Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are owned by the geniuses known as CLAMP.

Author's Notes: I finally finished this fic! I would like to thank everyone who patiently waited, read, reviewed, favorite-d, and followed A Prince for a Price! I honestly never thought that this would get so much love from you guys. Ü For that, thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed reading this fic as much as I enjoyed writing this. Actually, the reason why it took me so long to post the final chapter, aside from my really packed schedule, is that it took me a while to finally decide which scenes to include and delete. But here it is!

Since this has ended, I already have a new ET fic coming up (it was originally meant for SS, but then I thought, this fandom needs more ET fics & there are already tons of SS fics so yay for ET!) But that would take a longer time to update since I'll be a first year Law student this coming school year, so yeah. Haha. And also, I would like to avoid any more detailed mistakes on that one (and I'm very grateful for the reviewers who pointed out little flaws in this fic and helped me make it better!) so if there's anyone of you who's willing to be my beta reader for my new ET fic, please don't hesitate to tell me. I would really appreciate your help! Thank you very much! Ü

So without further ado—

A Prince for a Price
Chapter 26: Chasing Happiness

The sun was up and the sky was bright. The weather was cold but the comforters were thick enough to supply the required warmth for the two people still resting under the covers.

Warm, strong arms were wrapped around Tomoyo's slim waist, pulling her closer as she breathed calmly and steadily, eyes closed in deep slumber. The arms' owner just woke up and marveled at the beauty lying in front of him, his own eyes held peace and love for the other as one hand reached up to trace the perfection he proudly called his.

"Tomoyo…" he breathed with his lips lined in a small, contented smile.

The soft whisper held only a small chance for waking up the woman, but that wasn't his intention anyway, for he only said it to make him believe that all of this was real. His fingers gently raked across her long hair and wished he could be like this forever. His ministrations continued but he lost count of the minutes he had spent, but he did not care as long as he is free to be like this as much as he could.

It was only a matter of time when her eyes fluttered and opened slowly, revealing the sapphire eyes he would never get tired of staring at.

"Eriol…" She mirrored the smile she received.

"Good morning, love."

"Good morning to you, too."

Tomoyo grinned at the messiness his hair presented, quite the opposite of how it usually looked like when he is all dressed and tidied up. And—although she knew her morning hair did not look any better—she still felt giddy that he still looked like such a heavenly god even when he's dressed as such.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked, amused.

"Nothing." She kept her teasing smile and surrendered deeper to the warm embrace.

Eriol placed a chaste kiss on her forehead as he pulled her deeper in the embrace, the intent of letting go still at the far end of his mind. They stayed in that position for god knows how long, but they kept every moment feeling safe and content.

"Hey, what time is it?" She asked.

"6:33. Why?"

"You know, it'll only be a little while before—"

And just as she could finish her sentence, the bedroom door opened and in came two children still wearing their own sets of pajamas.

"Papa! Mama! Good morning!" They said in unison. And without even saying it (as the parents have already succumbed in their usual morning routine), they jumped up and tackled the adults on the bed.

Tomoyo decided to tease them by still feigning sleep all the while hiding under Eriol's arms for cover. Eriol saw her intent and just laughed at her acts, but the twins ignored it and just shook her body even more.

"Mama, wake up!"

"Yeah mama, wake up!"

Eriol chuckled and shook his head at the little scene. It took them a few more attempts before Eriol decided to join in and stop Tomoyo from actually sleeping. He too, shook her lightly, and said with an entertained grin, "Love, please wake up now. The twins won't stop until you wake up."

"Yeah mama, we won't stop!"

"Wake up mama, wake up!"

"Come on and wake up now, Tomoyo."

Wake up… Wake up…

Her tired eyes opened and blinked repeatedly, her fingers reaching up to rub them until she realized where she really was.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now preparing to land in Tokyo International Airport. Please buckle your seatbelts for safety. Thank you."

Tomoyo looked around and noticed she was still inside the airplane, the soft blanket slowly falling off of her body. She sighed as she held her head; she looked to her side and the window featured the clouds and from her point of view, she could see the island where they would be landing: the land she called home.

It was… a dream?

Tomoyo closed her eyes and gave a small smile. It was a good dream. She thought before she felt the bumps as the airplane slowly descended on the ground.


People buzzed around the busy airport that morning. Some were running hastily as they tried to catch their own flights, while others were idly sitting on the rows of benches and patiently waited for their scheduled departures.

Planes came and go, and so did the people who arrived and left. The gates opened and those who arrived walked briskly towards the conveyer belt that delivered their luggage and bags. It took a while for people to find theirs as most suitcases looked similar, but once they found theirs they immediately checked out and left.

Soft, pale hands reached out to check whether the bag currently in front of her was of her property. She pasted a small grin after confirming it and immediately took it out before it could go far. She already had her other bags with her, and she placed the last one on top of her cart and went off.

It's been a while… she thought.

She passed through the checkout counter and walked outside the gates, where her bodyguards and driver were patiently waiting for her arrival.

"Tomoyo-san, welcome back." Rui, her ever loyal lady butler since she was 10, walked up to her and greeted her with a smile.

"It's good to be back, Rui-san. I can't believe it's been three years already." Tomoyo nodded as she allowed her bodyguards to load her belongings in the car.

"Well, the mansion is certainly lonely without you, miss."

"I think I would like to agree to that." Tomoyo giggled. She sat on her usual seat inside the vehicle and they drove off, back to the Daidouji mansion.

It's been three years since…


It truly felt lonely without the heiress, as Sonomi herself was always out and around places for the company. Although it's really been a while since Tomoyo lived inside the mansion since her 18th birthday, many who resided there were surprised to suddenly see her days after the twins were born. Most of them were actually expecting that she would stay with the Hiiragizawas, (even the giddy maids who frequently gossiped about her—and how Eriol and her were a perfect match—were quite shocked when Tomoyo arrived and announced that she's going to live inside the Daidouji mansion again) but when she said that she's back for good, they didn't ask any more questions and happily served the young mistress.

But the days following her arrival were the ones that worried many people around the house. There were times when she refused to eat, refused to leave her room much less the house, and refused to entertain guests and visitors. Her mother took the liberty of silencing the media for a sum not disclosed, and any pesky paparazzi were scared away by the bodyguards. Sonomi even got to the point of threatening anyone who even got it into their heads to commit libel or slander against the Eriol-Tomoyo relationship. It took a while but Sonomi and everyone else who were worried were grateful that the media was able to find something else that gained their interest. After all, even Sonomi herself was unsure of what happened as Tomoyo refrained from speaking the least bit about it. What's more worrying is the fact that sometimes, maids who pass by Tomoyo's room could hear soft sobs and cries that mention Eriol's, Aoi's or Hibiki's names now and again.

It truly was a depressing state for Tomoyo. Not only did she force herself to ignore her newly gained maternal relationship with the twins, but she also forced herself to get away from Eriol despite them knowing how each other felt. She cried herself to sleep every night, stuck in a dilemma on whether to go back to the Hiiragizawa manor or not. Her hands would always search for the familiar name on her cellphone, but every time the screen finally showed his number, Tomoyo would just not click the 'call' button.

However, there was a time when she did have contact with him.


When Eriol sent her a text message that read, "How are you?" She had to read it over and again to make sure she was not imagining things, but yes, Eriol did send her a text but she just did not have the guts to reply back. She wouldn't, she couldn't… not right now. Unfortunately, that text was the last thing she got from him since then.

Weeks turned into months and slowly they saw how Tomoyo recuperated. The family doctor still came regularly to check up on Tomoyo and her condition after labor, but once they got the okay signal from him, it was the first time that they felt relieved fully. Tomoyo gradually lost her pregnancy weight but the doctor warned her about it saying it was dangerously quick. She promised to take care of herself better, and she did. She kept eating more and her glow was slowly coming back. Since Sonomi was occasionally out of the country, she could really see the improvement whenever she came home.

But the worry was still there, and Sonomi thought that maybe Tomoyo needed a little bit more in order to really recover from the dreadful situations. And that's when Sonomi suggested the idea of her daughter take up classes in another country for the time being.

"I think… that's a good idea."

The next morning, she was already on a flight to New York, hoping too that this would truly help her.

Three years later after her course was done, she finally decided to come back.


"Welcome home, Tomoyo-san!"

"I'm home!"

Greetings from Tomoyo and the rest of their helpers filled the spacious mansion. They all loved their young mistress. She was one of those nice and friendly mistresses that sometimes serving her don't feel like a chore at all. She truly was a kind person and anyone who would say otherwise would feel the wrath of many.

"Have you eaten, young mistress? We shall prepare brunch for you immediately." One of the maids asked as the others got her luggage and brought it up to her room.

"No, but I'm not really hungry. I would just like to go and rest for now." Tomoyo answered.

The maid nodded. "Understood. We'll just bring up tea to your room, young mistress."

"Thank you." Tomoyo smiled and left, still feeling a bit woozy from the long flight she had. She got to her room and two maids were still busy fixing her things to which she was grateful about. She expressed her quick thanks, grabbed some fresh clothes from the closet and proceeded to the bathroom to change and fix herself up.

Once done, she asked the maids where her mother was.

"Oh, Sonomi-san left early this morning but said that she'll be back for dinner to see you, miss."

"I see. Thank you very much." Tomoyo smiled.

"We're done here now, miss. Please do rest." The maids bowed and left, leaving Tomoyo alone in her spacious room.

Tomoyo flopped down on her soft bed and breathed heavily. She closed her eyes and sighed, missing the feeling of her room as compared to the one she had back in New York. The one she resided in back there was lovely too, but for her, it's still different when you're relaxing in your own room, on your own bed that you truly love.

"I really do need sleep." She breathed once more before falling into a deep slumber.


It was a Saturday morning.

It's one of those days when Eriol was grateful that he could at least get a little more time to sleep in after a long, busy Friday. The clients were much harder to handle on a Friday since many services and offices will be down the two days after that. Not to mention those days when he was forced to work overtime when all he wanted was to go home and rest.

