The New Kids

A/N: Hey y'all! I'm alive… Hahaha..

Long time, no write, I know.. So, I know that I normally abandon stories, (sorrryyyy)

but I have a bunch of good ideas for this one, so we'll see where it goes..


Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace and Nico di Angelo are going to Bailey High School to search for demi-gods, since the satyrs can't handle them all. Join them as they deal with monsters and angry goddesses, while avoiding mortal drama.


Basically, HoO is complete. Percy's back (age: 18), dating Annabeth (18), Thalia was tired of watching all her friends and family grow up, while she remained 16, and quit the Hunters (17), and is currently dating Nico di Angelo (I know he wouldn't REALLY be this age, but I'm going to make him 17). Chiron decided to just say they were seniors, to make things less complicated.

Wow. Long A/N. Let's just get on with the story, shall we?

Annabeth's POV

I squirmed around in my seat between Nico and Percy in the camp van, desperately trying to free myself from the tight space. Argus was driving us to Bailey High School in Richmond, Virginia, 7 hours away from Camp. Thalia and I were switching seats, from shotgun to between the boys every couple of hours, and it was my turn to regain circulation in my legs, and freedom from Nico and Percy, who were currently having a loud conversation about Call of Duty 5. As I climbed past Thalia and into the front of the van, I grumbled, "Have fun." Thalia glared at me.


"YES!", Thalia yelled, as she saw the "Welcome to Richmond" sign on the highway. The cry was met with several responses, such as, "Finally!" and "Thank the Gods!"

We quickly pulled up to the condominium building, and got our room number, 4-B. Argus left in the van, leaving us alone. Thalia and I ran into the largest bedroom, containing two full beds, and our own bathroom, complete with Jacuzzi tub. Nico and Percy were left with the bedroom containing two twins, with a bathroom across the hall.

"Awwww!" I want a Jacuzzi tub!" Percy whined, as he walked into his new room. Nico raised his eyebrow, "Uh, Perce, you're the son of Poseidon, you can make any tub a Jacuzzi tub." Percy's eyes lit up, "I've never tried that!", and ran into the bathroom.


"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!" I groaned and rolled over reaching for the alarm clock's 'off' switch. I shuffled out of bed and threw a pillow at Thalia, earning a loud moan,"Nooooo…. I don't want to!" I yelled at her to get up, then changed out of my pajamas, and into a blue and white striped top and jean shorts. I slipped my feet into my silver TOMS and fastened the clasp on the starfish necklace Percy gave me for my eighteenth birthday. Thalia groaned as she pulled on her gray skinny jeans and black sequined V-neck top. I walked into the kitchen, and opened the cabinet, to find nothing.

"Seaweed Brain! Get in here!"

Percy walked into the kitchen, wearing a gray V-neck and jeans, hair rumpled, "What, Annabeth?"

I sighed, "Weren't you and Nico supposed to go to the grocery store last night? We don't have any food."

Percy's eyebrows shot up, "Crap! No food? Nothing at all?"

I shook my head, "I guess we could just go to Starbucks." Nico walked in, "Starbucks? Why are we going to Starbucks?"

"Well, Death Breath, you and Percy forgot to go to the store, so we have no food."

"Oh. Okay. Is Thalia up?", Nico asked, just as Thalia walked out of our room,

"Yeah Nico, I'm up."

Nico grinned, something very rare, "You look beautiful today." ,and walked over to peck Thalia on the lips.

Thalia smirked, "I don't every day?"

Nico rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean."

Percy cleared his throat, "Well, not to interrupt the love birds, but-"

Thalia glared at him, "Oh, shut up. You think Nico and I love watching you and Annabeth make out by the lake at Camp?"

I could feel the blush creep up on my cheeks, "Anyways, let's get going, if we want to make it to school on time!"

Percy heaved a dramatic sigh, "But Wise Girl, I don't want to go to school!"

I snorted, "Perce, don't whine. You sound like you're five."

"Who said he's not?" I heard Thalia mumble. Nico snorted.

I rolled my eyes, "Well then. Let's get going, shall we?"

After a quick stop at Starbucks, we were pulling into Bailey High School's drive in Percy's beat up Camry. Thank the Gods it was the first day of school, so we weren't the only new kids. I saw banners over tables, saying "First year Bailey students this way!" pointing to some double wooden doors.

Pushing our way through the crowds, we finally got to the office, checking in, and getting our class schedules. We all had the same homeroom, Mr. Bealer; Chiron must've pulled some strings. We found the room, and chose a quartet of desks in the corner.

As Nico plopped down in a seat, he cleared his throat and muttered, "Okay, so on my mark, we create a distraction, and make a break for it."

