Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, The Justice League belongs to DC Comics, Dragon Age: Origins belongs to Bioware and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim belongs to Bethesda.
Well this is my first Justice League story and I am familiar with the basic superheroes. This inspiration for this story was Harry Potter and the Power of Oa by bluminous8 a very good story but the Author has not updated in almost four years.
After reading the story and watching the Young Justice episodes I found myself writing on my notebook late at night and I came out with what you are about to read.
My apologies if you are having problems to understand some parts, my grammar is not very good when it comes to translate from spanish to english.
I hope you enjoy it and please review.
I decided to rewrite the story by making a few changes, many of you were kind enough to point out many things that were a little bit confusing and I thank you for it.
All the chapters have been changed but the story is almost the same.
Once again I thank you for your attention and please review if you think I should keep the story like this or if you want me to create another beginning.
Fate can be cruel sometimes. It doesn't matter if you are a good or bad person because everyone knows that sometimes very bad things happen to good people.
And one of those people was young Harold "Harry" Potter.
He was born on June 21 of 1997 and immediately became the beloved son of James and Lily Potter; even though they were happy his parents felt the need of giving young Harry a sibling to be with and July 31 of 2000 his little brother James "Jamie" Junior Potter was born.
Young Harry was the happiest boy on earth at that time; he had loving parents and a baby brother who he adored dearly. He kept a secret from his parents at his young age, the secret that he was a magical prodigy and a little genius. When mommy was taking a nap with the baby and his daddy was at work he spend those hours alone in the manors library.
He learned to control his magic little by little. He trained all his little body was capable of supporting and increase his magical reserves by making things float around him and when he was tired of magical training he read the muggle books that his mommy had in the library. Of course he knew that his magic would be detected by the Ministry but accidental magic was very common in young magical children and as a precaution he commanded his house-elf and nanny, Rosie, to be with him in the library. Her constant display of magic was the perfect cover for him.
Despite their roles as mere housekeepers, house-elves possess powerful magic in order to perform certain tasks such as Apparating or to protect their masters from any danger. Thankfully the Manor never received a letter from the Ministry and Harry thanked Rosie for that.
Eventually his love of philosophy and science grew to such a degree that he found himself practicing with the robot toy that his uncle Remus had giving him. It took time but he managed to make it work with his magic and accidently brought to life his teddy bear.
And Teddy became Jamey´s guardian at night. The little bear told him everything that happened when he was not with his little brother.
It was how he knew that his "Grandpa" Albus was not a trust worthy person. There was something about the old wizard that made Harry a little suspicious about him. But as long as his parents trust him he won't say a word.
He regretted his decision on that tragic Halloween night.
October 31 2001
That night Lily was sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery of her youngest child while humming a lullaby to the baby who was sleeping in her arms. After a few minutes she rose from the rocking chair and walked to the cradle next to the window and while adjusting the blankets on Jamey someone knocked on the door. "Come in".
The door opened showing a giggling Harry who was dangling from the doorknob. "Momma! Daddy wants to know if you are coming down any time soon." He said still giggling while clinging to the doorknob.
"Harry…!" Lilly hurried to her laughing son and took him in her arms. "How many times have I told you not to do that?" she scolded him slightly as she closed the door behind them.
The four year old chuckled. "Not enough!"
Lily sighed and smiled, he was definitely a Marauder in training. She took him to the living room where James was waiting for them.
"You sure took your time Lily-Flower" Prongs smirked as his wife sat next to him with their child in her arms. "Good job Little Prongs" James said patting his son´s head.
Lily smiled and focused her attention on the TV. Ever since she managed to convince James to buy one the eldest Potter got obsessed with the muggle commercials, especially the ones announcing "incredible" muggle artifacts.
Like the slippers with a small lamp on the end that went on every time you gave a step…, James bought five pairs the very next day.
They watched a movie until Harry fall asleep in his mother's arms. It was late, almost midnight when the couple decided to go to sleep and just as they were about to do so the alarms around the house perimeters went off.
Lily froze in the stairs hugging Harry closer to her.
"It´s him Lily…! Go upstairs with the boys, now!" James shouts as he drew his wand at the front door and the young mother ran up the stairs.
