Disclaimer: Not mine.

Summary: Counter planning, packing some aliens advice, and a new list.

Warnings: Cursing, possibly incorrect descriptions of famous landmarks and/or foreign places (anywhere outside the USA), American awesomeness, confusion, reasons to learn history and my grammar you have been warned.


Chapter Two:

In Which is Stress Bad and Alfred Gets Ready


In a normal everyday situation, Matthew Williams was a very reliable person capable of doing anything he put his mind to. He was the type of person to plan out a party down to the last spoon placement, and then wonder if perhaps the spoon in question was straight. He was also the type of person who had a panic room.

Paranoia was a trait the Canadian (unwittingly) shared with his more infamous sibling, and because of this, tried to plan for every possible situation.

Except…he had never thought he'd be planning a counter plan against an invasion against his own brother…

He hugged Kumajirou closer, trying to keep the nervousness at bay.

While, his bear companion casually plotted the demise of a stack of pancakes oozing maple syrup.


Returning back to his sunny-side home, Alfred starting gathering up supplies. Finding his passport buried under some video games, he took a small container of white out from a nearby table and marked out the 'F', knowing full well that going into any country with his human name was just asking for trouble. Last time, he attempted to take a holiday in Italy; he spent all of his vacation trying to convince Lovino and Feliciano, as well as Antonio and Ludwig that he wasn't going to invade them.

Honesty, those Europeans were too uptight…

Unearthing his travel cases from his closet, and throwing the clothes in them into the hamper, Alfred re-packed the bags insuring a few changes of clothes, some video games, a few travel guides, and one (Alfred shivered) complete map of the world. [1]

'Where are you going?' A voice said cutting through his thoughts.

Alfred blinked spinning around.

Standing a few feet from him was Tony eating a slice of pizza.

"On vacation, Barack wants me to get some down time."


"I'm not sure where. The traveling agency said they were going to give me a call. Apparently since I want to tour both Europe and Asia over an eight month span they need to corradate flight plans or something." He said, he turning back to his suitcase and stuffed some more clothes in to it. It with a bit of a struggle but Alfred had the strength to make it happen. It clicked shut, a small metallic device emitting a strange light hopping across the handle as he did so.

Tony blinked at him unsure what to say, but took Alfred's newest actions in stride, sitting himself on the nearest couch. A plate of pizza floating itself over to his lap while the TV and Xbox switched on. The two pairs of controllers flying over in front of the alien and dropping gently into the sofa—a quiet invitation to play until Alfred had to go.

Alfred pushed suitcases over to the door before sitting on the couch, controller in his hand.

He had some time to kill.


Francis Bonnefoy was a man used to finding himself in strange situations.

More often than not, simply being Gilbert's and Antonio's friend put a person into weird situations. Late nights digging through the Channel looking for his clothes after a drinking session, being attacked by a mine in Germany, talking to an uptight German who was beyond help, being arrest for public indecency(though that was really his own fault)—the list went on and on, and sometimes got even weirder. Really weird.

But that wasn't the point.

On this bright Saturday morning, being friends with Gilbert and Antonio had nothing to do with it. In fact, the oddness was coming from a very unexpected place—his dear Mathieu. Though what exactly was this situation was Francis had no idea.

Ever since he'd pick up his cell phone, a rush of French and English was bleeding through the phone in a mixed up babble. Words like 'Alfred' and something like 'list' and 'invasion' were probably some of the few words he was barely able to pick up—

"…and then I called you." Matthew finished finally running out of stream.

Francis blinked sliding over a notepad and a pen as he glanced at his phone. Whatever problem this was, no doubt he was probably going to need to take notes. Lots of notes.

And probably find some aspirin.

He could already feel a headache coming on.

" I see…might you repeat yourself again mon cher? Perhaps slowly, s'il vous plait?"

"Bien sûr."


S'il vous plait: French: please

Bien sur: French: Of course.

[1] Usually when you buy a map in Texas, unless you say you want a World Map, many times you will only get a map of the United States (which has a tiny bit of Mexico and Canada)—my guess for this is that unless you plan on going oversea you don't need a world map. Heck, even traveling for me is a little extravagant. Think about it. You don't need a passport to travel state to state, or a new language (unless you want to learn the local dialect), or a new currency. National parks, desserts, rock formations, casinos, giant landmarks, and tastes of culture from around the world can be found here so World Maps are really kind of rare if you're not an oversea business person, or a history major. Just thought I throw that out there…

Author's Note: Really more of a filler than anything else. But I wanted the reader's opinions before I went any further.

Do the readers want me to do each country separately as a chapter, or would you like me to pair up some of them—say Finland and Sweden?

Anyhow, please Read and Review—I need the information!