I sighed, "As wonderful as that sounds, we can't. We have to find the 3 demigods."

I saw Percy raise his eyebrows, "Wise Girl doesn't want to go to school? Gasp!"

I rolled my eyes, "Ha ha ha. Very funny Seaweed Brain."

Percy grinned.

I was about to ask Thalia what she had 1st period, when a tall brunette girl walked up to us,

"Hi! I'm Tara, and I'm on the welcoming committee! I've been assigned to Perseus Jackson, Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo, and Annabeth Chase. I assume that's you guys?"

Welcoming committee? Oh great. Just what I need.

I forced a smile, "Yeah, we're them."

She beamed, "Great! I have almost all of my classes with all of you, so we'll be spending a lot of time together! As a way to meet new people, I was wondering if you'd like to come to my friend Brianna's back to school party on Friday? You can bring friends! It's kind of formal, also."

Thalia and Nico looked like they'd rather let Drew give them a makeover than go to a party. I can't say I didn't agree, but I didn't want to appear anti-social,

"Sure. Sounds great."

I thought it was impossible, but Tara's grin stretched even farther, "Awesome-pawsome! I'll go tell Brianna!"

As Tara left, Thalia chuckled, "Awesome-pawsome? Monster, or just a creepy mortal?"

Percy laughed, "Creepy mortal."

Nico nodded, "Agreed."

I rolled my eyes, "Mortal. No doubt about it."

Thalia scrunched up her nose, "Formal party, really Annabeth? I think I'd rather play Pinochle with Mr. D."

Percy shook his head, "Done that. It's worse than it sounds."

I cocked my head, "Who won?"

"Oh, I let Mr. D win. I didn't feel like being turned into a dolphin that day."

Thalia laughed, "Wow Percy! That might be the first smart thing you've ever done!"

Percy gave her a death glare, "Ha ha ha, Thalia. Really funny."

Thalia grinned, just as the bell rang, signaling first period. We quickly checked our schedules, I had AP Chemistry, and Nico, Thalia, and Percy had math. As we walked out into the hallway, I noticed a bunch of girls, in tight tops, and tiny shorts, staring at Percy. This startled me. I guess, I still saw the skinny, short, pale 12 year old boy I first met. My Seaweed Brain.

Over the years, Percy had grown to 6'3, and had nicely toned muscles. No wonder all the girls stared. Percy was taken, and that needed to be made known.

Before leaving for Chemistry, I walked up to Percy, stood on my tip-toes, threw my arms around his neck, and briefly kissed his lips.

As I stalked off, glaring at the gaping-mouthed girls, I turned my head back, to see Thalia dragging a goofy-grinned Seaweed Brain to math.

I smirked, maybe this wouldn't be so bad…


A brand new school year; grade 12. It's not ideal, but at least it's a break from my dad's awkward "bonding" time. I've been going to Bailey since I was a freshman. It's a tiny school on the outskirts of Richmond VA, where I've lived since I was 14. I live with my dad. As far as I know, my mom is dead. I don't think I've ever met her. The only thing my dad has ever told me about her, is that I am her spitting image. I'm short, and fairly small, with fair skin, and freckles. My hair is naturally beach blond, or as my dad says, "Like living sunlight." My eyes are bright green, like grass on a spring day.

My dad is an author. None of his books have really been a success, so basically, we're broke. I work the night and afternoon shift at Jaime's Café and Bookshop, but it's not close to being enough. My grandparents are paying for my college tuition for 4 years at Virginia Tech.

I wear glasses, and am generally branded as a nerd, because of my good grades. The only reason my grandparents can pay for Virginia Tech, is because of my half-scholarship. Most of my classes are AP, so I'm hoping I'll find a friend or two who can relate.

I walked into my homeroom, Mrs. Marincolly, a young woman, I am guessing in her mid-twenties. I take a seat in the back and pull out a book, A Game of Thrones. After reading for a while, the bell rings, and I shove my book back into my bag, and head for my 1st period, AP Chemistry.

As I walk into the hall, I see a black haired girl, with shocking blue eyes, dragging a black haired boy, with green eyes, with another ebony haired boy, with brown eyes following.

Wow. Lots of black hair.

I see the boy with the green eyes smile, and am instantly mesmerized. I see so much in his eyes. A sense of humor, loyalty, and kindness.

I'm taken aback by myself. Crushing, on a boy I've never met? I don't even know his name.

Oh, well. I'll go say hello at lunch, I guess.

I walk into Chemistry, and take one of the two, side-by-side, remaining seats. Right as I take my notebook and pen out, and tan girl, with honey-blond, curly hair, and startling gray eyes, walks in, scanning the room, and finding the only empty seat, next to me.

