So, that was what Prime and Prowl had been conspiring about. A new gestalt. And they wanted to make a new medic. Of course we told them that preprogramming medics was difficult. It takes a very dedicated mech to see training through to the end and even those programmed and sparked as adults were no more likely to finish it despite having all the coding needed.
Prime had just nodded and said that they were going ahead, the need of the Autobot cause for another medic was just too big and besides even if the mech decides that being a medic isn't for him, at least we will have tried.
Across the office workbench Ratchet is gathering our drawing pad for us to design the frame, and then we'll need to download all our protocols and coding. So much to decide and Prime hasn't given us very long at all.
we had an input into the aerial gestalt to ensure that nothing would go wrong with the gestalt link, but we didn't design them. This is a whole new level of involvement and I can't help but liken it to us planning for a sparkling of our own.
At least we won't need to think of a name, as a preprogrammed he'll be created already knowing his designation.
"Here." Ratchet pushes the pad across to me, the rough outline of several frames and alt modes sketched out. "What do you think?"
"I'm not sure a rotary is a good idea." They tended to be quick to anger and temperamental, and while the alt mode was tempting, a search and rescue helicopter could get to things that Ratchet and I had trouble reaching, I just don't think it would work. The rest were all ground forms, from a small first response mech with the alt of a paramedic motorcycle, to a heavily armoured red cross tank. "I think we might be best sticking with an ambulance."
"Probably, just wanted to know what you thought." He erased the other designs and enlarged our chosen design. "Besides," he added as he added more detail. "We are going to put them into youngling frames, so if he doesn't like it he can change things on his adult frame before he gets transferred."
That was very true. The aerial gestalt had been created as adult mechs and the adaption of sparkling and youngling protocols alongside the fully formed adult coding had not gone very well. So we were trying something else, Prime qould have liked to create this new gestalt as sparklings, but we just didn't have the mechs needed to both look after them and protect them. So they would be sparked as younglings in the hopes that things would mesh better and create a slightly less volatile team.
Picking up my own stylus I leant over the pad and began to add my own input, Prime wanted a medic, we would give him the best designed medic he could ask for.