Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

She was running as fast as her legs could carry her, weaving through many bodies on one of the heavy traffic sidewalks in Tokyo. Being as careful as she could, not wanting to push or run into anyone, Kagome finally spotted the stairs to the train station. Praying she wouldn't miss the train, she quickly jetted downstairs racing for the platform.

"Oh no".

The train was already at the platform with people pouring in and out of it preparing for its departure. 'I have to make it!' Kagome thought to herself. Putting coins into the slot at the mini gate and pushing through it she continued to run, legs burning, showing signs of her exhaustion, Kagome ignored it as making the train was her only goal. Only 10 feet away, the automatic doors came to a close signaling the train was leaving. Kagome stopped running, and just stood watching as her transportation and her only hope to make it to work on time left.

I promised I would not be late again, Kagome thought, as she tried fighting the stinging feeling of tears building up in her eyes.

Her only option was to wait for the next train, which would only be about 15 minutes, and only another 15 minutes till she arrived in downtown Tokyo, followed by a five-minute walk to Yokai, the restaurant where she worked. Kagome sat down on a bench, removing and sitting her black with silver trim mail carrier styled book bag next to her on the crowded bench. She ignored the rather rude look a fellow train commuting citizen glared at her, having to scoot over in effort to make room for the overly stuffed bag. Not only for school books but also used for storing the clothes she would have to change into once she finally got to work.

"Shit" she said out loud.

Again completely ignoring the questionable looks other waiting patrons were sending her way.

Another five minutes to get dress for work, class just had to run late today, I swear…

Getting cut off in her own thoughts she recognized the sound of her cell phone ringing. Rummaging through the overstuffed bag in hopes to locating her phone, Kagome hummed to the upbeat tone of her cell phone ringer. Finding the phone and seeing it was Sango, her best friend and co-worker calling, she quickly forgot her bad luck and cheerfully flipped open and answered the phone.

"Hihi Sango."

"Hey there, you on your way here?" Sango asked with just an equally cheerfulness to her voice.

Frowning, Kagome answered, "Well yeah, I'm waiting on the train, I just missed the one before."

"Oh Kagome… You're going to be late again?" Sango asked with disappointment in her voice.

"Well I tried to make the earlier train, but Sensei Hojo kept us late again, and apparently I just can't run fast enough," Kagome pouted.

She continued on "I really think I have the worst luck in the whole city of Tokyo, Sango".

"Really just Tokyo, Kagome? Why not Japan, or the whole world for that matter? Sango replied with an overly dramatic tone.

"Ha, ha, ha you brat."

"You know you love me…" Sango teased.

"Oh speaking of love, your lover boy is here today, so unfortunately you will have some explaining to do."

"Sango! He is NOT my lover boy, I only mentioned once a long time ago, might I remind you, that he's kinda good-looking…" Kagome whined.

"Kagome, first of all, ew, the whining… just ew. Second, kinda good-looking? Lets be honest here, he's fucking hot…"

"He is an asshole!" Kagome interrupted.

"True he is, but still H-A-W-T. And you're going to have to explain why you're late again."

Kagome knew this was true she had been late two other times this month and promised her boss it would not happen again. Kagome sighed, her boss, Sesshomaru Taishou, restaurant owner and asshole extraordinaire. It really was a shame that such a delicious looking piece of yummy eye candy could have such a sour and bitter center. At first when Kagome learned that Sesshomaru was the owner of Yokai, and her boss she thought she'd died and gone to heaven. Boy, did Kami really have it out for her. Kagome had a healthy fear of Sesshomaru just after one week of working at the restaurant. She witnessed him fired three employees in that little time. Quickly she learned Sesshomaru did not tolerate incompetent employees. Being late three times in one month would be considered, to Sesshomaru, incompetent.

"Kagome, you there?" Sango asked.

"Yeah, I'm here. Just trying to think of an excuse to explain to Sesshomaru…"

"Well it better be a good one, he usually does not accept excuses." Sango reminded Kagome.

"I know. Hey Sango?"

"Yes Kagome?"

" Do you think he'll fire me?" Kagome asked with fear seeping into her voice.

"Actually, no Kagome, I do not" Sango replied not hiding the smirk on her face knowing Kagome could not see it.

Relived just a small amount, Kagome let out the breath she was holding after asking that dreaded question.

