((Because for me, Ianto went from, "I'm going to kill you" to "Yays sex-buddies" way to easily… I'm sorry in advance… it's been a long time since I wrote in third person.))

It was damp. He felt the air penetrate his lungs, filling them and burning like salt water. He felt the grit lacing his lashes, and he opened his eyes slowly. Everything was so fuzzy.

He was inside. But where? Upstairs? No, that didn't feel right. He frowned. A cellar? Certainly more likely. But what cellar? He felt the chunks of rocks digging into his spine, and the icy finger of what felt like a spade pressed against the thin material of his pants leg. Where in the hell was he?

He tried to shift his leg and it was only then that the pain took front and center. He cried out, curling in on himself. His leg was stuck and he couldn't make out just what he was stuck in. He tried to pull the appendage free and the building groaned right along with him in response. He stopped immediately, hearing the walls settle precariously around him. He was trapped, seemingly hardwired directly into the heart of the building.

He pressed a clumsy hand to his earpiece. "Tosh?" His voice was choked, almost beyond recognition. "Toshiko?"

The silence that answered him was almost more painful than the ache in his leg. He fell back with a frustrated sigh. He closed his eyes. Think! How did he get there? Was he on an assignment? If so then he hadn't arrived here, wherever here was, alone. But who was he with? Tosh? Maybe Gwen? The image of Gwen in a formal gown, chewing out Jack, seemed to pop into his head. Something about having one date alone with her boyfriend. No, definitely not Gwen then.

He blanched slightly, just so long as it wasn't—




He heard the man slowly picking his way through the ruined cellar. He heard the moment his foot slid on a piece of debris and heard the sound of Jack's muffled swearing, his stumbling footfalls growing ever closer.

Finally Jack climbed over the small wall of broken plaster and fell on top of Ianto with grunt. "Well, now it's a party," Ianto heard, rather than saw the smirk in his voice. But more than that, Ianto heard something else in Jack's voice—a breathlessness that he had never heard in his boss before. Jack rolled off of him. "You alright?" He asked.

"My leg… I think it's broken," Ianto replied, his voice coming out wrong.

And Jack noticed. His hand went to Ianto's head, running through his hair with a motion as tender as a caress.

"What are you doing?" Ianto protested, his stomach railing against the action. It felt profane so soon after Lisa.

"You're bleeding," Jack said, his hand pausing on the edge of an injury Ianto hadn't even been aware of yet.

"Probably a bit concussed then," he said in response. "What happened?"

"I dunno." Jack's words were accompanied by a heavy thud as he sat back. "But from what I can tell, we are trapped here until Tosh puts the pieces together and comes looking." His voice caught and Ianto twisted to look at him.

"Jack? What's wrong with you?" His voice died in his throat as his eyes finally snapped into focus.

Jack's hands were pressed around a piece of pipe which protruded from his lower abdomen. He shifted slightly as though he felt Ianto's gaze on him. The silence between them stretched on in the darkness. Ianto was beginning to wonder if Jack had passed out from blood loss when he finally spoke again.



"Can you reach your gun?"