This is going to be the last chapter for a while, and I feel SO SO SO SO SO SO SO bad that I haven't updated in AGES. I'm CONSIDERING giving this up for adoption. I have the plot worked out in my head, but I haven't been feeling the inspiration lately, working on my other stories that I'm mostly co-writing, and I'm planning a Hetalia story. This chapter is a piece of shit and so am I.

"I…I never knew…" Draco Malfoy murmured. Harry stood silently, not speaking. Is he talking about the School? Is he a mutant? I can easily take him out if he's not, and most likely I can if he is, they tested me against other mutants at the School, Harry thought. He decided to take thê chance.

"Are you… like me?" He asked.

Malfoys's eyes widened. "No, no, I'm not. My father…" Malfoy's lip curled in disgust. "He… helps at the School. Told me one day I was to succeed him, carry on the family honor. All he and the other pure-blood men do is rape little girls. I think one of them… she was calling for you."

Harry inhaled sharply. Possibilities flashed through his head, Poppy, Angel, Nudge, Max- Nudge.

"What did she look like?" Malfoy's pale blonde eyebrows scrunched up in an effort to remember.

"She… she… had dark skin… er, looked about twelve… You know her, don't you?" He asked, catching sight of Harry's rapidly paling face.

"Yeah," he said, "yeah, I do. Is there somewhere we can continue this more privately?" Malfoy nodded.


So this is 'the room of requirement', Harry thought. He had never heard of it before, but Malfoy had seemed to know it, and seemed positive that no one would overhear them.

While Harry tentatively explained about his time at the School, he noticed that, for the first time Harry had had contact with him, Malfoy did not interrupt him once, only nodding and getting steadily paler. When he had finished talking, Malfoy still did not say a word. Harry was about to wave his hand in front of his face when he felt a hand close sharply over his ankle.

He jumped away, ripping his leg out of the hand's grasp. He automatically stood in a fighting position when logical thinking took over. He took a look at the hand. It was small, tanned, with stubby fingers that were very, very dirty. He relaxed. Behind him, Malfoy had fallen over and scrambled backwards, looking scared. Coward, Harry thought, then immediately felt bad. But only a little.

"Poppy, I know that's you. How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?" He sighed. There came a muffled gasp from beneath the floor, and a little girl popped out of the floor. Poppy. Malfoy, at this point, was making strange little rasping noises, but Harry didn't pay attention to them. He strode forward and hugged her once, quickly, then stood back and gave her a stern look.

"What are you doing here? I told you not to come!" Poppy had the decency to look ashamed. Her lower lip quivered, and her dark brown eyes filled with tears instantly.

"I-I just wanted to see my big brother…" She said quietly. Harry didn't bother pointing out that they weren't really related. To Poppy's naïve eight-year-old mind, any friend was family to her. Poppy had been Harry's first friend at the School.

"Hey!" Said girl interrupted Harry's thoughts, "you're talking! I didn't notice!" Harry just chuckled at her delayed reaction and pulled her into another hug. He had almost forgotten Malfoy, when a nasal voice sounded behind him.

"I'll just… go, shall I?" Harry turned around.

"Yeah, you do that, Malfoy."

"Hey, Harry, who's that? Is he a friend of yours? I don't like him very much. He sounds annoying."

"No, he's not my friend," Harry replied. "I suppose the real question is what you are doing here, but I have a feeling I don't want to know the answer. You came through the walls, right?"

"Yep!" Poppy smiled proudly. "And I lived there, until I found you! I don't need to eat or drink, remember? I can just heal my hunger!"

Harry suddenly wished he had a watch. He didn't know how long he had been standing there, Ron and Hermione had to be worried! Almost instantly, a watch appeared in his hand. He paled as he saw the time.

"Listen, Poppy, I have to go. Just-be careful, alright? I'll try and write a letter to Max to see if they can get you. Don't argue with me. You're not staying here." Poppy sighed in defeat.

"Ok-ay, Mister bossy pants." And with one last hug, she used her skill to sink through the floor, leaving Harry alone in the Room of Requirement.