Chapter 10
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Harry Potter!
Thank you for the reviews and alerts!
Draco was the last person Hermione expected to run into at the park! She was totally unprepared for this and was speechless as he looked from her to Cameron. All she could do was look at him with a stupid smile plastered on her face. He didn't say anything for a few moments and then he finally spoke.
"I-I don't even know where to start or what to believe. It's been well over a year since you dropped off the face of the earth. Where did you go? Now that I'm seeing you again, you have a child and from what I can see he's mine! How old is he? He looks like he's close to a year. Hermione, when were you going to tell me?" Draco asked, looking at her with a hurt and anguished expression.
"Draco, I've wanted to tell you, but your father threatened me, my family, and my friends if I didn't stay away from you! We just returned to London a few days ago. I plan on-" Hermione was saying when she was interrupted by Draco.
"Why didn't you come to me Hermione? I would've protected you from my father! There are so many things I don't understand. Why did you take the money my father offered? I don't get it. Were you screwing Stuart all that time? I bet things soured between you and him once you realized you were pregnant with my child!" Draco growled, his voice rising.
Hermione had tears running down her cheeks as she unfastened Cameron from the swings. She placed him in his stroller, strapping him in. "Keep your voice down Draco, you'll scare Cameron. You and I need to sit and have a long talk. I don't know why you think I've been sleeping with Stuart. I never spent one knut of the filthy money your father wired into my Gringotts account without my consent!" Hermione said in a low voice, so she wouldn't alarm Cameron. She then turned the stroller away from Draco, she and Cameron going towards the exit of the park.
"Hold on Hermione, you can't just walk away from me! You're right we do need to talk. Are you living with Thalia again?" Draco asked in more of a calm manner when he noticed Cameron's eyes looking from Hermione to him. He regretted losing his temper.
Hermione shook her head. "No. We're staying with my parents until we can get our own place. I'll be going back to the States the day after tomorrow."
Draco ran a hand through his hair and huffed. "Damn it, how did it all come to this? I have so many questions. How am we supposed to work this out if you're going back to the States?"
"I'm only going back for a few days so I can pack up my belongings and move back home. I'll be starting school again in the fall and Gene has agreed to let me return to work," Hermione replied wearily and looked at Draco with a tired expression. This was not going well.
"Look—how about as soon as you and the baby are settled here, we'll sit and discuss everything. I'm still trying to process all of this. Merlin, I have a son," Draco said, still not believing how his life could change within a matter of hours. The bad morning he had experienced at work was long forgotten. He really looked at Hermione at that moment and it hit him how much he still loved and cared about her. If anything, she was even more beautiful than he remembered. She looked so fragile, Draco wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and tell her it was going to be okay, but it was all so overwhelming. He had no idea of how Hermione felt about him. Maybe she had moved on and found someone else. Be that as it may—we have a child together and I will be a part of his life regardless if there is a new man in Hermione's life, Draco thought.
"Draco, for what it's worth, I didn't want you to find out about Cameron this way. Maybe once we'll talk you'll understand the position I was in. I'll let you know when we're settled," Hermione said quietly.
"Here's my card with my contact information. I still live in the same apartment building," Draco said as he handed Hermione a business card. His fingers brushed hers for a second and he could've sworn he heard her suck in her breath, but it was probably wishful thinking.
"Thank you. We better get going," Hermione replied with a small smile. Of course she was aware he still lived in the same apartment building. She'd seen him exiting the building with Miss Legs. Wonder what she'll think when she finds out Draco is a father, Hermione thought, but then cast it out of her mind. She knew the position she put Draco in; she would have to accept that he'd moved on with someone else. At least he was willing to discuss everything.
As Hermione walked away with Cameron, she couldn't help feeling underdressed. Draco looked so polished in his dress clothes; next to him she felt so ratty and drab. Seeing me like this probably makes him glad I'm no longer a part of his life, Hermione thought. She couldn't have been further from the truth.
Draco watched Hermione and Cameron until they walked out of the park. He closed his eyes and clenched his hands, he still wanted her so badly, but there were so many unanswered questions. Draco needed to know exactly where they stood before he made a move.
Bollocks! Hermione thought as they left the park. She glanced back and Draco was still in the same place watching her and Cameron. Her breath caught when she saw the look on his face; he looked as if he was in agony. What did she expect him to look like, the poor guy just found out he has a son. Merlin knows what he thinks of her and what was that business about her sleeping with Stuart? The rumor mill had been very busy since she went away.
