"Why won't it stop screaming?!" Boromir yelled as he raced through the mines of Moria with a screaming toddler in his arms and a horde of Goblins on his tail.

"I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the Goblins that are chasing us!" Merry replied sarcastically. "This place isn't exactly the Shire you know."

"It's not like we could've dropped her in the nearest town, seeing as there aren't any on the route we took!" Boromir shot back, despite the fact that general consensus had determined that the small red-headed creature he was carrying as he and the rest of the Fellowship fled through the mines of Moria was Legolas' responsibility.

"We could've left her with that circus." an almost out of breath Frodo piped up.

"Legolas tried." Aragorn said. "Everyone refused to take her, commenting on how cruel he was for trying to abandon his baby with a circus. When he tried to point out the danger we were going to be in and were in already, they commented rather loudly on how irresponsible he was as well. I think a few of them even tried to stone him at one point."

"Oh yeah," Boromir yelled over the wails. "I do remember something about rocks being involved in our departure now that I think about it."

"Just shut up and run!" Legolas who was at the back of the pack firing arrows into the horde of Goblins exclaimed.