Author Note: Hi! This is my first fanfiction so any advice is welcome! I have the general story mapped out, but with room for new ideas as well!:)
I know it starts slow, it'll get more interesting and quicker though. The main character is Rohenna Rose, I made her up and a few others like the elf and Professor Brightstone etc. I have tried to stick to the original J. K. Rowlings version as much as possible, and it's set in James and Lily's time:)
I have re-read millions but i'm sure you'll find a spelling mistake, just let me know!
(For some annoying reason it changes the 'owls' and 'newts' to 'O.' and 'N.E.' when I write them in capitals but writing owls is confusing, because im talking about the grades:| Sorry!)
Anyway, enjoy!
- Chapter One -
Exceeds Expectations
As part of the Ministry's Law, all widarding schools are obliged to teach students in preparation for their O.W.L examinations. After that, there is no reinforced Law concerning the higher N.E.W.T levels. The most well known and highest academic achieving school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, were among the very few who continued teaching on into N.E.W.T levels.
Saint Kristina Night-Castle, joined with its sister Saint Dianna Night-Castle, lay proudly alongside the countries more forgotten about schools. Housing a total between them of four hundred students. Their long dark corridors mourning the absence of the crowds they were built for, and their spiralling staircases still stood strong from lack of wear. Empty frames lined the walls; not even the paintings had bothered to stay.
The enthusiastic spirit of the two ancient sister schools had long since died with the Night sisters, Kristina and Dianna. The witch's dreams of bettering Hogwarts at where they were taught, soon drifted only occasionally into the memories of the oldest of wizards. A foolish plan, but nevertheless the schools still remained - turning merely four hundred, approaching of-age, witches and wizards out with Acceptable O..
From then on it was the students personal decision whether to apply for another school to complete their N.E., or hang about until they are of-age. Like nearly the whole population of Saint Kristina's, Rohenna Rose dreamed of Hogwarts School. It was the summer after Rohenna's fifth year, five long and painful years. She, with only a handful others, had braved the summer in the prison. Not that she had a choice; her parents had died only half-way through her second year and with no home or family to return to the school had become her cage.
But they didn't die without pride, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named killed them. They resisted his cause, it was enough for Rohenna. The war was ongoing, it seemed unlikely to ever end but what did it matter now? All it could take now was her. She had no relatives to worry about, or friends to miss. You learn in times like these, not to get close to people; war is no time for friendships.
The corridor echoed her footsteps as she paced, a small amount of summer light crept through the high windows and with it bird songs. Happy Birthday, she thought. This time five years ago, she had ran into the living room where her parents had glanced across curiously at their excited eleven-year-old.
"What is it, dear?" Mother had asked.
"Looks like a letter," her father injected as Rohenna climbed between them onto the sofa. "Read it out."
"It's from Hogwarts!" She had squealed, 16-year-old Rohenna laughed aloud at her ignorance.
"Dear Miss Rose,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed
a list of all necessary books and equipment-"
She'd had to stop reading the letter every eleven-year-old awaits; her father had snatched it out of her eager grip. The faces she had looked up to next were full of pity and worry. She knew really, that she was different. It made sense her not going to Hogwarts, they wouldn't understand her. But Saint Kristina's wasn't too bad, not until she lost her parents.
The ray of light flickered in front of 16-year-old Rohenna, but before she could react a large brown owl swooped down from the high windows. It landed on the concrete floor and looked up at her expectantly, almost impatient. Around its leg a small letter was tied, Rohenna's stomach lurched. Her O.. With shaky hands she pulled the letter free and watched the owl fly out through the same window, slightly in awe of its freedom.
After reading the letter once she did a double take;
Defence Against the Dark Arts: E
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Divination: A
Herbology: A
Potions: E
Charms: A
Muggle Studies: A
Transfiguration: E
She'd passed everything! But this meant... Rohenna struggled to comprehend it for a moment. Hogwarts. The word teased her; she was eleven again with her first letter, but what was to stop her now?
'You're different, but you'll learn to mask it well, come sixth year and you'll walk proudly into Hogwarts...' her father's words had irritated her for weeks before Rohenna had calmed down. It'd seemed so far, but now, would she? Now she could? Hogwarts.
Of course she would, her parents would have wanted it. With an uncomfortable pressing feeling Rohenna Disaparated into her room, her suitcase sat in its usual packed state with only Hogwarts: A History left open on small bed frame. A glance towards her moon chart also promised at least two weeks of peace. Then a quick scribbled note explaining her plans to apply for Hogwarts later, Rohenna sat up, pleased with herself.
"Maisy?" she called, a small pop followed with the arrival of a tiny, girly house-elf.
"Yes, Miss?" she squeaked.
"Take this down to Professor Brightstone, and make sure he reads it."
"Yes Miss!" Maisy nodded and grabbed the note before Disaparating.
It's the first of August, only four weeks before Rohenna would finally walk through the famous halls of Hogwarts. She'd be safe there, it wasn't a secret that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is frightened of Professor Dumbledore. Also, with no disrespects to Saint Kristina's, the teachers at Hogwarts are commonly written about for their magical skills. Without realising it Rohenna had her wand resting gently in her right hand, with it wordlessly she packed her book and wrote another letter, this one addressed to Hogwarts.
"Exceeds Expectations!" Professor Brightstone exclaimed, he was a short wizard with wild, greying hair. Rohenna had only ever respected his Professor status. Truly she found him amusing, and his slightly angry front only added to this, "you got that right, elf?"
"Yessir!" squeaked Maisy who was more than a little scared of the Head Teacher.
"Honestly Proffessor, look," Rohenna insisted showing him the letter.
After a moment's hesitation he looked up, "well, then, that changes things." Maisy glanced up at Rohenna hopefully who excused her from the conversation, she then Disaparated. "And what's that?"
Rohenna looked down at the letter she'd been writing and blushed, "my letter to Hogwarts, sir."
Professor Brightstone coloured, "without my permission? Lucky for you that your O. back you up young lady. I want you out by next week." Pop.
That's chapter one! I have a chapter two ready but I want to see how this one went first, too long, too short, too slow?
I'll post the next chapter soon anyway though:)