Disclaimer: I do not own fable or any of the characters or plot, it belongs entirely to Lionhead studios I am just doing this as this for fun because this is what I would liked to have happened. I am not the best writer and this is my first fanfic so I am really going to try my best, any constructive criticism will be taken on board and will help me to make this better for you guys to enjoy. Once again, thank you if you are reading this.

Chapter one:

Reaver was bored.

He was growing increasingly bored of the endless nights with prostitutes which once brought him pleasure. He wanted to stop this life and find someone who could replace his childhood sweetheart who was taken away from him because of his fear of death. The only problem was that everyone knew what his lifestyle was like, the sex, the money oh and of course the fact that he liked to shoot people for no apparent reason whatsoever. They were all too scared to associate with him, for fear of their own lives.

But there was one girl who did not have any fears talking to the deviant. The queen, Rose. Rose had just led a rebellion and overthrown her brother Logan, and a year after that she had defeated the crawler, a creature of darkness that threatened to destroy Albion. Everyone knew she had taken after their mother, Sparrow. That she too was a mighty hero. No one however knew how lonely she was, stuck in the castle alone ruling over Albion. But this wasn't the first time Reaver had realised that he had feelings for Rose, no. In her early teenage years he had caught her practising with Sir Walter Beck many times, he had known that she possessed hero blood, the same hero blood that her mother had possessed. He had always known that she was destined for great things.

Rose however despised Reaver, after seeing him shoot a man just for protesting about their rights. And then almost being killed alongside her best friend page at the hands of his little 'game' the wheel of misfortune. Oh how she longed to rip his throat out. But no, she had to be the perfect queen. she was always careful to keep her temper at bay because she did have a very short temper and Logan had always known this. He would often have a habit of using the wrong words when talking to her and instantly regretting them when he saw she was furious. Logan too had known that there was something different about his little sister, that she was more powerful than any other girl at her age. He had made it his priority to protect her and keep her from any harm. Reaver sat back thinking of ways he could talk to the queen, to get to know her a little more. He had only had short conversations with her and from those conversations he had deduced that she was a perfect reflection of Sparrow, sarcastic, witty and oh so beautiful. The complete opposite to her brother who was the reflection of their father Lloyd, a normal man, who was neither extremely attractive nor ugly. Just normal, standard and boring. Reaver decided that he would try and talk to her at the upcoming ball to be held in Bowerstone Castle.

Meanwhile, Rose was having her usual nightmares of the night that her mother had passed away. She was there next to sparrow as she passed holding her left hand, Logan the right, Walter and Jasper stood next to them. Then she closed her eyes as if she were simply going to sleep. Of course Rose and Logan knew what had just happened and they held their dear mothers hand tightly, as if doing so would bring her back. It didn't. This was the point where she would always wake up in a cold clammy sweat, and this time was no exception. She woke, startled as usual gasping for breath. She knew that there was no chance of her being able to get back to sleep any time soon so she set about walking around the empty ghostly corridors of the Castle. She'd got to the door of the war room when she heard a light cough inside. She opened the door to find Logan alone playing chess. She remembered all those years before he became king, that his favourite pass-time was chess and reading books.

"Logan, what are you doing playing chess at this time? Are you okay?" She asked softly.

"Sister, yes I am fine. I just couldn't get to sleep so I decided to come and have a game of chess.. I hope I didn't wake you."

Typical Logan Rose thought.

"No, no I just had a nightmare that is all.. All this paperwork is just so hard to keep up with and the stress is just.. Its almost too much to bare.. I don't know how you managed to get it all done AND keep your sanity at the same time. Its driving me insane!"

"Ah sister.. You know if you needed help you could have simply asked me.. I would have been obliged to help you. But just remember, you are not alone. Please do not make the same mistakes that I made."

Rose wasn't quite sure how to respond to him. Instead she just sat down beside Logan and poured herself a goblet of her finest wine.

"Sister..are you getting ANY sleep at all? You've been looking so tired lately..are you sure you're okay?"

"Loggie..you worry too much. I am fine. Trust me."

If only she could believe those words herself. She was not okay. She was having constant nightmares from the night her mother died and the night she defeated the crawler...and Walter. Her thoughts were interrupted by an almighty bang which came from the throne room. Both Rose and Logan immediately and grabbed their weapons preparing themselves for anything. They snook down the corridor and peaked into the throne room. It was Reaver.

"What the devil is HE doing here?"

"Logan, calm down. I shall she what he wants and why it couldn't have waited..just stay here."


Rose walked into the throne room where Reaver was looking out of the stained glass, she walked silently behind him and coughed slightly to get his attention.

"What are you doing here at this time Reaver? Don't you have some whores to bed or something?" Reaver raised his perfect eyebrow.

"Actually your majesty, I do not. I have grown bored of that lifestyle. I think I would like to settle down now." Rose burst out laughing.. Her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"YOU? Settle down? Next joke please Reaver!" Reaver remained silent. His eyes grew sad.

"Your majesty. Although you may not believe it.. I once had a wife, a child on the way too.. But.. I.. I.." Tears started to form in his sad emerald green eyes.

"I wanted to protect them more than anything in the whole world..so I visited the shadow court and asked for immortality.. I said I'd give anything to become immortal..I.. I never realised that they would slaughter the entire village.. I.. I.. I never meant for it to happen I just wanted to protect them!" Reaver burst out crying. He hadn't cried in more than 300 years. But then again. He hadn't shared his past with anyone. No one knew about his past life..what he had done. Rose was shocked at this sudden change of heart.

"Reaver..please calm down..don't upset yourself.. What's brought this on? You've never told me about this before?"

"I just couldn't take it anymore.. I'm sick of living a lie.. The only way to fill that hole was through whores and one night stands.. I closed myself off from everybody.. I was scared of my own emotions for goodness sake! WHAT MAN IS SCARED OF HIS EMOTIONS?" Reaver fell to the floor screaming.

"Reaver PLEASE JUST CALM DOWN! You will wake everybody up otherwise!"

"And now..I think I have found the perfect girl.. I don't even think she likes me. She probably hates me and wishes me dead! I just don't know what to do!"

For some reason which Rose could not figure out, her heart sank when Reaver said he thought he'd found someone.

What is wrong with me? I hate the man! Why do I pity him? Why am I jealous of this girl he is in love with?

Logan was watching the whole scene, becoming increasingly suspicious of Reaver. It wasn't like him to just open up about his past.

He must be up to something. Power? No. The man already owns most of Bowerstone. However he is greedy... I will keep an eye on you Reaver..just watch yourself.

Okay so that was the first chapter.. What do you guys think? I know..I know I'm not the best writer in the world if people like this I will definitely write more! I hope you liked it! Please review and criticise because this will help me make it better! Plus I have some big tests in two weeks so it will also help me to improve my writing techniques!