OUR RIGHT TO WRITE! I am terribly sorry for my delays, I can assure you, as I have already promised in my profile and in a chapter that no matter how long the delay may be, I will never abandon a story. I will not regale you with an epic novel for an excuse, just know that I am sorry. I am posting this today because it has come to my attention that our government is trying to pass a bill that would limit piracy. Some of you may be wondering why that concerns me so much, but this bill will affect fanfiction and all US based websites for fanart and fanfiction. They use fancy words to make you believe that they are protecting the media industry, when in reality they are limiting our first amendment. They are limiting our creativity, and our ability to dream. Because isn't that what fanfiction is all about? Please, I beg of you, sign this petition. Take the two seconds required to create a profile on their site, even under a pseudonym, and sign this petition. HELP SAVE OUR RIGHT TO WRITE! .gov/petition/stop-sopa-2014/q0Vkk0Zr