Piper was happily making lunch for her kids and nephew. It had been about a week since they learned Prue was alive. The only one that had yet to learn about her being back was their father. It wasn't like they were hiding it or anything. They'd simply forgot in all the craziness that he had been planning a trip out of town. He'd left the same day Paige had picked the kids up and wasn't back yet. Piper had thought of calling him, but decided this was not a conversation to be had over the phone. So they decided to wait until he came back.

Piper's thoughts were interrupted when Wyatt and Chris came barreling into the kitchen. Wyatt was chasing Chris and they were both giggling. "Boys, no running."

"But we're playing tag," Wyatt whined after both boys paused their game.

"That's an outdoor game. We don't play it in the house," Piper told her son.

"Can we go outside then?" Chris asked.

"Maybe after lunch," Piper said. It was a good idea. It was a nice day and it would be good for the kids to get some fresh air. Hopefully the boys would run off some energy too. They'd both been hyper little balls of it since Prue and Andy dropped Chris off.

Just then, Phoebe came in through the back door. "Hey."

"Hi, Aunt Phoebe," the boys both said.

Phoebe beamed at the two boys. She always loved hearing that name. She was especially happy to hear it from Chris, not because she favored him more, of course, but because the relationship was so new. In fact, she was sure this was the first time he called her that. "Hi, guys."

"Come on, let's play in the living room," Chris said to Wyatt before leading the way.

"Remember, no tag in the house," Piper called after them before turning to her sister. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Nope! I have the day off, so I decided to visit my sisters! I stopped by Paige's first. That turning out to be a bust," Phoebe said.

"Yeah, I talked to her this morning. She's come down with some kind of bug or something," Piper said.

"Yeah, hopefully she feels better soon. So where's Prue?" Phoebe asked. Chris was here, but she saw no sign of her sister and brother-in-law.

"Oh, they asked me to watch Chris while they go house hunting. They're looking for a house in San Francisco," Piper said as she stirred the macaroni and cheese and turned off the stove.

"Great! I mean, I know she's just an orb away, so Miami might as well be in the backyard, but it's still good to know she won't be on the other side of the country," Phoebe said.

Just then there was a knock at the door, followed by Wyatt's voice. "Mommy, there's someone at the door. Can I get it?"

"No, I will get it!" Piper called after her son before rushing out of the kitchen and into the living room. She went to the door and opened it. She found her father on the other side. "Dad, you're back."

"Hi, honey," Victor said before hugging her.

Piper hugged him for a minute and ushered him inside. "How was your trip?"

"It was good. Everything good here?" Victor asked. In any other family, he probably wouldn't need to ask that after just a week away, but given that his daughters were witches and were constant targets for demons, anything was possible.

"Uh, yeah, everything's been great, though interesting," Piper said as they went into the living room.

"Grandpa!" Wyatt exclaimed before running to the man.

Victor immediately picked his grandson up and rested him on his hip. He then noticed the other little boy a few feet away. "Are you having a play date?"

"That's Chris," Wyatt told his grandfather.

"Hi, Chris. It's nice to meet you," Victor said with a smile. Looking at the boy, Victor couldn't help but think the child looked a lot like his daughter, Prue. Looking into his eyes was almost like looking into hers. Of course, he knew a lot of people had the same eyes.

"Hi," Chris said brightly.

Just then, Phoebe came in carrying Melinda. "Hi Dad."

"Hi, Sweetie," Victor said before going over and giving her a half hug with his free arm. Then he turned his attention to his granddaughter. "There's my princess. How are you?"

"Gampa!" the toddler exclaimed.

Wyatt, meanwhile, turned to his mother and asked innocently, "Mommy, is Grandpa Chris' grandpa too?"

Victor chuckled. "Why would you think that, Wyatt?"

Phoebe decided to intervene before Wyatt started talking about 'Aunt Prue' and Chris being his cousin. Her father did not need to learn about Prue that way. "Uh, boys, I think maybe we should go into the kitchen and have lunch before it gets cold. You guys have to be hungry by now."

Wyatt and Chris both nodded their heads and Wyatt squirmed in his grandfather's arms to get down.

Victor put his grandson down and watched as his daughter led all the kids out of the room. "What's going on?"

"Uh, I think you should have a seat, Dad. This is going to be shocking," Piper said.

Victor chuckled. "Honey, after everything I've seen with you guys and your mother over the years, I'm not sure anything could shock me."

"Don't be so sure," Piper said. Sure, her dad had seen dead people pop up, but that was different then finding out that the daughter you lost hadn't actually died and she now had a four-year-old son. "Listen, right before you left, we found out something pretty shocking. We should've told you right away, but it was so shocking and so crazy. We barely had time to process it. We figured we'd just sit you down and explain it to you the next day. We forgot about your trip in all the craziness."

"You're starting to scare me, Piper. Is everything alright?" Victor asked.

"Yeah, I'm great. This is something that's really good. It's just really surprising," Piper said.

"Does it have anything to do with why Paige was acting so weird the last time I saw her," Victor asked.

"Yeah, Paige felt bad for knowing this and not telling you, but she didn't think it should come from her," Piper said.

"What is it?"

