. Rarely do we have the opportunity to do something like this, to just relax and do what we wish without the pressure of responsibility. I just hope it won't be rude of us to go. –

"Not at all." A voice answered, Ma'shik if Malek was not mistaken, the knowing smirk on the creature's face told him it was indeed the elder who spoke. "Please explore, we will take care of your kin. Our home world is beautiful and should be marvelled at."

"Malek?" Delek asked.

Malek smiled. "I will not stray far, Beloved, but I have heard what they wish to tell you. Besides my host and I would love to explore what is here and see the sights for ourselves."

Delek looked reluctant but nodded. "Alright, but I reserve the right to ask you to take me to any beautiful areas you find."

Malek stepped forward and pressed a kiss to his mate's cheek. "You need not ask." He told Delek. "If I find anywhere immensely beautiful, I will be taking you there."

"With Feodore?" Delek asked.

"With Feodore." Malek agreed. "He cannot follow us back to the Tok'Ra base, but if we find somewhere special here, it will be our special place together."

Delek smiled warmly, his face becoming astonishly handsome as he did so. "I look forward to it, Fer FyCariadon Kea. Find somewhere special for us and we will see you later." He released Malek once he'd given his mate a deep, breath-taking kiss that left Malek panting and wanting more. Delek gave him a knowing smirk before turning away leaving Malek to his jumbled and aroused thoughts.

Louis took control with a laugh, remounting his horse and lightly trotting away from the group already aware of where he wanted to be. The mountain had many plateau's, all of them with incredible views that made Louis envy the natives, they truly had a beautiful world unmarred by human settlements and changes, full of colour and wild beyond anyone's imagination. Only once they had stopped at the place Louis had thought of did Louis still the horse and simply stare out at the horizon. He wondered if he would end up here if the Tok'Ra defeated the Goa'uld one day. Would he settle with Delek, Sebastian and Feodore here, if he had the opportunity and the choice?

-It has been many centuries and yet the Goa'uld still stand strong. Although I do not wish to be the bearer of bad news, the likelihood is that you and I will perish in this fight one day. –

That is a sad end to an honourable fight. Louis thought. But he knew it was true. These good symbiotes had paid with their lives to try and free the universe from the tyranny of the Goa'uld and they had yet to win the war. But imagine if we somehow, miraculously defeated the Goa'uld, what would you do?

-I imagine I would do what many of my kin do. Stay in the tunnels, in my home, but unlike now, where we use our home as a place to hide, it would instead become a thriving community. Without fear of attack we could openly trade, we'd have visitors, families living within our crystal walls. We would be able to travel without fear of attack, to come to places like this seeking peace without fear of ambush. We could bring Feodore home, if we so choose, and or we could visit him without fear of an enemy dogging our footsteps and threatening his people and our kin. And we would meet our end without regret, knowing we defeated the Goa'uld and helped create a universe of equality and peace. We know there will never be a true end to evil, but the Goa'uld's destructive greed would be erased from the universe. We will die leaving a legacy of heroism and peace. –

You talk as if peace will mean your death.

-No more than we face death now, Beloved. – Malek replied softly. -But you must remember we have no Queen. We have already paid for our fight with more lives than we can spare. We are already few in number and our numbers will dwindle as this fight progresses When the war is won and the Goa'uld are gone, even fewer would remain and none would be able to propagate, to increase our number. If we survive, we will be the last of our species and we will die leaving only the spoken legacy of our people. But that would be a good end. An end where we fought valiantly and left a universe of peace and prosperity is all that I need. I will die happy when that day comes. I have lived a long time, perhaps not as long as the Goa'uld and some of the elder Tok'Ra but long enough that I feel I have had a good life, I have lived a life fighting for the freedom of others, when the end comes I will meet my end with pride at what my hosts and I have achieved. –

That is quite beautiful, Malek. You have a heart of gold.

Malek chuckled. -But let us move away from morbid thoughts. Our time has not yet come and while we are alive, we should enjoy the opportunities that come with it. – Malek scanned the scenery. -This place is beautiful but it is not private enough here. I saw a cave system on the way up that should be accessible from here and which has its own small plateau, perfect for a small camp or a mere picnic. –

Sounds perfect. Let's see if we can find it.

They rode in silence for a few moments before Malek spoke, his voice soft and gentle as if his more stern, firmer tone would disrupt the peace around them. -One of my very first hosts came from a tribe where nothing they had was owned by an individual, everything was communal, food, jewellery, clothes. They lived like Tok'Ra where everyone had the right to claim what was not actually needed. Sachi once told me, it is not about the material things, the things you leave behind, leather rots, metal rusts, coffins and bodies decay. Even memories can fade. What lasts is not the actions you took, or the things you made or valued, what is left is not something that be given a price or a purpose, what is left is change itself. A good man, be it a farmer, a hero, a politician or a warrior, will have tried to make the world a better place, if they save a child from danger then that child's life will be changed, they will remember that unspoken hero who stepped in to save them when they were in danger. A politician will leave a legacy of law, some of those laws will be invaluable and will, perhaps, save lives for many generations to come. A soldier, un-named, but just as important as any general would give his life to ensure freedom and safety for his country. A farmer will create a supply of food and support for his local community which he may pass on to his heirs. In all these circumstances, their names may be forgotten, their looks, the voices, their morality and possessions all lost to time, but they would have affected their community, their world in an indescribable way. The food you eat will be a product of many centuries of men turning from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to farming and then those farmers finding the perfect land to harvest. Your great, great grandmother may be alive because someone saved her from a threat, be it a rabid animal, rapist or murderer. Your country remains free from the tyranny of fanatical beliefs because hundreds if not thousands of soldiers choose to give their lives each year to ensure your freedom. All of these people are mere fragments in history, spoken of as a group of unknown individuals or not identified or spoken of at all, and yet these people have either created or changed your world every single day. - Malek paused for a moment. -My hope is that I remembered in such a way, not as an individual but as part of something important. Even if I am not remembered, I want the Tok'Ra to remembered, even if it is only in legend and our true name is lost, I want people to remember that monster Gods ruled the universe and hurt others, that a rogue group rose from the darkness to fight against those evil beings. If even a fragment of that is remembered then I will be glad because in my own small way I would have helped effect change which will benefit the universe as a whole.

