Forbiden, Malenie.


Author's note: This takes place in "The Batman" Universe, like where the Joker has long green hair and the Riddler is emo. Anyway, read and review!

"Shush Mel! Do you want him to hear us!"

The girl looks up at her older sister, confused. Where is she taken her? Mommy and daddy? Is this where the butterflies her older sister had told her about taken them?

"Mel, com'mon, here."

The brunette waves her six year old sister to a bush in front of an abandoned amusement park. The smaller one takes her sister's hand and starts to weep.

"I want Mommy and Daddy back! Why did the butterflies take them away when they were seeing the movie?"

"Shhh, Mel, the butterflies don't bring people back."

"Why not?"

The older sighed, this one was too small to understand murder. They had orphaned a month ago, and since then the older had been planning revenge.

She was - to say the least - inspired by this new "Batman" appearing on the telly.

"The butterflies loved Mommy and Daddy, so they took them."

The younger wheezed, "Will the butterflies take you someday?"

The older looks at her kind of strange. "Maybe, Mel. Not sure. Let's go." They start to walk into the park.

"The Joker's Palace. That sounds scary." The younger whispered as she grabbed the end of her skirt.

"I guess Mel. Com'mon. We're gonna get 'em..."

The two sneaked in (distracted for a couple second by teddy bears, until they blew up).

The Joker grinned on top of his fun house. He grins a toothy grin and picks his toe. Finally! Some fun around here! The Clown prince of Crime rubs his hand together and licks his blood-red lips, "Oh, why looky here! A trooper and her mini-me!" He jumps off his ledge. No one intrudes his palace.

The older brunette carries two squirt guns full of home-made acid (vinegar, pool-cleaning stuff, and different spices) and gives one to her sister. "Careful! Aim at him and squirt only at him!"

The younger nods, crying again. She glances up, and her little heart felt as if it was going to fry.

They scream as the Joker lands smack in front of them. They both quake in fear. He's so much scarier in person then on TV... His one wild red eye furious at the intruders, while the other one is happy and excited for some fun.

He slicks his wild green hair back and grins, "So... You two kiddys heading anywhere?"

"Only to take you to the slammer!" The taller girl says, aiming and firing the squirt gun.

"Ooo... I'm so scared- AAAAAAHHHH!" The Joker yelps when the acid hits his red eyes.

"Why YOU LITTLE!" the Joker screamed and whipped out a can and sprayed it at the teens face.

The little one read, "Joker's Laughing Gas."

The-six-year-old's face dropped when her sister started laughing uncontrollably. It was a mad cackle, not a giggle, and it freaked the younger blond out. Just as her laughing was about to stop, her face was stuck in an ear-to-ear grin. All her teeth were showing. Her eyes was watering. It wasn't a funny grin, it wasn't happy...

It was sick.

The girl dropped her gun and ran over to her sister. But, it was too late, her eyes glazed over and the butterflies took her away.

The six year old was angry. Very, very angry. She ran over cotton candy stand. She ripped a cardboard stick off and, like a knife, threw it at the murderer. Just like her sister had taught her too. He dodged it, and the thirty seven other pegs. They stuck to the wall, flaming.

"Whoa, girl... Calm down! You could hurt yourself!" The Joker shriek/laughed for a while the younger sobbed.

"Aw, pipsqueak." he said, towering over her, "You've got potential. Com'mon, be my Joker Jr. HEEEEEEHAHAHAH!" The girl looked up, terrified at this strange man. He leaped with the girl in his arms, and crashed into his Fun House. "Say, what's your name, anyway?"

"M-Melanie, uh, Smith."

"Hm, I think your villain name should be JessDer, whatdaya think?"

"Uh, um..."

"Perfect! I'm going train you to be as lethal as me! Hehaha!"

But Melanie wasn't paying attention. She had wondered to the window, where her sister's corpse lay.

The last glimpse she ever had of her sister was her being carried away into a black car by a muscular man in a black outfit and strange mask...

A/N: Copyright: "The Batman." DC Comic/WB Kids

Ok, so if this story gets at least five reviews, I'll update it. So if you like it, tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell your neighbors, tell your boss/teacher, tell your dog, tell your potatoes, (ha ha, sarcasm). So please review!