And so another story ends. I am working on my others as well, there will be updates soon...

Balinor returned to the castle a few days later, just as the sun set. No one had seen him since the duel and no one had thought to question it. Merlin worried a little, but Balinor's wanderings were not entirely unheard of. Kilgharrah remained close by and everyone knew nothing would happen to the Dragonlord with the dragon to protect him. Just as he entered the courtyard the final throes of sunlight faded away and the darkness took over.

Several people were moving to and from the castle, many of them greeting him as he passed by, glancing up as they saw the Great Dragon fly overhead. Balinor did not pause long to speak to any of them, he had a destination in mind.

He went through the archway into the interior of the castle.

"My Lord."

Balinor turned. "Sir Leon. Everything is well?"

"I have just finished checking on the patrols for this evening. Most of them are staying close to the citadel. The army appears to have rousted any bandits who had been within the area and the dragon has been seen in the wider area, so we presumed that if there were any issues we would be warned."

"Everything is clear. The army did us one favour, although it will take us time to set things right."

"We have started My Lord," Leon said. "We did lose a few vital buildings in the siege, the forge for one. Arthur suggested we used the stables for anything like that, and we'll rebuild the animal shelters on the east side."

"That makes sense," Balinor replied. "They will be closer to the pastures. I believe we only used the stables as the structures were in place."

"Some of his suggestions have been good." Leon spoke a little tentatively, unsure of Balinor's reaction towards Arthur. Balinor said nothing, although Leon didn't see any anger flicker in his eyes. After a few seconds pause Balinor broke the silence.

"Do you know where my son is?"

"I believe he is in his chambers Sire, he's finishing writing some decrees and messages to the kings and some to the lords close by. Arthur is with him."

"Is Arthur any help?" Balinor asked. Leon frowned.

"I believe Merlin is teaching him at the same time."

Balinor gave a curt nod, "I'll go and see them."

"Very good My Lord," Leon said, nodding politely as he did so. Balinor went up the stairs and another distraction caught him as he reached the upper level.

"Don't be stubborn, otherwise Arthur will just have to come and find you."

"I am not stubborn. And why was he suggesting I move?"

"He was joking," Gwen snapped as she led Gaius along. Both of them paused and looked up as they saw Balinor. Gwen smiled at him, Gaius didn't look displeased to see him but his brow furrowed as he stared at the Dragonlord.

"Balinor, are you all right?" Gwen asked.

"Yes, I was just on my way to see Merlin."

"He's in his chambers, with Arthur, he's teaching Arthur to read. Supper is almost ready, I could bring something up if you don't wish to be disturbed, but Arthur normally comes down into the hall."

"So does Merlin," Gaius announced. "And I seemed to get dragged down there as well."

"Don't be so rude. We all go down there. And Arthur likes you there," Gwen said.

Gaius huffed, but allowed Gwen to lead him a little further forward. The use of Arthur's name always had an encouraging affect on the old physician.

"I don't need to move from my rooms."

Gwen sighed heavily. "Arthur was teasing, but keep on like that and he might make you."

"He can't! I don't have to."

"Well, of course. He even cleaned the leech tank for you last week. Now stop it, we are going down to supper and Arthur will join us."

"Of course. I'll send him down," Balinor said.

"If you need something sending up to you and Merlin then let me know."

"Why can't they join in like the rest of us?" Gaius demanded.

"Merlin is teaching Arthur to read, but Arthur will want a break and Balinor will want to talk to Merlin. Now you are just being stupid."

"That's what I am isn't it? Old and stupid."

"Gaius, that is just silly. And you haven't seen Arthur all day."

"I'll send him down to supper," Balinor said. Gwen turned to smile at him before concentrating her attention back on Gaius. Even Balinor realised the old man was being difficult just for the fun of it. Everyone generally played along to keep him happy, since they knew it disguised a multitude of unhappy memories and emotions. Balinor turned to carry on in the direction he wanted to do, hoping that no one else would interrupt him.

Thankfully no one did and he reached his son's chambers without any further delays. Opening the door he went in and followed the candlelight to the far end. Arthur's head lifted and he looked at Balinor. His eyes widened, guilt and regret flickering across Arthur's face. Merlin eyed him with a slightly closed expression, not entirely knowing how his father would be.

"Is everything all right?" Balinor asked. "Leon told me about you starting to rebuild."

"Yes, we've only just started. Most of the wounded are now mobile, and those from the other armies had left. Which makes the guard a little on the thin side now," Merlin said.