You are incredible. Louis answered, awe clear in his voice. To do what you do without expecting gratitude or to even be remembered, shows how much of a good soul you are. I may not have been willing at first but I am proud, no honoured, to be your host and although we have our childish moments, I would not change it for the world.

-I have regretted the way we joined; I know I did the right thing saving you but was saddened that I had to do it the way I did. Nothing made me happier when you chose to remain my host. Even now I am glad for having you with me, the difference we've made to both our peoples show that we will make an incredible team in the years to come. The Goa'uld have another reason to fear the Tok'Ra, with your people and you on our side we can certainly do severe damage to their influence and them. May we have many centuries together, my Beloved. –

Oh, Malek, you were right, this is perfect. Louis suddenly exclaimed; in awe of the place he had found. It had been a steep descent, but the horse he rode handled it as if it was a casual walk across a field. The plateau was large enough to fit a fire and at least a dozen people, the cave was more of an alcove, but it went deep enough to shield from any terrible weather and still watch an incredible and alien sunset. Right now, the sun was rising to its zenith, lighting up fields of green and immense wilderness Louis would love to explore. We must bring our mates here. This place is incredibly special, beyond any descriptive powers.

-This is what we are fighting for, Mer Prinekh. We are fighting to preserve places like this, places and cultures that the Goa'uld would destroy without a second thought. –

And this is why people like us will keep fighting. Louis answered. We have been truly blessed.

-Yes, we have. –

They stayed there for some time, without regret, their steed happily munching away at some weeds growing from the side of the mountain as Malek and Louis sat on the other-hang and overlooked the scenery with admiration. Eventually the sun begun to descend from its pinnacle and the bright shades that burned Louis's eyes with indescribable colour faded to more sedate but equally as beautiful colours of evening. With regret they rose and remounted the horse, promising themselves that they'd return if only once before they left the world and returned the battle that awaited them beyond the safety of this haven world.

Delek was clearly pleased to see him again, the slight twitch of lips the only sign of his happiness and relief at Malek's return. The moment Malek dismounted he was in Delek's arms, the other Tok'Ra having rushed forward to embrace him protectively and possessively.

"And so, the group is whole again." Ma'shik commented. "And the evening feast may begin. Today we celebrate more of our brethren seeking us out and as a result our two species growing stronger over time. Perhaps one day, when we are already our people will unite once more, until that day we welcome our guests as friends and family." Ma'shik turned to Malek. "Since your last visit our clan singers have created songs to celebrate your visit and our subsequent reconnection and reunion with our cousins."

'You are right, sometimes our greatest legacy is not the material things we leave behind but the result of what we do in life. Our hive remembers all its past members in such a way. Their names are innumerable and difficult to recount out loud due but their actions, the things they have done to help the hive flourish are always remembered.' Ma'shik's voice echoed through Malek and Louis's mind. 'It is rare to find one so modest and so prepared to do what is necessary despite the seriousness of the cost. We have not yet decided our final judgement on your kind but you, Malek are by far the most worthy of our respect and trust. Your thoughts that you share with your host show how honourable and kind you truly are. Should you ever need shelter and safety come to us, we will gladly shield you from your enemies.'

There was a feeling of a great agreement that swept through Malek's mind and he realised he had felt the approval of the whole clan at it awed him beyond measure. That they allowed him a brief glimpse into their collective thoughts was an honour. And it was with a great disappointment that he rose to leave as his biological kin readied themselves to leave for the evening and return to the luxury of warm beds and sheltered homes. Malek would have chosen to remain but he belonged with his mates and he would follow them wherever they went. Saying his farewells, he mounted his horse and watched the others do so with varying degrees of success. Finally, once everyone was seated and readied for the long trek down Feodore gave the tribe a wave and a bow of his head before turning and leading the group back down the side of the mountain and towards his home.

Silence reigned for some time, all of them absorbing the significance of their encounter. Lantash spoke first and with a hesitant tone. "To think you hid such a significant and monumental truth from all of us, Malek. This is incredible, to know we have kin beyond the Unas and Goa'uld, Kin who have not taken the same routes as our unfortunate brethren. It is difficult to comprehend."

