Here is the next instalment :)

"Bella?" There was a long pause. Only two seconds earlier we'd been messing around in Edward's kitchen, grabbing beers and ice cream before we settled down to watch a scary movie.

But suddenly he was serious.

His voice was soft, almost serene, "I met someone-"

The beer in my hand slipped without me even realising.

It crashed to the tile floor, and I faintly felt the liquid whip up my legs as the glass shattered.

Edward's eyes widened and he dove for the bottle, before beginning to pick up the pieces of glass with gentle fingers.

But everything was going in slow motion.

I couldn't see properly, or breathe.

I couldn't even stand up.

My hands were behind me, gripping the counter to keep myself up.

I sucked in a deep breath, causing Edward to glance up at my shocked figure.

"Bella-" As he began, I felt the sickness churn in my stomach at his regretful tone.

Now he knew how I felt about him, and he didn't want me back.

He had someone else.

My legs moved before I could make sense of my actions.

I heard him call me again, but I didn't stop, I just kept running.

I left his apartment, crossing the little landing to my own as I pushed open the door and ran inside.

I slammed it shut, putting the chain lock on before I sunk to the floor.

My heart, seemed like a parallel to the glass on Edward's kitchen floor, it could never be put back together again.

I sat like that for hours, staring at the wall across from me as endless tears seeped down my cheeks.

Of course, there was also the banging. And the shouting.

Edward had been standing at my door for the past three hours, shouting at me to come outside so he could explain in person.

He seriously did want to kill me.

After three hours, he eventually gave up. Probably convincing himself I wasn't at home.

I got up slowly, moving towards my bed that offered some form of comfort.

I knew I should've rung Alice and Rose, but they'd only met Edward once, they didn't really know much about him apart from what I'd told them.

That was the thing with Edward and I. We didn't mix our friends with each other.

I often talked about Alice and Rose, and he often talked about two guys named Jasper and Emmett. But we'd only ever met each other's friends in passing.

We liked to keep each other to ourselves.

Well… Apparently.

But clearly someone else had gotten into Edward's life. Someone he believed deserved him as a boyfriend, rather than me and the "benefits" we offered each other.

The bed was far too big as I lay there, still in my jeans and shirt from when I'd gotten dressed this morning. The bed was too cold, and I missed Edward's warm arms around me as I slept.

My eyes stayed transfixed on the door, my back turned towards Edward's side of the bed, as I slowly fell into a restless sleep.

The next morning, I woke up groggy and sore.

My eyes were burning from my tears, and my face felt as if I'd been frowning for years.

I got up, heading straight for the bathroom to have a shower, attempting not to think about Edward Cullen.

After I washed, I put on a pair of jeans and a tshirt, before padding my way to the kitchen to attempt to eat some food.

I'd pressed the button on the toaster when I heard the voice from outside my door.


My breath caught in my throat, and I stared at the front door as if it was about to burst open and kill me.

I walked towards it slowly, knowing I wasn't going to open it, but wanting to feel close to Edward even if the door separated us.

"Bella, I know you're in there. I heard the toaster… Please come out… You don't understand, just let me explain." He sighed, and as I reached the door I was able to pin point his voice.

He was sitting down outside my door.

How long had he been there?

I sat down on my side, placing my head against the door and shutting my eyes as I tried to keep the tears at bay.

"Please Bella…"

I didn't answer. It was impossible to answer because my throat was clogged with tears.

A few minutes of silence followed, before a guitar began to strum quietly, right outside.

Edward was amazing at playing guitar, but I had no idea why he was playing it now.

"I met someone a year ago, and she's kinda perfect.

I fell in love a year ago, and she can't even see it.

She'll be my best friend, and one day be mine.

Girl, those brown eyes, they can't see my signs.

The first day I saw you, you took my breath away.

So fair, so beautiful, but I could never even say.

Friends would be amazing, lovers would be better.

You being mine? That is where I'll settle.

So don't be afraid, because I love you girl.

From the first day, to last, even when my time here has past.

You accepted my friendship, you accepted the benefits,

But will you accept my love, and maybe even return it?

I'm scared, love. I'm scared of losing you.

But I can't go on without telling you how I feel.

I don't want someone to steal you, I don't want someone to try.

Because if they do I'll punch them, and tell them that you're mine.

I'll tell you what I love about you, but where should I start?

It's a never-ending list, because you, my love, are a work of art.

I love your taste in music, I love how you read more than you sleep.

Oh, can't you tell I've fallen far too deep?

One sugar in your coffee, two sugars in your tea.

I'll make you endless cups, just please spend your life with me.

You love dogs, and you hate the rain,

I know I sound stupid, I've really gone insane.

I adore every part of you, from somewhere really deep.

I will love you forever, and my heart you will always keep.

So I'm telling you I love you, so much that my sanity's gone.

I'm telling you I met someone perfect, and her name is Bella Swan."

Well, did you guys enjoy?

There was more to Edward's words than was meeting the eye. She just never gave him a chance to explain. So he found a way in which he could make her listen :)

I'm not sure whether to add another chapter of her reaction, what do you guys think?

Please review and let me know what you thought!