"You couldn't expect them to stay, not a single one of the kings can dare to look as if they advocate this. That will just bring more conflict," Balinor stepped closer to them, watching as Merlin relaxed a little more. By the way his father spoke, he had no intention of being part of any conflict.

"At least we don't have a big kingdom to worry about," Arthur said, his head down and voice distant as he carefully, laboriously, copied out the letter that Merlin had drafted, patiently explaining the letters and wording to Arthur. But he expected Arthur to write the finished product.

"Kilgharrah can keep watch around the woods and mountains," Balinor said. "I think that will be expected by all of them. We no doubt have a large enough population to defend the citadel."

Merlin nodded, knowing an apology and acceptance from his father when he heard it. Arthur didn't pay any attention all of his focus turning to what he was doing.

"Are you all right?" Merlin asked. Balinor nodded, his gaze moving away from Merlin momentarily. Merlin didn't think it was going to be easy for his father, he had clung onto his anger for so many years, it would take some time for the pain to ease. Now with Arthur as he was, destiny being quite clear on what was expected of him, there was nothing anyone could do but allow it to happen. Merlin still rather wondered how they would manage it, but he guessed that would sort itself out in time.

"I presume you have taken stock of what supplies we have, there may be time to make enough repairs before winter comes on," Balinor mused, moving closer, moving a chair from the dining table over to the desk. He sat down and looked at the papers scattered across the desk where the two men sat.

"I was thinking," Merlin said, his eyes drifting to Arthur, who was so absorbed that he didn't react, but Balinor read the hint. Arthur had been thinking. "That rushing to rebuild the town is a secondary concern, that can be dealt with in spring, when we have more time."

"What we need to do is consolidate what we have, assess who will be here over the lean months and make provision for them within the castle," Balinor said.

Merlin nodded, letting his gaze drift to Arthur's bowed, blond head. "Arthur suggested anything vital be rebuilt closer to the citadel. We have those old buildings against the south wall, they are within the safety of the inner wall. It would be sensible to use them."

"Leon said so. The structure is probably sound and it received a minimal level of damage in the..." Balinor paused as Arthur swore, loudly.

"Damn!" he added and looked up at Merlin guiltily, moving his hand so he held the quill clear of the paper. Not that it mattered, since he had smudged the ink.

"Sorry. I just can't get this right."

Merlin looked at the mess on the page, and he shrugged. Placing his hand just over the damage he muttered something and Arthur frowned as Merlin's eyes flashed gold. Then Arthur sighed as he looked at the now unblemished section of parchment.

"And you didn't think to do that to any of the other four I ruined?"

Merlin shrugged. "Doing it over helps you practice, but it's getting late now. Gwen will almost have supper ready. A little cheating might be in order."

"She does, I met her and Gaius on the way up. They are expecting Arthur at the very least. No reason why we all can't go."

"Let's see if Arthur can get that finished first. You haven't got that far to go."

"Can't I just employ someone to do this?" Arthur asked dipping the quill into the ink again and shaking off the excess droplets before staring at the words Merlin had drafted.

"What's that word... what?"

"Rescinded," Merlin said.


"It means that whatever it refers to has been withdrawn, usually a law," Balinor clarified. Merlin looked up at him with a smile.

"In this case Camelot's automatic sentence of death on those with magic."

"Kind of necessary, really," Arthur mused as he slowly wrote the word out.

"I'll help write up a few of the others, just to speed this up but we can't have a king who can't read or write, if a messenger brings anything, you might have to read it then and there."

"Everyone knows I can't read," Arthur pointed out, scratching his head with his free hand, sending his hair spiking in all directions. He followed up with a jaw popping yawn.

"Well, this will give them a nice surprise," Merlin said. Arthur snorted and went back to carefully copying the words from Merlin's draft. "We'll do the rest tomorrow but we can't really put them off."

"Percival and Lancelot are taking me hunting. Why do I need to learn that?"

Merlin propped his chin in his hand, resting his elbow on the table.

"It's useful for food, plus it's a skill, moving with stealth, and firing a crossbow at a live target is harder than hitting something stationary. And you can do both tomorrow Arthur, we can finish these in the morning and then head out."

Arthur paused, realising he couldn't talk and concentrate on his work entirely well. He looked up at Merlin.

"You'd think as king that I wouldn't have to do any chores."

Merlin grinned. "I think you'll find there will be a lot of them. And you're not the king quite yet."

"In that case is there any way that I could go back to being a slave?" Arthur asked. Merlin laughed.

