Hello, everyone.

Yes, I know. I haven't updated ANYTHING in forever. Sorry 'bout that.

But, I've just run out of inspiration. Plus, I got a tumblr (My URL is klainebowsandpercabeth). And I'm currently addicted to it.

So, I most likely won't be updating any of my stories, or posting new one-shots for a while, unless I get a thought bubble from the magical fanfiction fairy.

But, I wanted to let everyone know that I am changing my user to klainebowsandpercabeth, since it is my tumblr URL, and I'm rather fond of it.

(Warning: My tumblr is VERY, VERY gay. VERY.{I'm a big Klaine shipper.} So, just FYI.)

So, once I add this AN to most of my recents stories, I'm going to be changing my user. I wanted people to know who I am!

I love y'all so much, and if you EVER have something you want me to write, PM me, or put it in my tumblr ask box. I'm still writing, just I haven't been able to really finish anything.

Love you guys.

-Emily xo