"It was because of its significance that I hid the truth. Many would not believe me and others would seek to use the hive to their own ends. I wanted to show you so you could understand the magnitude of the discovery and help me find a way to introduce the clan to our people without corrupting their civilisation or painting our own community in a bad light. We need to consider how to do this appropriately and cautiously, for although the hive are welcoming and peaceful I would not like some of our people to treat the hive badly and convince them we are not to be trusted."

"Agreed." Delek input. "There are some who would only use this discovery to effect their own influence within our community. We cannot keep this secret forever but we must be cautious in how we reveal it to our people. I have great faith and trust in our people, but that does not mean there aren't a few rotten apples within our community."

"Cordesh and Thoran for example." Jolinar added slyly. "Malek is right, I may not approve of him hiding it from his friends for so long, but he is certainly not in error by saying some might take advantage of this opportunity in a way that would discredit us in the hive's eyes or maybe even endanger our community and the hive in some way. If we are to do this I believe we must engineer it in such a way that our leaders meet them first, such a Per'sus and Garshaw, we know for a fact those two are extremely honourable and with both powerful symbiotes on our side we can begin to expose the hive to a greater number of Tok'Ra."

"I suggest we bring several reliable and trustworthy individuals with us next time. I am thinking of course, of Anise, Ari, Caleb, Azzam. Anise is a scientist, trusted for her judgement and a member of the council which affords her a great amount of influence. Caleb, Azzam and Ari are all healers, the most trusted of Tok'Ra in our community, whatever they say will be taken as truth by the community as a whole. What is more, having people we trust knowing about this will mean we have more support when we decide to reveal the hive to the larger community." Ocker input.

"You are wiser than some realise." Cosima complimented.

Ocker shrugged her praise off. "I am bodyguard to Malek, I have the right to listen in on many important meetings because I am trusted and I never betray that trust. I learn from what I hear and understand the importance of the decisions made by the council. If I am wise it is because Malek and the council have taught me to be wise."

Malek chuckled. "You forget, my dearest friend, that if it was not for you, I would have exhausted myself centuries ago. I am not one to rest on my laurels and I often forget important necessities in my desire to go above and beyond duty. If I am wise and well-respected it is because you helped me all the way and provided me invaluable support."

"You cannot deny that, Ocker, for it is truth. Without you Malek would have worked himself into an early grave." Jolinar answered.

"Not going to argue?" Delek asked.

"No, she's right." Malek answered. "I probably still would if not for Louis and Ocker, as childish a humour as I sometimes have, I place duty and loyalty above all else and that drives me to work hard, Louis and Ocker make me remain sane, to see beyond the reports."

"You are already working out how to reveal the hive to the Tok'Ra as a whole and no doubt will spend many hours assuring the treaty is set in place and the Tok'Ra are ready for this big discovery, and this is on top of your regular duties. How you have not exhausted yourself yet is a miracle." Cosima commented.

"There is still time." Malek answered teasingly.

Delek chuckled. "Not as long as we're watching." He promised fondly.

If only the other humans could hear us now. Louis thought. All the fear of you being like your Goa'uld cousins would be erased.

-Humans will always have something to fear about us. Fear is illogical, it doesn't matter how many times we prove ourselves trustworthy, our very nature will always give cause for them to fear. And it is understandable, we have the power to possess and destroy a person and the host could never fight back. The only thing preventing us being like our cousins is our morality, and that is a very thin line that is sometimes very easy to cross, especially in desperate times. –

Delek only did what he did to protect you, and you only did what you did to save me.

-And Jolinar only joined with Sam because she truly believed Sam was offering to be host. We have all had our reasons, and every reason is justifiable but at the same time it proves what we ae capable of and the truth is this, some of our people are not always good. Sometimes one of our people are killed and replaced but on rare occasions one of our people chooses to be Goa'uld because we ARE more powerful than our hosts and in their eyes that means we should rule our hosts. For people to seize being afraid of us, we need to change our nature or they need some way to control us as easily as we can control our hosts. Fortunately, there is no such thing as our enemies would use it to destroy us, but that is the truth of things, we will always be the bogeyman lurking in the dark, we are simply the better monsters fighting the worst. –

People who believe you a monster are wrong.

-Perhaps, but they will never learn the truth. Even if they were capable of listening to our thoughts or simply eavesdropping this conversation, they still would not believe what is laid out before them. –

"I hope we have a few days before we must travel home." Jolinar stated. "I am interested in the artisans of this planet and am hoping to have a look at their stalls, perhaps purchase a few trinkets if I am allowed."

"And I would like to talk to their medics, learn about any unusual medicines we could use for our people and allied worlds, if they would allow me to take any samples back with me."

"And I would like to look at their library, or speak to their scholars. I believe these people have much to teach us." Delek input.

Feodore smiled warmly. "Although we are not willing to advertise ourselves to the wider community amongst the stars, we will do what we can to help our new friends. Any samples, jewels and knowledge will be yours as long as you can promise you will not speak of us and our world when out there."

"I can assure you, Feodore, that knowledge of your world will be held a close secret by the Tok'Ra." Malek assured. A chorus of 'Agreed' echoed through the group. "And while my friends are learning of your culture I would very much like to explore your world. I saw a grand forest not too far from your settlement and found a place with fantastic views. If it is not too much trouble my host and I would like to borrow a stead and simply ride and explore before duty is placed upon our shoulders once more."

