For the sake of this fanfic:
Lightning never went to Valhalla!
Cid isn't a bad guy!
Cid never died!
The Lindblum was not destroyed! (as I assume it was, when Cocoon fell)
Lightning and Cid are married!
Serah never met Noel!
Serah and Snow are married! (even though I hate his guts, and love Noel…)
It is 03AF!
My Dear~ A Final Fantasy XIII Fanfiction
"Lightning, read this."
Lightning took the book from her sister's hand, reading the part that she pointed out. She smiled at it and Serah giggled.
"Isn't it funny?" Serah asked, taking the book back from Lightning when she held it out. "You should read it sometime. I almost died laughing last night!"
"I know, I heard you," Lightning said with a smile. "We do have rooms right next to each other, you know."
"Oh, really? I didn't know that!" Serah said sarcastically, looking back to her book. Lightning sighed, looking when Serah's cat Snow jumped onto the couch. She started petting him, listening to him purr. She started fiddling with her wedding ring.
Suddenly, Lightning was struck with nausea.
"Whoa," Lightning moaned, making Serah look at her. Putting her hand on her stomach and waiting for a moment to see if it would go away, it started to get worse and worse, until Lightning gagged. In a rush, she pushed Snow off her lap and jumped from the couch, darting across the living room to the hallway, and into the bathroom, where she went immediately to the toilet.
"Lightning?" Serah called worriedly, walking down the hallway.
Lightning was looking at her breakfast again. Serah poked her head in the doorway. When Lightning vomited a second time, Serah stepped inside and knelt down beside her, rubbing her back.
"Lightning, are you okay?" she asked. Lightning took a deep breath and grabbed some toilet paper, wiping her mouth before flushing the toilet. She stood up and walked around Serah to the sink, where she turned it on and washed out her mouth. She dried her face with the towel and put her hands on the sink, leaning over. "Lightning? Was it something I cooked?"
"No, I don't think so, but it might have been," she replied. "It came on really fast. Don't worry about it."
Lightning left the bathroom, going back to the living room. She grabbed a mint off the table and popped it in her mouth, taking her place on the couch again while Serah slowly made her way back.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Serah asked.
"I'm fine, Serah. I feel fine now."
Serah sat back down and picked up her book, glancing at Lightning one last time before she resumed her reading. After a few minutes, she started giggling again.
Both of them looked up when someone knocked on the door. Lightning got up and went to the door, opening it. Lebreau was standing outside.
"Hey, Lightning," she said. Lightning nodded to her and stepped aside, letting her in. Lebreau went into the living room where Serah was sitting. "Hey, Serah."
"Hi, Lebreau. What's up?" Serah asked.
"Snow sent me to tell you that he'll be late getting home today," Lebreau said. Serah sighed. "Sorry. He's all caught up in something. Some new monster appeared in the Tidal Shallows. It's spawning all over the place, and NORA is busy dealing with it."
"Can I help?" Serah said, sitting up.
"Sorry, Serah, Snow made it clear that you were not allowed to help."
"That's stupid," Serah whined, letting herself fall back into the couch. "Does he think I can't do it?"
"I guess so. I'd let you tag along, but Snow says no. He doesn't want you to get hurt."
"I can take care of myself," Serah insisted, waving her book around. Lightning sat back down on the couch beside her, and Lebreau shifted her weight to her left foot.
"I know you can, but Snow apparently doesn't," Lebreau replied with a snicker. "Well, I gotta go. See you guys later. I'm making dinner today!" They said goodbye as Lebreau left the house, heading back out onto the beach.
"Snow needs to get it in his head that I can take care of myself," Serah complained, shrinking back into the thick couch.
"His head's too thick, it will never wedge its way in there," Lightning said, petting Snow again as he jumped into her lap, looking up at her as though he was worried. Serah giggled at Lightning's comment.
"Maybe if I kick his butt he'll realize that I can fight," Serah suggested. "Not to mention, I have the great Lightning for an older sister; even if I do end up not being good at fighting, it's not like I don't have anyone not willing to teach me."
Lightning nodded to her. "If you want to learn, I could teach you."
