*Edited January 3, 2013*
*Originally posted around June 25th, 2012*
Ello everyone! Glad to see my story is being liked! 22 people put it on their alerts, 12 people put the story in their favorites, and 16 people have reviewed between the 2 chapters! So thanks guys!
Chapter 3 – Nina's POV
I woke up in a sweat, after screaming loudly in my sleep. Silent tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was in my bed; Fabian must have moved me last night, since I fell asleep with him.
"Nina? Nina, what's wrong?" Amber asked tiredly, shooting up after I had screamed abruptly. I gazed over at my alarm clock, it was three in the morning.
"Nothing Ambs. Just a bad dream." I said, wiping tears from my face. But she had already fallen back asleep. I took a shaky breath, laid back down, and closed my eyes. I needed to go back to sleep, it was too early.
I hoped I would drift off again, but my mind kept returning to the dream I just had.
Jerome had gone all the way with it.
I needed to get my mind off it. So I got up, fixed my bed, and quietly left the room, trying my best not to disturb Amber. Then again, Amber was a heavy-sleeper, I was surprised when she woke up from my scream.
I quietly pasted Victor's office, and went downstairs. I was surprised when I saw Fabian, sound asleep on the couch. Why hadn't he gone into his room? I walked closer to him, and noticed he was smiling in his sleep. I wondered what he was dreaming about…
I jumped, realizing it was just Fabian. I must have woken him. He yawned, and sat up.
"What time is it?" He asked me warily, rubbing his eyes.
"It's around three in the morning." I whispered, yawning myself. It was contagious.
"Three? Nina, why are you up so early?" Fabian asked, a bit of worry in his voice. Guess he hadn't heard me scream. "It was a nightmare, wasn't it?"
I paused for a second. I wasn't sure how to respond. I nodded slowly.
"Would you like to talk about it, Neens?" Fabian asked softly. I shook my head, knowing I couldn't really talk about it. I really didn't want to end up dead, thanks to Jerome.
He gestured for me to sit next to him, and I obeyed. He smiled at me, and I smiled back, though it was a bit forced. He put his arm around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Try to sleep Nina…" Fabian said, stroking my hair lightly. I yawned again, and hesitantly closed my eyes.
"Please… Don't leave…" I mumbled, staying close to him.
"I promise I won't, Nina." Fabian replied quietly, keeping his arm around me, while stroking my hair. As soon as I heard him say that, I fell right back to sleep.
"Awe, look at Fabina! They're so adorable!" Amber squealed, making me wake up. I kept my eyes closed. Fabian hadn't broken his promise; he was still holding me close, asleep. But we were lying down now, instead of sitting. I wonder how that happened.
"Amber, shh… I think she's still asleep..." I heard Fabian murmur, moving a piece of hair from out of my face. I smiled slightly.
"Why are you guys down here though?" Amber questioned suspiciously.
"Nina came down here after a nightmare, at like three in the morning." Fabian responded quietly.
"Oh… And I know she had a nightmare." Amber answered.
"How? Weren't you asleep? Or were you up too?" Fabian said, with some humor in his voice.
"No! Nina screamed in the middle of the night, which made me wake up!" Amber shouted.
Fabian didn't say anything else, and I heard Amber walk away. So I yawned, and opened my eyes. We did have school today, I needed to get up. Though I was dreading it, knowing Fabian couldn't be with me the whole time, and Jerome would be in some of my classes. Two of which Fabian aren't in.
"Morning Nina." Fabian said, moving his arm away, so he could sit up. I sat up as well.
"Morning Fabian. Do you know what time it is?" I requested tiredly. Even though I did sleep awhile, I still felt exhausted, as if I only slept an hour at most.
"Let me see…" Fabian trailed on, checking his watch. "Well… School starts in about an hour."
"I should probably go get ready then." I mumbled, stretching my arms. I could fall right back asleep right now. I stood up, and went upstairs to my room.
"Nina, are you alright? You seem kinda out of it…" I heard Mara ask me, making me come out of my trance. After getting ready, I had gone to the table to have breakfast with everyone.
"Oh yeah, um, just tired." I replied quickly, taking a muffin.
The rest of breakfast was pretty quiet. Jerome and Mara talked a bit, but they were dating, so I understood. I doubt Mara knows what Jerome does/did. The thought made me sick. Jerome is just, I can't even describe it. Beastly… Monstrous…
"Well, see you guys at school!" Mara announced, getting up. Jerome got up as well, and they both grabbed their bags and left. I got up soon after, as well as Fabian, and we both got our bags.
"Ready?" Fabian asked, offering his hand to me. I plastered a smile on my face, and took it. We both walked outside, hand in hand.