"None whatsoever, unfortunately there is no getting away from it."

"It's all your fault," Arthur informed Merlin.

"You're the one who goes around pulling swords out of stones."

Arthur's reply was suitably crass, which caused Merlin to laugh again, and take a sheet of paper to carefully start another of the letters. Balinor watched them for a moment before standing up.

"I'll head down and let Gwen and Gaius know that you are on your way."

"Very soon I hope," Arthur said.

Balinor walked away, leaving them to it, as he opened the door he turned to watch Merlin gently coax Arthur through another sentence and remembered what Merlin had said, just after Arthur's had nearly taken Excalibur from the stone the first time he entered the courtyard.

Merlin was meant to be something else entirely. As the Once And Future king Arthur needed all the help he could get.

As far as Balinor could see, he had it.


She had avoided the inevitable for as long as possible, even drawing out the ritual of Gwen brushing her hair. They had become close over the last few days, Morgana enjoying the girl's easy-going company and Gwen took time to talk and get to know Morgana. Arthur's clothes had oddly made a bonding point for them as Morgana helped choose the best fabrics and even make a few items.

When Morgana did sleep, she knew she would dream. She had long ago become aware of the signs that would herald her seeing something. Protecting her had been half the reason that Gorlois had turned on Uther, the other was that she had frightened him. In some ways his wife and both his daughters had scared him. He wanted her to know how to control what she saw, and use it. Gorlois had wanted it because her mother had wanted it.

The castle shimmered with moonlight as she walked down one corridor, which opened out to a large, high window. Morgana looked up and stared at the moon, the cloud causing a misty halo around it.

"Morgana, are you all right?" Merlin's voice asked. She turned her head, feeling the sway of her long dark hair against her back. As she looked at him she saw Merlin watch it move and she felt aware that her nightgown and robe would probably conceal little in the light of the moon.

"I am fine, Merlin. I was not tired."

"Have you dreamed?"

Morgana smiled, pulling the robe tighter around her body. "You know me so well."

"Of course, I have known you since we were children."

"And beyond," Morgana said with a smile. Merlin smiled back and stepped closer.

"Arthur told me of the conversation you two had."

Morgana tensed slightly but relaxed as Merlin said.

"I know that it might not be easy for him, but he was concerned. He does not want you to think that you are not welcome. I don't think he would ever reject anyone. Although, I have to understand his nerves."

"It was so long ago, and I am sorry."

"There has always been tension between your family and Arthur's. Morgause still holds some grudge."

Morgana took a breath, relaxing her shoulders back. As she spoke she realised she meant what she said.

"I do not,"

"And will Morgause ever feel the same." Merlin hardly blinked as Morgana glared at him. "For Arthur's safety I have to ask."

"I do not that think that anyone with magic will dare to go against you."

Merlin frowned, "that does not mean that they will not attack Arthur. He is vulnerable."

Morgana sighed, jumping a little as Merlin reached out to take her hand and guide her towards a nearby stone bench. Morgana sat down, carefully arranging her robe around her body, feeling the faint chill which lingered in the air.

Seeing the gesture Merlin whispered in a low tone and Morgana smiled at the warm rush of air that enveloped them. Settling down on the bench she asked.

"I wonder what it would have been like if Uther had not been stopped."

Merlin stayed silent for a moment, pondering the query.

"It would be hard to say. Since most people assume that it was the lack of Camelot's dominance that caused so many conflicts, maybe the world would have been more peaceful."

"But we may not have been here."

Merlin smiled. "I think we are far to integral to Arthur's destiny for that to have happened, although magic would not be so readily used. There is enough persecution of our kind as it is. We have learnt that it is not something to be taken lightly."

"Sometimes I think," Morgana started, and then stopped. Merlin turned to look at her, although she stayed gazing off into space, so her face was in profile to Merlin. Not for the first time he just simply looked at her, assessing her beauty.

"I think we are all too dependant on our powers," Morgana eventually concluded turning to look at Merlin and smiling as she caught his intense stare. Merlin smiled back.

"That is why I often try and use something a little more mundane before applying sorcery to a situation."

"Is that why you started leading an army and building a community in Camelot?"

"I didn't have Arthur in mind for that, in fact I never gave him much of a thought until I actually met him."

"And what did you think when you did?"

Merlin leant back, frowning as he considered it. "I'm not sure, other than feeling rather curious about him, and his utter disregard of facts that everyone saw as important; even the unseen powers of this world, if what you tell me is anything to go by."