The sun was already up but the Hiiragizawa heir was still taking in the comfort of his large bed. It was a cold morning too, therefore the feeling of being under the thick sheets felt cozier and made him want to stay longer. Oh if only simple wishes were made true…




"Papa! Papa!"

"Papa! Papaaaaa!"



Eriol need not open his eyes to figure out what disturbed his once peaceful slumber. The bags under his eyes showed signs of stress and tiredness, but the growing smile on his face proved that he's not annoyed at the continuous hitting of his pillows on him at all. He groaned and finally opened his eyes and there, right in front of him, where a pair of sapphire orbs that would always remind him of one person.

"Papa!" The one in front of him cheered and clapped his tiny hands together.

"Good morning, Hibiki-kun." Eriol ruffled his son's dark hair then turned to the one behind him and pulling his shirt. The one who many said was really a replica of him because of his bluish black hair and azure eyes. "Good morning, Aoi-kun." He greeted with a smile.

"Papa!" Aoi gurgled.

Eriol chuckled and pulled the two of them near him. "You boys really like waking me up like that, huh?"

"Papa need wake up!" Aoi puffed his cheeks.

"Papa bring Aoi-kun and Hi-kun beach today!" Hibiki reminded Eriol.

Eriol slowly sat up and blinked at the two of them. The twins were now three years old and were one of the cutest twins in town! They were actually quite gifted, being able to walk even before they celebrated their first birthday and although their words were still limited, they were still able to understand and speak with coherence right for their level.

"But didn't I tell you Papa still needs to think about it? It's a cold day today and you two will just get sick if you stay out in the beach too long." Eriol said.

Hibiki pouted at him cutely while Aoi's eyes widened in horror.

"No! Aoi-kun and Hi-kun beach! It's okay get cold! Beach!" Aoi cried out as he stood up on the bed and grabbed hold of Eriol's arm.

"Hi-kun and Aoi-kun will not get sick." Hibiki looked up at him with his wild sapphire gems that eventually made Eriol give up and sigh.

"Even Papa is scared to go to the beach today because it's cold. Why not the park instead? I promise I'll bring you guys to the beach when the weather's already warm. It will be the park for now, please? And you'll listen to Sayo and Ruri, you're not allowed to go too far." Eriol said.

The twins pouted for a moment and thought about the offer, but then decided it's better than to not leave the house at all. They have always been waiting for the ends of the week to spend time with their father, and since they are left with little choice, they decided to take up the offer instead.

"Okay!" Aoi and Hibiki cheered, now back to their usual happy selves.

Eriol smiled at them in return, but his eyes suddenly widened upon remembering something important.

"I forgot, I have something I have to do until lunchtime. I'm really sorry, but you'll just have to go to the park with Sayo and Ruri for now. I will just drive over there after I'm finished and we'll go have a nice lunch out, how's that sound?" Eriol smiled apologetically.

"Eh? But why? Papa always works!" Aoi frowned.

"I'm really sorry Aoi-kun, I promise I'll play with you the whole day after I'm finished, okay?" Eriol said.

"Promise?" Hibiki asked, eyes wide and hopeful.

Eriol nodded. "I promise."

With that, Eriol and the twins got up from the bed and while the twins watched some cartoons in Eriol's room, Eriol got out in the hallway and asked for the twins' nannies, Sayo and Ruri. Both immediately went up after his call and Eriol told them the twins' agenda for the day.

"After giving the twins their bath, tell the driver to bring you to the park and let the twins play there. Please make sure to keep your eye on them and if they get into any sort of major trouble, you both know my number. I'll drive up there once I'm through with a quick work I need to finish so just wait for me there." Eriol said in his strict, fatherly tone.

"Understood." Both nannies said.

"Thank you." Eriol smiled and went back inside his room to get the twins ready for their bath. Both were still playfully stubborn and refused to stop watching the TV so Eriol had no choice but to pick both of them up much to their dismay, although they were still chuckling about it.

"Papa! No fair!" Aoi chuckled.

"Yeah! Papa's so strong!" Hibiki cried out.

Eriol just laughed. "Well Papa needs to get ready too or else we won't have enough time to play today."

The twins gasped at this and immediately followed his orders. Both held on to their nannies as they were led to their own bathroom. Eriol just shook his head and breathed heavily. Twins are such a handful. But he would never trade his sons for anything.

Tomoyo… Thank you. He thought with a gentle smile on his face. Even until now, he could never forget the Daidouji heiress and the times they spent together. How could he? The proofs of their love for one another are currently taking a bath and most likely giving their nannies a hard time. I wish Tomoyo could meet them.

Oh if Eriol only knew how powerful wishing would be for the day.


It was only 10:05 AM when Tomoyo woke up. She thought she would sleep throughout the day considering her long flight but then again, she did have odd sleeping patterns when travelling.

Her eyes blinked until they adjusted well with her surroundings, taking into consideration that she's already feeling rested despite the short time she got to sleep. It took her a while before she got up, stretching her arms as she did so and welcome the day ahead of her. She checked the time on her bedside table before proceeding to walk out in her balcony and breathed in the Japanese air she missed dearly.

Everything was just as she remembered. A few servants were doing their daily chores around the house and some in the garden, the spacious mansion still big enough to hold everyone in the family and friends circle together; the trees were slowly losing their colorful leaves to make way for winter.

She sighed and leaned her arms against the ledge, smiling as she thought about the family she never got to know completely. It's been three years since the incident at the hospital with Eriol, and four since her 18th birthday: the night when it all started.

I wonder… if the twins like the snow.

I wonder… if they had fun during their birthdays.

I wonder… if Eriol misses me too…

The last thought surprised Tomoyo, but she wasn't going to take it back. I miss him though… I wonder if he told the twins about me. A sad smile appeared on her face but she decided she's not going to let herself get so down again like before.

Pushing herself against the ledge with a last stretch, Tomoyo decided her little itinerary for the day.

A walk in the park sounds like a good idea. She nodded before going back to her room and got ready for a day out by herself. She refused her driver's offer to take her there by saying that she needed the exercise too. Seeing as the area is safe and the park is only a few blocks away, her bodyguards could only yield to what their young mistress wishes.

The automated gates opened and Tomoyo took off to the direction of the park. It was going to be a long walk, she admits, but it's not every day she gets a chance like this so she'd happily take it.

A few blocks away from the mansion, she noted how the streets looked the same except for a few new shops opened. Many people were walking around like her and just basked in the cold, comfortable ambiance the environment was giving. After passing through the short bridge, she finally arrived at the small park at the center of the town. Children came and left in the area, their laughter echoing and parents playing happily with their kids.

Tomoyo smiled. She bet the twins would be happy playing in this area too. Hopefully Eriol plays with them and takes them here a lot.

She spotted an empty bench and sat on it, breathing in the fresh air around. Looking around, she almost giggled at the thoughts that invaded her mind once she saw the swings where children were happily on. She remembered the first time she and Eriol went to this park: it was the time when she first met Sakura after the incident on her birthday and she still felt so down and disappointed that Eriol took her here to cheer her up. She truly felt grateful to him on that day, and smiled at the thought of Eriol giving her a small flower because a child told him to. And when he brought her to the beach… that was something.

She closed her eyes and sighed, surprised at herself for still remembering so much even after so many years have passed. As a way to clear her mind, Tomoyo brought out her small sketchbook from the sling bag she brought and started doing a fresh sketch on something she's been inspired to do since she arrived.

She was already half way through her drawing when something else caught her attention. Looking at her side, she saw a little boy—he kind of looks three or four years old?—breathing heavily and tried to look around for a perfect hiding place.

Tomoyo blinked at him to which the boy noticed based on the cute blush on his cheeks and surprised face.

"Oh I'm sorry! Is it okay if I hide behind your chair, lady? I'm playing hide and seek with my brother." He said in this little tone that Tomoyo restrained herself from pinching the little boy's cheeks.

Giving the boy a smile, Tomoyo nodded to which the kid happily grinned. He immediately ran near her and went behind the bench, praying that he wouldn't be seen easily. Tomoyo shrugged and just continued her sketch, not noticing how many minutes have already passed since the child came to hide.

The ruffles behind her chair reminded her that the little boy was still there, and so she said, "I think you have already won this round. Your brother can't seem to find you here."

The little boy pouted and gave out a dejected moan. "Mou!" He got out of his hiding place and looked at the lady who helped him. Tomoyo was still busy drawing that she never realized how intently he was looking at her.

"Hey lady…" he started.

Tomoyo looked at him and said, "Yes?"

"May I sit with you while I wait for my brother? Papa said that if ever I'm lost, I should only sit in one area and wait for people to find me." He said.

"Of course! I'd be willing to wait here with you if you don't mind." Tomoyo nodded and the little boy grinned in glee. He pushed himself up and sat on the bench beside her. He stared at her again and his head tilted as he did so, thinking deeply as to where else has she seen this nice lady before. And although he has also been taught not to speak to strangers, being with this lady seemed safe and comforting and not dangerous at all.

His sapphire eyes blinked at the familiar face, but he could just not remember where he has seen her before. Maybe she's a TV star? He thought. Thinking that it was the most possible reason, he decided to look down at the drawing instead.

"What is that?" His curious mind got the best of him.

"It's just a little thing I'm working on. This is a design I need for my work." Tomoyo responded, her eyes never leaving the page.

"Work? I can draw too! Is that work too?" He asked.

Tomoyo giggled. "Maybe someday; but right now, you should focus on having fun while you draw first."

"Aren't you having fun while drawing, lady?"

"I am."

"Papa doesn't draw for work. He's always busy somewhere." He said it in such a monotone voice that Tomoyo's not sure what to make of it. So instead, she just patted his little head and gave him a reassuring smile.

"But that doesn't make your Papa love you any less. I'm sure he's doing it for you and your brother. He spends time with you, correct?" She said.

The little kid nodded. "We love Papa too!" He exclaimed and even with his arms out for his point to be made clearer.

"You're a good boy." Tomoyo said. "Well, what about your Mama?" She asked as she continued on with her drawing. When the boy fell silent and didn't respond minutes later, that's when Tomoyo looked back again and saw the sad expression on the kid's face. It was so obvious with the way his cheeks puffed and his eyes filled with tears threatening to fall.