"A fantastic view?" Delek asked, his eyes pointedly lowering to Louis's backside as he smirked lustfully. "It must have been incredibly grand." Malek laughed, encouraging his horse to move closer to Delek's so he could reach over and run his knuckles over Sebastian's cheek.

"I do not mind you borrowing a stead, but I hope you will enjoy some company as I too enjoy exploration and serene rides around and through our countryside." Feodore replied. "And if more of you would like to explore, I am sure I can arrange a group tour. One of our horse breeders' and handler has superb knowledge of our countryside and knows many secrets that not even our greatest scholar knows about our home. I do believe he told me about some ancient ruins deep within the forest, I am sure that would be of great interest to your own scholars if you ever bring them here for a visit and to meet the hive."

"Ancient ruins?" Victoria asked, clearly excited. "I would love to see them one day, if I ever return."

"I will make certain that we can." Cosima promised. "It sounds fascinating and would give us a brief and valuable insight into the past."

"The future is ours to make." Delek stated. "But it is always wise to know where one came from provides knowledge that helps us make wiser decisions for the future."

"We value our past because it shows us how far we have come." Feodore answered. "We may not know the full extent of our people's history but we know enough to be extremely grateful for what we have."

"We have all come so far." Malek stated. "It is fascinating to see how different we all are and yet at the heart of it we are all the same. We are all just trying to survive in our unique ways and it has changed us, not always for the better, but in astonishing ways."

"And yet despite it all there are similarities, and I am not talking about the fact that the Goa'uld spread humans throughout the universe to keep their Godlike persona's and pets. I am talking about how even alien cultures, like ours have similar elements to other cultures. Politics, wealth, morality, all so very different and yet strangely the same." Jolinar commented.

"It is a fascinating topic, one we could discuss for many hours and yet never come to a consensus over." Delek commented. "But for me it is not so much about our similarities but our changes. Those rare genetic mutations that give each species unique abilities or change someone in such a way that they are truly unique."

"We have many such individuals among our number. But even the supposedly 'ordinary' hosts are extraordinary in their own way." Cosima answered. "The incredible mutations and changes mark each species as special and unforgettable, but sometimes their uniqueness needs to be found the hard way, through words and mutual understanding as it is not always the body but the mind that has been refined by their isolation on different worlds."

"Agreed, there are some species who seem human until they speak and then you realise just how advanced they have become in terms of mental prowess." Malek added. "Per'sus's own host is one such individual, able to deduce a great deal from the smallest detail."

If your memory is correct then Theron is much like Sherlock Holmes, a fictional character able to detect and understand a crime through small details an average person would overlook.

"Louis just compared Theron to a fictional character called Sherlock Holmes, a character that works as a criminal investigator on the Tau'ri home world. Holmes is incredibly capable of solving crimes with tiny details the average human would overlook. What Louis is showing me reminds me a lot of Theron's own astuteness. Perhaps I will endeavour to learn more of this Sherlock Holmes, it seems a good series."

"I think you'll greatly enjoy Arthur Conan's work." Jolinar agreed. "Sherlock Holmes is an extremely popular tale that began in England and is now a global phenomenon. Everyone knows of Sherlock Holmes, it has several adaptions, not only in its country of origin, but also in America. While it is all fiction it is an incredible tale of observation and gives a unique insight into human behaviour."

"It does indeed sound fascinating." Cosima agreed.

I have to agree. I mean look at your own ancestors and how you've changed into such a unique species. The Goa'uld, the Tok'Ra, the Unas and now the Hive. All related and yet so different. It is incredible.

-I agree, it is incredible. –

It makes me wonder what else is out there for us to find.

-We will see many in our lifetime, beloved. If we are fortunate, we will have at least four centuries with each other, and I cannot wait to see what fate has in store for us. –

Whatever it is, it will be amazing. We have a huge adventure laid out before us.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news in this group but what must we do about the treaty. Surely that should take priority?" Ocker asked, his tone soft and full of regret at having to spoil their moment of comradery.

"No, you are right." Malek agreed. "The treaty is of vital importance. We can only stay for a day at most. But perhaps if everything is successful, we can return with more time to enjoy this planet and all it has to offer."

"One day we will have the time to enjoy visit." Jolinar stated. "But Ocker is right. Our duty is first and foremost to our people. We will have tomorrow to indulge ourselves but then we must return to the Tok'Ra."

"It seems that the responsibility weighs heavily on you." Feodore commented.

"As it should." Malek answered. "Our decisions affect the survival of our people, each decision must be carefully weighed and considered. Not only that but within the time we've been away something may have happened, someone we knew might be dead or missing or our base could have moved because of the Goa'uld threat and we may take days, weeks and sometimes even years to return home. Our lives are not our own, not at the moment with so much at stake. These small moments where we can just be family, banter and pretend nothing bad exists outside this moment, are rare. We must take whatever opportunity we have to be a family and to be happy, because beyond the Chaapa'ai there is rarely a peaceful world or moment untouched by the evil of the Goa'uld or some other evil."

"We are bound to our seemingly never-ending fight. Our mother Egeria began it over two millennia ago and we still fight that battle. There is no end, no winning, only surviving, but we still fight with every breath to protect at least one person, one village, one city or town, one planet and one solar system from the evil of the Goa'uld. Sadly, we are few in number and not always successful, but we still continue to fight, because saving one innocent life makes every battle worth it." Delek added.