"Why do you think that?" Kagome pondered aloud.

"Oh… just a feeling I have." Sango answered smirk still in place.

"Well, I really hope your right, if I have to go home tonight and explain to my mother I was fired from the easiest, highest paying job I have ever had, she will be pissed". Kagome said.

"Well I hope I'm right also, listen my break is almost up I gotta go Kagome, see ya when you get here!"

"Ok, Sango see ya soon." Both saying their goodbyes, Kagome flipped her cell phone closed and put it back into her bag.

Just soon after, the next train arrived. Trying to ignore her anxiety and be more productive, Kagome quickly went though a mental list of excuses she could used to defuse Sesshomaru when arriving to work late once again. Sorting through this mental list of excuses, she realized none would due, her morals just always had to get in the way. She just hoped the truth would be good enough for Sesshomaru not to fire her.

Man that would really suck. Kagome whined inwardly to herself. Finally loading onto the train, the doors close signaling the train's departure.

Well here we go. Kagome thought.

Yokai was the ever-popular trendy, yet elegant, restaurant located in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo. With an abundance of delicious restaurants and hot nightlife, known for posh atmosphere and wide variety in cuisine, from pricey beef to exotic fugu. Sango worked as a server at Yokai making great money, allowing her to live in Tokyo. She rented a sweet apartment with her roommate Kikyo. Kagome was one the hostesses who made decent money but decided to live at home with her mother and little brother Souta while she was attending the university. Kagome was a perfect fit for a hostess at Yokai; she was always smiling and pleasant. She was always willing to go out of her way to make anyone's dining experience more enjoyable. She loved the fact that she got to work with her best friends and the money wasn't bad either.

Finally reaching her destination Kagome rushed down the busy sidewalk towards Yokai, eying the Shinjuku Gyoen, a large public garden, which was directing across the street from Yokai, Kagome started to get nervous.

Please, let him be in a somewhat okay mood today… Kagome silently plead to herself.

Heh, is that even possible?

Scrunching up her nose at her negativity Kagome raced across the street and entered the building with the beautiful gold letters that read "Yokai". Kagome always thought it was a bit cocky to name the restaurant after his own species but he owned the place, not her.

Feeling the cold gush of air that welcomed Kagome to work, she quickly scanned the restaurant for the dreaded owner. Taking another moment to again appreciate the amazing décor of the establishment, soft gold walls, black lacquer tables and chairs and thick cushy white carpeting with metallic gold thread woven through out it. But even more impressive, was the heavily detailed hand painted fresco that adorned the vaulted ceiling, with beautiful images of magical creatures, which were almost all extinct. Not seeing Sesshomaru only relived Kagome for an instant knowing she will eventually have to explain why she is over a half an hour late. Power walking past the ladies and gentlemen's restrooms where there was a third door for "Employees Only" where the lockers were. Kagome had to change cloths and freshen up.

Finding her locker which she did not even bother the put a lock on, she open it up taking out her package of baby wipes she kept to wipe off any dirt and sweat before changing. Stripping off her black tank top and kaki shorts, Kagome open up her overly stuffed bag and took out her new "work uniform", she purchased the other day when she and Kikyo went out shopping. Hanging on the locker door hoping any loose wrinkles will manage to fall out. Still going though her bag taking out a pair of patent black strappy backless sandals, which sat on a high three-inch stiletto, heals. The sandals were similar to Kagome's feet, small and delicate. Taking out the hairbrush she always kept in her locker, she quickly ran it through her long, slightly wavy locks, removing any tangles. Removing her "work uniform" from its hanger giving it an once-over and deciding it traveled better then she did. Kagome slipped on the black chiffon dress that ended just above her knees. The dress hugged the top half of Kagome's curves showing just a peek of moderate cleavage. Once it passed Kagome's waist it flowed out beautifully. Not needing hose since her legs were lightly tanned and smooth Kagome slipped on her shoes. Walking over to the full-length mirror, which was at the end of the lockers Kagome gave herself a look-over. Pleased with the way she looked in the dress Kagome opted to add two finishing touches, one quick coat of mascara that enhanced her rare blues eyes and some cherry flavored lip-gloss to make her soft yet full lips shine.