"Mama, Mama… I don't know where Mama is!" He finally cried.

Tomoyo was stunned and lost her composure, unsure of what to do with the crying kid. Some of the other kids and parents were already looking their way but eventually ignored it seeing as it's a usual encounter in the children's park.

"I-I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to. Please stop crying—"

"Waaaa! Mamaaaa!" His wails continued. Tomoyo was already on the verge of panicking, her brain thinking of ways to stop him from crying.

Oh no. What would I do? I'm not sure how to… Ah! Tomoyo cleared her throat and gently rubbed the child's back back and forth, all the while humming a soft lullaby for the kid.

And fortunately enough, the little child's cries faded as he listened more to the most beautiful voice he ever heard, singing to him and making his demeanor calm down. His cheeks were still red and sobs were still there but at least he was already toning down. There was something special in their moment that he can't point out what it is. It's as if the song was meant only for him that which he could not understand: Why would a stranger dedicate a song to some other kid stranger?

Tomoyo continued on with the lullaby until the cries came to a full stop. She glazed her soft fingers against the child's little waves of hair, hoping that it would make him even calmer. A few more notes left and thankfully the cries stopped, and so her song faded to a stop as well.

The little kid's eyes widened in awe and that's when Tomoyo first noticed them.

Wha-? He has the same shade of eyes as me? She thought, as her own pair widened too. And it seemed like she wasn't the only one who noticed too.

"You have pretty eyes, lady. And a nice voice too!" He clapped in awe.

"You… What's your name?" She asked.

"It's Hi… Hi—"

"Hi-kun!" Ruri called out while running up to him in anxiety.

The little kid looked at the source of the call and his face brightened up after seeing his nanny finally coming to get him. "Riri!" He cheered with the nickname he used when calling her.

Ruri stopped in front of the bench and gathered her breath before saying, "We have been looking for you everywhere. Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked worriedly.

Hi-kun just shook his head happily and addressed Tomoyo beside him. "This nice lady sang to me so I don't feel so much alone." He said in such pride that Tomoyo couldn't help but smile.

Ruri looked at Tomoyo and bowed in respect. "Thank you very much for looking after Hi-kun. I told him not to go far but it seems he insisted on being here."

"It's nothing. I'm happy to know he won in this round's hide and seek." Tomoyo said.

Ruri laughed. "Well his brother's not so happy about it. I'll take him back now, thank you once again!" She said and grabbed hold of Hibiki's little hand while he pushed himself off the bench. "Hi-kun, say thank you now. We're going back. Your Papa is already on his way here."

Hibiki gasped. "Really? Yay!" He then turned to Tomoyo and gave a toothy grin. "Thank you very much, lady!"

Tomoyo waved back. "You're welcome, Hi-kun!"

Hibiki and Ruri walked back to their own area, where his brother and nanny were waiting for them.

Hi-kun… Hibiki-kun, I'm sure now. Despite her realization, she couldn't understand herself why she didn't reveal her identity to him. And I'm sure, Aoi-kun is there with him. And before she could even notice it, a tear left her eye.

He's grown so much already. I'm really happy. Tomoyo breathed heavily before wiping away her tear and proceeded to finish her drawing.

Just as she was doing her last strokes, her cell phone vibrated from her bag.

"Hello? Tomoyo speaking."

"Tomoyo! I heard you got back already!"

"Ah, Sakura!"


"Aoi-kun!" Hibiki waved happily to his pouting twin brother.

"Mou. It was so hard to look for you, Hi-kun." Aoi crossed his arms cutely.

Hibiki just laughed sheepishly and said, "Maybe you just didn't look hard enough." And Aoi puffed his cheeks at that.

"Aoi-kun, Hibiki-kun," Eriol called from a distance.

"Papa!" The twins said gleefully and ran towards him in excitement, where their father happily accepted them in his arms.

"Hey, were you guys having fun?" He asked as he knelt down to meet their level.

Both boys nodded in response.

"Aoi-kun couldn't find me so Hi-kun won in hide and seek!" Hibiki announced proudly, making Aoi frown again. Eriol just laughed and patted both of their heads. "I was helped by a really nice lady, Papa! She was really pretty and had a really nice voice!"

"Oh? But didn't I say not to talk to strangers?" Eriol asked.

Hibiki frowned. "But she was really, really nice, Papa! She sang to me! She sang to me this really nice song and it made me really happy and not lonely anymore."

"I'm sorry for letting him go like that, master Eriol." Ruri bowed apologetically. "But the young lady did seem to be nice."

"It's okay, Ruri. Please don't let it happen again." Eriol told the nanny before addressing Hibiki again. "You must have taken a real liking to her. If that's what you really think, then I must thank her for keeping you company." He stood up and took Hibiki's hand.

"I want to meet the pretty lady too!" Aoi walked up.

Hibiki nodded in excitement. He tugged on Eriol's hand and led him towards the bench a while ago. "You know Papa, I think I've seen her before but I can't remember where."

"Well, what did she look like? Maybe you've seen her on TV?" Eriol asked.

Hibiki thought hard for a second before answering. "She had long, pretty hair and she has the same eyes as Hi-kun! Right, Riri?" He looked at his nanny for confirmation and the latter nodded.

"Yes. The lady was really pretty." Ruri nodded. If only Sayo was the one who saw Hibiki's company a while ago, she could easily confirm who she really was seeing as she used to be Tomoyo's ladymaid. But unfortunately she was seen by the newly hired Ruri who had little knowledge about the Hiiragizawa household history.

"Eh? Really?" Eriol said. And before he could even guess, his other son beat him to it.

"Maybe that was Mama!" Aoi cheered and suddenly felt excited too.

"I thought so too! Right, Papa? You said before that Mama was a very pretty lady with long hair and eyes like Hi-kun!" Hibiki said.

Eriol suddenly felt anxious. The odds of Hibiki meeting Tomoyo in this park are not so great, right? Besides, wasn't she in another country? Maybe she's back.

"Well, we'll just have to see." He said in a calm tone.

"We're here! The pretty lady was sitting over… there…" They finally arrived at the scene and Hibiki pointed towards the bench to find no one sitting there. "Eh? Where is she?"

"Maybe she left?" Aoi said.

Maybe it's not her after all… Eriol thought sadly. He looked at Hibiki to find him sporting a disappointed look too.

"And I wanted Papa and Aoi-kun to meet her too…" Hibiki sighed.

Eriol knelt down next to him and pulled him closer. "It's okay, Hibiki-kun. We'll see that lady again if she's always going to this park."

Hibiki could only nod as Eriol stood up and held his hand again. "Come now, you boys must be hungry already. Let's go have lunch."



"It's nice to see you again, Tomoyo!" Sakura greeted her best friend with a tight hug.

"You too, Sakura!" Tomoyo said. "Where's Syaoran?" She asked as she noticed he wasn't around. They were currently in a small restaurant near the park she just came from a while ago.

"Oh he's a bit busy doing some important work. He told me to send his apologies for not seeing you today but he promised he'll see you next time." Sakura answered as both of them sat down and were handed menus.

"Okay then," Tomoyo said.

"So how was New York? I can't believe that it's already been three years and now you're back." Sakura said.

"It was really great. People were nice and food was delicious but it's still nothing compared to Tokyo." Tomoyo replied.

"That's good to hear." Sakura said after giving their orders to the waiter.

"By the way, I think I met one of the twins today." Tomoyo said with her soft voice as she mixed her drink slowly with her straw.

"What?" Sakura's eyes widened.

Tomoyo nodded. "When you called me, I was at the park and drawing some new designs. Then this kid went up to me and asked if he could hide behind me since he was playing hide and seek with his brother. It took a while before they found him again, so we talked a bit and I saw how he was a bit similar to me and Eriol. Sakura, we had the same eyes! How often do you find a kid with purple eyes like mine?" She exclaimed.

"Tomoyo, calm down." Sakura said. "Well? Did he say anything about his parents?"

"He said that his father is always busy working but still finds time to play with them. His mother, on the other hand— he doesn't know where he is."

"And his brother?"

"I didn't see him. He was only fetched by his nanny."

"Oh wow… I don't know how to react to that."

Tomoyo just looked down at her drink and with a sad smile, she said, "Their nanny said that their father was already on his way to pick them up. And I'm not so sure why I was so anxious in thinking that Eriol would be there too. I never expected to meet them just as soon as I got back here in Tokyo." She now looked at Sakura. "That's why I'm actually very grateful that you called me, Sakura. I'm still not sure if that kid really is my Hibiki, even if the nanny calls him Hi-kun. And even though I think I'm ready to face Eriol again after three years, I wouldn't know what to say to him."


"But," Tomoyo gave a genuine, thoughtful smile. "I'm really happy that they grew up nicely. You should've seen Hibiki, Sakura! He's a really handsome little kid I myself fell in love the first time I saw him." She giggled.

Sakura giggled too. "Now I'm dying to see them! And what did you expect? You fell in love with their father too." And it was late when she realized she said something quite… inappropriate, that Tomoyo stopped laughing. "Oops, I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. I'm still guilty of that." Tomoyo said.

"You still love him?"


"Are you going to tell him you're already back?"


Eriol watched as the twins ate their desserts cheerfully. "Is it delicious?" He asked, his folded arms leaning against the table; a cup of half-filled coffee present on his corner.

The twins nodded in glee and gave a grateful grin towards their father. Eriol returned the smile as they continued eating their ice cream sundaes. However, one thing kept coming back to his head as he stared at the two.

Is she really back?

He couldn't stop but think about the possibility that she really is back, and Hibiki got the benefit of seeing her for the first time. He looked at him and he could really see a part of Tomoyo in him: not only was he eating most of Tomoyo's favorite flavors in his cup, his actions and looks could just not make him forget about the Daidouji lass. And how could he? For years she haunted her dreams and every time he woke up and remembered the dream, god knew how much restraint he gave himself to not call her ever again. He did slip that one time he sent her a text message, but sadly enough, he didn't receive any reply back.

