A/N: So this week is looking really crazy so thought I would post this final chapter of 747 so there wouldn't be a big delay in finishing it up. It's been a blast to write and your comments have truly made my day. I have another story in the works but it is really rough right now so don't if/when I'll start posting it. But will keep reading all the wonderful stories all you really talented storytellers are cranking out. Thanks to of Chuck Nation (Chuck International?), first for the very best story on tv, and now, for keeping it all alive.

Casey saw the front wheels of the plane reach the end of the runway and plow into the dirt. The rear of the plane lurched upward as the front dug down deeply into the muck. And then it stopped ... bounced backward roughly ... and then rocked a couple more times until it stilled.

The nose of the plane was way over the end of the runway and Sarah and Chuck both screamed as they were thrown violently forward. The plane had stopped but momentum wanted to keep their bodies flying. Their straps were definitely going to leave marks this time. But their hands never parted. They were going to be together no matter what. They felt the plane bouncing … then rocking ... and then it stilled.

"Oh, Sarah, baby! Heh, heh, heh! So, AWESOME! We made it! We're still alive! Oh, I love you so much!"

"What a ride, Chuck! We did make it and I love you right back!" They quickly freed themselves from their harnesses and embraced as only two lovers, so very much in love and never wanting to part, can embrace.

In the cargo hold the crate had bounced enough on the initial contact with the runway to break several of the straps holding it in place. The hose connecting the blue liquid to the center chamber broke loose and the liquid began leaking rapidly into the crate. The reversing engines broke the rest of the straps and the crate slid forward. When the nose gear hit it was sent careening along the hold until it hit the front wall, shattering the crate. Blue liquid continued to spill, now throughout the whole compartment. And then the plane rocked back and forth shattering the center chamber. Finally the green cylinder fell and broke, emptying it's contents into the hold as well. The liquids mixed, but because they were not contained they could not reach the necessary explosive pressure and heat. The clean up and disposal would still be dangerous but there was no longer the danger of a catastrophic explosion.


When Chuck had tied up O'Broghlan in the cargo hold he also slapped some duck tape on the wounds in his shoulder and knee. That had brought out some delicious little screams from the terrorist that made Chuck smile. "You are so lucky I'm tying you up and not Sarah, dude. She would have just let you bleed to death … or worse."

"Go to hell..."

"No, no, no," Chuck said, shaking his finger in O'Broghlan's face. "I won't, because I have an angel looking out for me. You, on the other hand..."

Chuck wrapped him up in several luggage straps and hoisted him up to the ceiling with the heavy cargo lift straps that were attached to the ceiling. "Now don't go away," Chuck said with a smile, giving him a good slap on the shoulder which once again brought screams of pain. "Oh, so sorry…." Hanging up there probably saved O'Broghlan from being crushed when they landed as the crate slid right under him instead of collecting him and smashing him into the front wall.


An emergency truck with a ladder to reach the plane's door raced up and several men ran up to open the door manually from the outside. Casey and Morgan were right behind them. Once inside they saw quite a mess. All the mercenaries Chuck and Sarah had captured were tied up to the seats. There were also a couple of dead men, strewn about the cabin. Chuck had tied them all, alive or dead, to a leg of a seat but they had been bounced around enough to cause even more damage ... both to the men and the plane. There were bullet holes here and there and a couple of knives sticking in the walls. Casey had a big grin on his face. Who else but the Bartowski's could wreak so much havoc while being so outnumbered? Well, besides himself, of course!

Security forces came in and began untying the men. Medical personnel were the last to come in and immediately began to help those still alive. There were plenty of injuries to keep them busy for some time.

Casey and Morgan ran up the stairs to find Chuck and Sarah. As they got to the top they saw their friends had exited the cockpit. There they were: in a glorious embrace and a kiss that would have ignited the liquids in the hold below.

"Ungh. Didn't you two get enough of that in Hawaii?"

"Ahhhhh ... so sweet."

Chuck and Sarah ended their kiss and turned their heads to look at their friends while keeping their heads touching at the side. With big smiles they said simultaneously, "Hi, guys. What brings you to Rio?"


The four friends were standing on the runway watching the injured being carted out to the waiting ambulances. When O'Broghlan was brought out on a stretcher Sarah called for the orderlies to wait. She walked over and ran a finger down the side of his face. "Well now ... dearie ... looks like you used another of your nine lives." Using her best pout, she continued, "We just don't get a break to get together, do we now? Well ... sweetie …" now her voice began to harden, "you have a nice life and think of me when you walk ... er, limp around the prison compound." And with that she blew him a kiss before backhanding him across the face. "Bye now, lover."

