AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is episode 4 in the series "The Song Remains the Same", a serialized story written in the episodic style of the original show. It can be read as a stand alone story, and a summary of the story so far will be given at the beginning of this episode. For the full story to date, please read the pilot episode "I Can Never Go Home", episode 2 "Golem" and episode 3 "Prank'd". (Remember, if you have favourited me as an author, you still need to story alert this episode to receive alerts from the site when it has been updated).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND DISCLAIMERS: I should like to offer my grateful thanks to my most loyal supporter for becoming my beta-reader and, as always, I offer my apologies to the writers and creators of Supernatural for my use and abuse of their original material. Allusions to other fandoms will be acknowledged when the closing chapter is posted.