All characters belong to the brilliant Suzanne Collins.

Katniss' POV

The town square is packed. There are so many people here but so few that I actually know. Today is my mother's wedding day. She has been engaged to Rye Mellark, the baker, for over one year now and as of tomorrow my mother, sister, and I will be living in their house in town with him and his three sons. I really do like Rye but I think he would like Prim and I to refer to him as dad but I just can't do that.

It has been five years now since my father died. He was working in the coal mines just as every other man that lives in the Seam does. There was a huge explosion. I could hear it from my school which was on the other side of the district. I knew right away that my father was dead. At first, my mother was a mess unable to do anything but sleep. That is until her and Rye started talking again. Apparently they dated while they were in school but something happened I am not entirely sure what.

The wedding is about to start I should probably go take my seat. My seat is in the front row next to Prim and the Mellark boys: Evan, Reid, and Peeta. Evan is 23 and is getting married as well very soon. He and I have become great friends already and I know that I won't mind having to call him my brother. The same goes for Reid. He takes care of Prim very well. He's only 19 but I know that he would love to have a daughter just like Prim. As for Peeta… well I'm not entirely sure. He gives me the cold shoulder and we haven't really gotten to know each other. I have a feeling he doesn't exactly like me very much even after what he did for me that one day...

Of course, the only open seat left for me is on the end next to Peeta. I can already tell this is going to be a long wedding.

"Hi everyone!" is all I am able to say at this moment. Frustrated with the fact that I will have to sit next to him awkwardly for an hour plus.

Evan gets up and gives me a big hug and says, "Hiya sis! Where have ya been? We were looking for you but we couldn't find you. We thought you got lost or something!"

I chuckle a fake little laugh and just smile, "No I was just sitting over there waiting for the wedding to begin."

Reid begins, "Well I'm glad you finally decided to join us, Katniss!"

Prim joins in, "Yeah! Aren't you so excited?"

I just nod and take my seat next to Peeta. We meet eyes as we have done frequently. Usually he just quickly turns away like he has done even before his father and my mother were dating but for some reason he actually smiles this time. I actually smile myself getting lost inside those deep blue eyes of his. I think to myself, thank him now this is the time...

After my father died and my mother was a complete mess we almost starved with no money. I went to the Hob which is our little black market in District 12 to sell some baby clothes in exchange for food but no one would buy them. I was so hungry as well as Prim. I couldn't go home empty handed so I went to town to try to find something in the trash. I went to the bakery but then the evil woman who the baker was previously married to, she screamed at me to leave. I crawled away and just sat underneath a nearby tree trying to escape from it all. I heard more yelling inside and what sounded like someone getting hit. That's when he came out. Peeta's face was starting to bruise which I assume was from his mother. He had burnt bread in his hand. He threw one loaf to the pig and two loaves in my direction. I look up at him to say something but unable to think of what before I could he was already backing inside.

That bread saved our lives. It's why we are here today. It gave me the strength to go out and hunt just as father and I used to do so frequently. I still haven't thanked him. I always catch him watching me at school and he always catches me watching him. I zone back into reality when the music begins to play.

The wedding is lovely. We could have never afforded such a thing until now. We are merchants now. Bakers in fact even though I couldn't bake shit. I think our lives are going to be much better now. My mother is finally happy again and we aren't struggling to get by. Now we will have plenty of food.

After the I Do's I start to get up and walk over to where the reception will take place. Peeta gets up with me. He says, "Want to go get some cake?"

I'm so confused. Now he wants to talk to me? After all those years? I guess it has been a while without me saying anything and I must have just been staring at him since he asks again really slow to make sure I understand what he's saying.

I laugh a little before I say, "Yeah."

We eat the cake in dead silence. I feel like he's about to say something but that's when I see Gale, my best friend as well as my hunting partner. I run to him and give him a big hug. "Gale where were you!"

"Oh I'm sorry Catnip my mother wanted me to stay with Posey during the wedding"

"It's fine," is all I say then I realize that everyone is beginning to leave so I say I have to go and that we will hunt after tomorrow. If either of us is still there…

Tomorrow is the reaping, the day when the Capitol picks one boy and one girl from the ages of 12-18 to compete in The Hunger Games. The Games is a fight to the death. The last one standing is the winner. It is awful punishment that we, the 12 districts must endure because of our rebellion against the Capitol which took places ages ago. I don't know what I would do if I was sent in or if Prim was. I quickly put that thought out of mind and walk to my new house in town.

Everyone else is already in bed when I get there except Peeta. Great. I guess he must have left while I was talking to Gale. He's drawing something. He looks up and says to me, "Is Gale your boyfriend?"

What? NO. He is just my friend and always will be. I never will a boyfriend or get married. Never. Why is he asking me this? I did it again. Just like with the cake question I just stare at him. Those blue eyes always make me lose myself for some unknown reason.


"No. Why does it matter to you?" I say with smite in my voice.

"I was just wondering. Good night." He says acting all nonchalant.

He makes me angry. Why would he even think that? I walk downstairs to my new room with Prim. I try not to wake her up as best as I can but I know even if I did she wouldn't say anything. I lay in bed thinking about Peeta starting to talk to me. I try to put him out of my mind but I can't then I remember what tomorrow is. I completely forgot about it while I was wondering what the boy with the bread is thinking. I guess I should try to get some sleep before tomorrow although if I do somehow manage to fall asleep I know I will just wake up with nightmares about being thrown into some far away area to kill in order to live…