As Lily reached her youngest son´s room a loud explosion was heard on the first floor of the house. She locked herself in the room and hurried to her now crying baby and gently tried to wake up Harry.
"Harry sweetie, wake up honey…" He blinked a couple times and looked up to his mother.
"What´s wrong mommy…?" He asked sleepily. She crouched on the floor, carrying Jamey she took Harry's hand and hurried to the closet. She opened the door and sent Harry inside the closet. "Mommy…?" he asked again confused as his mother put his baby brother in his arms. With her wand she cast a calming spell and Jamey fell asleep again.
"Sweetie, no matter what you hear please promise me that you won't come out. Stay inside and protect Jamey, can you promise me that sweetie?" Lily´s voice was shaky as tears fell down her face.
Young Harry's mind told him something was happening, that something big was about to take place. With determination in his eyes he looked at his mother. "I promise mommy, I will keep Jamey safe"
Lily smiled at her son's courage. "No matter what happens tonight sweetie, remember that mommy loves you just like daddy…, always remember this." He nodded and she closed the door.
Seconds later the nursery´s door flew in pieces sending Lily backwards. The young mother fell on her side and covered herself from the door remains that were falling on her.
"Finally…" She froze at the cold hissing voice that hunted her dreams. Slowly she looked up and found herself looking right into the red eyes she feared to see one day.
The self-proclaimed Dark Lord walked into the room pointing his wand at the young mother. "It seems that you and your traitor of a husband trusted the wrong person, mudblood
She rose from the floor with all the courage she had and stood between him and her children and pointed her wand at the Dark Lord. Voldemort laughed at her pathetic attempts.
"You dare to stand against me you filthy mudblood…" He sneered at her and flicked his wand disarming her. "Crucio…!" Lily instantly fell to the ground writhing in pain and screaming in agony. Her loud screams woke her sleeping baby causing the Dark Lord to focus his attention to the closet door and smirked. "So that is where you hide those filthy Half-bloods, Stupefy…!" Immediately she was unconscious. Voldemort stepped over her body and stopped right in front the door. "Alohomora…" Slowly the closet door opened and a smiled appeared on his face at the sight in front of him.
The eldest of the Potter glared at him as he hugged his little brother. Voldemort sneered at the little boy ignoring the courage in his eyes.
"You are brave, child. I can see the hate in your eyes…" He saw the boy looked at his mother on the floor. "You hate me because I hurt your mother and father…" The dark Lord said in delight and pointed his wand at Harry and Jamey. "I can't wait to see the horror in your eyes as I make you watch your brother's death…"
Harry only glared at him and turned his body to protect his brother. The Dark Lord laughed but stopped when he felt something tugging on his robes.
"Teddy…!" Harry called at the small bear who was trying to stop the Dark Lord.
Voldemort watched at the stuffed animal in fascination. "My, it seems that you have talent boy, more talent that the old fool thinks but not enough to stop me" He then turned his wand towards the little bear. "Incendio…!"
"NO…!" Harry screamed as the little bear burst in flames and started to run around the room. "Confringo…!" He shouted aiming his little had at the Dark Lord.
Voldemort found himself backing up a few steps as his robes burned. "You filthy Half-blood…! Now you will die with the rest of your family!"
While the dark lord focused on putting out the flames on his robes little Harry put his brother on the floor and stood protectively in front of him. His little heart was pounding against his chest but he tried to remember something to help him. "Scutum Maximum…" He whispered and an invisible cocoon formed around him and his brother.
Voldemort was furious. A mere child caught him off guard. He turned around to face the soon to be dead child, his eyes screaming murder.
Harry knew what was coming but he promised his mommy that he was going to protect his baby brother. Jamey would be safe no matter what.
"You and your mudblood of a mother will be the first to die tonight…" The Dark Lord hissed as he pointed his wand at Harry once again. Thankfully his spell will last until help arrives. "Good bye, Harry Potter…"
And the little boy closed his eyes, his little bothers cries echoing in the room.
…after those words all turned dark for Harry.
Thank your for reading and reviewing and don´t doubt in telling me if you see any mistakes.