Logan takes Julian's phone and replaces Derek's phone number with his own… and Derek knows a lot of Julian's secrets that Logan doesn't… including one particularly deep secret that Julian had trouble even admitting to himself. The italics is Julian's texts and the bold is Logan's.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Dalton or Glee related.

"You're an idiot, Derek! I don't understand what the hell I've done and why he isn't talking to me. What the hell did I do, D? Just tell me, okay?" Logan drops his voice so he is no longer yelling and puts an immense effort into gaining his composure, "Please, Derek. If there's anything I can do… he's being… I don't know… but something's wrong I can just tell. And you know at least some of it! I know you do!"

Logan crosses the room to where Derek is standing, arms folded across his chest and a resigned look on his face. "If Jules doesn't want to tell you, I'm sorry Logan but it's not my place. Just leave it alone, all right?" He says, shaking his head, knowing it's useless.

"How the hell am I supposed to leave it alone? He won't come out of his fucking room!" Logan counters, his voice rising again despite his efforts to control it.

"Figure it out Lo!" Derek snaps, losing his patience, "And have you ever thought that if he wanted you to know, he would tell you," He pushes his way past Logan to leave the room. As soon as he's gone, Logan collapses on his bed, fuming and furious.

That's when he hears something vibrate on the table beside him. He looks and sees a phone showing a new text message. Thinking it's Derek's, he picks it up and tries his friend's password. It doesn't work but a plan had started to worm its way into the singer's mind, making him extremely determined.

Logan isn't good at hacking but after about two hours, the internet, and a lot of good luck, he's able to break into the phone. It isn't Derek's. As far as Logan knows, Derek does not have Clark Saywer's number… that means that the phone belongs to… Logan smiles slightly to himself… that means the phone belongs to Julian Larson.

This is even better then Logan hoped for. He can finally get to the bottom of what is going on with the actor. He looks through Julian's contacts and makes a few adjustments. After he is sure everything is set up properly, he sets the phone back down on the table and locks it.

Derek and Julian have the same iPhone and their cases are similar so it would be easy to mix up. The Warbler realizes that as Derek was leaving the actor's room, he must have grabbed the wrong phone by mistake. And Logan decides, with a signature smirk, to take full advantage of the opportunity.

He's smart about it, making sure Derek is out of the actor's room for at least three hours before composing the first text. It takes him a few minutes to make sure that it sounds like Derek and after he's done, the blonde admires his work for a second before sending it.

(Saturday, 3:02PM)

Hey… has it gotten any better?

He isn't sure what 'it' is so he decides to only use the pronoun, and he figures that Derek wouldn't have texted the actual problem straight out anyway. After the message sends, a strange satisfaction falls over him with only a small pang of guilt that he easily ignores.

Julian Larson is busy staring up at the celling and doing nothing. He's thinking about texting Derek to tell him that everything is getting worse but he figures that his friend will have no new advice so there isn't a point. He rolls his eyes at the celling and settles back, trying to make himself more comfortable. His phone buzzes and he looks over.

Derek: (Saturday, 3:03PM)

Hey… has it gotten any better?

Julian sighs at the phone, and takes his time before sending back a reply, even though he has nothing better to do.

(Saturday, 3:44PM)

What do you think?

Logan jumps as the phone in his hand vibrates. He has been holding it, pacing the room when Julian didn't respond immediately, scared that the actor somehow figured out what he was doing. He sees the name and can't contain the smile. The smile is quickly replaced by a frown as Logan reads the message.

(Saturday, 3:44PM)

What do you think?

Logan stares at his phone, before he remembers that Julian expects a reply from him… and by him he means Derek. He decides not to push his luck on the first few texts because he can always try again later. And answering Julian's text with another question just seems like too much regardless.

(Saturday, 3:52PM)

Well if you need anything let me know.

(Saturday, 3:54PM)

What could possibly help me?

Logan frowns. The text is obviously sarcastic but he can't imagine why. At least it tells him one thing: Julian is not sick. Like Logan suspected, he's lying. If he was physically sick, there would have been something Derek could do for him, or at least something Julian could say he was doing to try and help himself get better.

(Saturday, 4:00)

I don't know. But I figured I would ask anyway.

(Saturday, 4:10)

Okay. What was the squid yelling about earlier? The usual?

Logan frowns and mouthes the word 'squid.' But since there is no one else in Stuart that has been yelling in the past few hours, by process of elimination he figures 'squid' (for some reason) is referring to himself. He makes a mental note to figure out why, but since the term is used so causally, he realizes that Derek must already know.

"What the hell?" He says out loud, trying to figure out why he is being refereed to as a squishy ink-squirting sea animal.

(Saturday, 4:17)

Oh that? Yeah… just wanted to know about you again. Don't worry, I didn't tell him anything but he's being really persistent.

(Saturday, 4:20)

What was his argument this time?

(Saturday, 4:24)

That he has a right to know what's on your mind because he does actually give a fuck about you and he cares what is wrong with you and he wants to help.