"Ungh. Quite a woman you got there Bartowski."

"You have no idea Casey."

Sarah walked back to Chuck where, after looking over her shoulder to make sure O'Broghlan saw them, she laid yet another sizzling kiss on her husband.

"Enough you two. Stop doing that out here." Casey sounded annoyed but there was a smile on his face, too. They finished the kiss and looked at him with smiles of contentment on their faces.

"Oh, leave them alone, Casey. If you only knew true love you'd understand."

"Shut up, Grimes!" Then, almost in a whisper Casey continued, "After we debrief I got you two a room at the Arena Copacabana Hotel for the week. But don't tell Beckman."

The other three just looked at Casey in astonishment.


"Ellie, hi, it's Chuck"


Chuck had to pull the phone away from his ear quickly and even Sarah, standing a few feet away, could hear Ellie's squeals of excitement over the phone. What a wonderful, loving family! And it was her family now, too.

"Ellie, I can't talk long but wanted to let you know we are safe. We are in Rio de Janeiro and will have to stay here a few more days." Chuck looked at Sarah while he said this and did his Bartowski eyebrow wiggle bringing out Sarah's biggest, megawatt smile.

Oh, Chuck, I am so happy you are both safe. You had us all so worried!"

"I know and we're really sorry about that. But listen, please go easy on Casey and Morgan. They really couldn't tell you what was going on." Both Casey and Morgan had begged Chuck to call Ellie before they returned to Burbank to get them off her list.

"Well, okay. For you I'll let them off the hook … this time."

"Ellie, I've got to go. Sarah sends her love. See you in a few days."

"Love to you both, too. Get home soon. We really miss you two."

As she hung up a gigantic smile appeared on Ellie's face and she ran to tell Devon the good news. Their celebration together that night was almost as big as Chuck and Sarah's down in Rio!


"Alright everyone. Job well done."

"Do we have any idea what the plan was, General?"

"It's all very sketchy at this point. Juan Jose Bartelono was apprehended in his Miami headquarters a short time ago. It appears he was trying to start a worldwide revolution against both the oil producing, and oil dependent nations. With his vast oil field holdings around the world he would then control the economic world."

"But why destroy Rio de Janeiro? That makes no sense."

"True. But one never knows with these megalomaniacs. All right, team, there will be some clean up work to do on this one so I want you all back in Burbank tomorrow."

"General, in light of their injuries, I think Sarah and Chuck need to spend a little more time here in Rio. This has been pretty hard on them. You can see a few of the injuries they have sustained." The General stared, first at Casey after his comments, and then at Chuck and Sarah who stood close together, with their arms lightly around each other.

"Bartowski's ... are you fit to travel? You don't look all that bad to me."

"Well, General..."

Chuck squeezed Sarah lightly, stopping her from continuing. "No, we aren't, General Beckman. It won't show up in this video feed but Sarah really is hurting and it would be nice to have the time for her to recover and get back to her usual tip-top self."

"Very well, five days and it's back to work in Burbank. Colonel, Mr. Grimes, you will have to pick up the slack in their absence. Good bye."

"Casey, thank you so much and..."

"Don't say any more, you two, or I might change my mind. Come on Morgan, we need to get home."


Chuck awoke with a light breeze blowing through the bedroom. As he did every morning he smiled. He smiled because the love of his life, the most beautiful girl in the world, was laying with him, head on his shoulder, left arm across his chest and legs tangled with his own. He ached to see her smile. Yes, the one that completely melted him into goo the very first time he saw it. And he longed for those same lips to gently caress his.

Sarah began to gently awaken. She loved, more than anything, the feel of laying with the love of her life, touching from head to toe. Sarah could no longer wait to see that electrifying Bartowski smile and have her lips caressed by his. She smiled, knowing he would feel the movement on his shoulder. In the quietest of whispers she said, "Good morning, my love."

"Hello, my beautiful Sarah. I love you."

"And I love you, too. My one and only ... my Chuck."

They moved to lay on their sides, looking at each other and drInking in the wonderful feeling of being together. Sarah stared deeply into Chuck's large brown eyes while he reveled in her deep, cobalt blue orbs. They moved into each other in a gentle kiss which soon escalated into searing passion and they made love with joy and excitement.


A/N: So there you are . Hope you enjoyed it all. Really wanted to kill O'Broghlan at times but thought it would be so much better to let Sarah continue to torment him. And it might lead to something else down the road although maybe the 'bad guys coming back after going to prison' has been done enough already. As always, Thanks so much for reading.