A few moments passed, and Serah spoke; "Say, Lightning, when does Cid get back?"
"He comes home tomorrow," Lightning replied, scratching Snow's head behind his ears. He started purring loudly and rubbing against her.
"He really likes you," Serah said with a smile. "Cid is on the Lindblum, right?"
"Yes, he's examining Cocoon trying to see if there's some way to save Vanille and Fang."
"Do you think they'll find a way?" Serah questioned, trying to find her page, as she had accidentally let the book close during her fit about taking care of herself.
"I hope they do," Lightning said with a nod.
-That night-
Lightning turned in her bed again with a groan, rubbing her stomach. She growled when the cramp persisted.
Finally, Serah opened the door and stuck her head in the room.
"Lightning? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, sorry if I woke you up," Lightning moaned. She looked at Serah, and Snow's face appeared above hers soon after.
"What's wrong, sis?" Snow asked.
"Don't call me that."
"What's wrong?" he asked again.
"I just have a cramp," Lightning replied. "A really bad one."
Serah said something to Snow and he left, and Serah stepped into Lightning's room. She walked over to the bed. "You should take a hot bath or something, or go and soak in the ocean."
"It's three in the morning," Lightning moaned as Serah sat down on the edge of the bed.
"So? Obviously this cramp won't let you sleep," she said. "You could just sit in the warm water for a while, or go and relax in the ocean. It is three in the morning…no one will be outside to bug you."
"I don't wanna get up."
"Come on, Lightning. Soaking in water always makes my cramps feel better. Is this maybe because of the same thing as you throwing up this morning?"
"I think I'm about to start my period," Lightning said quietly, rubbing her cramped stomach.
"All right…warm or cold?" Serah asked. Lightning looked at her.
"Warm or cold?"
"Warm?" Lightning asked, raising one eyebrow. Serah nodded and walked into the bathroom that connected to Lightning's room, and started filling up the bathtub. "Serah, what are you doing?"
"You're getting in for a while. It'll make you feel better, I promise."
Lightning groaned and closed her eyes. Once the tub was full, Serah walked over to the bed and patted her arm. "Come on, Lightning, just get in for a while. It will make you feel better! Do I have to drag you?" Lightning sighed and pushed the blanket off of herself, slowly sitting up. She groaned in pain, freezing for a moment before sitting all the way up.
"Do you need help?" Serah asked worriedly as Lightning forced herself to her feet. Lightning shook her head and walked over to the bathroom, where Serah stepped to the side to let her in. "You can get in by yourself? No falling over and dying?"
"I'm fine, Serah, thanks," Lightning said, waiting for Serah to leave.
"Okay…you know where to find me if you need help."
"Yeah," Lightning said, nodding to Serah as she left the bathroom and walked toward the bedroom door. "Thanks, Serah."
"No problem."
Lightning closed the bathroom door after she heard her bedroom door close. She stripped down and looked at the bathtub, sticking her hand in. The water was very warm but not super hot, which was the way she liked it. She stepped in, groaning at the pain in her lower abdomen before slowly getting comfortable in the tub and closing her eyes. After sitting there for a moment, she realized it did make her cramp feel better. She wasn't sure how much time passed, but soon enough, she blinked and the water was cold. Glancing up at the clock, she saw a few hours had passed. She had fallen asleep in the tub. She stood up, glad to find that her cramp was mostly gone, and started draining the tub. She stepped out and took the towel that was hanging on the shower door, wrapping it around herself. She stood for a moment before she began drying off. She dried quickly, as thankfully her hair had not gotten wet. Putting the towel on the counter to deal with later, she put her tank top and shorts back on and left the bathroom, turning off the light. She walked to her bed and climbed in, pulling the blanket over her and curling up, finding a position that made it so what little of her cramp was left seemed nonexistent. And again, she had no trouble falling asleep.
-Later in the morning-
"Lightning," Serah said, shaking her sister. "Lightning, wake up."
Lightning slowly opened her eyes, struggling to keep them open. She tried to look at her sister, but couldn't. She just moaned and closed them again.
