"Hi, I'm looking for Master –"A blonde girl about the age of 17, and strawberry blonde hair was interrupted. "Lucy? Is that you?" A young handsome man at the age of 20 asked. "Yeah, long time no see Hibiki, Ren, Eve!" Lucy greeted. "What are you doing here?" The 16 yr old boy, Eve, asked. "Well, Eve, I am going to be temporarily a part of Blue Pegasus!" Lucy replied.

2 years later~ "Bye Hibiki, Ren, Eve, Ichiya, Master Bob, and everyone else!" I said as I walked to the train.

Gray's POV

Lucy's going to be here soon. I miss her, everyone does. I felt so sorry for her when Natsu kicked her out of the team. I regret agreeing to him, Lisanna almost got us killed and she ran away from the fight. And how does Natsu reward her? By being her boyfriend! "Juvia knows Gray-sama misses Lu-chan" I turned around and saw Juvia smiling. "Don't worry, Juvia knows she'll come back soon." I forced a smile. Behind the doors was a girl about 19, her long blonde hair was put into a pony tail. Wait a minute- BLONDE hair? Lucy! "Hello, what's your-Lucy?" Mira asked. She nodded. Everyone crowded around her and asked her questions. I finally reached Lucy and told her, "Welcome back" and she hugged me.

Lucy's POV

I hugged Gray, oh how I missed him so much! "Gray!" I said. "Lucy! You're back! Did your hair get longer?" He asked. "Yeah" I said. "You look beautiful!" Gray said. I blushed. "Luce?" a familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Natsu and Lisanna holding hands. "Hi Natsu, Lisanna!" I said. "Welcome back Lucy!" They both said in unison. I smiled. Natsu hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. "Don't do that again, Luce, please. I'd burn down a thousand houses just to find you!" He whispered. I giggled.

"I'm gonna go home, I'm really tired guys." I said. "I'll walk you home, Luce" Natsu volunteered. "Nah, besides, I don't want you going into my stuff. I'll just take Gray with me." I said. Natsu pouted then nodded.

In front of my door~

"Thanks for walking me home Gray." I said. "You're welcome" He said. I kissed him on the cheek and blushed.

The next day~

I went over to the guild. "Hey, we have a party later, a sleepover!" Mira said. "Why?" I asked. "You've been gone for 2 years! We need more than a day to celebrate you coming back." She said. "Thanks Mira" I hugged her.

At home~

I packed everything I needed: extra clothes, underwear, my keys, a blanket, 2 pillows and a brush. I'm so excited!

The Guild~

I quickly changed into my PJ's. The first floor was for both genders, but the second is divided in two, for both boys and girls. "Hey Lucy! Let's play spin the bottle!" Mira said. "Yeah sure!" I said. I walked over to Mira, Cana, Levy, Lisanna, Gray, Natsu and Gajeel. "I think Loke wants to play too." I said. "I open thee, gate of the lion, Leo!" "Hello, my dear." He said. "Wanna play spin-the-bottle?" I asked. "Yeah!" he said.

"Levy, you go first" Mira said. "Sure" She said. Levy spun the bottle and it ended up on Gajeel. They both blushed. Levy leaned in closer to Gajeel and kissed him. "Lucy, your turn!" Mira said. I spun the bottle and it landed on Gray. Natsu was somehow angry, I have no idea why. Anyway, we kissed each other and sat down blushing.


"Hey guys, why don't we play Truth or Dare?" Levy said. All the girls nodded and joined. "Lisanna, Truth or Dare?" I asked. "Dare" She says. "I dare you to kiss, on the lips, a boy, except Natsu, tonight." Mira said. "Mira-nee! Ugh...Fine!" Lisanna pouted.

Boys room~

Bixlow opened the door and Lisanna kissed him. "Lisanna?" Natsu said. "You didn't see it, did you?" She asked. "Wait! Natsu! It was just a dare! Lisanna didn't mean it!" I said running after him.

Natsu's POV


Why? Why did she kiss him in front of me? Did I do something wrong or what? Why? "Natsu!" I saw Lucy run after me. She told me everything. Before she could finish, I did something no one expected. I leaned over and tried to kiss her. I should have hesitated it. She took a step back with a sad look on her face, shook her head and ran inside. "Lucy! Wait!" I shouted. What the hell? Why did I just try to kiss her? I ran back inside. "Lucy!"


"Baka, why'd you kiss her?" Gray asked. I didn't answer. "Hey Flame Brain, I just asked you a question!" He shouted. "I-I don't know okay!" I shouted back. "You ass hole, now you've made Lucy cry" That damn exhibitionist was right. I did make Lucy cry. I tried to kiss her just to make Lisanna jealous, it was wrong. I had to go after her. I had to. I ran. "Where the hell do you think you're going, Natsu!" Gray shouted. I didn't answer. Gray ran after me.

"You know she doesn't want to see you" He told me. I shook my head. "She and Lisanna don't want to see you anymore!" He added. I stopped running. He was right.

Lucy's POV

"Lisanna, I'm sorry, I didn't know he was going to kiss me! Lisanna, forgive me" I explained. "It's okay, Lucy, neither did I" She told me.


I opened the door, "Gray?" "Hey Lucy" He said. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to see you" I blushed. "..." "I heard what Natsu did" "Seriously, he told you that? Anyway, I've noticed, ever since I came back you've been acting weird lately, why?" "Actually, Lucy I kinda li-" I kissed him and said "I like you too."