As she sits down, she flashes a quick smile, "Hi. I'm Annabeth Chase. You?"

I smile back, "Kaine O'Connolly."

She cocks her head, "Kaine. I like it. Very unique."

I grin, "Thanks. Are you new here?"

She nods, "Yeah. I just moved. You?"


Kaine shakes her head, "No. I've been here since I was a freshman. Where are you from?"

"Uh.. New York City, and San Francisco. My dad lives in California, but I spend most of my time in New York. But I was born here."

"Oh, cool. I used to live in Idaho."

Just then, the teacher, Mr. Anderson, walked in, "Okay, class. A lot of you are new, so today, I want you to make some friends! Socialize. Just don't get too loud."

I turned back to Kaine, "Oh, cool. So, have any hobbies?"

She chuckled, "Other than reading and working at the café, not really. You read much?"

I sighed, "I wish. Mostly, I'm just into architecture. You don't want to get me started on it. My boyfriend, and friends are always complaining about my random fact shooting."

Kaine cocked her head, "Wait, what do you mean, 'I wish?'"

I started twirling my hair around my finger, "Umm.. I'm dyslexic. And ADHD. I mean, I can read all right, but it's just so frustrating."

"Oh. I'm sorry. That must be really hard. You said you had a boyfriend?"

At the thought of Percy, the room seemed to brighten, "Yeah. His name's Percy. He's great."

"How long have you been dating him?", Kaine asked.

"Two years and one month.", I replied, thinking of our first official kiss at Camp.

Kaine whistled, "Wow. Long time."

I grinned, "Yeah. Did I mention we live together?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Eh?"

"Well, we live with our friends, Thalia and Nico, who are also dating."


"Yeah. You have a boyfriend?"

She crinkled her nose, "No. I wish."

"Like someone? Sorry, I don't mean to be pushy. You don't have to answer that."

Kaine tucked her hair behind her ear, "No, it's fine. I guess so. I just first saw him today in the hall."

I put my elbows on the table, and my head in my hands, "Oooooh! What's he look like?"

She grinned, "I don't even know his name. He's got black hair, and these amazing green eyes…. Oh, and his smile!"

I could feel my face fall. She was describing Percy. I knew it..

"Oh Hades. You like Seaweed Brain…" I mumbled.

Kaine cocked her head, "Annabeth? Did you say something?"

I started massaging my temple, "Uh, Kaine. The guy you have a crush on, um.. He's Percy. My, uh… Boyfriend."

She slapped her hand to her forehead, "Oh, Annabeth. I'm so sorry! I just thought he was cute, it's nothing big. I promise, I'm not going to flirt, or anything. I swear."

I allowed myself to breathe. She wasn't serious about him. I mean, she didn't even know his name until 10 seconds ago!

"Uh, thanks."

"So, uh… How do you know Thalia and Nico?"

"Summer Camp. Thalia's been like a sister to me since I was 7, I've known Percy since I was 12, and Nico since I was 13."

"Oh, cool. I think I saw Thalia and Nico in the hall."

I laughed, "Black hair? Wearing all black?"

Kaine grinned, "Yep!"

"That would be them. Hey, we got invited to a party earlier, and she said we could bring friends. Wanna come?"

Kaine raised an eyebrow, "You, want me to come?"

I cocked my head, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, I'm not exactly what you'd call cool."

I chuckled, "And I am?"

Kaine shrugged, "More than me. I mean, it's not like I care, but I've never really been to a party."

"Neither have we. I mean, unless you count parties at Camp. But everyone's invited to those. And they're not like real parties. We play Truth or Dare and have bonfires."

"That's more than what I've done."

I rolled my eyes, "Are you coming or not?"

Kaine bit her lip, "I guess. What should I wear?"

"The girl who invited us, Tara, said it was semi-formal. I guess a party dress, or something."

She nodded, "I don't even know if I own a party dress."

I shrugged, "I only have one. My step-mom bought it for me. She's into clothes and stuff. I think Thalia's probably going to have to buy one."

Before Kaine could respond, my phone vibrated in my blue North Face backpack. After we saved Olympus, Hephaestus created copies of the iPhone that monsters couldn't track for all the demi-gods. Most of us had them.

I pulled my phone out of my bag, and slid it open, reading the text:

From: Seaweed Brain

I'm borrrrrrrrreeeeedddd….. Help meeeeeeee

I laughed, of course Percy would be bored.

Kaine raised her eyebrow, "Who's that from?"

I gave her my phone, letting her read the text message.

She cocked her head, "Who's Seaweed Brain?"

I laughed some more, "Oh, that's my nickname for Percy. He's Seaweed Brain, I'm Wise Girl. We all have nicknames at Camp."