Morgana smirked knowingly. "You are angling to find out about my dream."

Merlin grinned and nodded. "Yes, of course. I have always found them useful."

"I think in the end that might be their very purpose," Morgana said. Merlin said nothing more, he simply waited for Morgana to say what she would. He knew she would tell him what further visions had been revealed in her dreams. Morgana always told him, having found him a willing confidant to what she saw. Over time she often found that he would be far more objective than her sister, or any of the priestesses on the Isle Of The Blessed.

Merlin, however, had been raised by the Druids, who appeared to possess far more patience. He would often wait for the first sign of her vision before assessing it deeper, never trying to make things happen but instead letting them come to him. It was probably why he had managed Arthur, and his part in things, so well.

"The dragon is different, bigger, and stronger, it's body leaner and muscled. I don't think it is just meant to mean Arthur but Camelot as a whole. The shadows are following, some are good but some bad. And there is always one closer than any other, and there is, this time, no doubt it is you."

"You saw me?" Merlin asked.

"Calling out as a Dragonlord would call a dragon and the golden dragon came to you without hesitation, Emrys."

Merlin smiled as he heard the use of that name. "No denying it then."

"The protector and guider of the Once and Future King. It seems that you are more important than Arthur, although it can be no one else but him who is your destiny."

"I think that makes us just as important as each other."

"Like two sides of the same coin," Morgana almost intoned. "One born of magic, one born with magic."

"One blond and one brunette," Merlin said causing Morgana to laugh.

"You are often quite frivolous about the most serious of things."

Merlin continued to laugh for a moment. "I take them seriously, just sometimes the prophecies are a little too serious, to say the least. There are other things we will need to consider in the days to come."

"That we do My Lord, however, I think I will retire now."

Merlin raised his eyebrows and then frowned as Morgana decisively got to her feet. She took a few steps down the corridor and then turned and paused, her figure caught in the moonlight.

"Oh, do you remember that vision I told you about, when we were younger."

Merlin saw the mischief in her face and smirked back. "Oh, I presume the one where you saw us handfasted."

"That one, yes; and I couldn't really work out where, or when it was; or which king performed the ceremony..." Morgana tailed off, tilting her head to the side and smirking a little more. Merlin sat back and gave a low laugh.

"I presume now, you might have identified him."

"Well..." Morgana drawled before she turned and walked away. "You might want to get Arthur crowned; at least before next summer."


Arthur fidgeted nervously as he and Percival waited in a small ante-chamber off the back of the throne room. He tugged at the red tunic sporting the dragon crest and fiddled with Excalibur neatly tucked into his belt on his left hip. As he turned to pace across the small space he tangled himself again and almost tripped. Arthur cursed and glowered at Percival when he started to chuckle.

"Shut up!"

Percival stopped laughing but still continued to smirk.

"Calm down," Percival advised. Arthur glared at him.

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one who is about to become a king."

"You're already the king. This just formalizes it."

Arthur continued to glare at the unruffled knight and started pacing again, this time keeping his hand on the sword's hilt so he wouldn't trip as he turned. He paused by the door, listening to the low hum from outside. Leaning over Arthur pressed his ear to the wood, straining to listen and identify the sounds from outside. Nothing came to him clearly, but the low murmurings could be identified as voices.

"How many people are out there?"

"The whole of Camelot I should imagine, plus a few more from the surrounding area. It is rather a significant occasion Arthur. Camelot has been without a king for sixteen years, and when they get one it's the fabled Once And Future King. The druids arrived this morning."

"Really?" Arthur asked, his rising nerves tempered by interest. Percival immediately knew why.

"No sign of Aaliah as far as I could see. That's not to say she isn't here though."

"No," Arthur said feeling a little disappointed, his nerves gaining strength again. He fell forward as the door opened behind him, catching on his heel. Percival reached out to steady him while pulling Arthur clear as Lancelot cautiously put his head round, frowning as he wondered what had been blocking the door. His expression changed to surprise as he realised it was Arthur.

Arthur backed up as Lancelot eased his way through the gap and the noise in the hall seemed to increase. Lancelot glanced back outside before turning back to the two men.

"Merlin's arrived, he'll be ready in a minute. We just need to wait until the doors open. It shouldn't be long so... Arthur get into position."

Lancelot shut the door and Percival prodded Arthur in the back to make him step forward and shuffle to the left in preparation of someone opening the door. Arthur stumbled about to get ready and Lancelot, with far more elegance, stepped around him to take his position a pace behind on Arthur's left, while Percival mirrored him on Arthur's right. Arthur chewed his lip and tugged on his tunic again.