"Wow, Kikyo really does have great taste in clothes, I look pretty darn good" Kagome said out loud.

Cramming her bag into the locker took Kagome longer then she expected. Finally getting the locker door to stay shut, Kagome just stood there staring at the locker and mouthed a silent 'Wow'. Shaking out of her daze, Kagome quickly left the locker room.

Heading towards the hostess area, Kagome spotted Inuyasha who was currently chatting with Sango. Inuyasha was the restaurant's manager, her friend and Sesshomaru's younger half brother.

"Hi Inuyasha, hey Sango" Kagome greeted the couple with a smile.

"Hi girlie, glad you finally made it." Said Sango.

"Yeah…" Kagome frowned.

"Kagome glad you're here." Inuyasha spoke.

Resuming her smile, Kagome asked, "What's up Inuyasha?"

"Same shit as always, still trying to remove the stick out of your boss's ass and trying to coordinate this year's annual Employee Appreciation Party." answered Inuyasha.

"Party?" Kagome questioned.

Sango took the liberty of answering, "Yeah, we had one last year a couple of months before you started, it the one time we can actually eat and drink the shit we serve here…"

"Shit?" Inuyasha looked insulted.

"Well, you know what I mean Inuyasha." Sango stated.


"Well..." Inuyasha continued. "It's going to be this Friday night and every employee is invited of course, plus one guest if you choose, a couple of investors are invited as well."

"It'll be fun Kagome, it was last year." Sango smile.

"Sounds like it, I'm excited"

"Great, well your officially invited, now that's taken care of…Oh! Kagome your wanted in Sesshomaru's office, sorry to be a buzz kill." Inuyasha said.

Smiling and reaching on her tippy-toes to tweak one of Inuyasha's adorably cute puppy-dog ears Kagome replied, "No worries Inuyasha, it's my fault. Sesshomaru is pissed I'm late again huh?"

"You got it, and wench what did I say about petting me!"

Completely ignoring Inuyasha's threat Kagome lowered her head and quietly whispered something sounded like "Fuck…"

Both Sango's and Inuyasha's eyebrows rose when they heard the vulgar word escape Kagome's lips. Usually Kagome was on her up most, best behavior at work.

Kagome looked up gauging her friends' reactions. "Sorry guys, I just don't want to get fired, I really like this job," pouted Kagome.

"Your our best hostess Kagome, always such a great attitude. You think the bastard doesn't realize this? He just is being a dick, Kagome, because he can." Explained Inuyasha.

"Seriously, don't worry Kagome go let lover-boy have his power trip so we can discuss important matters, like what we are going to wear to the party Friday night." Sango added.

Shooting daggers at Sango for the 'lover boy' remark in front of Inuyasha, Kagome desperately willed herself not to turn red as a tomato.

"Lover boy? Sesshomaru? You girls are fucking gross!" Inuyasha overly dramatized.

"Inuyasha you have such a way with words you know that?" Sango asked.

"Heh, whatever."

Kagome rolled her eyes at the two, "Ok, I'm going to get this over with I guess, see you two later." Kagome waved and walk towards the back of the restaurant and upstairs to Sesshomaru's office.

Making her way upstairs, Kagome thought about Sesshomaru, her uptight and arrogant boss. 'Does that guy ever have any fun? Or smile?' Kagome thoughts wondered. Kagome was sure even Sesshomaru could let loose every so often, she figured he was just serious, really serious, when it came to his restaurant.

Reaching the top of the stairs, walking past the large dining area, which was reserved for large parties and VIPs. Kagome went down a hall to the very end where Sesshomaru's office was located. Walking up to the large black door, taking a deep breathe then slowly letting it out, Kagome picked up her head and corrected her posture. If she was going to get canned, she was going to canned with pride and dignity. Work wasn't her only priority in life, dammit. School was important! Rolling her eyes at her own mental 'pep talk' she finally reached up and softly knock on the door. Waiting for an answer Kagome just stood there. After about two minutes and nothing Kagome was about to knock again when right before her fist made contact with the solid door came a deep and sure "Enter".