"Delek." Malek whispered, in awe of the passion in his mate's voice. Delek gave Malek a knowing smirk and had it not been for company Malek might have forced his mate from his horse and ravished him for saying such a beautiful, profound statement.

"I have never heard you speak with so much passion before." Lantash commented. "I am in awe, Delek."

"Agreed." Jolinar said. "You are a mystery, Delek, sometimes you can be a harsh man, but now I've glimpsed a kinder more compassionate and poetic side to you and it was beautiful."

"Malek makes me want to be compassionate and poetic." Delek muttered, eyes never leaving Malek's own riveted gaze. "I never want to see his disappointment in me again. And how can I not be moved by his own passion, his own belief and desire in a better universe. Malek has done the impossible, helped change the Tok'Ra into something amazing within just a few weeks, and that is just with one protocol. He sees a barrier that is seemingly impenetrable and finds his way through or around it. Before now we believed ourselves a dying race, fighting against the inevitable but he did the impossible and rekindled hope within our people. I will follow him until the end."

"If you ever let Delek go Malek, I will take him." Cosima commented.

"And I would certainly not say no to such a heartfelt declaration." Jolinar stated before giggling as Lantash eyed her jealously.

Lantash not one to be beat, eyed Delek with an appraising eye. "I may prefer women, but I could tolerate…sharing… for a time if it pleased my mate."

Malek hid a smirk as he moved closer to his mate. "You can look, but you certainly not touch."

"What about me?" Feodore asked.

"You can look and touch." Malek answered.

"Why thank you." Feodore answered teasingly.

"You are in public, boys." Jolinar teased.

"Jealous?" Delek asked with a smirk. "I have two handsome men interested in me." Jolinar laughed joyously, pleased with the friendly banter. Delek teasingly eyed Lantash who took the appraising gaze with good humour, flexing briefly in response. "I admit you have a fine man there, but Lantash cannot compare to Malek."

"He is special." Lantash agreed shooting Malek a fond gaze.

Malek resisted the urge to blush and Louis felt relief when he saw the town appearing on the horizon, the Tok'Ra were very open with their sexuality and Malek's host was not comfortable with that. Not that he would be uncomfortable for long, he would get Louis used to intimacy in public as there was no way he would seize touching his gorgeous mates.

Actually, right now Malek wanted the others to leave him to his mates. He would have to leave this world soon and leave one behind, but he also wanted to leave his human mate with good memories. There was always the chance Delek, Sebastian, Malek or Louis would never return, it was a constant risk and although Feodore should be aware of this danger it would be cruel to leave the man with so few memories of his new lovers.

The last few miles went past with much the same speed as any return journey, strangely fast as if time flew by. They cantered into town under the appraising eyes of the gathered men heading home from work, shopping or otherwise enjoying the quaint, peacefulness of their home town. Cosima looked ready to collapse, stealthily rubbing her bottom as soreness made itself apparent and Lantash was beginning to look grumpy, shifting in the saddle and eyeing his mate lustfully, clearly looking for a quiet evening with his mate. But perhaps it was the stable-master who looked most relieved, his precious steads greeted him with loud neighs and he laughed with happiness as he was nuzzled by many eager noses indicating the horses were just as relieved and happy to be home.

Malek dismounted and helped Cosima climb off her own massive steed. Jolinar was all but carried off hers by Lantash, leaving Victoria, Delek and Ocker to dismount on their own and considering the size of these massive beasts it was quite an accomplishment that Victoria was able to land on her feet revealing an agility that none knew she possessed. And then by unspoken consensus the group split, each going back to the place they spent the prior night at.

Delek took the lead with Feodore and started a very passionate conversation, considering the waving hands and arms. Amused Malek walked slowly with Ocker, sharing an amused gaze with his guard as they watched the pair ahead of them laugh, rant and rave as if they'd known each other for years.

"I dread to think what schemes they'll come up with." Ocker commented.

Malek laughed, looking forward to the thought of his lovers working against him. He could imagine that the pair of them would come up with some amazing ideas.

We have already experienced some of their cunning. Once the pair start working together, then we will be overwhelmed by great wit and scheming. Louis laughed with reluctant amusement and a little trepidation, whatever they planned for Malek, they planned for him too and he had no doubt both Malek and he would be speechless.

'Well we only have one day left, so they have only a short time to do anything.'

Don't tell them that! Louis laughed. They'll take that as a personal challenge and do their worst!

"So, what is the plan after this?" Ocker asked.

"We must return home and inform the council of the Tau'ri's agreement to the alliance, then we must do our utmost to ensure the alliance works. That there is little to no subterfuge which would interfere or otherwise aid in the destruction of the treaty. With so few Tok'Ra left, we need more allies." Malek answered. "I for one would take comfort in our people no longer being alone in this fight. Perhaps through the people of the first world we may have a chance to leave behind a legacy of rebellion against an aggressive, evil power and the legend of a universal war followed by peace."

"Are the humans capable of carrying such a legacy?" Ocker asked.

