Bottled up silence

A/n: Thank you for all of the reviews on my story, I don't mind if you wish to have the idea of my previous story because it wasn't my best writing as it was a practise, this is going to my main story and I might make others. If you would like to contribute then please do,


I don't own young Dracula; this is for the enjoyment of fans and me.

Chapter one: Dreaming Bullies

Erin rolled about in her coffin while murmuring and sobbing, she felt scared and alone stuck in this never ending nightmare. Since Erin had saved Becky by putting garlic in her drink, she had taken it the wrong way when evil Vlad refused to kiss Becky, and because Erin had put the garlic in of course it was her fault according to Becky.

Becky started to slowly befriend her, starting arguments on purpose, getting Erin in trouble but worst of all was the bullying and loneliness she causes Erin to feel.

It had been a week since they had defeated Sethius so Vlad and everybody except Wolfie had been busy, She felt like she was being ignored but she didn't blame him he had all the weight on his shoulders.

It was the night before starting back at school from the Easter holidays, and Erin was dreading it. She hadn't told Vlad and it was going to stay that way she didn't want him worrying, after a while she had tired herself out sobbing and fell asleep trying to think of the positives.

But the nightmare returned. Erin was in a school corridor, it was lunch and Erin was heading to the canteen but she bumped into someone she wishes she hadn't.

"Oh look who it is!" Becky cackled to the other pretty popular girls unlike herself, Erin thought.

"Just leave me alone," Erin murmured into her chest and tried to push through.

"What was that freak." She giggled as she said it to Erin.

"Just leave me alone!" Erin shouted again, trying to push through once more but she was pushed back.

Becky ignored her remark and carried on with news she was going to tell Erin, "Guess what weirdo I know your secret," Erin didn't understand what she meant. "I know you are ...

Suddenly Erin woke up once more from the dream, shivering in cold sweat. How did Becky know her secret but then again it was just a dream but a bad one, Erin scooped her knees up to her chest covering her faces. She felt warmer when she hugged herself; she just let the tears seep through her jogging bottoms.


Vlad awoke to the sound of almost silent sobbing coming from somewhere in the quarters, he glanced at his watch it was 3.30am in the morning and he was going back to school today. He clicked his fingers before he could hit his head on the lid and sat up rubbing his eyes, who was crying at this time in the morning. But he still ventured out to see who it was so he could then rest, although he didn't really need it but he felt normal doing so.

The count was in the throne room probably trying to conjure a speech for miss. McCauley, Vlad chuckled to himself.

Still listening out for the sobs that echoed through his head every other second, It was weird he recognised the tone of the voice but couldn't put his finger on it.

The sound led him to outside Erin's door; he suddenly felt a huge wave of guilt wash over him. He had been ignoring her for most of the week, due to getting the slayers and vampire's treaty together, before thinking he barged into her room.

Erin jumped at the noise of her door opening, but she stayed huddled in a ball to keep her face hidden from the intruder.

"Erin?" Vlad questioned the huddle in the middle of the coffin. Erin's ears pricked up at the voice it was Vlad. He strode the side of the coffin and put an arm around her, "Hey what's the matter?" he said while rubbing her back.

He waited for an answer but she just sat their sobbing, he then prised her face from her knees and gently pulled her chin towards his own face, she was shivering and instead of having red puffy eyes she was as white as a sheep.

Tear tracks staining the most beautiful face he had ever seen, she didn't say anything but cuddled into his embrace. After a while of silent hugging Vlad knelt beside Erin's coffin, still confused about why she crying.

"Erin what's the matter, please tell me," he said more seriously, soon he would start making his own assumptions. Erin just sat there taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down but she still refused to talk, Vlad touched her hair and stroked it.

"Are your hurt or anything?" he said while checking for any cuts of bruises, Erin shook her head. "Do you feel ill?" he question. Once again she shook her head; Vlad was now really perplexed. Erin looked into his face she then decided to speak.

"I'm fine Vlad, just a nightmare," she said trying not to tremble. Vlad once again put his arm around her,

"It's got to be more than just a nightmare surely," Vlad said not entirely convinced, "Is it because I have been ignoring you, because if it is I'm sorry... I didn't... mean to," He said wavering in his voice. Erin shook her head and hiccupped slightly which made her giggle,

"No really it's just a dream," she said more confidently, Vlad nodded and headed towards the door.

"Are you sure your alright?" he quizzed once more, Erin nodded then Vlad left the room.

Erin sighed then grabbed the diary that sat on the chest draws, she began to write everything down, all her worries and problems also the secret she was trying to for as long as he could, as it helped her get it off her mind, before placing it in to her school bag.


Erin walked down the corridors towards the throne room and she bumped into Vlad which was slightly embarrassing. They all had a half decent breakfast due to Renfields cooking; Erin grabbed school bag and headed for school with Vlad.

The headed to form class and settled down until Becky walked in, she instinctively shoved passed Erin so her belongings splashed onto the floor. Luckily Vlad was seated the other side of the class room so he didn't hear the girls laughing at Erin, Becky bent down and picked up Erin's diary,

"What this?" she said in her most innocent girl voice she could do, without even wait for Erin answer she opened it up. She then stood on table to get everyone's attention and began to read, spilling all of Erin's secrets to the class including one particular one that even Vlad didn't know.

"Dear Diary," Becky started with her eyes widening with more interest. Erin cowered to the back of the room shaking; she couldn't believe what was happening. Vlad eyes shot from Becky to Erin as read, Erin's eyes were brimming with tears as Becky got the part that even Vlad didn't know.

"Even though I feel safe in the Dracula's house hold I still have nightmares, some that I can't get out my head for weeks. There mostly about my parents coming to get again, ooh this bit sounds good," Becky said laughing, Vlad was about to stand up he wasn't going to stand for this but then something caught his attention.

"I keep on being sick and I can't help myself, I think I'm pregnant." Vlad ran over to Erin as she collapsed against the wall...