Startled for half a second, Kagome slowly opened the large door, turning around to quickly and quietly close it. Turning around to face Sesshomaru's office she noticed he was on the telephone. She just stood by the door waiting for him to hang up with whomever he was talking to. Although he held the phone up to his pointed ear, Sesshomaru's attention was on the female he had currently in his office. She stood straight and tall trying so desperately not to fidget. Giving her a slow once-over, he started at the bottom with her obviously new shoes that made her dainty and carefully cherry-red polished toes look appetizing to the Inuyokai. Working his way up her creamy yet naturally tanned smooth legs, which were on display in her new little black number. The dress clung to her flat tummy and hugged her round perky breasts even better. Kagome never wore a dress before that show off those curves of hers. Sesshomaru inwardly approved. Kagome started to get nervous under Sesshomaru's stare, wondering to herself if there was anyone on the other end of the phone since he had not said one word into it.

Feeling awkward she started looking around the office, which was rather plain in comparison with the rest of the elaborately decorated restaurant. Plain white walls, the same carpeting as the rest of the building and a large black desk, a large black leather couch and two chairs at either side of the desk, one which was currently occupied by Sesshomaru. The only decoration in the entire office was six katanas that were on display on one of the four walls in the office. Kagome always wondered if those katanas were actually used by Sesshomaru back in Feudal days or if he merely was into collecting relic weapons of the time period. Kagome knew Sesshomaru was old but just didn't know how old. For some reason Kagome thought her first guess was right, but would never dare ask Sesshomaru whether to confirm or deny. She was suddenly started out of her musings when Sesshomaru's deep baritone voice filled the silent office.

"I see, that will not be a problem. I will then see you in one hour."

Looking up at Kagome, secretly enjoying the scent of fear she was emitting, he added for her benefit, "Do not be late".

Man I'm really in for it. Kagome whined to herself.

Sesshomaru hung up the receiver and stood acknowledging Kagome's presence. As Sesshomaru stood Kagome got a good look at the Inuyokai, standing at a intimidating six foot something, making her feel entirely too small at her barely five foot. Sesshomaru was sharply dressed to perfection as usual, all black, in what must have been a designer suit although Kagome couldn't recognize the label. She just knew it was worth more then what she has in her savings account. He was not wearing the jacket; it was neatly draped over the large leather chair he was just sitting in. The black silk shirt he had on was just snug enough to know that Sesshomaru's physique was well toned and not overly muscular.

It's just right… Kagome agreed with herself.

His hair was in a very neat and tight, high ponytail. It still went pass his ass, really showing how long the shiny silver tresses really were. With his hair in that ponytail it really showed off his high cheekbones and liquid goldeyes.

Those eyes are so intense. Kagome mused.

"Are you finished gawking Ms. Higurashi?" Sesshomaru asked interrupting Kagome's thoughts.

"Yes, Sesshomaru-sama, please forgive me." Kagome said turning bright red for getting caught staring.

Holding in a smirk for making the young girl blush, Sesshomaru gestured to the chair across from him and in front of his desk "Please take a seat".

"Thank you, Sesshomaru-sama." Kagome softly spoke.

Kagome quietly and as gracefully as she could manage walk up to the desk and sat down in the black leather chair. After she took her seat, Sesshomaru once again return to his.

"We must again discuss your tardiness Ms. Higurashi, this is yet again the third time this month and it is becoming most intolerable." Sesshomaru lectured.

"Sesshomaru-sama I again deeply apologized for the in connivance I have caused you." Kagome responded bowing her head.

"What is the excuse this time? Even though it makes no difference to me." Sesshomaru question.

That fucking asshole… why make me go through this, if it doesn't matter?

Instantly noticing the change in Kagome's scent from nervousness and fear to rage and hatred Sesshomaru lifted a brow in wonder.

Not noticing since her head was still bowed Kagome slowly regained her composure and respectfully answered the question.

"My Sensei's lecture ran long, once again, Sesshomaru-sama, and I wasn't able to make the train, " Kagome humbly replied.

Lifting her head looking Sesshomaru in the eye, a bold move, she continued, "I can promise you it will not happen again, I will speak with my Sensei and explain the situation, so I may excuse myself from class if it happens to run over again."

"You've made this promise once before, and today you are still late. I'm beginning to believe your promises are meaningless. Why should I trust you not to be tardy again Ms. Higurashi?" Sesshomaru asked face still impassive.

Kagome's face said it all, eyes turning from apologetic to pleading. "This is the best job I've ever had, I love the work and the people I work with." Well except for one maybe… Kagome kept that thought to herself.

