Kagome knew that she would end here. With no companions, friends, with no way to go home. So completely and utterly alone. She took everyone away from her. Kikyo would always be the winner. Inuyasha chose her and after the group saw how good she could battle, they chose her too. Replaced her. It wasn't enough that Kagome couldn't return home, because Naraku destroyed the well. How she longed to see her brother and grandfather, how she wished to feel her mother's arms around her.
That is how she ended up. Traveling alone, learning to fight as best as she could. She threw away her uniform, replacing it with a blue kimono to match with her eyes. Every time she came upon a village and helped them, they in return helped her in some way. Some taught her how to wield a sword, others hand to hand combat. That was her payment. Because of these people she learned to fight, learned to heal others.
She helped humans and demons alike when they needed. She remembered that only a week ago had she come upon a fox demon. He was covered in blood and most of it was his own. He was unconscious when she washed away the blood from his body. She called forth her healing energy, careful not to accidentally purify the demon. She stayed by his side until he awoke. She smiled as she remembered his reaction.
He opened his golden eyes and looked around confused. But then he saw her and tried to sit up. She rushed to him, pushing him gently back down.
"You haven't recovered fully. Lie down and don't move." She said to him.
He looked at her and even he had to admit that she was beautiful. Especially when she smiled at him. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with life; gentle hands brushed away his hair from his face.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"My name's Kagome. I'm a priestess." She laughed as she saw his eyes widening. "Don't worry. I'm not going to purify you."
After that they struck a friendship. She stayed with him till he was once more in good health. Yoko, as she later found out his name, promised to repay her for her kindness one day. She just shook her head at him.
Kagome came out of her daydreaming when she sensed someone with demonic powers to her left. She pushed branches away as she searched the source of the power. After five minutes of walking in the thick forest, she saw a figure clad in black clothes. He appeared to be sleeping, but she knew that he was wide awake and he already sensed her.
"Leave." Came his harsh, cold voice. Kagome ignored his warning and kneeled beside him.
"You're hurt." She said to him. "Let me heal you." He just huffed, not having the energy to say anything else. She put her hands on the bleeding gash on his stomach and pushed forth her healing power. A light pink light appeared on her hands as she slowly healed his flesh. She whipped her brow of the sweat from her forehead and sat before him, waiting to open his eyes. She didn't have to wait long, for he opened his eyes. Crimson orbs clashing with her sapphire ones.
"Why?" he glared at her.
"Well… I like helping people that need help." She muttered, taken aback by his intense stare.
"I did not need help from a lowly human girl." He nearly snarled. Her eyes widened at his rude comment. She stood up and turned away from him. She didn't want to put up with this demon. No thank you. She had enough of that with Inuyasha. She walked away from him, not looking back.
"Well then. I will no longer dirty the air around you with my disgusting human scent." She muttered and disappeared into the forest leaving a shocked demon behind.
hope you liked it. I'll be updating quickly. Promise ;)