Draco knew there was no way he was going to be able to concentrate at work, so he let his supervisor know that he wasn't feeling well. His supervisor accepted this for Draco never missed work and was a stellar employee. Draco figured his next course of action was to speak to someone who could give him good advice on how to handle this situation. He went to visit his mother.
Narcissa was tending the flowers outside of her small cottage. She loved her new place and didn't miss the dark grandeur of Malfoy Manor or the luxurious villa in Italy. This suited her and she was quite content living on her own. For years she lived under Lucius' iron hand and hated it; now she was finally free. She lived quietly, had a few friends, and enjoyed the tranquility of her new life without Lucius. Thank Merlin the Aurors knew that neither she nor Draco had taken part in Lucius' most recent crimes. These thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door of the front gate being opened. She looked up in surprise when she saw Draco coming up the cottage's cobblestone walk towards her.
"Draco, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" Narcissa asked as she put aside her gardening shears and removed her gloves. Draco looked upset.
"Mother, Hermione's back," Draco replied.
"Oh dear, how did you find that out?"
"I saw her a few minutes ago," Draco answered.
"Draco, what happened to make you so upset? Please tell me," Narcissa pleaded.
"Mum, I have a son. He's almost a year old! How could she keep the fact that we have a child together from me?" Draco said angrily and wiped a tear at the corner of his eye.
Narcissa sucked in her breath and put a hand to her chest. No wonder Draco was so upset. She regained her composure and took Draco in her arms. "Draco dear, this is quite shocking!
I'm not sure why Ms. Granger would keep something of this magnitude a secret from you, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of your father."
Draco stepped back from his mother. "That's what Hermione said. She said Father threatened to harm her and her loved ones if she didn't stay away from me! She also told me that she never touched the money Father said she accepted. What a mess, I'm so confused and I'm not sure what's real anymore."
"I hate to ask this, but are you certain the child is your son?" Narcissa asked hesitantly.
"I'm certain Mother. Do you know that picture of me that you keep at your bedside table? The one where I'm probably about a year old," Draco replied.
"Yes it's one of my favorite pictures of you," Narcissa said.
"Well Cameron is the spitting image of that picture," Draco answered and looked at his mother to see her reaction.
Narcissa smiled. "Then he truly is your child. There's no mistaking the Malfoy trait of pale hair. When will you see him again?" she asked. What a revelation, Draco is a father and she's a grandmother. It wasn't exactly how Narcissa would've imagined things happening, but she was still looking forward to meeting Cameron.
Draco told her about Hermione having to settle her affairs in the United States and then when she was back and established in London, they were going to discuss everything. Narcissa listened and couldn't help but admire Hermione for raising her child and staying in school. She was a little perturbed that Hermione kept Cameron away from Draco, but maybe that was something that the young girl had no control over. Narcissa knew how beastly and intimidating Lucius was.
As soon as she and Cameron left the park, Hermione was able to keep her emotions in check and continue with her day as she planned. They went to the supermarket and she picked up the items needed to prepare dinner for her parents. When they returned home, she fed and changed Cameron, and then put him down for a nap. She started preparing dinner, hoping that would keep her mind occupied, but her thoughts kept going back to Draco. She decided she needed to talk to Thalia, so she sent her a quick text:
"If you're awake, come over. You won't believe what happened today!"
A minute later Hermione's phone beeped and she picked it up to read the message. "I'll be right there." As she was reading the message, she heard a 'pop' and Thalia appeared in the living room.
"What happened?" Thalia asked as she walked over to the kitchen.
Hermione took a deep breath. "I took Cameron to the park near your apartment and we ran into Draco."
"Oh wow, how did that go?" Thalia asked as she sat down heavily on one of the stools at the kitchen counter facing Hermione. She propped her elbows on the counter and rested her chin on her clenched hands.
"He was shocked and angry that I waited so long to tell him about Cameron. He also accused me of sleeping with Stuart! But he's willing to talk once Cameron and I are settled here, so I guess that's a start. I feel so bad, like I'm totally disrupting his life, especially since he has a girlfriend," Hermione replied.
"You sleeping with Stuart? Where the hell did Draco hear that one? You and Draco are going to have to work something out. I'm sure he'll want to get to know his son. I know it sucks that he's dating someone. The sad part is that he probably still thinks you chose money over him. I hope he'll understand the position you were in and realizes the truth," Thalia said gently.
"I'll deal with it like I've done for this past year and a half. Thalia, seeing Draco stirred up everything I feel for him. I still love him and it tore me apart to see how hurt he was when he saw Cameron," Hermione answered, as a few tears coursed down her cheeks.
