Sorry for the 4 year of no update. A lot has happened and this story kinda fell away, also the fact that I didn't had a laptop played a big part. Thank you for your patience.

While Akihiko drove home he took a few side glances towards Misaki, who was looking in front of him and sometimes he would peek from the corner of his eyes to Usami. The older man noticed that Misaki eyes slowly closed. When Akihiko drove in the driveway he saw that Misaki had fallen asleep completely and so he stepped out and lift Misaki into the house. He was happy that Misaki was back, but he still would have to talk with him in the morning and explain everything. He walked upstairs and put Misaki in his bed. Well hopefully their bed again soon. He tucked his younger lover in and went downstairs to call Takahiro. He dialled the number and the moment the phone was picked up Usami began to talk.

"Takahiro, you are speaking with Akihiko. Misaki is back here and he is sleeping. He is safe and sound and tomorrow I am going to talk with him about him and me. I don't want him to leave and if he doesn't want to either then he is allowed to stay here. Please understand." Akihiko spoke clearly and with care. Takahiro was still one of his best friends and Misaki's beloved brother, but he didn't want to lose his younger lover.

"I want to talk with Misaki myself and hear from him what he wants and what he thinks is the best. I want him to call me tomorrow you hear me Akihiko? I don't want any buts, I want to hear everything from Misaki."Demanded Takahiro. Akihiko agreed, said a quick goodbye and he hang up the phone. He then proceeded to go to bed and lie on the blankets, so that the younger male wouldn't think he did some things or like that. He just wanted to lie in the same bed as his beloved. He quickly fell asleep.

The next morning Misaki woke first and saw Usagi-san laying next to him in bed. He took a moment to look at the men visage and bags under his eyes, like he hadn't slept in a while. Misaki thought that Usagi-san shouldn't throw away his sleep for anything. He quietly sneaked out of bed and decided to make some breakfast for the both of them. Something simple like eggs or something. Misaki went into the kitchen and opened the fridge and was happy to see some eggs in there. He hummed a song while cooking and setting the table for breakfast.

While Misaki was cooking, Akihiko woke up from the smell. He patted the spot where Misaki slept only to see that he was not there. Immediately he was awake and shot up and looked around. Once more he smelled food and he decided to take a look, only for him to see Misaki in his wonderful pink apron making some breakfast. He went to the kitchen and made on purpose his steps loud, so that Misaki could hear him and the younger men did. He turned around to look at the older men and smiled and pointed to the table. He went back to cooking and spoke.

"Nani Usagi-san, you still look tired you should sleep a bit more after breakfast. Also I made food so you could reheat it and eat it. You have to take care of yourself you know."Misaki went on lecturing Akihiko and the silver haired men smiled. This was what he needed, this was what he missed. He laughed softly and Misaki looked at him.

"I will be fine after I got my dose of Misaki. I need you more then anything after all... Misaki.. I want to ask you to stay here with me. I miss you and I love it to have you with me. I also spoke with Takahiro last night and he wants to talk with you. He wants to know what you think and want Misaki. While Akihiko told his lover? Everything, he decided to keep looking him in the eye. "It's probably wise to call him after dinner as he would be worried about you."

Misaki nodded and put the breakfast onto 2 plates. He gave one to Usagi and put one in front of himself. They both began to eat. After breakfast Misaki moved to get the plates, only for Akihiko to take them out of his hands and be told to call his brother. Which Misaki did with a heavy heart. He didn't really want to explain to his brother why and how and what was going on. However he knew that if he wanted to stay with Usagi-san he had to. Misaki dialled his brother's phone number and waited until he picked up.

"Hello, you speak with Takahiro." He heard and Misaki swallowed. "Ohayo Nii-san. Usagi-san told me that you wanted to talk with me."Misaki said nervously. "Hello Misaki and yes I did. Could you kindly tell me what's going on. From the beginning to the end." Takahiro kindly demanded. Misaki told him in great lines what was going on and he sometimes answered his brother's question in between. "So long story short. You lived with Usagi-san, fell in love with the said men. Got told that you should leave because you caused trouble, then you left and went to your friend Sumi, who took advantage of you, only yo be saved my Usagi-san, who then told you to come back because he loves you and told you that you could stay."Surmised Takahiro and Misaki gave an affirmative sound. "Yeah that's about it Nii-san... Nii-san I don't want to leave Usagi-san again. I am happy here with him. So please don't make me leave. I.. I love him."Misaki said softly. He heard Takahiro sigh and then a few soft words... "I won't take you away if he makes you happy... Just call me sometimes okay little brother?" Misaki agreed and said goodbye to his brother before going to Usagi-san.

Akihiko had heard Misaki's part of the conversation and was happy to hear that the younger men still loved him. He walked towards Misaki, who was walking his way. He grabbed you younger men tenderly and softly kissed him. Misaki was surprised, but happy. He told Usagi-san about the conversation and that he had permission to stay. The brunette hoped now that he was allowed stay from the silver haired men too. Usagi-san smiled and said a few words before kissing the younger men once more. "Welcome home Misaki. Know you will never be trouble for me ever."

After that things went well. Misaki had a more platonic relationship with Sumi. They were still friends, but things got troubled between them. Misaki kept his promise to call his brother more often. Akihiko wrote more books, to which Aikaiwa was happy about. And between Akihiko and Misaki... Well things went good. Misaki still shouted and called Usagi a pervert, but Akihiko knew that the younger men loved him. There relationship had there ups and downs, but they were happy together. And most of all Akihiko made sure to prove to Misaki that he wasn't trouble, in fact Misaki found quickly out that he was the muse as more stories came out. They were happy and that was what they both found important.

It's done. Once more my apologies. Hope you enjoyed!