Warning: One human (error), ending spoiler


Rewriting the Scene

Happening backstage after a quick sylver review...

As I forgot that Maleficent turns into a dragon, I rush to rectify the situation.

But first...-head-desk, head-desk, head-desk-

After my relationship with the desk has deepened, I shall now commence rewinding...whirring sounds ensues.

..."'lar!" Neytiri gasped, "You shouldn't do that! That's not nice."

Gaston grunted, warning the newly arrived customer. "You know the rules. Only villains allowed inside."

Sylar about to wave his hand again was stopped by his girlfriend.

Ops...That is too much rewinding. Pressing the fast forward button.

Temari sighed, "I'll try the Jrock first then."

Suddenly, mentos confetti flew up to the air while someone called Ralph sang, "We are fighting dreamers! Lalala lala lalla. Fighting dreamers."

Not again! Rewind! Heave ho! Rewind!

Maleficent quipped, "That sounds like you need to slay Smaug!"

"That's what I thought," Temari groaned. "I have to slay GC's dragon. However, why does it have to be Smaug and not Haku?"

Perfect! Just the place I'm looking for. Pressing del to delete succeeding text before typing...

"Because Haku is a pal of mine. We sometimes play search the 7 magic balls with another dragon," Maleficent answered. "It'll break my heart if something happens to that boy."

"A pal of yours...heart..." Temari frowned. "Does that mean..."

"That I'm a dragon too?" Maleficent smirked, then nodding her head gradually, she replied, "Yes, you're right."

Temari, finally dawning that she was talking to a real dragon (and not a bad ass cougar as she originally imagined), stuttered, star struck, "I—well, we were just conversing about young boyfriends—and that—I thought you're admitting you're into really young boys."

Maleficent chortled. "Nah. I like little krills, not little boys."

"Krill? You mean those shrimp-like crustaceans?" Temari's frowned, then her face clearing, she announced, "Oh Happy Feet 2!"

"Good guess." Maleficent continued to beam. "What do you want as a prize?"

"In the show I belong to, there's this biggie octopus I always imagine as sushi among other gigantic beings," Temari paused meaningfully, "But a dragon...I always wanted to see one!"

Blank...staring blankly at the screen...where do I go from here?

It's Christmas...

"Your timing sucks, it's Christmas," Maleficent muttered. "Dragons, even such as myself, are not allowed to transform because of air traffic regulations. We couldn't risk running into Santa Clause's sleigh and cause a universal disaster."

"Oh," disappointed, Temari mumbled.

"Just catch Smaug. Maybe he's still showing in some cinemas somewhere," advised Maleficent.

Temari mumbled, "If I catch Smaug, will that restore GC's muse?"

Suddenly, someone from the general direction of the entrance, shouted, "Let me through. Let me through!"

Temari gazed at the direction of the commotion and scowled, perplexed, "Mary Sue, they let you in? I thought only villains are allowed inside."

"Gosh, Temari. Do I have to keep reminding you, I'm a Mary Sue?" grumbled prettily the princess. "Here's a telegram."

Temari scowled while reaching for the proffered missive. Reading the personal message, it said:

My muse is fine, Temari. If not, you and Shikamaru will have been turned into an alien and zombie respectively by now. On second thought that idea concocted by my museless state isn't so bad, right?

"Damn, no more adventure? Sheesh and here I thought I'm going to meet Jabba the Hutt somewhere around here and be forced to wear that famous slave bikini!" Temari growled at the missive.

That's it. The end. Oh wait. Whatever happened to Snape and Lighto?

Does anybody cares...

I do. I like Snape! I like L!


Lord Vaako's ship arrived a day before the Enterprise.

So even before Temari entered the Villain's Lair, Lord Vaako, who also dawdled as a doctor, had with a hypodermic needle, already infected Snape with a flu that made one of his eyes blind. Hence Snape wasn't around because he went to look for Peter Pettigrew and together they were known as the blind mice.

Exit Snape from the scene.

While Light...one doesn't go into skirmish with him. That notebook, you see.

Light went to the bar, and asked Temari to a dance.

Temari said, "Yeah," then seconds into the music she stepped on Light's toe.

Light took out his notebook. "What's your name?" he asked, his pen poised over the blank page of his black notebook.

Temari opened her mouth and snapped a 3 syllabled name.


Days later, Temari closed her eyes and lay very, very still.

Yup, finally. The end.

Did someone just groaned?

Tch, remember Temari's smart and Mary Sue also has 3 syllables to her name and is created to my muse's image and hence is phoenixy.


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