"Humans have many legends." Louis answered. "Those myths and legends are often distorted by the main theme; the purpose of the tale often remains giving those who choose to listen a lesson in a great many things." Louis smiled as he heard Delek and Feodore laugh. "I do not know if you know the tale of David and Goliath. It is a tale that originates in a religious text, the story is about too opposing factions, the Israelites and the Philistine's. The two armies pick a champion, Goliath for the Philistines and a man named Saul for the Israelites. But Saul was afraid because Golaith was a very large man, who towered high above all other men, but a young boy, David asks to go against Goliath, certain that God was on his side. Saul agrees and David takes his place with only a staff, a sling and stones. Goliath laughs at David, this puny little creature, a young boy who had barely become a man, Goliath believed such a small young man could not defeat him, but then David hurls a stone with his sling and hits Goliath smack bang in the middle of the giant's forehead. The hit was so strong that Goliath drops dead. In shock the Philistines flee, afraid and overcome with the knowledge that their powerful giant comrade was killed by a small man and one single stone. And so, David had turned the tide of the war, defeating an incredible army with one small act. The story is just that, a story that is probably made up to spread awe and word of their religion but it carries an important lesson, that even the smallest person has the power to make a monumental difference to their people, to society and to the course of history."

"An interesting story." Ocker agreed. "One person has the power to make a difference. I am guessing the importance is Goliath and David's size and as you say the smallest person can make a difference. The problem is this, that change doesn't necessarily constitute a good difference. The smallest mistake, the smallest change can not only change the world positively but also negatively."

"True enough." Louis agreed. "But that is a political conversation, if we started discussing what was good and evil, we will never stop debating because what is good for one group is not necessarily beneficial for another. And although one would think there is a universal concept for morality, what we find is completely different. Culture often interferes or dictates morality, what is right for one culture and society is not necessarily right for another."

"What about cultures that condone the subjugation of others, or condone the ritualised murders and rapes of others? Are you saying that because they believe it is morally correct, it is ok for them to continue such uncivilised and barbaric acts?" Ocker asked.

"Not at all, I am simply putting another point of view across. Personally, if I find any woman or child being beaten or raped because they looked an adult man in the eyes or spoke back, I would beat that man to near death and leave him for the women to finish off. A man who believes his gender lends him superiority will feel more shame at being killed by a woman rather than a man." Louis answered. "And if I met anyone using religion to justify murders of people who don't conform to their ideals I would certainly not stand by and watch, at least not if I can help it." Louis sighed. "But there are plenty of beliefs out there that lead to peace and respect for each other and all other life, these people may come from communities without the most ideal beliefs but their moral compass means that even in the darkest most barbaric corners of the universe there are good, loving, noble people who are always willing to help a stranger in need. Think about it, if the people who worshipped and served the Goa'uld were evil would they help Tok'Ra agents hide. You may say they know the Goa'uld are wrong, but they were raised to believe in and worship the God, they were taught the Goa'uld were omnipresent, powerful beasts and yet the choose to help us, when we are supposedly the evil one's, the ones who defied the Gods. You may say it is because they see beyond the Goa'uld's manipulations but I don't believe that is always the case. I believe that even under the rule of those evil creatures there are people with such pure-hearts they have to help those in need regardless of who they are and what they represent."

"You have a rather optimistic view of the universe."

Louis laughed. "Not really. When I was younger, I didn't have a lot of respect for religious people. I especially could not accept or understand how a person of science could also have religion since science and religion clashed. For example, Christianity on Earth believes the Earth is only two thousand years old and they dispute and hate the evidence that proves Earth is billions of years old. And I could never get my head around why people did not believe it despite the evidence being there, easy to access for anyone that looked. To be honest I still don't understand a lot of things about religion."

"But something clearly changed your mind about religion and beliefs." Ocker prompted.

"I have a friend, and one I have not spoken to for some years since he has been travelling for all that time." Louis stated. "James Edwards. He studied biology for a great deal of time before converting to Christianity. When he did that, I could see it as nothing more than a betrayal. How could a man of reason and science turn to a fictional story and throw away truth and wisdom for fairy tales? I stopped talking to him for years, citing different reasons, military school, deployment to conflict areas, etcetera, etcetera. I think my friend knew but he didn't blame me. And then the funniest thing happened."


"I was deployed to a base in England, to participate in training. The English have a great military history and their training is world renowned. Their SAS force is formidable and their air force training is second to none. So, as you can imagine, I was excited to go, to visit England and see and experience this training for myself. I spent several months in England and made some dear friends; I was sad to board the plane taking me back to America. But imagine my surprise when I find out the military plane, I was taking had missionaries they'd picked up from mainland Europe. And those missionaries just happened to include my old childhood friend Jimmy."

"Considering you were avoiding him, that must have been a surprise. " Ocker commented. "You will have to show me a map of your world one day so I can learn of these landmasses you speak of."

"Perhaps when we next visit Earth I will have Daniel show you?" Louis offered.

Ocker chuckled and then prompted. "So, what happened?"

"Well Jimmy played the cool card. He wasn't angry or frustrated, greeted me like an old friend, introduced me to his companions as if we had never lost touch. For a little while we talked about little things, how I was getting on in life, what he'd been getting up to the past few years and then he brought up the subject of Christ and started explaining why he'd chosen a story with no evidence over science and reason. He described himself as a ship, afloat an ocean with no destination and no clue as to where he was, other than going back the way he came, there was no knowledge of where he was heading. He said God gave him a destination and a purpose and that brought him a comfort. He described it as a connection, like the connection between a mother and her new-born child as they look in each other's eyes for the first time, and that the knowledge that he was not alone that he was loved brought him comfort."

