Hello... i know, it's been ages. so sorry. to be honest, i haven't been in the mood to write katekyo hitman reborn lately, but a few avid reviewers (you know who you are~) demanded updates on this and "Street Smarts", so i'm doing my best to get more in the mood to write things other than my doctor who fanfiction. that being said, here's the next section of this. no action, unfortunately, but some neat information nonetheless. i'll try to get a chapter up for "Street Smarts" within the next few weeks, but updates on both of these stories will be happening sparingly. DO nag me though, and you might get updates sooner than... well later. sometimes i need a good reminder that people love these stories to get back in the mood to write.

also, if you haven't heard already, i have a second account on this site with another reborn fanfic and others from other tv shows/animes/mangas. It's the username anubis enfield, so go check it out if you need stuff to read while i'm... paused in updating. and please, please let me know what you think with a review! it's nice to know there's still people out there reading!

I was cautious, more than cautious, I was suspicious. Reborn was too, I could tell. The Simon group wasn't particularly frightening or anything, but I had a bad feeling about them. It was unnerving too, because Enma seemed like a decent guy, if a bit bullied like Tsuna. The fact that the group was so eager and willing to help guard Tsuna on a whim was strange though, and I didn't like how quickly they seemed to be moving into the lives of our own group. Then, came the rumors of an attack on an allied family and I found the appearance of the Simon group even more suspicious with how it so easily coincided with the inheritance ceremony and with the attacks. I'd looked into them too, and was moderately concerned with the mess that I dragged up. And with everything that was going on, Tsuna was getting more worked up about it all, which was making my anxiety grow thanks to whoever was following me around lately. I was getting a headache and along with the lack of sleep, I was hardly in the mood to deal with Tsuna's flailing.

"Tsuna, can you sit down." I grumbled as he waved his arms about and shouted at Reborn.

The others had left, thankfully—giving me more space in his room—but he was obviously fed up with the whole inheritance ceremony thing to begin with. Again, I wasn't exactly pleased about it either. My brother hadn't made any contact with me at all since our fight over it and I feared that, while I may be gaining one family, I was losing the last of my own. Tsuna though, turned to me with wide eyes, struggling to keep from shouting and making it possible for me to read his lips.

"I can't believe families would attack and kill each other! Natsu, I just can't be a mafia boss! I won't go to the ceremony!"

"Why are you telling me this?" I frowned, not surprised that this was his breaking point, but questioning his speaking to me about it when Reborn might have more sway over the decision.

Tsuna clammed up, biting hi bottom lip before turning to Reborn as a thought struck me. Could it be… does he want me to stop him? To try and convince him that he is suited for the job? But then, why ask me? Why me?

"Because I like you, Natsu!"

I quickly turned away from Tsuna, cheeks pink, as I'd nearly forgotten about his confession back when we fought Byakuran. N-Nothing's really changed, but… did he really mean… I shook my head of the thought, before Reborn smacked the top of my head with a rolled-up newspaper.

"Natsu, they want you too."

I blinked in confusion, having not been paying attention to what was going on or who he meant, but Tsuna's worried expression and frantic speaking soon had me a bit concerned too.

"B-But what does the Ninth want with her?"

Reborn shrugged. "Who knows?"

"The Ninth?" I murmured, paling slightly.

Dear God, the head of the Vongola family wants to meet me? What for?! Because I'm close to Tsuna? Am I going to be interrogated because I come from a familia as well? Oh, this is not good… Though, it might be a chance to possibly… No! What am I thinking?! Me? Getting close to the Vongola family? T-There's no way. I swallowed thickly as Tsuna and I begrudgingly headed out to the cars that awaited us and we were driven to the hotel where the Ninth was staying. Tsuna was just as freaked out as I was, though he openly displayed it better, whereas I just chomped on suckers repeatedly. I'd gone through 7 just during the drive here.

"The Ninth is waiting for you on the top floor." One of the guardians signed to me, startling me slightly, though I signed a small 'thanks' in return.