"Lightning? It's almost nine…you're always up and ready at seven. Why are you so tired?"
"I was up late last night, remember?" she asked.
"How late did you stay away after I left?"
"I fell asleep in the tub, but staying up until three is unusual for me anyway."
"You what? You could have drowned!" Serah said.
"I'm sorry." Lightning was too tired to argue or anything. "It helped, though. When I woke up the cramp was almost gone."
"See? I told you! Now, come on. It's time to wake up." Serah pulled the blankets off of Lightning, who was un-phased. Serah sighed and walked over to the window, pulling back the blinds and walking back to the bed, tugging at Lightning's arm. She groaned and resisted.
"I'm tired," she whined, pulling her arm from Serah's grip and turning over, pulling the covers back over her and curling up again.
"Why are you so tired? Lightning. You have to get up. Cid is almost home!"
"Hmm, Cid who?"
"What? Lightning! Your husband!"
"Oh, Cid. Right," Lightning mumbled. Serah's mouth dropped; she reached forward and pulled the blanket off of Lightning again, grabbing her arm and trying to move her again. Lightning whined. "Serah, I'm still tired!"
"It's time to wake up! Get up!" Serah demanded. Lightning ignored her and let her body be dead weight, which irritated her sister. Serah dropped her arm with an angry sigh and stormed from the room, not bothering to close the door. Lightning didn't move; she just stayed in the position she was in.
Until the humongous Snow stepped into the room, flanked by Serah. Lightning looked at them and moaned loudly.
"All right, sis, it's time to get up, now. You're not allowed to sleep in," Snow said, walking over to the bedside.
"Don't touch me, dammit," Lightning mumbled, grabbing a pillow and burying her face in it.
"Your hero is almost here! You gonna leave him hanging?" Snow asked, putting his hands on his hips. Lightning ignored him and focused on the extremely-comfortable pillow. She felt Snow's hand on her shoulder.
"Do not touch me, Snow."
"It's time to wake up," he said with a smirk, using his strength to turn her over, going against the resistance she put up. She growled at him, but he ignored her. However, as soon as he turned her over, his nose met knuckle.
Snow stepped back, holding his nose.
"Lightning!" Serah exclaimed. She looked at Snow with a worried look. "Are you okay, Snow?"
"Yeah, I'm good," he replied. "Come on, Serah, I don't think either of us can get her up."
Serah looked at Lightning one last time, who had buried her face in her pillow again. She took Snow's hand and the two left Lightning's room, closing the door quietly behind them. Lightning had no trouble falling asleep again.
Lightning stirred, turning away from the intruder.
She finally managed to open her eyes and look at whoever had decided to bug her again. She found herself looking into silver eyes.
"Hey, good morning," Cid said quietly, smiling at her. She automatically smiled back. "You're sleeping late. Something wrong?"
"I was up late last night," she replied. Cid's face was very close to hers, and their noses were almost touching. She closed her eyes when he kissed her.
"I missed you while I was gone."
"I missed you, too," she replied. She stayed there for a moment longer, until she started to feel nauseous again. She didn't move, hoping it would go away, but it didn't. When it got worse, she quickly pulled away from Cid and slid off the bed, walking to the bathroom and kneeling beside the toilet, waiting.
"Light?" Cid asked, rushing around the bed and into the bathroom, kneeling beside her. "Light, what's wrong?"
"I…I feel…"
She leaned over the toilet as she vomited once again. Cid's hands were immediately on her shoulders. "Light!"
She waited a moment when she finished, then wiped her mouth off with toilet paper and flushed the toilet, as she had done the first time. She waited a moment before standing up and rinsing her mouth out in the sink. Cid shadowed her, staying beside her. She sighed and smoothed back her hair.
"Light, are you sick?" Cid asked, waiting patiently for an answer.
"I don't think I am," she replied. "I think it's my period."
"Women throw up when they get their period?"
"Sometimes we do, yeah. I had a cramp last night, too. It's nothing," Lightning said, reassuring him. "I'm all better now."
"Are you sure?" Cid asked. Lightning nodded.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm gonna brush my teeth."