"I believe I understand. Science can explain the world and life itself but it cannot explain what comes after death. And anyone who says they do not fear death, lie. Death is a mystery to all, including us and the Goa'uld."

"Yes, it answered why my friend turned to God. I still don't approve or agree, but I now understand why he chose that path." Louis chuckled. "Of course, he would not be a missionary if he did not try and convert me. So, he asked if I had ever tried to pray. I categorically refused to even humour the idea and countered with a question of my own. I asked him, 'don't you think it is selfish to pray to God? I mean God is out there building an ever-expanding universe and constantly growing new life, and you expect him to answer your prayers.' I then said, 'there are at least seven billion people on Earth and let us say five billion of those people pray and expect God to answer, do you really expect God to answer when he is so busy? Is that not selfish to demand and expect God to answer you?"

"And what did he say?"

"He told me that he saw God as a father and that a father regardless of how busy he was would always have time for his children." Louis answered. "I am not religious, and I doubt I will ever be, science provides more answers than religion for me, but even I was moved by his passion and words. My friend had truly found purpose and peace in the belief in God. And I realised something important, as long as my friend was not using religion to harm others it was not my place to interfere with his beliefs. My friend had found happiness and peace and that was more important than anything else. I do not approve of his turning away from science and I doubt I ever will, but I am not angry with him, I am happy he has found something that has brought him peace and joy. Perhaps that is a contradiction but it is the truth."

"Your love for your friend means you can disregard what you consider a highly foolish action or behaviour because you understand he has found what he feels is his purpose in life. And I suppose if he is not harming others it is not for others to judge."

"I am more worried that others will harm him. Missionaries are people that travel and try to convince others to convert to their religion. Go back a few centuries and religious organisations did it more violently, wiping a unique culture and language from the Earth without remorse. Today it is more peaceful but many still hate missionaries because of what missionaries try to do. They will travel to remote corners of the world and try to convince unique tribes to convert and will not take no for an answer. Most reasonable people argue that it is not their right to try and demand others to convert, and many are convinced that if the missionaries succeed, we will lose a multitude of cultural treasures around the world, life-styles, languages, ideals and beliefs lost to time through conversion. And I agree, we are of an age where religion is no longer the most important part of an individual's identity, we are at an era where we embrace all cultures and religions and try and live in peace, where we embrace differences. We should not be trying to convert; we should be trying to learn and protect each other's individuality and differences. My friend may get himself killed."

"You speak more reason then most humans we meet." Ocker complimented. "But humans rarely live in peaceful times. There will always be those who demand their ways should be obeyed, there will always be those who try to be more powerful and more dominant. Conflict is in human nature, you can't help yourselves but the few who are like you Louis, who try to step in and be the voices of reason are always disregarded or shouted over. Every time a time of peace and equality is achieve, war always follows and it is almost always caused by a difference in opinion, whether it be politics, money or religion, there is always a human full of rage, frustration and hate and it only takes one well-placed, influential person to trigger a battle that made lead to greater wars."

Louis sighed. "I agree with you there is always a small group who will spoil and or destroy the peace of the many, and sadly it is almost always royalty and political elite that demand the sacrifice of their people. And it is up to people who find and seek peace to end the suffering and greed. But for every problem solved, a hundred more take its place."

"What are you two talking about?" Delek called over his shoulder.

"The innocence and gullibility of humans." Ocker replied.

Delek chuckled. "Do you mean stupidity and ignorance?"

"Behave yourself Delek or I shall not talk to you for the rest of our stay here." Louis retorted teasingly.

"There are far better things we could be doing instead of talking." Delek replied, glancing over his shoulder to gift Louis and Malek a teasing smile.

Malek snorted within his host's mind. -I forgot how teasing and dirty-minded Delek could be. If you want to punish him you will have to be more inventive, my heart. -

I am sure I can come up with something. Louis agreed.

Feodore chuckled at the banter as they entered his home. "Perhaps we can eat and then rest for the evening. You will be leaving tomorrow and I wish to enjoy the time we have left."

Delek nodded in agreement. "It is extremely rare to have such downtime, and even rarer to relax fully during downtime. Knowing the hive is there with the power they possess, we know the Goa'uld can't reach here which means we can finally stop contemplating how we will survive and defeat them, instead we can take the chance to value the free time we have and the people we care about most."

Malek sighed, overwhelmed by the awe he felt for Delek. -This is why Misha and I fell for him the first time. As arrogant and cruel as he may seem, he has a heart of gold. –

I can see why you felt so devastated by his betrayal, the way he speaks, you can't help but hold him to a high standard. He is an incredible individual. I feel guilty for thinking him such an arrogant and unlikeable fellow when I first met him.

-He has that affect, which is why he is rarely used as a representative of our people. He respects no-one else but other Tok'Ra usually and doesn't hold any others in high regard, but earn his friendship and love and he would face Anubis alone if it meant protecting you. –

Brave and full of heart. I think I've fallen for him all over again.

-You and me both. – Malek agreed.

Ocker laughed. "Considering how Louis is looking at you, perhaps I should find somewhere else to stay for the night?"

Malek sensed Louis's embarrassment, humans were rarely so open about their sexuality, but then Louis laughed and turned to Ocker. "Unless you would like to watch or join in." Malek's host offered teasingly.