Thalia stood up from the stool and went over to hug her friend. "I know it hurts. It'll all work out, you'll see."
Hermione smiled through her tears and hugged Thalia back. The two young women began to discuss school and didn't mention Draco again. Thalia stayed with Hermione until it was time to start her shift at Gene's. Not long after, Hermione's parents arrived and were pleasantly surprised to find that she had prepared dinner for them. Hermione decided not to mention her encounter with Draco to her parents just yet. She felt it would be best to tell them about Cameron's father once she and Draco had a chance to talk. She wanted to make sure she knew exactly where things stood as far as Cameron was concerned.
Draco returned to his apartment after spending the afternoon with his mother. He felt better after speaking to Narcissa and was even a little hopeful that maybe he and Hermione could salvage their relationship. He had no idea if there was someone in her life, but he knew one thing; he wanted to see his son. It was going to be hard seeing and knowing Hermione was with someone else, but it had been well over a year since they had seen each other. Draco had done some things he regretted but he really thought Hermione had left him with no explanation or goodbye. He was so in love with her and it ripped him apart when she left.
He planned on having a quiet evening, but then the buzzer to his apartment rang. He looked in the peephole of his front door and smiled wearily. It was Myla. Draco opened his door and let her in.
"What the hell happened to you? You look like dog crap that's been stepped in a few times," Myla said matter-of-factly as she helped herself to a beer in Draco's refrigerator.
"Good evening to you too Ms. Diggs, you always know the right thing to say to a friend," Draco drawled sarcastically.
"I call it like I see it. Care to talk about it? Wanna beer?" Myla asked and grinned. She walked into the living room.
Draco rolled his eyes and went over to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. He went over to the couch where Myla was sitting and plopped down next to her. He took a long sip of beer and began speaking.
"I needed that after today. I saw Hermione."
"No way! Where? Did you talk to her?" Myla asked, her eyes widening.
"She was in a park near the Ministry and yes, we talked. I found out I'm a dad," Draco replied flatly.
"Wait a second, is she pregnant? How can that kid be yours? You haven't seen her in well over a year," Myla said puzzled.
"No, she was pregnant when she left. Trust me, Cameron is mine. Myla, he's almost a year old. I can't get over that she kept this from me all this time!" Draco exclaimed.
"Damn Draco, no wonder you look like shit. What're you going to do?" Myla asked.
"She's going back to the States for a few days. Once she and Cameron are settled back here, we're going to discuss everything. I honestly don't know what's going to happen with all of this. I still can't get over I'm someone's father," Draco said and stared straight ahead, not really focusing on anything.
"That poor kid, having you as a father," Myla joked.
"Go fuck yourself Myla, I don't need your wisecracks," Draco growled, but then lightly punched her in the arm.
"Seriously Dray, I can't imagine what's going through your head right now. You finally see Hermione again, she has a child, and he's yours! Will I ever get to meet them?" Myla asked.
"I'd love for you to meet them, but I have to wait and see. Myla I have no idea how Hermione feels about me. Seeing her today made me realize how much I still care for her even though she left. I know I'm stupid, but I still love her," Draco replied and sighed.
"I don't think you're stupid Draco. Maybe she still loves you too," Myla said.
"Maybe Myla, but I'm not getting my hopes up," Draco answered. They continued to drink their beers and then ordered in Indian food. After they had eaten, Myla left and made Draco to promise that he would call her if he needed anything. She didn't like to see her friend hurting. Draco reassured her that he would.
When Myla was gone, Draco went into the bathroom for a shower. He stripped out of his clothes and entered the shower. He closed his eyes as the warm water flowed down on his exhausted body. He began to think of the way Hermione looked that day and was shocked to see that he had an erection. Draco began to stroke himself as he thought about the last time they had made love. It was the night of the ball and he thought about finding Hermione stripped down in his spare bedroom. It had been an intense experience and as he thought about it, he got closer to the edge. Draco groaned and came in spurts, as his cum shot against the wall of the shower. He finished his shower and dried off. He dressed for bed and was about to fall asleep when a thought occurred to him. When he and Hermione made love that night, he couldn't remember either one of them performing a contraception charm. That was probably the night Cameron was conceived.
Hermione looked around her now empty room at Mo's house. She wanted to make sure she hadn't overlooked anything. It didn't take that long to pack, since she didn't have many belongings. Hermione was glad to be moving back to London, but she was going to miss her American friends. Mo, Penny, and Stuart promised to visit London. They told Hermione that she always had a place to stay if she ever decided to come back to Boston. They had also become very fond of Cameron and were going to miss him.
