Kevin woke up coughing, nearly hacking his lungs out of his chest to get water out. He shook his head and tried to regain his composure, all the while trying to remember what had happened.

I...there was an explosion...but Cindy-

He remembered the waitress. Blurry images of Cindy tripping near the gas truck. Kevin, being the police officer that he was, went back for her while the others escaped around the front of the truck. Cindy had gone back with Jim to light the leaking gas from the truck but Jim had gone running when the zombies started getting too close. Kevin had to go back and get Cindy. He had fired off three shots to one zombie who was nearly on top of Cindy, who had tripped on her high-heels. However, making a desperate decision, Kevin grabbed Cindy and the two fell into a ravine to avoid the large explosion that merely missed them.

If we had taken much longer we'd have been barbeque... Kevin thought as he stood up. He heard more coughing from right next to him. He saw Cindy leaning over him, hands on his back.

"You alright?"

Kevin nodded, "I am, what about you?"

"Foot hurts a little, but I'll get over it. You almost drowned so I performed CPR."

Kevin looked at her for a second, acknowledging the fact that she had saved his life. "Then we're even, right?"

The blond nodded, helping the cop to his feet. Cindy, though a little shaken from the explosion was all right. Kevin reached for his hip holster and checked his .45, his favorite handgun. He had started with seven rounds and had two extra clips. Twenty-one rounds total. That was before the zombies arrived at J's Bar and started to kill everyone. Now, he was down to four rounds in the gun and an extra magazine. But, he also had a 9mm pistol that he had grabbed off a dead cop outside the bar. That held fifteen rounds and while not quite as powerful as his .45 it was still a gun that could be used.

Now, weapon wise they were decent; they knew that location wise it was a different story. They had escaped the bar and went a couple blocks in a direction that supposedly led to a safe-zone, but then the tanker exploded and separated them from the others. Now, they were in a sewer and unable to know where they going. Kevin started to walk but soon looked at Cindy and handed her the handgun, "Think you can use it?"

Cindy took the gun, noticing how heavy it actually was and never having ever used a gun before carried with a shaky hand. "I will if the road we go on gets worse...

Kevin nodded, "I guess, but if something bad comes along leave it to me, okay?" Taking charge was the one way Kevin knew would make people calm. Cindy was a good woman and Kevin's profession made it clear that he was to remain calm in order to ensure her safety. But how can one stay calm when the walking dead have suddenly popped up and people that you saw die start getting up and walking again? That thought alone would make anyone go insane.

Cindy nodded, "Always an optimist, huh Officer Ryman?"

"Ms. Lennox, I am a police officer, it's in the job description to serve and protect," Kevin replied cocking his .45 and smiling, "besides, a pretty woman like you makes me feel responsible to protect you."

Cindy was surprised at her little giggle that followed. She knew Kevin a lot, since he came to the bar she worked at almost every week just to talk to her. He had tried flirting a couple times but it always ended miserably for him. Still, he never gave up in trying, and that's what Cindy liked about him. He never gave up. "Well then, Officer, I'll be sure to follow orders then."

Kevin nodded again and the two went on walking door the slimy corridor.

Cindy had initially intended to discard her broken high heels but she didn't really relish in the idea of having to wade though a sewer barefoot. So she sucked it up and walked on her tiptoes the whole way through the sludge, occasionally using Kevin as support, which he didn't seem to mind.

Coming to a step down, as in waist deep drop, and Kevin went down first before he offered his hands to Cindy. She took them with no hesitation. They continued onward until they reached a ladder that led up into the street. Kevin offered to go first to make sure it was safe, and Cindy followed behind. The street above was quiet, and while there was cars crashed everywhere, there were no signs of any zombies.

Cindy climbed up after Kevin and quickly tossed her broken heels to the side. The bare road was warm to the soles of her feet as she walked slowly. The first thing she noticed, besides how eerily quiet it was, was the gate to the Apple Inn. The glass doors were wide open, as if inviting the two survivors in. And to the unnerved waitress, it looked like a sanctuary waiting to receive her. Kevin also found the Inn more than a little appealing, but he wondered if there was anyone left alive outside first.

Cindy, however, had made up her mind, "I think it'd be safer to get inside."

This time Kevin shook his head in surprise disagreement, "First we need to find out if there is anyone out here that can help us-" He lost his train of thought as a low moan was heard from beyond the car down the alley to his right. Then, like a domino effect, another groan was heard nearby. Followed by another, and another, and another...

Cindy's scream made the cop turn right around and point his loaded gun at the zombie. He fired off a shot into the upper torso of the male zombie that staggered the foe but didn't make it go down. He then fired another shot that hit it right between the eyes. It fell with a wet thud as a gush of blood came from the gaping hole. Cindy had fallen backwards and landed on her bum. Kevin grabbed her by the arm as more and more zombies came from seemingly every nook and cranny that could hide them and started to converge on the two humans.

Seeing no other alternative, Kevin led Cindy into the Inn and getting into the lobby. Cindy saw only one route to salvation: the fire escape ladder that was in the middle of the room.

"I'll cover you, get up the ladder!"

Cindy started to climb as calmly as she could to avoid slipping as she heard Kevin shoot off two rounds.

The shells flew from the chamber of the gun and hit the metal ladder with a clink, and Kevin's gun went dry. With the zombies slowly getting closer and no time to reload, Kevin mentally said screw it and climbed up the ladder as well.

He found Cindy in the security office room, waiting for him and she gave a great sigh of relief when he entered. "Close call."

"But, now we're stuck in this hotel, and our only way out is covered in those things," Cindy replied, seeming somewhat down.

Kevin however, thought in another perspective. There were rooms they could hide in, food had to be around and unless the plumbing wasn't working the bathrooms were usable. Even with these things he couldn't help but pout about one sore detail he couldn't overlook. The only thing missing is an infinite amount of weapons and ammunition and we got it made. "Well, may as well check to find a room to rest in, huh?"

Cindy nodded, the thought of resting, especially after what had happened in the last couple hours threatened to overwhelm her even as she tried to smile it off, sounded like a good idea.