(Saturday, 4:26)

Help! Like he could help! More like he would never talk to me again!

(Saturday, 4:29)

His argument, not mine Jules.

(Saturday, 4:31)

I know. Doesn't make it any less laughable.

(Saturday, 4:42)

Have you seriously thought about telling him what's wrong?

(Saturday, 4:48)

Is that a joke, D? Seriously?

(Saturday, 4:55)

Well maybe it was phrased wrong. I mean, why can't you just tell him?

(Saturday, 4:56)

You know why

(Saturday, 4:59)

I do… but I want to hear your reasoning again. Maybe you can only tell him part of it

(Saturday, 5:07)

And what part do you think I should start with, exactly? Where the fuck do I begin?

(Saturday, 5:09)

I don't know… you tell me

(Saturday, 5:10)

If I had any idea, you know I would fucking tell you. I just don't know how to say it. Or what I would say. And that's not even counting his reaction. He'll probably think it's a joke… or flat out ignore me… or laugh at me… or something worse.

(Saturday, 5:13)

I don't think he would do any of that…

(Saturday, 5:15)

Oh and when did you become an expect on Logan Wright?

Logan groans in frustration and resists the urge to throw his phone through a wall or go shove it down Julian Larson's throat. He had known this was going to be difficult, but he had no idea it would be this frustrating.

(Saturday, 5:18)

Just try telling me. Pretend I'm Logan

(Saturday, 5:20)

You're not serious…

(Saturday, 5:21)

And you're not sick…

(Saturday, 5:23)

Fuck you

(Saturday, 5:26)

Come on, just try it. What do you have to lose?

(Saturday, 5:27)


(Saturday, 5:29)

Stop being a drama queen. Telling me won't kill you even if telling Logan would. It isn't like I don't already know. Just pretend I'm Logan.

(Saturday, 5:40)

I wouldn't tell him on a text

(Saturday, 5:42)

But let's say you have to. Besides, once you can tell me on a text we can practice face to face tomorrow. I charge $75 per hour

(Saturday, 5:48)

Funny, Derek. Real funny.

(Saturday, 5:51)

I'm not Derek anymore, I'm Logan, remember? Come on just try it.

(Saturday, 5:52)

Fuck you

(Saturday, 5:53)

I hate you

(Saturday, 5:53)


(Saturday, 5:54)

How the hell do I start? What the hell do I start with?!

Logan smiles to himself. He is finally getting somewhere. But Julian's last text is a bit confusing to him. He wonders how many secrets the actor has been keeping.

(Saturday, 5:59)

Well, start with simple. Just say it plainly...

(Saturday, 6:01)

No, I can't do it

(Saturday, 6:02)

Come on, Jules!

(Saturday, 6:05)

I feel like an idiot. It's pathetic

(Saturday, 6:07)

Just try it once. Try it once and we never have to talk about it. Maybe it will help you feel better, who knows.

Julian sits on his bed, staring at the phone. Although Logan doesn't know it, he has found the weak spot.

(Saturday, 6:10)

Fine. Starting now, you're Logan. If you say anything that Logan wouldn't say, I will kill you.

Logan smirks at the irony of Julian's threat.

"Oh don't worry," He says aloud, addressing the phone in his hand, "I won't say anything that Logan wouldn't… promise…"

(Saturday, 6:11)

All right… you start.

(Saturday, 6:13)

Okay, but I'm only doing one secret. that was the deal.

(Saturday, 6:14)

What? I don't understand? I'm not Derek anymore, Jules…

(Saturday, 6:15)

I hate you. Okay… here it goes.

(Saturday, 6:19)

Hey Lo… I need to tell you something.

(Saturday, 6:21)


(Saturday, 6:23)

Ok, this is going to be a bit of a shock

(Saturday, 6:24)


(Saturday, 6:25)

And you can't tell other people ok… I'm actually trusting you for once

(Saturday, 6:27)

What happened? Did you sleep with another fan?

(Saturday, 6:28)


(Saturday, 6:29)

Just playing the part Jules.

(Saturday, 6:31)

You're a bit too good at it. It's pissing me off.

(Saturday, 6:33)

What did you want to tell me?

(Saturday, 6:38)

Fine. Well… I guess i'll just say it.

(Saturday, 6:42)

Come on, Jules. This isn't that hard.

(Saturday, 6:43)

Easy for you to say!

(Saturday, 6:44)

Just tell me okay. Only one of them if you want… just try texting one of them

(Saturday, 6:46)

I don't understand why this is so hard

(Saturday, 6:47)

Neither do I!

(Saturday, 6:52)

Okay fine, I'll say it… but only once.

(Saturday, 6:57)

I'm waiting…

(Saturday, 7:01)

All that stuff about me being the straight as an arrow hollywood heartbreaker… it's a bunch of bullshit.

(Saturday, 7:03)

Are you saying you've never broken a heart. Now that's bullshit, Jules

(Saturday, 7:10)

No… I'm saying I'm gay.