"I guess that's everything," Hermione said and smiled.
"I'm sure going to miss you and my little man! So is everything squared away with the Royal Veterinary College? I'm pretty sure we sent all of your transcripts," Mo said as she made funny faces at Cameron.
"I'm all set for the university. Mo, I don't know how to thank you. You've made such a difference in my life and Cameron's. We're going to miss you too," Hermione said and hugged the older woman.
"I loved having you. It's sure going to be quiet here. Promise me that you'll visit when you get a chance and write. I want pictures of Cam too!" Mo replied and hugged her back.
"You got it. Well, there's the taxi to take us to the airport. Take care Mo. Cam and I love you. You're like a second mother to me," Hermione smiled, but had tears running.
"You're the daughter I never had and I feel Cam is like mine too. Stop crying! You take care too and be sure to let me know if you need anything," Mo admonished, but she had tears too.
Hermione nodded and waved as she made her way with Cameron to the waiting taxi. As the taxi sped away from Mo's home, Hermione looked back and watched until she could no longer see Mo waving. She brushed the tears away, feeling sad but excited at the same time because she was finally able to go home. This chapter of her life was closed and it was time to begin a new one. Maybe Draco will want to be a part of it; maybe not as far as she was concerned, but hopefully he wanted to be a part of Cameron's life.
To his friends and coworkers, Draco looked calm and in control, but inside he was a bundle of nerves. It had been a few days since he'd seen Hermione and he was anxious to hear from her. He hoped she wasn't going to try and avoid him again. He always made sure to double-check his messages at work and at his apartment. Draco wasn't about to let Hermione slip away again. There was so much more now especially since he found out they have a child together.
The next few days passed in a blur for Hermione. While her mother babysat Cameron, she looked at apartments. She finally found one close to the building where she used to live with Thalia. Hermione liked this apartment more. It had more room and had just been renovated, plus it was on the first floor. Her parents had wanted her and Cameron to live with them, but Hermione felt it was better that they had their own place.
Her parents had extra furniture in storage; they gave Hermione a small dining table with four chairs and a loveseat. Harry and Ron met her on Saturday and helped her "move" the furniture by casting an invisibility charm and levitating it to Hermione's apartment. When they were done, Hermione fixed sandwiches and they sat at the table in the kitchen, eating and catching up. Cameron had started walking and was moving tentatively around the table.
"So Ginny told me Malfoy knows about Cameron. What's going on with that?" Harry asked, taking a bite of his sandwich and looking at Hermione.
Hermione sighed. "He asked me to get in touch with him once Cam and I were settled. I was going to contact him tonight. He wants to meet and discuss everything. I'm pretty sure he wants to get to know Cameron.
Ron picked Cameron up and bounced him on his knee. Cameron laughed happily as Ron smiled at him. "I can't explain it Hermione. Cam looks just like Malfoy, but I think he has more of your personality traits. I don't think he'll be as big of a git as his father."
Hermione and Harry looked at each other and laughed. "Ron, only you would say something like that! Draco was a git when we were younger, but he's changed," Hermione said and got a faraway look on her face.
"Do you think you'll be getting back together?" Harry asked. He never told Hermione about seeing Draco with different witches at the Ministry. Harry knew deep down that Draco didn't care about the young women; it was probably his way of dealing with the pain of Hermione leaving. He remembered the way Draco had looked at Hermione at the ball almost two years ago. He had looked like a man in love.
"I don't think so Harry. Draco and I have so many unresolved issues, plus I'm pretty sure he's dating someone," Hermione replied.
"Well whatever happens, I'm here if you need anything," Harry said and patted her hand.
"Same here Hermione. I'm glad we're friends again," Ron said and smiled.
The young men stayed for about another hour, talking and playing with Cameron. Hermione smiled and watched her friends interact with her son. She was glad that Cameron was going to have so many positive male influences in his life. She wondered how big of a role Draco was going to want to play in his son's life. When Harry and Ron left, Hermione decided to contact Draco.
Hermione took a deep breath and let it out. She dialed the cell phone number on the business card. It rang a few times and then the voicemail picked up. She left a short message, leaving her number and the address of her new apartment. The ball was now in Draco's court.