"Please…I don't want to lose it."

"I see."

I see? That's all I get? Here I am, pouring my heart out just to give this jerk something to torture till his next appointment! Kagome began to fume.

Smelling her rage, Sesshomaru decided that she had enough and knew she was being very sincere. Kagome was one of his best employees and never intended on firing her. But she was still tardy a lot and he was in business to make money, not hear excuses. But he would be a fool to fire a hostess with that dazzling smile of hers and tempting body. As her employer, he had the right to give her a hard time. Since any other kind of 'good time' was just not acceptable to Sesshomaru, her being his employee of course, Sesshomaru inwardly sighed.

"Ms. Higurashi please keep your promise and be on time from now on. If not, next time there will be consequences." Sesshomaru warned.

"Yes Sesshomaru-sama". Kagome answered.

"You may excuse yourself and get to work Kagome, and in about one hour a yokai named Kouga Wolf will be showing for an important meeting, please once he arrives escort him to my office."

Did he just use my first name? she thought.

Shaking herself out of her pondering thoughts again, Kagome answered.

"Yes Sesshomaru-sama, once he arrives I'll bring him here right away."

"Thank you, that will be all".

Kagome stood up, bowed again and quickly made her way to the door wanting to leave the uncomfortable office. Hand on the door's knob Kagome was stopped by the rich deep sound of Sesshomaru's voice.


Again! He used my first name again, she thought

"Yes, Sesshomaru-sama? She replied.

"Your new clothing is quite…pleasing."


Stunned Kagome just stood staring at the door, after what seem like forever, Kagome recovered quickly offering her thanks and left the office fast and extremely puzzled.

"He said what?" A shocked Sango dumbly asked.

Both women were sitting at an unoccupied table wrapping up silverware in means to prepare for the dinner rush. In the early evening, the restaurant was pretty quiet.

"He said my clothes were 'pleasing'". Kagome repeated.

"Holy shit Kagome, he hit on you." Sango said.

"No way! He merely complimented my new dress Sango."

"Is there a difference?" asked Sango.

"Umm. Yeah there is, a big one too".

"Even for Sesshomaru to compliment someone, a woman, even, its just so…so fucking unbelievable!" Sango said, arms flaring up.

"I know!" blushed Kagome.

"Thank Kami you wore that new dress today Kagome, maybe it's what saved your job..." Sango said with a smirk.

"What's with those looks Sango? I have noticed it by the way." Kagome interrogated.

"What do you mean?" Smirk still there.

"When we talk about Sesshomaru you always try to hide this little smile of yours, like you know something I don't" Kagome stated.

She continued "I mean hell, when you talk about your own boyfriend you don't have that goofy looking smile of yours half as much."

"Who's getting more of my dearest Sango's smiles then her beloved boyfriend?" Miroku asked pretending to be crushed, while walking up to the table to two girls sat at.

"Hi Miroku, what you doing out of the kitchen?" Kagome playfully asked.

Leaning down to hugged Sango like he hadn't seen her in years, the dark haired cook with the violet eyes, answered. "I had to get out of that hot ass kitchen before I died of heat."

"Guess what babe" Sango said to Miroku.

"Yes my darling?"

"Sesshomaru told Kagome today she looks hawt!" Sango quickly said in a rush.

"Oh really?" Both of Miroku's eyebrows were plastered to the top of his forehead.

Playfully swatting at Sango's arm, Kagome intervened. "No, he did not!" Her blush that was fading away and just came back full force.

"Oh?" was Miroku's response looking confused.

"Ok well maybe he didn't use those exact words but they have the same meaning", explained Sango.

Kagome just stared at Sango. "Not even close, anyways Miroku, he said… well he said my new clothing was 'pleasing'."

Miroku looked away as though he was pondering, putting his hand up to his chin giving something intense thought, coming to a conclusion he looked up at Kagome.

"Sesshomaru thinks your hot."

"You fuckers…" Kagome grumbled.