We headed up in the elevator and were let into a large room, though I spotted Tsuna growing ever more anxious. I reached out and lightly took his hand, face pink as I remembered again, his confession and refusing to look at him, but he squeezed my hand in return as we headed a bit further in. Then, of course, we spotted the Ninth tending to a greenhouse area of the floor and Tsuna abruptly dropped my hand as the mustached man waved us both over.

"Over here, over here. Thank you for coming, Tsunayoshi-kun, Natsu-chan."

I struggled to read the man's lips with his mustache in the way, but got the gist of what he was saying as Tsuna blurted something out and immediately became petrified. I hesitated, looking between the two as the older man got up and headed over; myself slightly stepping in front of Tsuna. That action earned a small chuckle from the elder man though, and he held his hands up; removing his gloves and signing to me.

"It's alright. I'm just glad he still calls me grandfather."

I was a bit confused, but relaxed slightly as he spoke with Tsuna for a moment and then gestured behind him.

"Sorry about the mustache, Natsu-chan." He apologized in sign and speaking, making Tsuna look to me in confusion. "It must be difficult to read lips this way, so I'll sign as well, for your benefit."

I nodded slowly. "Thank you, sir."

He smiled a closed-eye grin as we sat down on some couches and tea was served. Neither Tsuna nor I touched out cups though, both of us nervous. Tsuna more so, however, as he struggled to say what he wanted to.

"Ah, um, Ninth. The thing is…"

"Do as you wish." The elder man cut him off. "It's your life, Tsunayoshi-kun."


"Oh, weren't you talking about the Vongola inheritance ceremony?"

"I-I was!"

"I know very well how much you dislike the idea of becoming the boss of the Vongola. It's not just because I heard it from Reborn. The Sky Arcobaleno told me about everything that happened in the future." The Ninth admitted, shocking Tsuna.

"The Sky Arcobaleno? You mean, Uni?!"

"Yes. I had a dream the night earthquakes hit numerous areas. A dream of the long battles between you and Byakuran."

"A dream?"

"It took some time until I realized it was the truth. I felt Uni's warm flames in those dreams after all. And during that battle, I understood that the candidate to become boss of Vongola, Sawada Tsunayoshi, was truly not meant to be a mafia boss. He's a crybaby and indecisive, and kind, and cares for his companions too much."

Tsuna looked happy, but I bristled.

"So, what?" I said sharply, making Tsuna look at me in surprise as I spoke harshly to the older man. "Who says that a mafia boss has to be cold-hearted? Who says that they can't be a bit indecisive? It's because of those traits that Tsuna would make a great boss! That's how he was able to gather all these people around him and able to beat Byakuran! The way I see it, Tsuna is a way better boss candidate than anyone else out there, because this is how he is!"

I was standing now and slowly realized that I'd just shouted at the head of the biggest mafia group in the world. I'd just argued with the boss of the Vongola family and would undoubtedly end up punished, if not killed for my brash words. I locked eyes with the older man, feeling a tendril of fear go down my spine, but I forced myself to straighten my back and face him. I wouldn't go back on my words. It was my honest feelings about Tsuna and for this man—his own grandfather—to downgrade him like that, like he's been downgraded his whole life… I couldn't let him do that. Surprisingly, the man tipped his head slightly and smiled at me.

"Those are very brash words, Natsu-chan."

A 'sorry' nearly escaped me, but I swallowed it back as he went on.

"I am very glad there is someone like you by his side." He glanced at Tsuna. "Not just anyone would stick up for you without a second thought, when facing the boss of the Vongola family."

Tsuna flushed, ducking his head as I hesitantly moved closer to Tsuna's side. "However, the only one who can return the corrupted Vongola to its original state, is you—and only you—Tsunayoshi-kun."

"The original state?" Tsuna questioned.

"I'm sure you've heard already. What you have been doing is very much like the First Generation Vongola family's ways. Things began to change from the Second Generation."


"Ah, I remember. Will you show me? The new Vongola ring that Primo left you?"