Draco was in an intramural quidditch league with Blaise and Theo. They'd had a game that morning. When he'd returned to his apartment, he went straight to the shower. When he was done, he walked into the kitchen to fix something quick for lunch. He heard his phone beep and saw that he had a message. His heart began to beat faster when he wondered if it was from Hermione. As he listened to the voicemail message, he felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement building within him.
Taking a deep breath and letting his nerves settle, Draco called Hermione back.
"Hello," Hermione answered softly when she saw that it was Draco.
"Hermione, Draco here. I was returning your call. I take it you and Cameron are back?" Draco asked.
"Yes we moved in to an apartment not far from where I used to live. It's a good neighborhood," Hermione said and winced. She was rambling, but she felt so nervous talking to Draco even if it was over the phone.
"Yeah, I figured that out by the address you left on the message. So, did you want to meet later this afternoon to talk? I can meet you somewhere near your apartment," Draco replied.
"Why don't you come by our apartment at about 5:30, we can walk to the park with Cameron," Hermione suggested.
"Okay, I'll do that. I'll see you later," Draco said and hung up. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. He couldn't wait to see Hermione and his son again, but he was still feeling a little on the edge and filled with uncertainty.
"Bye," Hermione said and hung up too. She looked around the apartment, making sure everything was in place. She looked at the clock and saw that it was only 1:30 p.m. She got Cameron to take a nap and she took that time to shower quickly and let her hair dry naturally. Hermione looked through her closet and sighed. She didn't even know why she was bothering to make an effort to look nice, Draco wouldn't notice. She was sure he would want to get their discussion over with as soon as possible. He probably would be meeting his girlfriend later.
It was going to be cool outside, so she opted for jeans and a lightweight pink cardigan over a white T-shirt paired with trainers. Hermione decided to keep it casual. Cameron woke up, so she fed him and decided to give him a quick bath. She dried Cam off and dressed him in a pair of jeans too with a sweatshirt, paired with brown leather hiking boots. The boots had been a going away gift from Penny and Stuart. Hermione smiled when she took in Cam's ensemble. He is just too cute, Hermione thought as she gave him a big kiss.
Draco looked through his closet, sweeping the hangers back, unsure of what to wear. Why am I so nervous about this, it's not like she'll notice what I'm wearing, he thought. He finally opted for a white T-shirt and pulled a thin V-neck bluish-gray sweater over it. He grabbed jeans that were hanging near the T-shirts, slipped them on, and then pushed his feet into a pair of dock shoes. He looked at the clock and saw he had only fifteen minutes left until 5:30. Draco took one last look in the bathroom mirror to make sure his hair was in place. Satisfied, he left his flat and headed over to meet Hermione and his son.
Hermione and Cameron were sitting on the floor of the living room, playing with blocks, when the doorbell rang. Cameron's mouth formed an "O" when he heard the noise. Hermione chuckled and picked him up. She was so nervous, but eager too. She answered the door and let Draco in. He smiled when he saw Cameron in Hermione's arms. It was still shocking for him to see how much his son resembled him.
"Hey. Are you ready to go? I just have to get Cam's stroller and we can be on our way. Do you want anything to drink before we leave?" Hermione asked.
"Bottled water would be good. I'll take it with me," Draco replied.
"Sure, let me get that," Hermione said. She was still holding Cameron and walking to the kitchen when Draco stopped her.
"I can hold him while you're getting the water, if you'd like," Draco said hesitantly.
"Umm, okay. Here you go," Hermione said as she handed Cameron to Draco. Draco smiled at his son and held him, taking in his features.
Hermione watched this interaction and hid her smile. Draco's smile was genuine as he took Cameron into his arms. Cameron stared up at his father and broke into a smile. She grabbed the bottles of water and placed them in the cup holders of Cameron's stroller. She had packed the diaper bag a little earlier and stored it underneath the stroller. Grabbing her keys, she looked at Draco with their son. "Ready? Cam can ride in his stroller."
"Is it okay if I hold him?" Draco asked.
"Sure, I'll bring the stroller in case he gets too heavy," Hermione replied. They left the apartment and walked out onto the sidewalk. It was a short distance to the park and they made it there within a few minutes. As they were walking, passersby smiled at them, admiring the lovely young couple and their son.
Hermione pushed the stroller and looked at Draco. "Draco, I don't know where to begin. I can tell you exactly what happened, from the moment your father made me leave the villa until now."