Malek laughed as he realised Louis was genuinely eyeing Ocker. -Kimani is a rather handsome human is he not. And Ocker is an incredible symbiote. I would not be averse to him joining us. –

Ocker gasped before laughing. "I did not expect you to be so open, Louis. As flattered as I am, I would never think to intrude."

"It would not be an intrusion." Delek answered.

Malek wondered how Ocker would react to such a comment. Considering his guard's fury when he learned of Delek's cruelty to Malek, Malek wondered if Ocker would be furious and take offence to the very idea of being intimate with Delek. Instead Ocker seemed considering before shaking his head but it was Kimani who answered. "I am enjoying the opportunity to admire the sunset and the stars; it is very rare that I have the opportunity to view such natural wonders. I may just sit on the bench outside with a glass of wine and admire the beauty of this world and the setting sun."

"That does indeed sound like a wondrous way to pass the time, I am tempted to join you." Louis answered.

Kimani smiled. "And I would welcome your company but I think you three should enjoy this night together, who knows when the next one would come? You enjoy your being together and I will enjoy the beauty of this world." With that Malek's closest friend and guard helped himself to a cup of wine, collected a plate of food and vanished through the doorways, heading towards Feodore's private garden.

Feodore seemed confused and Delek seemed thoughtful. "Shall we go after him?"

Malek took control and shook his head. "Kimani and Ocker are very private individuals, when they are ready to talk, they will, until then we should let them be."

"But now I feel it wrong for us to go off and have fun while he is alone."

Malek laughed. "Do you really think Ocker feels that way? Ocker is not someone who needs pity, he and his host are individuals that know their own minds. They were not lying when they said that they find comfort and joy in watching the sun set. Ocker would not feel neglected or discarded if we left him to admire the beauty this world has to offer. He would be grateful. And he has not fled to avoid answering your offer Delek, if anything he has gone out there to think about your offer and other things, he has discovered this day. Kimani is a man who finds peace and perspective through silent contemplation, something he can't do with the distraction of socialisation. He will come to us with his thoughts and answers when he is ready."

Feodore hummed. "You know Ocker and Kimani well?"

Malek smiled. "Ocker has been my dearest friend and personal guard for several centuries now and Kimani has been my friend and guard for close to a hundred years. I could ask for no better friend or companion."

"I would like to know him better one day." Feodore answered. "For if he is an important part in your life, then I would like him to be an important part of mine."

Malek trembled at the thought. Would Feodore stay in Malek's life that long? Fate and time were fickle masters, Malek, Louis and even Feodore might meet their end at any time, but even if they did not meet their end soon, Feodore would die before Louis and Malek. Feodore may live for a hundred or a hundred and fifty years, but Louis (thanks to Malek) would live for almost three hundred years if not four hundred years and Malek may live for many millennia more. The question was, could Malek endure developing such a close bond with a human destined to die so soon, in a blink of an eye Feodore would die and Malek would be left with memories and grief.

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Louis offered. It is such experiences that make us stronger, although the threaten to break us when they first occur. The ability to love, to lose that love and remain a kind-hearted loving being makes you better than the Goa'uld. Experiencing pain and using the experience to make yourself a better person is what makes you Tok'Ra. Besides when that day comes you will not be alone, you will have me, Kimani, Ocker, Delek, Sebastian, Lantash, Martouf, Jolinar, Samantha and so many others who will stand by your side through thick and thin. Take a chance, my Heart, embrace the love offered to you and enjoy bliss even if it is just for a short time. Such memories will ground us and remind us about why we fight evil such as the Goa'uld.

-My wise host. What would I do without your words of wisdom? –

Brood until Ocker or one of the others dragged you from you den of despair. Louis meant it teasingly but in truth Louis was correct. Ordinarily Malek did not take warrior hosts, and it was rare for him to be sent on a mission since he was a better politician then he was an agent. Malek was more a thinker than a doer, one who considered his actions carefully, it seemed that Louis had done what his others hosts could not, get him to live beyond the safety of Tok'Ra ideals and walls. No more did Malek see the tunnels as the only place of security and secrecy, instead Malek had three homes, Earth, the Tunnels and Feodore's home world. And although he was taking a monumental risk falling in love with a human, he knew he would not regret it. A short a hundred years or so of love with Feodore represented centuries of good memories to keep Malek grounded to realism and morality.

-Perhaps I should take a leap of faith. –

You've already taken the leap. Louis answered softly. By falling in love with Feodore in the first place, you are just doubting what your heart is telling you. It is true that the heart can sometimes lead people astray, but you are not foolish enough to fall into a trap. In fact, I believe that you should listen to your heart and embrace what you have.

Malek startled as a hand stroked his face, he blinked and met Delek's eyes which seemed so full of love and adoration. "Such deep thoughts, would you like to tell me about them?"

"Just wondering about the future and wherever it may lead."

"It doesn't matter where it leads. We will face it together." Delek answered. "All of us will."

Malek knew Delek could be a sweet-talker, it was one of the main reasons he was on the council, he had wit and cunning which was invaluable in such important decisions. It also meant he knew just what to say in the moment, like right now, Louis was laughing in his head as their heart skipped a beat.

Malek, for once finding himself speechless, muttered. "Softy."