"It sounds like there are hundreds of people out there."

"The hall is full," Lancelot informed him causing Arthur to tense.

"Why does there have to be anyone here?"

"It's your coronation, Arthur," Lancelot told him causing Arthur to sigh. Percival turned his head to look at Lancelot and mouthed 'I've told him that!' to Lancelot, who smirked. Arthur remained oblivious to the interaction behind him until Percival turned his head back and then assessing Arthur reached out.

Arthur almost yelped as heavy hands clamped onto his shoulders and Percival yanked back, announcing.

"Stand up straight Arthur, you're a king for goodness sake!"

Luckily, having got used to Percival manhandling him during training sessions Arthur braced his legs in time to prevent being dragged down onto his backside. As Percival released him the doors opened and the people clustered at the back of the hall all had expectant expressions on their faces as they watched. Although his eyes were slightly wild at least the first impression they got of Arthur was him standing tall and proud. Given Percival's order Arthur didn't dare do anything less.

Another mild prod from Percival got Arthur moving forward and he felt greatly reassured that the two knights stayed with him as he made his way out into the hall. The clusters of people gathered, almost crammed in, moved out of his way. As if a wave had fallen over them they fell silent as he walked out. Arthur turned to his right and stared down the length of the hall.

He hesitated again as he took in the sheer number of people that had gathered to see him. As his eyes roved he caught sight of Lancelot out of the corner of his eye and letting his eyes drift the other way he caught a glimpse of Percival's big, calm presence. Both knights gave him enough reassurance to encourage Arthur to step forward, plus he didn't want Percival herding him down there like some kind of prize cow. As he walked forward the crowd parted to let him through as they opened an aisle down the centre of the hall.

Merlin stood on the dais at the far end, flanked by a large banner that drew Arthur's attention. The sight of it didn't surprise him, the bold bright red background and the golden dragon glittering as the sunlight lit the hall. Arthur also noted the ornate chair that had been placed in the centre of the raised platform. For a brief second Arthur hesitated but then sensed that another prodding from Percival might be imminent. He took several more steps forward, making sure he didn't do anything ridiculous like tangling himself up and falling over. He also made sure to keep his shoulders up.

That meant he caught the gaze of a few people but they reacted differently with some of them bowing, others gave a light bob or curtsey, most of them just nodded their heads in acknowledgement as he passed. As he caught some people's eyes he realised all of them were smiling and he recognised most of them as residents of Camelot. It left Arthur in a quandary. He wasn't sure if he should smile back or not. Was he supposed to, or just nod or completely ignore them altogether. What was a king meant to do? He tried to recall some of the ceremonies he had seen.

As that flickered through his mind he frowned as it occurred to him that most ignored their subjects and Arthur, still smarting a little from his encounter with Uther, decided that his father most certainly would act like that. With that in mind Arthur forced the muscles in his face to react, easing the worry off his face, and instead he smiled.

The first gaze he met as he did so meant he locked eyes with Gwen who smiled back. It made him realise that he had made it three quarters of the way down the hall and had, lost to his thoughts, perhaps ignored more people that was polite. Not that he would be able to go back and correct that now. Percival and Lancelot were probably not there for ceremony's sake but more to make sure that he did stay moving. Arthur looked from Gwen to Merlin for at least some reassurance that he was doing this right. Merlin smiled at him, but looked amused enough for Arthur to realise he had read Arthur like a book.

Merlin waited while Arthur walked towards him, watching the confusion and conflicting emotions as they ran across his face. But as he watched Arthur's progress down the hall Merlin saw the nerves and apprehension slowly fade away. He watched the way Arthur smiled at Gwen and then the tension did truly seem to drain from Arthur's body.

By the time he reached the dais Arthur seemed almost calm. Although they hadn't practiced the ceremony Merlin had advised Arthur on what he needed to do, or at least what he thought made for a good ceremony. Merlin had never crowned anyone, they only had archive material to work with. Arthur had watched some formal occasions but using them too closely might cause unnecessary antagonism. Making something new seemed their best option.

Lancelot stepped forward as Arthur drew Excalibur from his belt and he handed the sword hilt first to the knight. As always Arthur felt the powerful, and hard to describe, wrench as he passed the sword over, feeling the pull of the magic that had chosen him. Deep down Arthur thought that perhaps the whole idea of his birth and what was meant to happen had already been planned before his parents had even been born.