Piper sighed and tried to figure out a good way to tell her father this. Frankly, she couldn't think of one. "Uh, the question Wyatt asked a few minutes ago wasn't so crazy. That little boy you just met, Chris, he is your grandson."

"What? How is that possible? That boy looks around the same age as Wyatt," Victor said.

"He's actually older than Wyatt," Piper said.

"Okay, so are you saying you adopted him?" Victor asked. It didn't sound right. It wasn't that he thought Piper wouldn't adopt a child who needed a home. She'd do it in a heartbeat, but whatever his daughter was eluding to sounding much bigger than her simply adopting another child.

"No, Chris isn't adopted and he's not my son. He's Prue's," Piper said, deciding the best way was to just put it out there.

Victor's mouth opened in complete shock. "W...what?"

Just then, orbs appeared near the foyer and Prue and Andy both appeared. "I'm just saying we should think about it. It's cheap and we can fix it up."

"Which will only cost more..." Prue trailed off as the entered the living room and she saw her sister there with her father, who looked absolutely flabbergasted at the sight of her. It was very obvious that he did not know. "Dad."

Victor stood up in shock. For the first time in five years he was looking at his oldest daughter. He never thought he'd get the chance to see her again. While, he had occasion to see dead members of the Halliwell family, but Prue had never been one of them. Besides, he could tell this was different. Prue didn't look exactly how she did when she died. Her hair was a bit shorter and she'd aged a little, like she'd never died and had just been out of his life for five years. "P...Prue?"

Prue took a few steps forward. "It's okay, Dad. I'm here."

Victor immediately wrapped his arms around his daughter and hugged her tightly. Tears of joy began to spring from his eyes as he just stood there holding her.

Prue hugged her father back and the two of them just stayed like that for about five minutes before her dad seemed to be ready to let go. Then the two of them started to pull away,

Victor rubbed his eyes. "I can't believe you're actually here, honey. I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too. I'm sorry," Prue said. She hated the pain she'd put her family through. She was across the country building a life while her family was grieving. She just didn't know what else to do.

"Y...you don't seem like a ghost. Are you?" Victor asked.

Prue shook her head. "No. I'm not a ghost. I never died."

"What? Of course you did. We buried you," Victor said, not understanding this at all.

"No, it was a trick. A couple of demons took advantage of what we were dealing with at the time and kidnapped me," Prue said.

"Are you telling me you've been held hostage this whole time?" Victor asked in horror.

"No," Prue said before taking her father's hand and leading him to the couch. Once they were both seated, she explained to him what happened with Creader and how scared she'd been that it would happen again, either to her or her sisters.

Victor became more and more stricken by the moment as he listened to the hell his daughter had been through. "My God. I can't believe this. This went on for months."

Prue nodded. "It felt like so much longer. I just couldn't deal afterwards. I was afraid every second, and not just for myself. I didn't want to risk bringing this demon home to my sisters."

"I understand. Of course you were afraid. I hope you don't think less of yourself because of that. I know how strong you are. Don't think you aren't now just because you were so scared. This kind of thing would scar the strongest person," Victor said. He knew his daughter and how she valued her strength. He didn't want her to think she was weak because she broke under torture. "Wait, please tell me this demon's dead. He's not coming after you, is her?

"No, Dad, don't worry. He is dead," Piper said.

"Good," he said as he turned his head to address Piper. "Wow, this must have been really shocking for you guys. How'd you find out."

"Luck. Paige found her while meeting her charge, which happened to be Chris," Piper said.

Victor turned back to Prue. "Oh, I forgot. Piper told me you had a son."

"Yeah. He's wonderful. And this is my husband, Andy," Prue said as she pointed to where Andy was standing a few feet away.

Andy walked forward and held his hand out. "It's nice to meet you."

Victor took the younger man's hand. "You too."

"Andy's the one that saved me. He was in the underworld and he sensed my pain," Prue said.

Victor looked at him. "You have no idea how grateful I am to you for that. Thank you?"

Just then, Chris came running into the room. "Mommy, Daddy, you're back."

Phoebe came in with the other two kids a second later. "Sorry, he heard Prue's voice."

"It's okay. It's pretty much all out now," Piper said.

"Prue smiled at her son and beckoned him over with her hand. "Come here, Chris."

Chris immediately went over to his mother and let her pull him onto her lap. "Sweetie, this is my dad. He's your grandpa."

"Wyatt was right? He is my grandpa?" Chris asked.

"That's right. I hope that's okay with you. I can't wait for us to get to know each other. Would that be alright?" Victor asked Chris.

"I never had a grandpa. What do they do?" Chris wondered.

"Grandpa's cool. He lets me eat anything I want and do things Mommy doesn't!" Wyatt exclaimed.

Piper gave her dad a look, though there was no real anger in it. "Oh, really."

"Cool," Chris said.

"So did you guys finish lunch?" Piper asked.

Both boys nodded. "Can we go outside now?" Wyatt asked.

"That sounds like a good idea. Go get your shoes on and we'll play in the backyard," Andy said. That would give Prue some time alone with her sisters and father without interruption as well.

"Yay!" both boys exclaimed before racing out of the room to find their shoes.