I know, I spoiled the ending in the summary... But you're all reading this for the smut anyway! The prompt is actually the last chapter. I hope you enjoy!

"Shh! You're gonna wake my parents up!" Blaine said, catching his breath before engulfing Kurt's cock into his mouth once more

"Maybe if - if you'd stop - uuunng - teasing I'd come faster!" Kurt responded as he was fisting the sheets of Blaine's bed. Blaine hummed in agreement and that only made Kurt writhe even more.

Blaine bobbed his head a few times more as he sucked around Kurt's length. Kurt then came with a moan and Blaine swallowed around him with a practiced ease. When he felt that his cock was soft again, Kurt pulled his boyfriend up until he was able to kiss him. He moaned again, tasting himself on Blaine's tongue.

"My turn now..." Kurt whispered as he tried to reach for Blaine's pants. He let his hand crawl under the elastic band of the sweat pants Blaine was wearing as he hungrily nipped at Blaine's earlobe.

"Not wearing underwear... Interesting..." He murmured against Blaine's neck as his hand made contact with Blaine's erection and pulled it out of the pants. He slowly stroked it, wanting to make Blaine beg for it. He licked and kissed the one spot on Blaine's collarbone he knew would turn his boyfriend into jelly.

"Kurt, please!" Blaine groaned as he took a hold on Kurt's bicep.

"Please what?" Kurt responded with a chuckle.

"Just -"

But Blaine couldn't finish his sentence because Kurt's thumb made a pass over Blaine's head, gathering pre-come, making his grip more slick. Kurt's lips were then on Blaine's and his tongue was already making its way inside the other boy's mouth, licking. Blaine could only suck lightly on it as he was trying not to make noises, scared to wake his parents up.

Kurt's hand was moving faster and faster and Blaine started to thrust his hips in a jerky way. He let out a loud moan into Kurt's mouth.

"Shhhh" Kurt warned as he stopped kissing him only to shower his jaw and neck with tiny pecks.

"Kurt - I - I need..."

"Shhhh..." Kurt repeated "It's okay sweetheart. Just come. I've got you"

Blaine bit his lips as he fell over the edge, trying to be as silent as possible as he was coating Kurt's hand with white strips of semen.

Kurt wiped his hand with a tissue from the box on the bedside table under his boyfriend sleepy gaze and snuggled down again, laying his head on Blaine's chest.

"I love you" Blaine confessed for what he felt was the millionth time.

"Love you too" Kurt responded, sleepily "I'm going to miss this" he added.

A few minutes later, Kurt was asleep. But Blaine was fully awake, thinking of Kurt's words...

"I'm going to miss this" he had said

Miss this...

Prom had passed. Finals were on their way. Kurt was leaving for New York in three months. Blaine was staying in Ohio to finish high school.

That night, Blaine didn't sleep at all.

Two weeks later, Kurt was sitting in the Lima Bean, waiting for Blaine. They took separate cars to get there because Blaine wanted to go home and get something before joining him.

Kurt was sipping his mocha, flipping through a magazine when Blaine arrived. He was looking nervous and skittish as he sat down on the chair in front of Kurt.

"Aren't you drinking anything?" Kurt asked when he saw Blaine's empty hands

"Not today..." Blaine said, slowly.

"Aren't you going to tell me what you needed from your house?"

"I - I need to talk to you" Blaine responded with the same slow pace, ignoring Kurt's question.

"Oookay..." Kurt was starting to get nervous at Blaine's tone. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Right..." the other teenager said, avoiding Kurt's eyes. "I - I think we need to stop this..."

"Stop what?" Kurt asked, wondering what in the world Blaine was talking about

"Stop seeing each other..."

"Haha! Very funny Blaine! No, really, what are you talking about?"

"I - I think we - we should break up..." Blaine said with the most serious face in the world.

Kurt's heartbeat fastened. His palms became sweaty. He couldn't have heard right. Blaine couldn't be breaking up with him. Not now. Nonetheless, Kurt laughed. His boyfriend would not do this, right?

"You almost had me!" Kurt said with a nervous laugh

"I - I'm not kidding, Kurt." Blaine said, without emotions. "I really think we should break up..."

Kurt froze at Blaine's words. He felt all the blood getting drained from his face. He also felt cold, as if he was plunged into icy water. And without any more words, he got up and made the straightest line he could to his car.

Kurt drove until the sunset. He drove on the highway, starting to make his way to Westerville without knowing why. He turned around mid-way, still having no clue of what he was doing.

He was lost. He felt empty. He made his way back to Lima, avoiding the Lima Bean, his father's shop, McKinley. He drove to Lima Heights because he barely knew that neighborhood. He needed to avoid places he knew. He didn't want to see anyone and he knew that, at least, Santana was at Brittany's house tonight and she was his only friend from there.

When he could not drive anymore, he pulled into a parking lot and broke down. He started sobbing, screaming the pain he tried to hide and burrow deep down inside of him.

He needed something to fill the void left by Blaine. He needed to fill the emptiness. He needed to forget. He kicked and punched around in his car, mostly on the steering wheel and something fell from the sun visor. The fake ID Sebastian gave him months ago.

He looked at it for an instant and then, he ignited the engine of his car once again and made his way to Scandals.