Summary: Sherlock and John switch bodies. Sherlock is unconcerned, John is…exasperated.

P.O.V: John

I walked to our apartment 221B and tried to open the lock with my arms full of groceries. After about five tries I finally managed to get the door open and step inside. After closing the door with my foot I set the groceries on the counter.

"Sherlock! Are you home?"

"In the living room John." came the reply. Sherlock was in his favorite armchair, fingers in that position that he puts them whenever we have a case. He looked up at me with his fascinating eyes and I gulped.

"We have another case?" I asked.

"Yes John I just received a case about a wife being murdered."

"Well then, shall we go old boy?" I questioned.

"No." he replied.

"'No?' Weren't you just complaining to me the other day that you wanted a case because you were bored?"

"Yes, but not a case this obvious. Obviously the husband killed her." Why anyone would want to kill their spouse was beyond me. It must have shown on my face because Sherlock heaved a sigh and prepared to explain.

"He was seeing another woman." I realized.

"Close but not a lit pipe John. He was seeing another man." he explained. I spluttered

"W-W-What? How can you tell?"

"Elementary John, when I met him he seemed upset but I quickly saw through this façade. He was unfazed by her death actually and I asked to look around the house. When I looked around the bedroom I found a bottle of hand lotion, yet when I saw his hands they were chapped. Also, the fact that he was limping helped limiting the options as well." I was shocked and amazed. Here was my sexually inept flat mate, the one who doesn't even notice that I'm in love with him, deducing a man he doesn't even know was cheating on his wife with another man. I felt cheated and angry. How can he see this is someone else but not in me?!

"John, why are you angry?" he asked.

"I'm not angry Sherlock." I replied.

"Your shoulders are hunched, your eye is faintly twitching, and your fingers are curling into your hand."

"Just drop it Sherlock!" I shouted. "I'm going to bed goodnight Sherlock." As soon as I said that I turned away and headed for bed, not trusting myself to look at Sherlock.

Later that night:

I woke up from a nightmare, that for some reason, I couldn't understand. That is when I saw the smoke, and the fact that I wasn't in my bed or my room. Hesitantly I called out. "Sherlock?" My voice was not how it usually sounded it sounded like…"Sherlock!" A voice sounded behind me

"John." he acknowledged. I strode over to him(me-whatever!) and grabbed him by the coat collar. I growled at him

"What happened?"

"John calm down. An experiment went wrong; I can fix it… soon."

"Sherlock this is probably the worst thing that has happened to us!" I exclaimed. "John I hardly perceive this as the worst thing that has happened to us." I jerked him back. "Sherlock I do not possess your intellect nor your ability to piece together information to deduce who did what!"

"Nor do I have your medical knowledge John. We'll just have to make do. Now may I suggest we take a shower to calm our nerves?" he replied. I sighed, exasperated.

"Sherlock we are in each other's bodies and you're suggesting that we take showers in these bodies."

"I can see this obviously blatant fact John; I'll let you go first." After he said that he turned around and walked away. I ran a hand over my (Sherlock's'?) face and through my (his?) hair. I muttered, "Bloody hell." This was going to be a pain.

A/N: Yeah I know short right? Well this is not meant to be a long story (two-shot) and I already have finished the whole thing in my notebook, but I am too lazy to start typing it up. Props go to my friend vampbait16 for getting my lazy butt to type this (only the gods know how hard that is). The next story will be much longer! KitsuneFurry, out.