Idiot, of course she won't text you back! He scolded himself mentally.

He had a hard time, too. Although he was guilty and understood why Tomoyo left, he still could not comprehend as to really why she had to leave even though they have already confessed their true feelings to one another. He felt so devastated after that that it was a good thing Nakuru stayed behind and took care of the twins while he worked on his resolve.

"Idiot, please control yourself. The twins already lost their mother, it's going to take a great toll in them if you won't be there, too."

It took a great deal of will for Nakuru to reprimand him like that. She understood what he was going through, but she still had to knock some sense into him—his newborn twins needed him. And as much as she wanted to stay, there were times when Nakuru was needed out of the town or country to continue the business while Eriol took a leave.

There came a time when Eriol had a breaking point: the night when his head was full of questions, despair, and even alcohol that Nakuru almost called Tomoyo herself because she knew she was the only one who could pull Eriol from out of this. But, news came from some of the staff of the Daidouji mansion that their young mistress, too, was in no shape, physical or psychological, to leave the house. Nakuru was lost at what to do, it was too much drama for her to take and the crying babies were not much help either. They were still fortunate enough that the Hiiragizawa manor had many staffs too, and many were willing to take care of the twins while Eriol recovered.

Nakuru empathized with Eriol that night when he cried his heart out. He called Tomoyo's name many times but knew his calls were futile. Nakuru could see the regret on his face, on how many times he wished he could undo every disloyal thing he had ever done because they found out about it—the night when Kaho confronted Tomoyo that became a great catalyst for Tomoyo's decision. Eriol kept blaming himself for Tomoyo's hurting, and he kept cursing as to why he didn't at least beg for her to stay and give him another chance.

But Nakuru's supportive character has indeed helped him to relax and she even went to the point of scheduling him another week's leave to take care of both himself and the twins. Eriol realized that maybe, it was a good decision to not stop Tomoyo at that time, because she needed time and maybe he needed it too. And hopefully, if fate isn't as cruel anymore, maybe this time it would give them another chance.

As for Kaho, he has never heard from her since the night she delayed him from being at Tomoyo's side during labor, which is good, Eriol thought. He couldn't care less anymore. She has done enough. And he felt that he really owed Nakuru this time for all the help she has given him. As much as Nakuru wanted to stay, her side of the family said that she was needed back home. It was a fact that she too, was married, and to a well-known bachelor from the Akizuki family at that. Her in-laws have said that it was time they gave them grandchildren too, and Nakuru couldn't deny them of such since she felt that it was time for her own family to grow as well.

So she left; but she made sure Eriol was in already a perfect, working state before she did so. Her help and kindness were never blindly recognized as the current head of the Hiiragizawa empire, Eriol's father, rewarded her generously.

But just as she left, he gave her one last favor to which she told him, "Okay. I'll send these papers to her for you. But know this: I think you and Tomoyo would really get through this. If you think you're ready, and you think she's also ready, don't have second thoughts anymore and just call her goddamn number. Okay? And don't forget to invite me to your wedding!"

Eriol shook his head at that thought. But the idea of seeing her again made him feel anxious which made him realize that maybe, he really is ready to face her again. But is she ready too? Only one way to find out.

He looked at the twins and almost laughed when Aoi raised his tiny arms and asked for another serving to which his brother soon mimicked after. He just chuckled at them and allowed them to, and although some may say that he's spoiling them, well he doesn't give a goddamn what they say. They're his twins, and he would not deprive them such little happiness.

So while the twins busied themselves with mouthfuls of desserts, Eriol picked up his phone and speed dialed a familiar number.

"Hello? This is Nakuru speaking."

"Nakuru, it's me."

The twins' ears perked at the mention of their "bestest aunt ever"!

"Auntie Nakuru?" Hibiki's eyes gleamed.

Eriol nodded in their direction. He knew how much the twins loved the brunette woman; she took care of them while he was still nursing a broken heart.

"Hey! What's up?" Nakuru said from the other line.

"Listen, I need a small favor."

"Don't you always?" Nakuru teased.

Eriol chuckled. "Yes, I do. Anyway, I need to confirm Tomoyo's return here in Tokyo."

"You know I can do so much more than that, dear cousin of mine."


Three days later later, Tomoyo was back and so was her boutique that she kept up and running. Her assistants and co-workers were thrilled to have her back and although many of them were interested in what happened to their famous boss' lovelife, they decided not to pry and focus on work instead.

Even when she was still a beginning designer, many were already amazed at the talent she possessed. She first started projects from her friends, then word of mouth came and spread about what she can do and the unique designs she can create. And although her bearing the Daidouji name also became a factor for her fame, many also believed that it was passion that led her to where she was now. Her mother said that she could still rest for a while, but ever-hardworking Tomoyo declined the offer by saying she was already excited to apply the many things she learned while studying design in New York.

Tomoyo was currently in her small office, working on a newly created dress she placed on a mannequin, with pins held in between her lips. She scanned the dress for any more needed adjustments, and placed pins where she thought were needed. Her face held strong concentration—just like every time she was working on a project—that she almost jumped when one of her assistants knocked on her door. She took the pins from her mouth before answering, "Come in."

"Miss Tomoyo, someone is here to see you." One of her assistants said.

"Oh? Who is it? Is it a client?" Tomoyo asked.

"No miss, but she said she needed to see you."

"She? Is it Sakura?"

The assistant shook her head. "No miss. I'm sorry she didn't give any name."

Tomoyo blinked. "Okay, you can send her in here. Oh and please bring us some juice, thank you."

"Understood." The assistant nodded and left, leaving Tomoyo to put back the rest of the pins quickly so she could entertain her guest immediately.

The door opened once more and in came someone she never expected would come to her boutique. She looked up and her eyes widened in surprise; the guest, however, just maintained a smile before giving a greeting.

"Good morning, Tomoyo."



Tomoyo led her to the small living room area she had in her office. Kaho sat on the couch while Tomoyo accepted the juice tray her assistant gave her. She carefully placed them on the coffee table to which Kaho smiled gratefully.

"I suppose you're not expecting to see me… well, ever, Tomoyo." Kaho started after sipping from her glass.

Tomoyo sat on the couch across her and just gave a genuine smile. "I couldn't say that I would never want to see you again, Kaho." She said as she munched on a biscuit beside the juice tray.

"Aren't you too kind?" Kaho asked but Tomoyo just gave her a smile as a response. "I actually came here yesterday after I found out you were back in Tokyo but it seemed you weren't here yesterday so I tried my luck again today."

"You must have a reason for doing that." Tomoyo said.

"Yes," Kaho nodded. "It's about Eriol."

"What about him? I think it has already been clear for those concerned that I am no longer involved with him for three years." Tomoyo kept the smile on her face intact that Kaho's not sure what to make of it.

"That is true; Tomoyo Hiiragizawa's absence immediately after her labor did become a great shock for everyone. But I'm not going to talk about celebrity gossip here. To make this long story short, I came here to offer a truce."

Tomoyo looked up and her lips thinned. All this time she knew about Eriol's relationship with the woman in front of her, and she took pride in saying that she has already placed the past behind her with the help of three years away from the country of her worries. Therefore, she did not bear any more, or maybe even little, resentment for Kaho Mizuki.

"It's clear that the last time we talked to each other, I had been selfish and it's okay to say that you've been too. It took me a while, but I realized that you had the more right to become selfish over the man we both loved. You were the one married to him anyway." Kaho started.

"Yes that wasn't a very pleasant day, wasn't it?" Tomoyo managed a giggle. "But if you insist on talking about that, then may I ask you, you knew that I was going to leave Eriol in the end, so why didn't you go after him after I left? That's one less rival to worry about, right?" Her straight face was back as she dared ask questions to the source of her pain years ago.

Kaho looked down with a sad smile. "It's more than just rivals that I have to worry about. I assume you knew that during the time you were in labor, Eriol was keeping me company?" She looked at Tomoyo and saw her nod in response. "In truth, he was with me because I called him there and I took my final shot of asking a chance to be with him. I told him the horrible truth that you leaving him will slowly come to reality and that by then, he would need someone to be with him and I was offering. He didn't need anyone else, I would be the one to take care of him and your twins. But," she closed her eyes as she relived the scenes at the restaurant that night. "You should've seen how much he refused, Tomoyo. He told me that he was already going to tell you the whole truth about us, and even if I told him that doing so would only increase the chances of you leaving, he said that he'd rather take that risk than live his life lying to you. Can you believe that? Even if he knew you were going to leave him, he still chose you over me. Can you imagine now how I pathetic I looked? I even had a bottle of wine that night to increase my look of desperation." She managed a small laugh.

"Love makes us do crazy things." Tomoyo said.

"But why aren't you?" Kaho sent her a straight look.

Tomoyo silenced. "It's not that simple."

"And I'm actually quite surprised he didn't do anything either. He was especially bold in telling me how much he loves you." Kaho mentally rolled her eyes. "But I didn't come here to force you into something; you're a grown adult, you can make your own decisions and mistakes. I'm only doing this for myself. I know that if I miss my chance of apologizing to you now, then this would forever haunt me which I would not want to happen. So," She smiled. "If this helps anything at all, then I want you to know that I stopped pursuing Eriol since that night he left me drunk at the hotel he dropped me off to. What was I doing anyway, chasing a married man?"

"I have to say I was actually quite hurt that he refused to answer my calls during that night."

"That was my fault. I soaked his phone in my glass of wine." And before Tomoyo could respond to that, Kaho immediately said, "I was drunk and desperate; and you were suddenly calling. I knew that he would immediately go to you for whatever reason it was you were calling him, and I still needed his attention so I hope you understand what I did. And even if you don't; well, I want you to know I'm still sorry for that."

