A/n: Okay so...as you people probably know, this is my first ShizNat fanfic so, it's not exactly going to be like "OH MY GOD, AMAZING!" I mean, none of my works are like that, come' on.

This beautiful brunette is peacefully sleeping at my side, without a care in site or mind. I can't help but let my eyes rest upon such an adorable face. After all, with the experience of being a HiME I know everything is possible and, I could lose her; something I wish will never happen.

"You can't get any cuter than that, can you?" I whisper, as I take one final glance at her; shutting my eyes leading myself to a long slumber. Feeling like only a few moments I awaken from hearing a sweet hushed voice.

"Nat-su-ki~," As the girl slightly tugged at me, her deep ruby colored eyes laid centered on me as I open mine.

"Good morning Shizuru." A faint smile is tainted on my face as I start to get up.

"Sorry I had to wake you up, but if I didn't we both would have ended up late." With a mournful smile –due to disturbing my time- she apologized once again speechlessly.

Honestly, it's not a dreadful thing; as long as I can see her I'm fine. I mean, that was the deal. If going into school meant Shizuru moving in, I would definitely accept the offer; it was too tempting not to. Not like we do anything, I just enjoy her company.

"Ara, you'd better hurry and get ready before we're late Natuki. Oh, and I have your bento ready so you can just grab it and go, once you're done."

"Arigato Shizuru, just wait for me at the door I'm almost done!" Grabbing a brush I fix my hair, put on my uniform and run out of the bathroom.

She's so responsible; how'd she end up with somebody like me anyway? I'm not very helpful whatsoever, mainly in things like cooking. Oh well, I should be grateful about it.

Making my way to the kitchen, I grab a piece of bread and slather some jam on it while scurrying to the door; hurrying to put my shoes on so I don't keep Shizuru waiting.

"Gomenasai, I didn't want you to wait that long." I shoved the last piece of bread into my mouth and savored the flavor. Of course this was nowhere near Shizuru's or any of Mai's dishes but, it was all I had.

"Ara, Ara. You seem to have some jam leftover on your cheek Natsuki. Here, let me get it for you."

"Wait Shizu-!" Before I knew it she had already leaned in and wiped it off my face while, brushing against my lips stealing away a kiss.

"B-Baka! I told you not to!" My face was hot and bright red. All I heard was the sound of my heart going 'doki, doki, doki.' Even though I knew no matter what I told her, I did enjoy it.

"Anyway…we're here; sadly it's time for our departure. But, I don't think I'll make it an entire day without my Natsuki."

Hm…how can I make this situation better? Every time she says this, she is actually being sincere about it. I guess I could tell her that why there are people like Mai, Tate, and Reito.

"Don't worry Shizuru, that's why theres Mai, Reito, and Tate." With a face of a child she replies with a simple "Fine…"

Hoping this day would pass by quickly, I at last leave Shizuru's side, and head toward my homeroom class. Sluggishly going through the door, and passing by my Sensei. The bell rings and we all sit down, soon greeting our Sensei. After a few minutes of class, each and every sexcond was getting worse and worse; going through each and every subject, it was unbearable.


Finally, the day is over, now all that is needed is for the class rep. to say the commands 'Stand, and bow.' And we may all leave. Seconds later, the representative leads us through our commands and we swarm to the door, each student making their way home to their own dorms.

"Hey Natsuki!" A girl with orange colored hair, and deep pool grey eyes, emerged towards me.

"Oh, Mai. What's up?"

"I just wanted to know, do you have plans or duty after this. I haven't gone and hung out with you in awhile so, why not now?" She looked like she really wanted me to go but, I had to turn her own. I already was going to be with Shizuru today.

"Sorry Mai, I have to do some errands with Shizuru and then we might go out for a little bit. Any other days you're free"

"Oh…it's fine. But no, I'm working all week so this was my only day off, well I'll ask somebody else, okay? Anyway, I wouldn't want to interrupt you and Shizuru."

Wait...interrupt? What do they think she and I do? Jeez, they're a whole bunch of perverts.

"Anyway, I'm going to go now, see you tomorrow Mai." Going our separate ways, I head to Shizuru's classroom; she isn't in there though.

I make my way to the 'Student Council Room' seeking to find the crimson eyed beauty. Finding her sitting at her very own desk, doing something on her laptop; not like that 'something' is whatsoever important in my eyes.

"Looks like you found me Natsuki." She's giving me a playful grin, acting as if we're playing game. Unable to avoid being away from her I invite myself in, and sit on the 'Kaichou's Desk'

"I guess so."

Just like old times.

A/n: First things first, Feel Free To Critique it. Just don't bash it,even if I doubt any of you would. I know some people get upset and no offence that's a load of crap...it helps improve a persons writing so, even if it's really harsh I'll try to fix it. Notice how I said try. .

But onto the story itself. I have to say since I'm so used to writing fanfictions of people like "Mio Akiyama" or "Ritsu Tainaka" and others of the sort, matching the characters was extremely hard. They're completely different from anybody I've written as or of in anime. Despite the fact that Shizuru is a more laid back, and calm person which was a bit easier to match. Natsuki on the other hand...well, she has all these different types of reactions, it's hard to make her just the shy and secretly happy character or make her easily show her anger while once again hiding what she really feels. Anyway, thanks for reading~!