She pulled out her toothbrush and got it wet, putting some toothpaste on it and starting to brush her teeth while Cid walked back into the bedroom and started removing his uniform, hanging it neatly on its hangars while he pulled out casual clothes. Lightning finished brushing her teeth, rinsed, and pulled out a hairbrush. She started brushing her hair, pulling through the tangles of her curly-wavy hair.
"So how was the trip?" she asked. "Did you find anything out about the pillar and whether or not we could save Vanille and Fang?"
"Nothing much. They're worried if we try to cut them free then the pillar will break or crack," Cid replied, changing his shirt. Lightning quickly applied deodorant and stepped out of the bathroom, just as Cid buttoned his pants. Lightning walked over to him.
"What time is it?" she asked, looking at the clock. It was almost eleven. "Eleven! Damn!"
"Yeah, you slept in," Cid said. "Serah told me about how you punched Snow. When I came up to wake you up I was kind of worried you'd punch me, thinking I was Snow."
"I can tell the two of you apart," Lightning said with a wink. "Walk me downstairs?"
"Of course, milady," he said, opening the bedroom door for her. She smiled at him and stepped out, waiting for him before going down the stairs. Serah, Snow, and Gadot, who were sitting at the dining room table, all looked.
"Hey, look who's awake, finally," Serah said.
"See, I told 'ya," Snow said, looking at Gadot. "Only Cid can get sis to get up."
Lightning smacked the back of his head before sitting down beside Serah, while Cid sat down on her other side. The two of them scooted closer together.
After a moment, Lightning spoke. "Do we have any orange juice left?"
"Huh? Orange juice? I dunno. Snow, did you drink it all?" Serah asked. Snow shook his head.
"I didn't, but Maqui might have."
"Why would Maqui be drinking our orange juice?" Serah asked.
"I hang out with my gang sometimes," Snow said. "Maqui likes to drink the orange juice."
"Well, I'll check," Serah said.
"No, I got it," Lightning said, pushing her chair back and standing up. As soon as she stood up, her head went light, and she stumbled to the side. Cid shot up and grabbed her arms, steadying her, while Serah and Snow stood up.
"Light!" Cid exclaimed. Lightning shook her head.
"Whoa," she said, straightening up and rubbing her head.
"What was that?" Serah asked.
"I guess I just stood up too fast," Lightning said with a nod. "I'm fine, I'm fine."
"You're really making me worried," Cid said, keeping a grip on her arms even when she went to move away.
"What happened?" Serah asked.
"Well, she threw up earlier"—
"She threw up again?"
Lightning sighed and pulled away from Cid, walking to the fridge.
"This kind of shit doesn't happen to the great Lightning," Snow said. "Something's up."
"Guys!" Lightning exclaimed, looking for the orange juice. "Chill out, all of you. I'm sure it's nothing."
"Nothing, Lightning?"
"Serah, I told you…I'm pretty sure I am about to start my period," Lightning said, ignoring Gadot, who looked embarrassed. "I've thrown up during my period before, and the cramp? PMS."
Serah sat down with a thud and started doing math in her head. Lightning found the orange juice and pulled it out, looking into the bottle to see how much was left. She got a cup and poured some, putting the bottle back in the fridge before walking back over to the table and sitting down. Cid watched her for a moment before sitting back down beside her, scooting even closer. Lightning drank the orange juice quickly, putting the empty cup on the table.
Serah's hands shot up and she cried out, making everyone around her jump. Snow looked at her.
"You okay, babe?"
"Lightning!" she exclaimed, jumping up from her chair. "Lightning, come with me! I just got an idea."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"Just come on, come on," she said, grabbing Lightning's hand and pulling her out of her chair. She started to lead her toward the front door in the next room. She looked back to the guys. "No following us! Girl time!"
Serah pulled Lightning out the front door, closing it behind her and pulling Lightning down the stairs and into the sand of the town square.
"Serah, what are you doing?" Lightning demanded as Serah pulled her along toward the NORA house.
"I just got an idea, and I need to consult Lebreau!"
"Why do I have to go with you?"