"Kaho…" Tomoyo started to smile herself. She knew in her heart that she has forgiven her even before, but for Kaho to come up here and apologize by herself, that was definitely unexpected. "It's okay. I knew that during that time, I was still young and you still had a special place in Eriol's heart because you and he had a past. I was still young and a little bit clueless which is why I left; I left thinking that it would be best if you and Eriol got back together because I could never replace you in that special place in his heart. That's why even those times when I knew that he was already seeing someone, I couldn't refrain him from doing so because that was not my job. I was only brought in the Hiiragizawa mansion to bear him an heir—and hey, I gave them two! I had to admit, I thought that I would already see the day when you and he got married and it will create another scandal in the business scene." She giggled.

"I wouldn't count on it. Besides, you're still married to him, right?"

Tomoyo bit on her lower lip. She kind of forgot about that little detail. Which was weird considering that since she left, she was never brought any divorce papers here or while she was in New York. I thought we could divorce after that? Thinking that it was just a little mistake, she decided to push it away at the back of her mind. "I guess I still am." She looked down and although she wasn't wearing her wedding ring anymore, she stared at her ring finger and thought of the feeling it once had while it was there. After she left the Hiiragizawa household, she immediately sent the wedding ring back as proof of her will to already leave for good.

"Then it looks like your chances of getting back together with him are still big." Kaho said.

Tomoyo looked away and decided to remain silent. Yes, she sometimes wondered what it would be like if she returned to him, but really doing it—the thought of it only made her remember the fears.

"Don't be afraid, Tomoyo. I won't be here anymore. Like you said, that's one less rival to worry about, right?"

Tomoyo threw her a small smile. "I'm trying not to be."

"Then that's that." Kaho nodded as she stood up, making a move to leave. "Thank you, Tomoyo. It's time for me to leave."

"How are you now, Kaho?" Tomoyo asked as she too, stood up and walked her companion to the door.

"I'm going back to Australia. I have a lot of work to do there plus, my husband already misses me so much."

"I never knew you got married." Tomoyo said, surprised.

"I agreed to marry him two years ago when I was already sure I stopped loving Eriol. And it has been the best decision of my life. I hope you do the same, too." Kaho smiled.

Tomoyo nodded. "Thank you."


It was a rainy Friday night in the streets of Tokyo.

Tomoyo was inside her car, stopped in front of a familiar mansion she never thought she'd visit so soon. Her little chat with Kaho days ago made her think even more about her relationship with Eriol and their issues, which eventually led her to her situation now: waiting outside the Hiiragizawa gates for a total of fifteen minutes already.

She drove alone that night, and it took her a while but she finally decided while taking her coffee break that she would finally see Eriol. She thought about this for three years; she knew she had to meet him someday.

She breathed heavily, once… twice… She closed her eyes and counted to three.

"You can do this, Tomoyo. You're ready to see him." With one last deep breath, she opened her eyes and turned off the engine of her car. She took out the umbrella from her bag, got out of her car and walked towards the large steel gates.

Tomoyo reached out her free hand and rang the doorbell. She saw the security camera at the corner was motioned to see who was there, and a voice rang from the small intercom.

"Good evening and welcome to the Hiiragizawa residence; who would you like to speak with?"

"Hi, I would like to speak with Eriol Hiiragizawa please." Tomoyo answered.

There was silence for a few more seconds until the voice came back. "I'm sorry but master Eriol is out right now. Would you like to leave your name and message?"

Tomoyo was about to speak but suddenly went against it. Not tonight, I guess. She thought. "No, it's alright. I'll come back again another day. Thank you."


Tomoyo nodded before turning her heel and walked back to her car. The rain started to pour harder as she gripped on her umbrella tighter. She got inside her car immediately and started the engine, and drove back to the Daidouji mansion.

Her digital clock read 8:18 PM.

She sighed as she stopped at a red. So much for trying. Tomoyo thought, but she smiled to herself as she gave herself a mental pat on the back for gathering up the courage to come up there herself.

What she didn't know was the person she was looking for was thinking the same thing.

The drive from Eriol's house to Tomoyo's was never long, and so she got back fast with little traffic to worry about. She finally reached the gates of the mansion and honked twice before the gates were opened. Just as she was about to turn and enter the lot, her eyes wandered to the side and she had to double check to see if she wasn't hallucinating.

Actually, she had to triple check her vision. Without even caring whether she would get wet, she opened the door on her side and got out of the car; her eyes held surprise for the man now walking towards her and moved so he could share the umbrella he was holding with her.

"Eriol…" Tomoyo breathed.

"Good evening, Tomoyo." Eriol said with his trademark gentleman smile.

It was now 8:33 PM.


Thunder shook as the wind blew harder and the rain poured heavier.

Eriol quietly sat on the velvet couch as he watched Tomoyo poured hot tea for both of them. One of the maids came back and placed a tray of snacks for Tomoyo and her guest. Tomoyo thanked the maid and dismissed her after that, leaving her alone with Eriol in the living room where the fireplace was lit. She gave Eriol one of the cups of tea and he passed a grateful smile; she nodded and took a sip from her cup, silence enveloping the two.

"It's been a while." Eriol started.

"It has." Tomoyo said.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Good, good. You?"

"I'm also doing good."

And she knew she just had to ask this question. "And the twins?"

"They're a handful; but they're a great handful. Even father is pleased with them." Eriol smiled, staring at the fireplace near them.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad they're well." Tomoyo returned the smile.

Silence returned, but Eriol was the first one to break it again.

"I… think you've met one of them the other day?"

"I think so too…" Tomoyo said. "And I never expected to see him actually. I met the one named Hi-kun?"

Eriol looked at her. "So you were the one who helped him? And sang to him? Yes, that's Hi-kun, short for Hibiki."

"Aoi must've been sad to know he lost at hide and seek." Tomoyo giggled.

"Yes, he was actually." Eriol couldn't help but give a small laugh too.

"It's good to know they're growing up well." Tomoyo said as she looked back at the burning crisps of wood and warm light coming from the fireplace.

Yet instead of saying anything, Eriol stared at her and took in the familiar features of her face. Her long, dark hair was up in a ponytail and her bangs were pushed to the side; he could see little faints of bags under her eyes; her high cheekbones and great jaw contour were added factors to her facial perfection; her pale skin that he remembered always felt so soft under his fingers and those eyes—those eyes that would always pull him in even if she just looked at him in a split second. She truly was beautiful, and he could feel all the emotions welling up into one main conclusion: he missed her so much since they got separated; he missed her so much God could only see how much control he's putting on himself just to not pull her in his arms so he would not scare her away. No, that was the last thing he could do to her, especially in this fragile stage they are in right now.

"Eriol," she called, instantly making him shift his focus.

"Yes?" He said.

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way but, why are you here?"

I'm here to see if I could still have a second chance… If we could have a second chance… "I just wanted to see you, Tomoyo." He said.

His heart skipped a beat when she suddenly threw her this small smile and her cheeks showed faint signs of blush. He mentally sighed, happy that she was still having these reactions when it comes to him.

"Well, I'm here now." She laughed.

"Yes, you are." Eriol chuckled. It's now or never. "I know this is sudden but… If you want to, you could come back to the manor."

Tomoyo's eyes widened. This week was definitely full of expectations. Did she just hear him right?

"Eriol… You, you're asking me to come back?" She asked.

Eriol took a sip from his drink before placing it gently on the table. He looked up and gave her a smile. "I guess I am."

"Eriol, I don't know, I… This is too sudden."

"I know it seems unfair to barge in on you and ask you for something ridiculous, but, I must say it is still up to you if you're willing to take it. The offer has no deadline anyway." Eriol said.

Tomoyo looked away and bit her bottom lip. Her reaction suddenly made Eriol feel guilty for even bringing it up.

Smooth move, Eriol. He scolded himself mentally.

"I'm sorry." Eriol cleared his throat in attempt to make the conversation any less awkward.

"No, it's okay. It's actually quite thoughtful for you to even offer me such thing." Tomoyo replied.

"I'm not even sure where I got the will to ask you this even after you were firm in your decision before of leaving; and after every insensitive thing I did to you." Eriol said. "But, if you would give me this chance, I would really like for you to consider it and let me make up for those times I've hurt you, I'm sorry. You don't even have to give me an answer right now."

"Eriol…" She said.

"I'm not even going to hide it; I missed you, Tomoyo." Eriol leaned his arm on the arm of the chair and said it with such confidence and at the same time suave that Tomoyo felt her cheeks turn red once again.

"I missed you, too." She said in a soft, shy tone.

Eriol gave a grateful smile as he made a move to stand while adjusting his eyeglasses. "Well, that's all I have to say really. Thank you very much for welcoming me inside your home. It's been a pleasure seeing you again, Tomoyo."

Tomoyo stood up as well and led him to the door and outside the foyer. "The pleasure's all mine."

"Like I said, I'm not pressuring you to have an answer right away, but I'll most definitely appreciate it if you consider it." Eriol added.

"Thank you." Tomoyo nodded.

Both finally reached the main door and while Eriol was fixing his coat, he turned once again and asked, "And lastly, I am just curious, Tomoyo… Have you already signed the divorce papers before?"

"What divorce papers?" Tomoyo blinked, surprised.

Eriol's eyes widened. "What do you mean? The divorce papers I sent days after you left? It's also part of the deal: that once the woman decides to leave, divorce papers will be sent at once."

"Well, I most certainly did not receive anything."

"How? I specifically told Nakuru to—Nakuru…" Eriol sighed once he realized what went wrong. And he initially thought Tomoyo actually refused to sign and send it back because she does not want to end their marriage just yet. Guess I was wrong, how embarrassing…

Tomoyo's shoulder shook as she giggled in understanding. "Same old Nakuru, I guess."

"I'm sorry, I would send you another file if you wish." Eriol smiled sadly.

"If you must then."


The weekend flew by swiftly and Monday already came.

Tomoyo was still busy with her new collection that she drove to her boutique pretty early so she could continue her work. Well, that and the reason that she could not sleep very well the past two nights since Eriol came by and told her to stay with him again.

Really, what was he thinking? Tomoyo thought as she pinned one part of the dress on the mannequin. She twirled the model to inspect any more edges or angles that needed to be remedied. She found another spot and started adjusting it to her liking. This has been her agenda for the morning since the deadline was already coming soon.