He pushed the dark thoughts from his mind and paid attention to what was happening around him. Lancelot had taken the two steps to stand on the dais by Merlin. Merlin took a step forward, so he stood close to Arthur, although Arthur had to look up at him as Merlin remained on the dais and Arthur stood a pace away from the steps.

"Arthur Pendragon, do you submit yourself fully to the powers that govern this land and speak truthfully to me?"

For some reason Arthur lowered his head, by habit he thought, as he stared at Merlin's boots.

"I do."

"You were chosen," Merlin said, his voice loud, although he didn't seem to be shouting. The authority in his tone seemed to make Merlin's voice carry. "The powers of this land, in the past, present and future, have deemed you worthy of wielding Excalibur, the cursed weapon."

Arthur blinked, he had never heard his sword called that before.

"The power of Excalibur is both a blessing and a curse, only one carefully chosen could ever hope to wield such a weapon wisely, do you believe that you are such a person?"

Arthur raised his head a little. Merlin hadn't told him anything of what might happen, so it didn't taint Arthur's response. Merlin had only ordered him to speak truthfully.

"Not really, no."

A few people laughed when they heard his tentative voice. As he risked glancing up Arthur saw Merlin's smile and knew he had said the right thing.

"And that is why you were chosen. Kneel Arthur Pendragon."

Arthur obeyed Merlin's commanding tone lowering himself onto the middle step, he could do that easily, going to his knees was a well practiced gesture. He kept his head down dark memories threatening to rise but Arthur kept them in careful check. He glanced up under his lower brow to see what Merlin planned to do next. Merlin turned and took Excalibur from Lancelot. Arthur frowned as something rippled through the air. Merlin hadn't often touched the sword and Arthur knew why as he felt the air. The power responded to Merlin and Arthur felt a shiver as he sensed it. A dragon's power fell under Merlin's control, but it was not the same as him dealing with the dragon. Arthur felt an overwhelming urge to take the sword from Merlin.

Merlin seemed to sense that, looking down to smile at Arthur but Arthur saw the mild strain in Merlin's eyes. He could feel the power as well. Merlin turned the sword in his hands until the hilt rested in one palm and the end of the blade in his other. He held it out to Arthur.

"I and my father speak for our ancestors, who have for centuries wielded the power of the dragons and also for those who have held the core of magic for millennia, the Dragons themselves; and we entrust you with their power. Wield it wisely young king, and never forget what council they may give you."

Arthur felt it rather pointless that Merlin had taken the sword only to give it back to him. He took the sword in the same way that Merlin offered it to him, and he held it in that position as a ripple ran though the audience. At the beginning of the ceremony, so focused on Merlin, Arthur hadn't noticed Balinor close by. Now Arthur did as the Dragonlord moved closer.

In his hands he balanced a cushion on which glittered a thick band of metal. Arthur's stomach rolled over with nerves as he looked at the plain gold band, with a small swirling of decoration. The design looked simple and Arthur wondered if it had previously belonged to someone or had Merlin produced it himself.

Any treasures of Camelot were probably long ago lost. Arthur decided, he liked to think at least, that it was something new, because that was far more fitting. It probably would take Merlin nothing more than a mere thought.

Arthur would learn later that several old pieces of gold treasure, and coins, had been melted down so Elyan could create the crown. Again, like everything else in Camelot, it was new.

The new king of Camelot stopped letting his mind wander as Merlin took another step forward, leaning over Arthur, holding the crown several inches over his head.

"By the power vested in me, I crown thee, Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot."

With what felt like great care Merlin placed the metal band on Arthur's head, settling it carefully. Arthur watched as Merlin took a step back and Arthur took the hint, slowly getting to his feet again. He still held the sword flat in both hands as he stood up and glancing at Merlin read the next instruction as Merlin stood on the right of the throne and Balinor the left. For a moment he hesitated, wondering what the hell to do with his sword, then he just took two steps up onto the dais so he stood facing the chair. Slowly he turned round to stare at the people gathered in the hall. All of them watched with wide eyed interest and anticipation. Arthur lowered himself into the chair; onto the throne, he corrected, and then propped Excalibur point down against the right arm. He sat back wondering what the hell he was supposed to do next.

Someone in the audience answered that internal thought and ended the ceremony that put Arthur, quite firmly, on the throne of Camelot. And the shout was taken up by everyone else in the room until it rang out, muting every other sound that might have been heard.

"Long live the king!"