
Note Regarding Sequel:

For anyone interested, there is a sequel that is much more graphic on my LJ page.

I know the rules here around the M content are a bit weird and this seems to be borderline since it is just talk. I am weary of posting the sequel so here is a link to Part 1 of Hard Night under the Office on my LJ page (please, remove the spaces):

http: / darkwingduckie7 . livejournal . com / 2342 . html

Here is the start before the graphic porn. Again, to read the full story of two parts, please visit my LJ page for the graphic content.

After closing the Tourist Office, Ianto made his way back down to the Hub. The team was ready for more coffee (when were they not?) and he knew he would give in to his OCD and clean anyway after he saw another bored day's trash littering the Hub.

He gave Tosh (always considerate) her coffee with a smile since her work area was clean. He was sure she noticed his frustration and appreciated her help.

Owen (bastard, prat, wanker) ignored him while elbow deep in alien guts, he left the coffee on a side table and backed away silently. He really did not want to risk alien guts on his new suit.

The caught Gwen on her way to Jack's office, he gave her both coffees asking politely to pass one on to Jack. He needed to avoid the Captain until the others went home for his plan to work. He wanted Jack to think he was irritated (frustrated, annoyed) and making his lover sweat would ensure he was in the right frame of mind for his "punishment" later.

Once everyone else left and Jack was locking down the Hub for the night, Ianto positioned himself in Jack's office, leaning back against his desk, ass slightly sitting on the edge, arms folded; the paddle he spread out next to him gleaming in the dim blue lights of computer monitors.

Jack grinned upon seeing Ianto, "Waiting to have some fun?"

Ianto, a stern mask adorning his face, one eyebrow raised, spoke in a 'you-are-so-in-trouble' voice, "Not for you."

Jack grinned wider (if that was even possible), "Ooh, so am I in trouble? Will I get punished?" The word 'punished' emphasized with air quotes around it.

Ianto retorted in a tone that one would use to question a naughty five year old with, "Did you do anything that deserves punishment?"

"Uh," Jack's grin slightly faltered and his eyes flickered to the paddle he must have noticed just now. "The dirty talk through the comms. during work hours?"

A sinister smile crossed Ianto's face and he stroked the paddle next to him gently, lovingly. Jack's grin fell, he shifted from foot to foot, gaze not wavering from the paddle, unease dripping from his body. Ianto imagined he could see his lover's pulse escalate on that delicious part of his neck right above the collar bone.

"Downstairs. You have five minutes," Ianto took out his stopwatch, "to take off your shoes and socks only. Then get on your bed, on all fours, lean on your elbows, arse in the air." He clicked the button on top, "Now."

Jack hesitated, gaze moving up, watching Ianto intensely; the stern mask on his lover's face, dominating body posture, and chilling voice. His gaze fell to the bulge in the Welshman's trousers and then moved up to the slight twinkle in his eyes, seeping in through his façade. This was going to be a funishment, painful but worth it in the end.

1 minute.

Ianto observed the emotions play out on Jack's face, eyes moving, taking in the situation; the games they played were the only time the Captain allowed his camouflage to slip. The games were a competition between the two, their battles for dominance. But for any given session, the one who set the rules didn't get fought (unless that was the point).

He watched Jack question about whether he should fight or submit so Ianto scrunched up his brow penetrating Jack with his eyes, right through to his soul. The minor shift in his demeanor sent a clear sign to Jack and propelled him into action as he leapt downstairs.

2 minutes.

Not moving an iota, Ianto secured his dominant persona in place. He tested his glass (not the strongest substance but he needed to watch, to have a tie to the real world so he wouldn't get lost) Dom walls, finding no cracks or fissures.

Jack could be a brat (always testing), he'd never been sure if it was on purpose or just Jack's inability to let go and trust someone else, but if he could maintain control Jack would eventually get lost in the moment, forget that he doesn't trust anyone fully.

3 minutes.

His shoulders square with tension, Ianto knew (hoped) he could break his lover's barriers, be stern but gentle. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, in through his nose, out through the mouth, his diaphragm inflating and deflating in a steady rhythm.

4 minutes.

Shrugging off his jacket, he rolled up his sleeves up to his elbows; shoes and socks appeared neatly next to the desk, the cold concrete floor chilled his entire being. The desire to jump down into the hatch and take Jack rough and fast flooded his system but he pressed it back down into the toy box within his four walls. Control.

5 minutes.

Caressing the paddle, he allowed it to ground him.

Show time.

Ianto was met with the most beautiful sight in the universe as he stepped down from the ladder; Captain Jack Harkness, immortal hero, ex-Time Agent, Doctor's companion, con-man, intergalactic sex god, staying still in a beautifully submissive pose just for him, a lowly teaboy from Newport. He leaned back against the ladder in awe and let the vision flow through him, warping every pore of his being, seeping through the recesses of his soul. The earlier chill was replaced by heat, passion pulsating through his mind and threatening to shatter his glass walls of control.

He had to remind himself to breathe when his burning lungs brought him back to reality. This one moment comprised all of existence; the birth, life, and death of the universe. He grounded himself again; closing his eyes, fingers caressing the paddle, diaphragmatic breathing sending shards of ice to cool his body with each breath.

He let a whisper slip out with a gasp, "Beautiful."

He watched Jack's body shiver at his admission. Blush flushed his cheeks and he had to compose himself again, push it down into the deep corners of his psyche. Remain in control.

He strode toward Jack, slow and calculated movements putting as much power into his body language as he could muster. Jack turned toward the noise but Ianto grabbed his hair forcefully and turned his head back down toward the bed, "No moving, no talking, no making any sounds unless otherwise specifically ordered. This is your punishment and if you take it I will reward you at the end. If you don't, I'll tie you up and make you sleep like that with a hard on. Understood? You may speak."

A momentary hesitation and then a trembling voice (fear? anticipation? arousal?) echoed against the walls, "Yes, Sir."

Ianto stroked the Captains hair gently, his fingers buried deep inside the softness, "Good." Another shiver, he had Jack exactly where he wanted him.

To finish go to: http: / darkwingduckie7 . livejournal . com / 2342 . html