The whole boutique was busy, with assistants running around and threads and cloths everywhere on the sewing area. And, as much as Tomoyo tried to, she could just not clear her mind because a certain Londoner has been keeping her head occupied since the other night. But that does not mean she wasn't the least bit happy about it.

Unconsciously, her face pasted a small smile just when her head replayed Eriol's words: I missed you, Tomoyo.

That Eriol… She could not even stop the small blush flowing through her cheeks.

"Um, Miss Tomoyo, I'm sorry for interrupting you but…" one of the assistants called after entering the room.

Tomoyo looked up at the call with a small, "huh?"

The assistant looked like she had a hard time explaining it and so she asked for Tomoyo to come out instead. "There's something here for you, miss. We signed the package for you and placed it on top of the table here."

"Okay then." Tomoyo blinked and followed her assistant outside.

Now see, Eriol might take pride in letting Tomoyo take her time in deciding…

"It's from a Mr. Eriol Hiiragizawa, miss."

…but that didn't mean he wouldn't put an effort in showing how much he wanted her back.

Tomoyo's eyes widened at the big piece on top of the circular table in the middle of the lobby. There in front of her was a big bouquet of assorted flowers already set in its own vase. She was in so much awe that the surprise was clearly evident on her face, not a single person missed it. From behind her, she could hear little squeals from the other assistants when they saw the gift.

And the blush Tomoyo once had grew bigger. Just when I was trying to not think of him during my work time. She shook her head and had a little giggle.

Tomoyo neared the table and saw a little note placed beside the vase.

I never had the chance to do this before, but I hope you like it!
- E. H.

"Of course I do." She whispered after placing the note back in its little envelope. She turned around and saw her assistants sporting teasing smiles on their faces.

"That was really sweet of him, Miss Tomoyo."

"Yeah, I'm so jealous!"

Tomoyo laughed at their reactions and playfully rolled her eyes. "Okay everyone, show's over. Let's get back to work."

A chorus of "yes" was heard before everyone returned to their original places.

However, in contrast to what Tomoyo said, it seemed as if the show was far from over.

The next day came and Tomoyo received yet another bouquet and more.

"Excuse me, is a Tomoyo Daidouji around?"

"Yes, that would be me."

"Please sign here."

"What's this?" Tomoyo accepted the little notepad and affixed her signature where she was told.

"Delivery from The Vine restaurant, miss."

Tomoyo looked at the guy startled. "I'm sorry but I didn't order anything."

"Oh it's already been paid for, an Eriol Hiiragizawa asked for the food to be delivered to you here, miss." The guy accepted the notepad and gave the bags of take-out boxes.

And so Tomoyo couldn't do anything except to accept it. "Thank you very much." The guy nodded and left the store. Tomoyo sighed and turned her heels to the small kitchen, but it wasn't until she noticed her assistants were giving her yet again teasing glances.

She giggled nervously and raised the bags. "Lunch, anyone?"

The assistants just giggled but gladly accepted the offer. Just as they were arranging the food, Tomoyo's cell phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out and read the new message.

From: Eriol
I know how hardworking you are when it comes to your designs, but please don't forget to eat! And just to make sure you won't, please enjoy the food. :D

Tomoyo smiled at the text and this reaction did not go unnoticed by her enthusiastic co-workers.

From: Tomoyo
Thank you for the food. Please don't forget to eat lunch yourself. :)

Eriol grinned after reading the text. He placed his phone down and decided to enjoy his own delivery food too.


Days turned into weeks and Eriol wasted no time in sending her gifts and surprises. From flowers, to chocolates, to lunches… The witnesses to these presents could only sigh in happiness for their boss. Tomoyo truly felt touched at the gesture, she never expected him to be like this even when they were still together.

It was a Friday night and Tomoyo was almost closing up the boutique to end another hardworking day. Her assistants were also walking around in clearing the mess up before calling it a day. Tomoyo was picking up a piece of clothing that dropped on the floor when she heard the door being opened.

"Hi, I'm sorry but we're already closing. Please come back tomorrow—"

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid this can't wait until tomorrow."

The familiar teasing, feminine voice surprised Tomoyo that she almost dropped the dress again. She turned around and gasped as she saw the person she hasn't seen since three years ago.

"Oh my god, Nakuru!" Tomoyo cheered as she instantly pulled the brunette to a tight hug to which the latter gladly returned.

"Hey Tomoyo, it's great to see you!" Nakuru squealed.

"It's great to see you, too! How have you been? It's been a while since we last spoke to each other." Tomoyo said.

"Yes, I could fully take blame for that. But what can I say, taking care of Luca has taken a great toll on my time schedule." Nakuru grinned.

Tomoyo blinked. "Luca?"

"She's… my 1-year-old daughter!" Nakuru announced happily.

"Oh my god! I never knew! I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!" Tomoyo pulled her in a hug once again. "I have to see her one day!"

Nakuru nodded. "I'd be happy to introduce her to you. But unfortunately I didn't bring her here with me in Japan; she's staying back in England with my husband."

"Oh, I see, sometime soon then." Tomoyo said.

"Of course!" Nakuru smiled. "So anyway, are you busy? Why don't we go have dinner now? And it's a good thing I have this spare time because I'm going to have to go back to England in two days."

"Sure, I'm just going to finish here for a minute. Why don't you rest for a while? Oh and what place do you have in mind for dinner?" Tomoyo asked as she led Nakuru to the couch.

"Oh that, I was wondering if you would like to come back to the mansion with me? I was actually in the middle of whipping up something really good when I suddenly thought that you might want to try it. So now, here I am." Nakuru replied.

Tomoyo instantly stopped her actions once she heard the invitation. Come back… to the Hiiragizawa mansion?

"Tomoyo?" Nakuru called after seeing Tomoyo silence for a few seconds. "I-It's okay if you don't want to. We can still try that new restaurant nearby."

Tomoyo turned to the brunette once more, this time with a smile on her face. "No, no. I'll take your invitation. It's not every day I get a visit from a long-time friend, right?"

Nakuru grinned. "Thank you!"


The familiar doors of the Hiiragizawa mansion were opened and welcomed in the two women who just arrived.

"I'm back!" Nakuru announced.

"Welcome back, Miss Nakuru." Mori bowed. And just as he lifted his head, he was surprised to see who Nakuru's company was. "Miss Tomoyo! You're here! Ah, good evening. Welcome." He said and did the same polite greeting he always does.

"It's great to see you again, Mori." Tomoyo smiled sweetly in response.

Nakuru then took Tomoyo by the hand and led her to the kitchen. "Well, I got to get back to my cooking! Tomoyo, you can come with me."


The two of them settled on the counters and continued cooking Nakuru's specialty. Some of the maids and cooks were also present and a few of them were surprised to see Tomoyo enter the kitchen but decided to remain silent about it.

Nakuru sighed gleefully. "This kitchen brings back a lot of memories, don't you think?" She said as she stirred up the food in the boiling pot.

Tomoyo nodded. "I couldn't agree more."

"So, how are you, Tomoyo? I mean, I haven't seen you since… well, you know." Nakuru queried.

"I'm doing okay. I just got back from New York weeks ago and I could say I'm doing good." Tomoyo replied.

"That's good to hear," Nakuru said. "So anyway, I heard that Eriol visited you the other week? And has been sending you gifts non-stop ever since?"

"You're really updated, aren't you?" Tomoyo almost laughed. "But yes, Eriol has been very… sweet, the past few weeks." She said in a voice above whisper.

"And what do you think about that?"

"I think he's a great guy, Nakuru. I won't lie; he keeps on surprising me I don't know what to make of it."

"He loves you, what else could all those mean?" Nakuru said in a matter-of-fact tone. She placed a small amount of the dish on a little plate and did a taste test before looking at Tomoyo while posing her hand on her hip. "You couldn't possibly say that you haven't noticed it yet, right?"

Tomoyo looked up and bit her lip. "I can't say I haven't."

"Tomoyo, Eriol's courting you. And I know I'm not in the position to say that you should accept it already, but I do hope that you're not just leading him on. It's been three years; and I know you've realized that the twins—your twins—are just rooms away from this hall. Eriol wanted you to be back with more than one reason in mind. I just hope that you're really thinking about it." Nakuru said.

The twins… Tomoyo's eyes widened. That's right, she was only a few steps away from meeting the boys she never got to meet fully. All her wonders and questions about how the kids were—they could be answered if she could only force herself to see them in their room.

"I… I'm sorry. I just needed time to figure everything out. And I thought I already got everything figured out while I was in New York, but now that I've been forced to face reality here in Japan again, I can't help but somehow feel a little bit lost again." Tomoyo admitted with soft, sad eyes.

Nakuru's once fierce eyes softened for the heiress. "It's okay to get scared, Tomoyo; but if you let yourself be like that always, then all those three years of finding yourself would just go to waste, right?"

Tomoyo breathed. "I guess; but I am proud to say I've gotten stronger and a little bit more mature than before."

"Yeah? How so?" Nakuru asked, finally turning off the stove after seeing the food was already done. She motioned for the other servants to already set up the dining table for dinner.

"Well first, I came here with you, right?" Tomoyo smiled.

Nakuru laughed. "That's true."

"And then there's…"

But suddenly, a loud wail echoed across the hall and two little boys entered the scene.

"Waa! Auntie Nakuru! Aoi-kun, he… he—"

"Aoi-kun did not! Hi-kun only cried!"

And no one was more surprised in the room than Tomoyo. Her eyes were wide at seeing the twins, now in their toddler stage, right in front of her. "Aoi… Hibiki…" She said in a soft whisper.

"Alright, that's enough. Aoi-kun, what did Auntie Nakuru say about being rough?" Nakuru reprimanded as she kneeled down to their level. She placed her hands on one shoulder of each twin as she talked to them in her usual auntie voice. "And Hibiki, what did I say about boys crying? You won't get cute girls like that because cute girls don't like crying boys." She added as she wiped the tears on little Hibiki's face.

"Yes…" The twins said.

"Good boys." Nakuru patted both their hands before standing up once again. "Now, it's time to eat dinner. Let's sit down now and eat!"