"Because it's about you!" she exclaimed, pulling her along. People were watching her pull her sister toward the house, whispering amongst each other.
"Hi, Mrs. Villiers!" one of the children called.
"Hi, Tommy," Serah said, waving as she pulled Lightning along. They went up the stairs into the NORA house, where Lebreau was behind the counter, talking to one of the NORA members. Lightning was breathing heavily once Serah released her, catching Serah's attention. "Are…are you actually out of breath? We just went across the beach! Oh, Maker! Lebreau, Lebreau!"
"What is it? Jeez, Serah, what's wrong?" Lebreau cried. Serah hopped over to the counter, ignoring the man who had been talking to Lebreau.
"Lebreau, we need to talk, like now," Serah said. "I have a suspicion! And I need a fellow girl to confirm it, one who knows stuff on the matter!"
"What matter?" Lebreau asked, leaning over the counter.
"Well, you know…Lightning and Cid are married and all, and they love each other," Serah whispered, leaning closer. "You know…that whole thing."
Lebreau took a minute, and then her mouth dropped. "Wait…you think Lightning is"—
"I do! Girlfriend talk, now!" Serah said. Lebreau nodded and rushed around the counter, going to Lightning and grabbing her hand, pulling her over to the couch in the corner of the house while Serah followed. The man who was at the counter waved to Lebreau, who waved back, and left the house, headed down the stairs and onto the sand. The three sat down on the couch with Lightning in the middle.
"What the hell is going on?" Lightning demanded.
"So…Lightning…" Lebreau started. Lightning looked back and forth between her sister and Lebreau, waiting impatiently.
"What is this about?" she demanded again.
"Have you and Cid, you know…" Lebreau started. "Been…well…"
"That's none of your damn business!"
"Lightning, we're having a girlfriend talk! You need to be honest."
"Maybe we have, maybe we haven't. Like I said, it's none of your damn business what Cid and I do."
"Lightning, you threw up two mornings in a row, had a cramp, were really tired, got winded walking across the beach and up the steps…" Serah said.
"Yeah, so? How many times do I have to tell you I think I am about to"—
"Start your period? Well guess what, Lightning? Your period should have started last week!"
Lightning was taken aback. "What?"
"We start at about the same time, right? I had mine last week. You must have lost track, but you missed it, Lightning."
"But…why would…what does"—
"And then you had morning sickness, cramping…You know what all of that means, right Lightning?" Lebreau asked, smiling. Serah was smiling, too.
Lightning was, for once in her life, dumbfounded. "Wait a second…you're saying that…you two think…"
"Lightning, you might be pretty sure it's just your period…but Serah and I are pretty sure that you are pregnant."
Lightning just stared at Lebreau. "W-what…?"
"You heard me. Lightning, we think you're pregnant!"
"But…I, what…Dammit!" Lightning exclaimed, getting up from the couch and leaving the NORA house, running her hand through her hair. Serah and Lebreau scurried after her as she walked back toward their house.
"Lightning, this is a good thing!" Serah cried. Lightning ignored her and veered away from the houses, walking in a semi-circle through the sand and running her hand through her hair and sighing again and again. Serah and Lebreau followed her around, while people watched. "Lightning, why are you freaking out? This is great!"
"Serah," Lightning said, veering around again and walking the other way, and again. "What if I'm not ready?"
"Oh, please, Lightning, don't give us that shit," Lebreau said, still following Lightning around the town square, around the palm tree and along the fence and by the NORA house again.
"If anyone can do this, Lightning, it's definitely you!" Serah said.
"I'm a soldier!" she cried. "Not…not a mother!"
"You can learn!" Serah said, running a bit to catch up to her sister and grabbing her arm, pulling her to a stop. "I can help you! Lebreau can help you! It's not like you're in this all alone!"
"But, I…" Lightning said as Serah grabbed her in a hug.
"Lightning, this is so awesome, I don't understand how you can't be excited!"
"Well…uh…What do I say to Cid?"
