Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Everything else belongs to their respective owners.


A Daughter of Evil, Wiegenlied of Green fanfiction

"Is it really that far?" Riliane asked Clarith as the two of them went further into Eldoh's Forest. Clarith had brought a shovel while Riliane carried a flowerpot. Inside was a tree sapling.

"Yes," Clarith replied, "We're getting close."

It has been a while since Clarith had stepped into Eldoh's Forest.

"By the way, I'm sorry for cutting your hair," Clarith apologized.

"It's alright. Long hair is hard to take care of. To me, you have done quite a fine job" Riliane smiled at her friend.

Clarith laughed nervously. She did remember that fateful night when she first learned that Riliane was indeed the Daughter of Evil. Clarith wanted to kill Riliane for having her best friend Michaela murdered. But something had stopped her. Something that Clarith is not willing to tell Riliane of yet: An illusion…of a young boy who resembles Riliane.

"So, is this really your friend?" Riliane indicated the flowerpot in her arms. Her head tilted in confusion. It was hard for Riliane to absorb the fact that Michaela was actually a forest spirit who transfigured into a tree sapling after her death in the physical world. But after a long time explaining, Riliane started to believe Clarith's words.

"Yes. Please be careful with her," Clarith started to dig a hole in the ground. "By the way, the brioche that you made is good. Your cooking has improved!"

"R, Really? …Thank you."

Riliane felt like she wasn't good at anything due to her previous attempts, but Clarith said she liked it. Riliane couldn't help but feel a little bit proud.

After planting 'Michaela', Clarith turned to Riliane, "Would you like to say a prayer to Michaela?"

"Eh? …Me?"

"Yes. I'm sure Michaela would like your blessing."

Riliane was unsure of what to say. She had caused Michaela's death. She is not the one to do such a thing like a prayer for the one who died by her hand. But Clarith insisted that she'd be the one to do it. Riliane sat next to Clarith and clasped both of her hands in prayer.

"…Spirit of Eldoh, please let Michaela grow up to be strong. Please guide her during times of despair. May she be…be…"

Tears welled up in Riliane's eyes.

"Riliane?" Clarith exclaimed.

"I…I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…!" Riliane sobbed, collapsing against Clarith's shoulder. Clarith caught her and held her tight. If Michaela were still here, would she forgive Riliane? Clarith cried with Riliane for a while.

Suddenly, Clarith couldn't believe her eyes. Is it her imagination or something more? There, right in her sight was a transparent figure. Is that figure…Michaela? Clarith recognized that same dress she always wore and the same pigtailed green hair. Michaela walked up and gave Clarith a warm smile. Clarith wanted to say something but she couldn't get the words out. Michaela turned her eyes to Riliane, who was still sobbing on Clarith's shoulder.

Riliane continued to lament, "…I'm sorry…I did…a terrible thing to her…she probably hates me forever…"

Clarith looked at Riliane. Even though Michaela was right there next to her, Riliane wasn't paying attention. Then Clarith looked at Michaela. Michaela looked hurt, probably by the fact that Riliane was cursing herself.

Michaela placed her hand on Riliane and smiled. Naturally, Riliane couldn't feel her hand.

"Thank you for your prayer. You are always welcome here"

Riliane stopped crying and looked all around her. There was nobody here but herself and Clarith. Clarith looked as well. Michaela had disappeared.

"…Clarith?" Riliane sniffled, "…what was that?"

Clarith held Riliane and said softly, "…Michaela wants to be your friend."