Both the server and cook laughed it up…

About an hour later Kagome was alone in the front of Yokai, in the hostess area, near the front door. She would occasionally sit some early birds and take reservations, giving her time to revel in her own thoughts. She thought about her best friend and her best friend's boyfriend. They were such a great couple and always had so much fun together. Plus they had one benefit to their relationship, sex. Kagome, who once vowed to wait for true love, felt as though Kami was testing her patience. Her hormones were constantly taunting her; driving her insane. Especially when she first started working at Yokai. She found herself getting flustered when she would see Sesshomaru and would blushed easily. Kagome learned to keep her emotions in check by meditating when she learned one day in a causal conversation with Inuyasha, that Inuyokais could smell emotions such as, lust. Kagome was mortified that she may have revealed something so personal and private.

Looking up from the evening's reservation list Kagome saw a very attractive and well-dressed yokai walk in the building. He was wearing a wonderfully tailored navy suit setting off his royal blue eyes. His thick dark hair was tied back up in a high ponytail similar to Sesshomaru's just not as long. As he got closer, Kagome smiled at him.

"Welcome to Yokai," she cheerfully greeted him with her warm smile.

Looking up at her, he flashed her a brilliant smile of his own. "Thank you".

"Will you be dining alone? Or would you like to the wait by the bar for your party?" Kagome asked.

"I'm afraid I'm not here to dine, I have an appointment with Mr. Sesshomaru Taishou, my name is…"

"Kouga Wolf, Sesshomaru-sama is expecting you." Kagome finished for him still smiling at the attractive demon.

"May I escort you to his office Mr. Wolf? It's on the second floor of the building," Kagome explained.

"Of course, and please call me Kouga, and may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

"Kagome Higurashi" she offered.

"Well Kagome shall we?"

Kagome smiled at Kouga with a hint of a blush on her cheeks, and led the way to Sesshomaru's office. Kouga purposely 'followed' Kagome to take advantage of the view. He so wanted to run his hands up those lethal legs of hers. Approaching Sesshomaru's office door, Kagome straighten and politely knocked on the door, waiting for a reply.

She received the usual "enter", opened the door and announced Kouga's presence.

"May I offer you something to drink Mr. Wolf?" Kagome asked Kouga.

"No thank you Kagome, and again please its Kouga" He smiled.

She tried hard not too, but failed and blushed.

"Of course, I'm sorry, Sesshomaru-sama may I get you something?"

"No, that will be all Ms. Higurashi, go and prepare for tonight's dinner rush." Sesshomaru replied.

"Yes Sesshomaru-sama." Kagome said, slightly disappointed that Sesshomaru didn't use her first name again. She thought maybe she was breaking new ground with him.

Bowing, Kagome backed her way to the door and quietly left the two demons alone.

"Tell me your fucking that hot piece of ass you have for a hostess Sesshomaru" Kouga inquired.

"You are crude as ever Kouga." Sesshomaru said, rolling his eyes.

"Well I need to know." Kouga told Sesshomaru.

"Oh why is that?"

"Because if your not, I'm going to ask her out." Kouga gleamed.

"You will not." Sesshomaru quickly spat out, getting irritated.

"Oh, so you are doing the hostess, damn you are a lucky bastard, she looks like she loves to please too…" Kouga trailed off, thought drifting to a fantasy world where he was the only male left on planet earth.

"Enough. You're here for business might I remind you." Sesshomaru stated.

"Yeah, you still the uptight douche bag as always Sesshomaru." Kouga informed.


A few hours later Yokai's dinner rush was going rather smoothly. The place was packed. People were enjoying their evening out with family, friends, drinks and food. Kagome was very busy greeting and sitting people. Servers were busting their asses taking orders and getting food out, the quicker you get food in empty stomachs the larger the tip. Kagome really loved her job and was so thankful she didn't lose it; she was a people person, so the job really did fit her. Plus she was hoping she was getting on Sesshomaru's good side, if such a place even existed, but maybe the comment on her new dress was proof that it did. Looking up from her reservation book she eyed Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was making his rounds, ensuring that folks were enjoying their meals, made his way over to Kagome.

"How you doing Inuyasha?" Kagome asked the hanyou.

"Feh, ok I guess, no complaints yet and the new menu items seem to being going fairly well, so hopefully fuckface gets off my ass, how you doing tonight?" Inuyasha returned the question to Kagome.

Laughing she answered, "I'm doing great, Sesshomaru didn't fired me and no reservations have been screwed up."

"I told you, he wouldn't fire you, you're the best hostess we have."