"Is there a reason for the nicknames?"

I hesitated, "Um.. Not really."

The bell rang, and Mr. Anderson clapped his hands, "Okay guys, I want a paragraph about yourself on my desk tomorrow. Class dismissed."

We all filed out of the room. I checked my schedule:

2nd Period: Study Hall

I turned to Kaine, "What's your 2nd Period?"

She read her schedule, "Study Hall."

"Cool, so is mine. I'm going to go check with Percy, Thalia, and Nico, I'll meet you there."

I walked up to my friends, who were standing next to the math room, Thalia and Nico, hand in hand.

"Hey guys."

Percy's face lit up in a grin, "Wise Girl!"

Nico nodded, and Thalia muttered a "Hey Annie."

I slid my hand into Percy's, "So, what class do you guess have next?"

Thalia pulled out a crumpled schedule, "Uhhhh….. I have Study Hall."

Nico nodded, "Same."

Percy looked at me, "What do I have?"

Thalia raised her eyebrow, "Why do you have his schedule Annabeth?"

I smirked, "Well, we all know he'd lose his."

Nico shrugged, "She speaks the truth."

I dug around for Percy's schedule, "Study Hall. Cool, we all have the same class. Oh, and there's a girl I want you to meet. Her name's Kaine. I invited her to come to the party with us. She's really sweet. I think you'll like her. She's in our next class."

We all started walking to the library, eventually finding the large book-filled room. I pointed to the small blond girl, sitting in the corner reading.

"That's Kaine. She likes to read, and is really quiet. She's kind of a loner. Demi-god material, maybe a daughter of a minor god or goddess."

"Well, sounds like you've already gotten to know her. We could invite her to sleep over Friday to squeeze more information out of her.", Thalia mused.

I nodded, "That's what I was thinking."

"Can we stop talking about it and just go meet her?", Nico complained.

I sighed, "Sure, Nico. Let's go."

We walked over to Kaine, and I tapped her on the shoulder, "Hey Kaine."

She looked up, and smiled, "Oh, hey Annabeth."

I gestured to my friends, "This is Percy Jackson," he waved, "Nico di Angelo," Nico nodded, "and-"

"I'm Thalia Grace. Hi.", Thalia interrupted.

I rolled my eyes, pointing to Kaine, "Everyone, this is Kaine O'Connolly."

Kaine smiled shyly, "Hi, guys. Nice to meet you."

Percy grinned, "Hi Kaine. Annabeth said you were coming to that party on Friday, right?"

She nodded, "Yeah, Annabeth invited me."

Thalia groaned, "Did she mention it's formal? I don't own anything formal except for that pink floofy thing Aphro-, Aunt Aphy sent me. And I am never wearing that thing."

Nico shuddered, "Good, I'm definitely not dancing with you if you wear that."

Thalia rolled her eyes, "Shut up, Death Breath."

"Make me, Pinecone Face.", Nico snapped, and he snatched up Thalia's hand.

Thalia rolled her eyes, and briefly kissed Nico's lips.

Percy snorted, "You guys sure have a strange way of showing affection."

Nico raised his eyebrow, "And you and Annabeth don't? I can't count how many times you two have gone from screaming at each other to make-out sessions."

I felt my face turn pink, "And, that's the end of this conversation." I turned around to see Thalia and Kaine, literally rolling on the floor laughing.

Thalia sat up, breathing heavily, "I like that chick… She passes my test..",

She stated, pointing at Kaine, "How 'bout she spends the night after the party?"

Percy and Nico shrugged, "Sure."

I nodded, "So, Kaine, do you want to spend the night Friday?"

Kaine bit her lip, "Uh, sure. I'll have to check with my dad, but I'm pretty sure he won't care."

Percy sighed, muttering, "Lucky."

Thalia, Nico and I nodded. We could only hope to have two parents who consistently cared.

Kaine cocked her head, "How so?"

Percy's head jerked up. He must not have noticed that Kaine had heard his mutter, "What?"

"How so am I lucky?"

Percy twisted up his face, obviously trying to think up of a good way to word it, "Umm.. I guess, you could say that none of us really have solid family situations."

Kaine shrugged, "Neither do I. I live with my dad. I've never met my mom. I don't even know if she's alive, or even what her name is."

Percy and I locked glances. I willed Percy to be able to understand what I was thinking;

A demigod?

Percy shrugged, Kaine could be a half-blood, or just a mortal with a missing parent. She would have to be the daughter of a minor god to have lasted this long in the mortal world. I would contact Chiron tonight.

During the rest of Study Hall, we created small talk, and eventually all left for different classes.

A/N: So…. Whadda' ya think?

I literally worked for about 3 weeks on that…. Sad, I know.