But just as the twins were about to take their usual seats, it was only then did they notice another person present in the room. They blinked in wonder as to why the pretty lady was looking at them with surprised, almost teary eyes.

"Hey, aren't you…" Hibiki tilted his head in slight recognition of Tomoyo's face.

However, before he could fully comprehend who the surprise guest was, Eriol's voice was heard as he entered the dining hall.

"Something smells good! I'm starving."

And this time, it wasn't only Tomoyo who had a shocked expression pasted on her face. For there, in front of Eriol, was a scene he never expected he would see so soon: Tomoyo, Aoi and Hibiki, all there in the same room. His mouth was wide open in shock that Nakuru couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"Better close your mouth, cous. We wouldn't want any flies entering there now, would we?" Nakuru teased and even dared to wink.

"Papa!" The twins cheered and greeted, while Eriol kneeled down and welcomed both in his arms.

"Hey kiddos." He grinned as he ruffled both of their hairs to their dismay. "Now go wash your hands before you eat." He said and got a chorus of 'yes' as a response.

As the twins left with a nanny guiding them, Eriol now decided to walk up and greet the guest.

"Tomoyo, you're here." Eriol said as he stood in front of her.

"It's nice to see you, too." Tomoyo smiled, her eyes laughing. "And well, Nakuru was very convincing into talking me to come here. I wouldn't even dare miss her cooking tonight."

Eriol threw Nakuru a look to which the brunette only gave a peace sign partnered with a grin in return. "You're welcome." She mouthed in his direction.

Even Nakuru's sudden arrival just this morning was a big enough surprise for the Londoner. He hasn't been informed by the office that Nakuru will be needed here in Japan, so he sensed that there was something else Nakuru had in mind based on this surprise visit. And now that reason is standing in front of me, well, not that I mind. He smiled.

"And you guys shouldn't even dare and let my cooking go to waste now that it's starting to get cold. Why don't we eat right now?" Nakuru invited as she sat on her usual chair.

Eriol's shoulders shook as he chuckled low. He turned back to Tomoyo and said, "Shall we?" The latter nodded and walked near to the dining table. Eriol, as par his usual habits when it comes to the heiress, placed a hand on the small of her back as he led her to the table and pulled open a chair for her.

"Thank you." Tomoyo said.

"You're welcome." Eriol said as he took a seat of his own. Seconds later, the twins came back and were guided to their usual chairs as well.

The group started to eat in silence until Hibiki suddenly spoke up. "Papa, Papa! Hi-kun remember now!" He announced in glee.

Eriol looked at the toddler and asked, "Remember what, Hibiki-kun?"

"She," Hibiki pointed at Tomoyo's direction, "is the nice, pretty lady Hi-kun met at the park before!"

Aoi's eyes widened. "Ah! She's the one who helped Hi-kun win!"

Tomoyo could feel her heart soften at the twins who were happy to see her, although still not recognizing her as their real mother. "It's very nice of you to remember me, Hi-kun."

"Wow, so you boys already met Tomoyo before?" Nakuru asked the twins.

But Aoi shook his head. "Hi-kun was the only one who saw her that day."

"Ohh, I see. It's such a small world, right? You see, Tomoyo here is Auntie Nakuru's good friend and your Papa's… really great friend. " Nakuru smiled.

Hibiki nodded. "Wow! Yes! It's nice to meet you again, lady." He politely bowed to Tomoyo to which Tomoyo couldn't help but think, they're Eriol's kids, all right. I'm glad to see that he's taught him great manners.

"Same with you, Hi-kun, and your brother as well." Tomoyo acknowledged both twins and they happily gave a childish, toothy grin in return.

Eriol couldn't help but smile. This… This was what should be every day: him, the twins, and Tomoyo happily eating in one dining table.

And it was then did he realize that if he really wanted this to happen, then he should take action soon otherwise he wouldn't know when the next opportunity might come.


While the twins were taking their bath, Nakuru, Tomoyo, and Eriol transferred to the living room and were served coffee and a few snacks. Eriol was currently finalizing a few files on his laptop while Nakuru and Tomoyo chatted away on the sofa.

"Say Tomoyo, it's already late. Why don't you stay here for the night?" Nakuru offered.

And in truth, Eriol purposely stopped typing in attempt to focus on Tomoyo's answer.

"Oh, I couldn't possibly do that. I've intruded too much, I can still drive by myself back home." Tomoyo refused.

"Nonsense, you know you're always welcome to stay here, right Eriol?" Nakuru turned to the busy Londoner.

Eriol looked up and smiled. "Of course, feel free to use any of the rooms available upstairs."

"But, but I—"

"Then it's settled! We're not going to let you drive out so late, Tomoyo. Just stay for the night, please?" Nakuru pleaded.

Tomoyo sighed in defeat. "I guess I'll take up your offer, then."

"Yay! Thank you, Tomoyo!" Nakuru cheered as she gave Tomoyo a big hug before standing up. "Well, now I have to go and tell them to fix your room. You can wait here Tomoyo. Eriol, you can keep her company, right?"

Eriol looked up once again and nodded.

"Good, I'll be right back." Nakuru said then took off to the second level of the mansion.

Silence covered the room. Tomoyo took a sip on her drink while Eriol typed a few more notes on his laptop. The silence slowly became uncomfortable until Eriol closed his laptop, surprising Tomoyo at the small click from the gesture.

"I'm sorry about Nakuru being so persistent." Eriol started.

Tomoyo turned to him and gave a smile. "It's okay. I missed her anyway."

"All right, but if you really insist, I could drive you home."

"No, no. I'm good. It would be rude if I suddenly turned back on my answer. Thank you very much for the offer and for allowing me to stay."

Eriol suddenly sent her this straight look but the smile still remained. "Stop it, Tomoyo; don't act like a complete stranger in this house."

"Eriol…" She said.

Eriol stood up from his seat and walked towards Tomoyo. He offered a hand and then said, "Would you like to go on a walk with me? Just around the garden."

Tomoyo thought about it for a few seconds before accepting the hand and answering, "Sure."


The maids were already busy fixing Tomoyo's room as ordered by Nakuru. The brunette was already on her way to check on the twins when she noticed they weren't in their room. Nakuru blinked and instantly checked Eriol's room and true enough, they were there but seemingly preoccupied with a little item in their hands.

"What are you guys doing here?" Nakuru entered and asked the two.

Aoi and Hibiki were already dressed in their pajamas. They both looked up with their huge eyes to address their aunt and then looked back to the item in hand.

"That's… Where did you boys get that?" Nakuru gasped after seeing what kept the twins busy.

Aoi pointed the open drawer from Eriol's bedside table. There, in between the children's fingers was an old photo of Eriol and Tomoyo during their wedding. Another was also present and this time, it was a photo with only a smiling Tomoyo present.

"Hey Auntie, this is the same person as Auntie Nakuru's friend, right?" Aoi asked.

"Yes, she is." Nakuru answered.

"Aoi-kun said that pretty lady looked like Mama. This is Mama, right? Beside Papa?" Hibiki held up the small wedding photo and Nakuru could only give them a helpless smile. She could never match up to the curiosity of children nowadays.

"Yes, that's Mama." Nakuru answered, now sitting beside the two.

"So is Mama the pretty lady downstairs?" Aoi asked, his azure eyes big and hopeful. He stared at Tomoyo's solo photo a few more seconds and indeed, he could see the resemblance.

Nakuru smiled. "Why don't we ask her ourselves?"


Eriol and Tomoyo decided to stop and rest at the big tree near the office door. Tomoyo sat down at the wooden swing attached to the tree, while Eriol moved to push her lightly. Silence was there for a few minutes before Tomoyo was the first to speak out.

"Kaho spoke to me a few days after I got back."

Eriol almost stopped pushing her but continued anyways. He was shocked for the second time that night but he knew they had to talk about this sooner or later.

"Oh, I see," was his only response.

"She was quite… pleasant, actually. Did you know that she got married?" Tomoyo asked.


"She apologized to me, for what happened years ago. She visited me in my boutique and offered a truce. She told me about what happened while I was in labor, that she forced you to stay by soaking your phone while I was calling you." Tomoyo breathed. When she noticed Eriol wasn't saying anything, she continued. "But see, even if I knew before that you were forced to stay against your will, I still would have left."

"Why?" Eriol asked.

Tomoyo's tone suddenly changed into a somewhat playful yet mellow attitude. "We were young, Eriol! I was young. I was taken away from my 18th birthday party against my will just to find out I have to become pregnant to seal the deal with our parents. I was forced to give up almost everything I have and I am just to fulfill the promise, and then suddenly… I was given an out. I had to take it once I already had it, otherwise, if I don't take it while I still can, then I might regret it for the rest of my life. I had to take it because, well… I have to grow up, right? We have to grow up. That's why I had to leave. Because if I didn't leave then, then I wouldn't be able to be as strong as I am right now. And so are you. I'd admit, the days after that were devastating but I knew I had to get over it before I could be ready to see you again. I'm sorry for being so selfish, Eriol. I truly am." She turned around to send him a smile.

"You shouldn't be. I'm the one who should be sorry."

Tomoyo shook her head. "Forgiven and forgotten already."

Neither of them spoke again after a few more minutes. The air was cold and chilly, yet the atmosphere was neither awkward nor uncomfortable anymore.

"I heard you dropped by here the other week?" He asked, changing the subject.

Tomoyo nodded. "But you weren't around; then lo and behold, who knew that you were thinking the same thing and came to my house instead?" She giggled.

"So, did you like your presents?" Eriol asked.

Tomoyo managed a laugh, her long tresses being blown by the cool wind. "I loved your everyday surprises, that I can say. You can't believe how much my assistants would tease me."

Eriol gave a chuckle too. "You being the center of teasing wasn't my intention, I swear. But I'm happy that you loved them." He gave another push on the swing as he responded.

"Oh? Then what was your intention then?" Tomoyo decided it was her turn to tease him.

But Eriol took her question as a dare. "That you would finally agree…"

to stay here again? Tomoyo closed her eyes as she ended his sentence in her mind.

"…to marry me again."