"How about: 'Hey, Cid, you're gonna be a father!' That's a good one," Lebreau said, giving her a thumbs up. Lightning looked away. Serah released Lightning from the hug and grabbed her hand, starting to pull her toward the house. Lebreau joined and pushed from behind when Lightning struggled against her sister.
"Come on, we have to tell Cid!" Serah cried. "He'll be excited!"
"No, Serah," Lightning whined, struggling against the two of them and failing.
"Yes, Lightning," Lebreau and Serah said at the same time.
"Trust me, this'll be great," Lebreau said.
"Serah, I honestly don't know if I'm ready to be a mom."
"You're going to make a great mom, Lightning! This baby will be the safest, and most loved baby on the face of Pulse!"
They led her all the way back to the house, where they forced her through the door and into the house. All three men were still in the dining room at the table. Maqui was there now, as well, drinking orange juice.
Serah and Lebreau pushed Lightning toward Cid, but she just backed off. They pushed again, but again Lightning hesitated.
"Lightning, seriously! Cid has to know! It's life or death!" Lebreau cried dramatically. Lightning glared at her, knowing she was trying to make it worse for her. "Tell him now so he knows, before it's too late!"
Cid stood up, staring at Lightning.
"Light?" he asked, his voice filled with worry. Serah nudged Lightning again, but she still backed off.
"Dammit, Lightning!" Serah shouted. "Be strong! You're a tough woman, why are you suddenly like this?"
"I can't do it, Serah," Lightning said uneasily. "I just…I can't. I'm not ready."
"Bullshit. Now tell him before I do."
"Serah, please, just listen to me."
"Lightning. Come on."
"Serah, what are you"—
Serah held up three fingers to Lebreau and made various gestures, which Lebreau understood.
"Serah, please wait."
"Lightning's pregnant!" Serah and Lebreau exclaimed at the same time. Lightning froze, and the entire room went dead silent. After a moment, Lightning turned and walked to the door, opening it and stepping outside, closing it behind her. Cid looked at Lebreau and Serah who were smiling. As soon as Lightning was gone, Snow started going wild.
"I can't believe it!" he cried, jumping up and down and shaking the whole house. "Oh, Maker…we have to call everyone!"
"We gotta call Sazh and Dajh," Gadot added.
"And Hope!"
"Oh, if only Vanille and Fang were here! They'd go nuts!"
Snow looked at Cid, who was thinking hard. "Congrats, man! You're gonna be a dad!"
Cid nodded and turned away, rushing to the door, and leaving all of them behind. He could hear them talking even as he walked away from the house, looking around the beach for Lightning. He spotted her standing at the end of the dock, staring at the sky, motionless. He sighed and walked toward her. He stepped up onto the dock and slowly walked to her, slowing even more when he neared her. He gently wrapped his arms around her when he reached her.
"You don't want it?" he asked. Lightning didn't move. "You can tell me."
"I just don't know if I'm ready," Lightning said. "I don't know if I'm cut out to be a mom."
"You'd be one hell of a tough mom," Cid said. "Why do you think you couldn't do it? You took care of Hope like he was your kid."
"I…I just, I don't know."
"I'll help you, you know," Cid said, squeezing her. "You're not alone with this."
"That's what Lebreau and Serah said."
"That's even more people who'll help you. You know you can count on Snow, and the NORA members are great guys. It's not like you or the baby would be in super danger all the time like we were when we were l'Cie."
Lightning just nodded. Cid noticed a tear sliding down her cheek and wiped it away.
"So…you don't want to have the baby?"
Lightning was silent while she thought it over. She looked up at the crystallized Cocoon and thought.
"You really think I can do it?" she asked after a moment.
"I don't think you can," Cid started, "I know you can. No one in this world would make a better mom, Light. I'm sure of it."
"Well, then…If you think I can do it, then I guess I can. But you have to help me. I might be Ms. Tough 97% of the time, but with this…"
"I'll be right here the whole time."
Lightning turned around and hugged him back. After a moment they pulled away, and Cid kissed her gently. Lightning could almost hear clapping, like wind chimes riding on the wind. Fang and Vanille, she assumed.
"Then let's do it."
Light x Cid 4Eva