I stiffened at the mention of Primo, shivering in remembrance of the ghost, as Tsuna showed Ninth the ring.

"For you to have been able to obtain the ring that no other generation has been able to obtain, it must mean that Primo and I are thinking the same thing. He wants to destroy the current Vongola. You're the only one who would be able to carry on the will of the Vongola. Will you not think about it carefully, for one more day?"

I felt a bit bad for Tsuna, knowing that this was undoubtedly placing even more pressure on him, and he seemed to agree.

"B-But I'm just a kid! Why is there such a hurry?"

The elder man chuckled. "It's true that you're still a little young to work in society, but Primo was about your age when he founded the vigilante group. After seeing you in the future, I was reassured that you are ready. So why waste time? The sooner you become boss of Vongola, the sooner you'll see and end these fights and murders that you so hate."


"Oh, dear. It must sound like I'm asking you to succeed as Vongola boss! I'm sorry. If you're still against the idea come the day before the ceremony, you should say so then."

Tsuna looked conflicted. "B-But… If I refuse, then the ceremony…"

"What of it? We can just cancel it easily. Not to worry. Now then, how about some dinner, Tsunayoshi-kun, Natsu-chan?"

"Eh? Um, I-I'll go home. Right, Natsu?"

He turned to me and I nodded, agreeing and not wanting to be here any longer than I should, but one of the guardians placed a heavy hand on my shoulder and I turned to Ninth in concern as he smiled innocently.

"Actually, I have some things I need to discuss with Natsu-chan. She'll catch up with you later."

Tsuna looked worried, but hesitantly nodded as Reborn said he was staying overnight. Tsuna was led out of the room and the smile on Ninth's face fell; a serious look replacing it as he turned to me.

"Now then, Natsu-chan, I've heard some very interesting rumors going around."

I honestly didn't want to know about what kinds of rumors he'd heard about me, but it didn't seem as if I had much of a choice.

"Reborn's reports have told me how strong of a fighter you are and the potential you have for becoming an excellent mafioso. I have also heard that you've become a rather integral part of Tsunayoshi-kun's life."

I could taste the suspicion and tried to stand my ground. "I just don't want him to get hurt… by anyone."

I mentally scolded myself for saying that the way I did, though I would protect Tsuna from his own grandfather, if it came to that.

"As I've already seen." He agreed, thankfully not holding anything against me for speaking out so rudely. "Yet, I've also heard rumors that you might be planning on getting back your familia. An easy task for someone like you, even with your current age. I am simply curious as to your intentions and how we as the Vongola should view them."

In other words, am I getting people back together to form a rival group and using my connection with Tsuna to take the Vongola out? Or—more simply—am I a threat to the Vongola and its potential heir? Again, I bristled like an angry cat at the accusation and forced myself to speak through grit teeth with as little malice as I could stand.

"I will protect Tsuna." I declared solidly. "Whether he decides to become the Tenth boss or not, whether I decide to become a boss myself, or not. I plan to stay a part of his familia so long as he will have me. Either way, it's up to him, so you don't get a say, gramps."

I stood and turned away, storming to the elevator as a surprised guardian got the go ahead to lead me out. The whole time though, my mind was screaming at me You moron! You just made yourself a potential enemy of the Ninth Vongola boss! The hell are you thinking?!

The Ninth waited until Natsu had left, before his eyes crinkled in a smile.

"She's quite someone, isn't she?"

Reborn smirked from under the shadow of his fedora. "Her conviction to Tsuna is admirable, as I've told you."

"She'll make a great ally."

Reborn raised a brow, hearing what he was implying. "Do you really think Tsuna will decide to succeed as boss by your sugar-coated words back there?"

"I sensed that there was a moment when that child seriously considered the idea. It's enough. Natsu's words had quite the effect on him as well, almost as if he was waiting for her to say those encouragements about him becoming the next boss."

Yet, the older man's smiling face fell as he lifted a cover off of a box.

"Is this it?" Reborn asked and he nodded.

"Yes, the Vongola's sin."