Tomoyo's eyes snapped opened as she immediately stopped her swinging. Did she just hear him, right? Her reaction did not go unnoticed by the Londoner, but instead of taking back what he said, his hands that used to push her on the swing were now snaking across her slim waist and pulled her into a hug from behind.

"E-Eriol?" He heard her gasp. This only made him hug her tighter, all the while thanking God she wasn't pulling him away.

"Tomoyo," he whispered near her ear that made her shudder from the breathy contact. "I… love you more than anyone, and I'll always will."

Tomoyo felt her heart beating fast not only from the close contact, but from the confession as well. She felt her heart burn because she knew—she realized it—that Eriol spoke the truth, that he loved her with all of his heart and that he meant what he said: that he always will love her in that intensity.


She suddenly felt him move and the arms around her loosened. Eriol walked around and now he was in front of her. The moon gave so much added luminosity to Eriol's sparkling eyes, now that he was looking up at her with one leg kneeled down and the other propped up. Slowly, he reached up and caressed her face as he too, could see the radiance coming from Tomoyo's face—one that he would regret not seeing every day for the rest of his life. He could see her eyes shine as she returned his look with the same passion.

"I love you, Tomoyo." He repeated with a higher level of confidence and pride. He was willing to say it over and over again if it meant making her understand how much he loved and missed her the past few years. "I know I've wronged you and hurt you so many times before but please, if you'd let me, I'd spend the rest of my life making it up to you and showing you how much you mean to me, how much I love you and only you. I'd been a fool for even thinking that someone else was even a fraction better than you, and when you left, I knew that it was god's way of punishing me for making the wrong decisions before. But now that you're here… I feel like I've been given another chance, and I hope that you will give me this chance. Please."

Tomoyo suddenly felt tears forming in her eyes. She couldn't believe it. Here was the man she loved and fought for, now humbling himself down and admitting his mistakes all the while asking for the chance to love and be loved again. It's as if his words were instantly accepted by her heart and mind; that she felt the deep sorrow, guilt and regret he experienced while she was away, and more than that, she felt the love and passion from his words that she never thought she'd get from anyone at all. Here was the father of her children, the man she never even imagined of marrying when she was still young, the man she was destined to be with even if it initially came from the deal between the Daidouji and Hiiragizawa parties.

All those years of hurting, of sacrifice, of pain; those times when she forced herself to leave because she thought it was the right thing to do. Those years when she tried to forget all of the good times she spent with him, because she always thought for others even if it meant sacrificing her own feelings. Those times when she told herself that she's not going to drown herself in despair anymore, and she knew only one way for it to happen.

Eriol reached inside his pocket and took out from it a familiar piece of jewelry. He went this far in admitting everything he should, he might as well do what he's been dying to do ever since she left.

He took Tomoyo's hand and presented the ring, and then uttered the same words. "Will you marry me again, Tomoyo? Marry me again and give me the pleasure of becoming the happiest man alive. But more than that, marry me again and I'll give my all to make you the happiest woman alive. Marry me again and be the happiest family on earth that everyone will envy: you, me, the twins. Marry me again and I promise you, I'll spend the rest of my days and nights loving you because you are the love of my life, forever and always."

And Tomoyo couldn't help it anymore. A tear fell on her cheek, the nostalgia of feeling Eriol's fingers laced with hers and him hearing all those words made her realize that she'll never love a man like him. Her tears fell and she silently sniffed, while her lips curved into this laughing smile as she recalled something quite relevant.

"I'm glad to see you now know how to propose to a woman in a romantic way. How you did it before was horrible, might I add." She giggled.

Eriol couldn't help but to let out a laugh as well. "How'd I do now? I could do it again and again until I get it right if you want me to." He reached up and wiped the tear away from her face.

"You've done better." She smiled as she squeezed the hand on her cheek.

"So is that a yes?" Eriol grinned.

Tomoyo nodded. "I love you too, Eriol."

And Eriol suddenly felt the tears himself. He placed the ring on her finger and Tomoyo sighed after finally feeling her old wedding ring on her finger. She had to admit, it felt strange and different when she took it out, but now she felt happy after seeing it and wearing it once again.

Eriol finally stood up and offered Tomoyo to do the same. She gladly took the awaiting hand and was welcomed in the familiar strong embrace she absolutely missed. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders while he tightened his embrace around her waist. Tomoyo stood on the tips of her toes as both of them leaned in and shared a sweet kiss.

Unbeknownst to them, Nakuru and the twins were hiding behind one of the doors, and all of them were in glee after watching the happy scene unfold in front of them.

Not being able to hold it any longer, the three of them got out of their hiding place and cheered.

"I knew it! Mama is Mama!" Hibiki cheered.

"Mama!" Aoi cheered as well.

The twins' voices surprised both Eriol and Tomoyo that they instantly pulled away and turned to see Aoi and Hibiki running up to them. The twins jumped and grabbed hold of Tomoyo, wanting to be carried by her.

"Oof!" Tomoyo gasped but immediately kneeled down and gathered the twins in her arms. "Aoi-kun! Hibiki-kun!"

"Mama! Mama!" They both said.

Eriol chuckled at what's in front of him. Although he never expected that the twins were really curious kids about Tomoyo (and he swears Nakuru has something to do with it), he was still immensely happy that they were finally reunited together.

"Oh you! Mama is sorry for not being around before, okay? But Mama is here now. Mama loves you both so much!" Tomoyo cried.

"We love Mama too!"

The twins refused to let go of the heiress now that they were sure that they finally have their mother back in their lives. Both buried their noses deep in Tomoyo's neck, and arms tightly wrapped around her. Tomoyo turned to look at Eriol and gave a teary smile. Eriol decided to join in and kneeled down, gathering them all up in one big, tight embrace.


In the background, Nakuru openly let her tears fall and sniffled at the scene in front of her. "Oh you guys are so cute and adorable and—ugh! I'm so happy I came here!"

"Here you go, mistress." Mori said appearing beside her and handing her a handkerchief. Apparently, Nakuru and the twins weren't the only nosy ones around the house. And the twins' yells and cheers were enough to make the other helpers see what was going on.

Even Sayo and Mori couldn't help but tear up at the scene. They never thought they'd see the day of seeing their mistress Tomoyo back again and now that it's happening, they knew that the Hiiragizawa mansion would be filled with more happiness than it has now.

The dark skies now started to drop little flakes of snow in welcome to the start of the winter season.


Ding dong!

"Yes, yes, I'm coming."

"Good morning, this is an invitation addressed to you and your family."

You are cordially invited to the wedding ceremony of Miss Tomoyo Daidouji-Hiiragizawa and Sir Eriol Hiiragizawa


The sun was up and the sky was bright. The weather was cold but the comforters were thick enough to supply the required warmth for the two people still resting under the covers.

Warm, strong arms were wrapped around Tomoyo's slim waist, pulling her closer as she breathed calmly and steadily, eyes closed in deep slumber. The arms' owner just woke up and marveled at the beauty lying in front of him, his own eyes held peace and love for the other as one hand reached up to trace the perfection he proudly called his.

"Tomoyo…" he breathed with his lips lined in a small, contented smile.

The soft whisper held only a small chance for waking up the woman, but that wasn't his intention anyway, for he only said it to make him believe that all of this was real. His fingers gently raked across her long hair and wished he could be like this forever. His ministrations continued but he lost count of the minutes he had spent, but he did not care as long as he is free to be like this as much as he could.

It was only a matter of time when her eyes fluttered and opened slowly, revealing the sapphire eyes he would never get tired of staring at.

"Eriol…" She mirrored the smile she received.

"Good morning, love."

"Good morning to you, too."

Tomoyo grinned at the messiness his hair presented, quite the opposite of how it usually looked like when he is all dressed and tidied up. And—although she knew her morning hair did not look any better—she still felt giddy that he still looked like such a heavenly god even when he's dressed as such.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked, amused.

"Nothing." She kept her teasing smile and surrendered deeper to the warm embrace.

Eriol placed a chaste kiss on her forehead as he pulled her deeper in the embrace, the intent of letting go still at the far end of his mind. They stayed in that position for god knows how long, but they kept every moment feeling safe and content.

"Hey, what time is it?" She asked.

"6:45. Why?"

"You know, it'll only be a little while before—"

And just as she could finish her sentence, the bedroom door opened and in came two four-year-old children still wearing their own sets of pajamas.

"Papa! Mama! Good morning!" They said in unison. And without even saying it (as the parents have already succumbed in their usual morning routine), they jumped up and tackled the adults on the bed.

Tomoyo decided to tease them by still feigning sleep all the while hiding under Eriol's arms for cover. Eriol saw her intent and just laughed at her acts, but the twins ignored it and just shook her body even more.

"Mama, wake up!"

"Yeah mama, wake up!"

Eriol chuckled and shook his head at the little scene. It took them a few more attempts before Eriol decided to join in and stop Tomoyo from actually sleeping. He too, shook her lightly, and said with an entertained grin, "Love, please wake up now. The twins won't stop until you wake up."

"Yeah mama, we won't stop!"

"Wake up mama, wake up!"

"Come on and wake up now, Tomoyo."

Tomoyo opened her eyes and peeked from under the covers. She saw the twins were already hyper and excited so early in the morning that she felt the grin on her face growing too. She suddenly surprised them by jumping out of the covers and showering the twins with tickles. The twins shrieked and the room was immediately filled with giggles and laughs.

"Mama, stop!—haha—stop, stop!" Aoi chuckled, trying his best to avoid the tickling hands.

Now even Eriol grinned and joined Tomoyo in attacking the twins.

"Ahhh! Papa! Hahahaha! No fair!" Hibiki gurgled.

The twins managed to slide down off the bed and breathed a few seconds until the adults got off too and started chasing the twins around the room. The twins even shrieked louder while running away from their parents who were catching up to them fast.

"I got you!" Tomoyo grinned.

The twins shouted in glee, but after thinking they missed Tomoyo's aim, their father's arm was out and instantly caught them. Laughs echoed across the house that even Mori could only shake his head in happiness for the family.

end of story