"Thanks Inuyasha…"

"Plus I heard the bastard said you're hot." Said Inuyasha, who almost burst into laughter.

Turning red, Kagome quickly defended herself. "He didn't, he just complemented my new dress."

"Wow that coming from the cold-hearted bastard is practically a marriage proposal, besides isn't he your lover-boy?" This time he couldn't contain himself; he erupted in pits of childish laughter.

"I'm going to clock you after work, you know that?" Kagome as she tried to control her state of blush.

"Feh whatever, you wenches can't take a joke." Inuyasha mumbled walking away with a goofy smile still on his face.

Time passed and business seem slow down with it, Yokai started to clear out, only a few people were finishing up their meals. Kagome made her way over to the bus station to see how Sango faired tonight. Before she could take one step away from the hostess area she eyed Sesshomaru and Kouga heading her way. Sesshomaru was looking around making sure every employee he had was busy with something or another and Kouga was looking dead at Kagome with another million-dollar smile on his face. Reaching Kagome, the two demons stopped and looked at her. Feeling her cheeks staining pink, Kagome took a silent breath to calm herself.

"How was business this evening Ms. Higurashi?" Sesshomaru inquired.

"We were very busy tonight Sesshomaru-sama, the dinner rush went by rather smoothly".

"I see," was Sesshomaru's response.

"Will Mr. Wolf be dining here this evening Sesshomaru-sama? I'm sure we can set up a table to his liking." Kagome respectively asked.

"Thanks for asking Kagome, but I'm not hungry. This was just another business meeting," looking over at Sesshomaru he continued, "A rather successful business meeting, I might add".

"Indeed, I look forward to your ideas about expanding Yokai, Kouga," Sesshomaru said.

"Maybe this Friday, at the get together you're having. Kagome, will you be attending?" Kouga asked.

Feeling both demons' stare on her, she concentrated on not blushing, then answered "Well I just got the invitation tonight, but yes I will be attending," she answered.

"Inuyasha's leaving everything to the very last minute I see…" Sesshomaru said with the irritation evident in his velvety smooth voice, it always took Kagome effort not to get lost in that ridiculously rich voice of his.

Mmm, rich like desert she thought.

"You may bring one guest," Sesshomaru stated to both Kouga and Kagome.

"Well I think I'll be attending solo on Friday" Kouga answered, giving Kagome a rather suave look that did not go unnoticed by Sesshomaru.

"Ill be attending on my own as well" Kagome added, since her friends worked here and were already invited and she was single there was no point to RSVP for more then one person.

"Hn" coming from Sesshomaru.

"Well then, Kouga I shall see you on Friday" Sesshomaru said with irritation still in his voice.

Kagome was confused by Sesshomaru's disgruntled attitude, figuring he would be in a somewhat better mood considering the business meeting seemed to go so well. Deciding that she better be polite she said her farewell to Kouga.

"It was nice to meet you Mr. Wolf, I…I mean Kouga, we look forward to seeing you at Friday's party." She said smiling then bowing.

"It was nice to meet you as well Kagome, goodnight." with that Kouga turned and left Yokai.

Kagome, who was still smiling, looked up to see Sesshomaru's elegant eyebrow raised.

Removing the dumb smile off her face, Kagome dropped her head and then politely asked Sesshomaru a question.

"Sesshomaru-sama, will you be attending the Yokai's annual employee appreciation party this Friday?" Looking up Kagome waited for an answer.

"Well Ms. Higurashi, what kind of employer would I be if I did not attend?" Sesshomaru answered Kagome's question with one of his own, with the barest of smirks showing.

Feeling silly for even asking Kagome blushed and said "of course".

"Well I better go help the others with closing chores" bowing, she left Sesshomaru to get to work.

Sesshomaru watched the tiny human female walk towards the kitchen; he especially paid close attention to the slight sway of her hips when she moved. He had a distinctive feeling his boasted discipline and control he mastered for years was on the verge of breaking.

This year, this Sesshomaru will indulge Sesshomaru thought.

A/N- This story is my baby, and I am aware that there's errors (especially the tense) I will be editing (Slowly) as time permits. But in the mean time I'll share.

If you spot a big error, please point it out, I'd be extremely grateful ;-)

Thanks for reading {Take Care.}