*Edited on January 3rd, 2013* I tried editing this the best I could, but it was kind of hard truthfully. Sorry.

*Originally posted on April 25th, 2012*

Gosh I have a lot of unfinished stories. But when I have an idea, I have to write them, I just have to! I had a concussion, so that's why I haven't been updating my stories :/ But I am now! I got finish some stories, sheesh! Any who, I get this idea from the story "A Mending Soul", which is super good by the way, you should defiantly read it.

Description:When Nina goes to the library one night, she is stopped by Jerome, and is nearly scared to death. And while she tries to keep it hidden, sometimes it gets almost impossible for her to do so. How long can she keep her secret safe?


Prologue – Nina's POV

"I'm going to the library, I'll see you guys later!" I shouted, putting on my new purple jacket that Gran had gotten me. It was a Christmas gift, she had sent it all the way from America. I had thanked her multiple times for it.

I was going to the library to get some new books. Our vacation had just ended, and I finished all the ones I had.

"Be careful, Nina! I would come, but-" Fabian started, but I stopped him with a kiss. I didn't need to hear his excuse, I wanted to go alone. It would be peaceful.

I pulled away, smiling immensely.

"I won't be long!" I replied, stepping outside. I closed the door softly, and began walking. Luckily, the library isn't too far, it's only about ten minutes away.

After spending about half an hour at the library, I decided to return to Anubis. I didn't want to worry anyone, and defiantly not Fabian. He tends to worry when I go out, and don't come back for a long time.

Just thinking about him made me grin.

I checked out a few books, and went outside. It was pretty nice out, so I figured I'd take the longer route back. The sun was shining, while the snow was gently falling around me. It was pleasant.

"Please stop! W-Why are you d-doing this?" I heard somebody yelling; only a few feet away from me, making my heart skip a beat. I walked closer, and saw two people, both in an alley.

It was some girl, and Jerome. The girl's face was completely red, and I could hear her quietly sobbing, trying to get out of Jerome's grasp.

"Jerome, what are you doing?!" I yelled into the alley, causing him to drop the girl, who he had pinned to the wall.

"Nina, what are you doing here?" Jerome spat through his teeth. I looked at him nervously, and began to storm towards me. I tried to run, but he grabbed me, and pinned me to the wall, just like he had done to the other girl.

"I was a-at the library, checking out b-books, and I h-happened to be walking b-by!" I stammered desperately, starting to hyperventilate just a bit. Jerome laughed, and before I could stop him, his lips touched mine. I squirmed, desperately trying to get out of his grasp.

What was he trying to do? Wait…

His hands started to creep down my shirt, his lips staying on mine. My heart raced faster, and I felt as if I was on a top, spinning and spinning.

"Please, s-stop!" I stuttered loudly, shouting just like the girl had been.

She had already run off.

I tried to move his hands away, and he chuckled, ignoring my request. But I didn't stop, I continued to try to push his hands away. I wasn't strong enough though, I was too weak. I couldn't do it.

I could hear people coming from nearby, and Jerome instantly dropped me, kicking me right in the stomach before he ran off. I let out a moan, and clutched my stomach.

But he came back for a spilt second, and got on his knees, and whispered directly in my ear "Oh, and if you tell anyone about this, I swear I will kill you right on the spot. No remorse."

Tears cascaded down my cheeks, and I replayed what had just happened in my head. I would have never expected any of this! And Jerome? I thought we were friends…

We had been talking constantly recently, sharing a laugh now and then. This didn't make sense. This wasn't the Jerome I knew.

Nobody bothered to stop and help me, so I just laid there as people passed. They were all ignoring me completely, maybe glancing at me for a split second, at most. But this part of town wasn't the safest, I couldn't blame them.

Trembling in fear, I carefully stood up, trying to pick up my now damaged library books. They fell out of my hands immediately.

My knees began to shake, and eventually the buckled from under me, before I could even take a single step.

Jerome is completely beastly.

I tried to fight it, but my eyes flickered closed, and my mind dragged me into unconsciousness.