Draco nodded. "I'm listening." As they walked through, the park Hermione told him everything, sometimes wiping away tears, but she never stopped talking. Draco didn't interrupt her; his heart ached when he thought about how lonesome she must've been especially when she found out she was pregnant. As he listened, he knew that Hermione was telling the truth. Damn his father to hell, Draco thought. What was Lucius thinking, trying to kill Hermione and Cameron? Thank Merlin he was in Azkaban, the man was truly insane.
"So here we are now. Draco I want you to be a part of Cameron's life. I know you're dating someone, I totally understand that you've moved on with your life, but we can work something out when you want to see Cameron," Hermione said when she was done.
Draco gave her quizzical look. "What makes you think I'm dating someone?"
"I have a confession. Before we met up in the park, I had gone to your apartment to talk to you and tell you about Cameron. When I was almost there, I saw you step out with a young woman with long, black hair. She's quite lovely," Hermione replied quietly and looked straight ahead.
Draco began to laugh and Cameron laughed too, imitating his father. Hermione stopped pushing the stroller and looked at Draco. "Why is that so funny?"
"Sometimes things aren't what they appear to be Hermione. Myla is a good friend. Trust me, there is nothing going on between us," Draco replied, still chuckling.
"Really, I find that hard to believe," Hermione scoffed gently.
"Hermione, she's a lesbian!" Draco said and smiled.
"No! That's the last thing I was waiting to hear from you. How did you two become friends?" Hermione asked, shocked at the revelation.
"Her parents were friends with mine. We met at a Christmas party at the villa and then when we returned to London, we started to hang out. Sometimes I think she's more masculine than I am," Draco reflected, still smiling.
"You just never know. The sun is setting, I guess we'll start heading back to the apartment. Draco, I'm glad we had a chance to talk. Let me know when you want to see Cameron, we'll work something out," Hermione said.
"I'll walk you back to the apartment. You're right, he is getting heavy. I'll put him in the stroller," Draco answered. Draco gently placed his son in the stroller and Hermione strapped him in. They began to walk back to the apartment. Hermione asked Draco about his work and this was what they discussed until they made it to her apartment building.
"Thanks again Draco. I guess we'll call it a night," Hermione said and put out her hand. She wanted to hug him, but she wasn't sure how he would react.
"Hermione, is it okay if I come in with you? I'm not ready to call it a night. If it's okay, I understand if you're tired," Draco said and looked into her eyes.
Hermione's breath caught as she stared back. "No you can come in. I need to feed Cameron and get him to bed. We don't have a very exciting life, you'll be bored."
"I seriously doubt that. I want to know everything about my son," Draco replied as he held the door open for Hermione so she could ease the stroller inside. I will never be bored being with you Hermione, Draco thought.
They entered the apartment. When they walked in, Draco undid the straps and picked Cameron up from the stroller. As soon as he did, his face wrinkled and he looked at Hermione. "What is that smell?"
Hermione walked up and sniffed. "Cameron has a poopy diaper. Come on, this will be good for what I'm assuming is your first diaper change."
"I'll watch you and go from there," Draco said hesitantly.
Laughing, Hermione took Cameron from him and walked to Cameron's bedroom. Draco followed her and looked around his son's room. The walls were light blue and there was a wallpaper border depicting sea animals around the perimeter of the room. He watched as Hermione placed Cameron on a changing table. Hermione expertly unsnapped the tiny blue jeans and took them off. She undid the fastenings on the diaper and made a face.
"Oh Cam, this is one of the best yet," Hermione said and chuckled. Cameron looked at his mother and laughed as she grabbed a packet of baby wipes.
Draco looked at the contents of the diaper and then looked at Hermione. "How did all of that come out of that little bottom?" he asked, astounded.
"You'd be surprised," Hermione said wryly and chuckled. "Sure you don't want to change his diaper?"
"I'll watch this time. I promise I'll do the next one," Draco smiled.
"Okay, I'll remember that," Hermione teased. Draco watched as she quickly cleaned Cameron up and put a fresh diaper on. Even if it was something as mundane as a dirty diaper, he was glad to be a part of it. His heart ached and he wanted so much to tell her how much he still loved her and how he wanted to be a part of their son's life.
Hermione removed the sweatshirt and dressed Cameron in all-in-one footed pajamas. As she picked him up from the changing table, she turned to smile at Draco. He had a strange look on his, as if he was in awe. "Is everything okay Draco?" Hermione asked.
"Everything's fine Hermione. You're so good with him," Draco said and then regretted what came out of his mouth. Of course she's good with Cameron, she's his mother. He hated to sound like such a git.
Hermione didn't take it that way. She only smiled and thanked him. They went back into the kitchen and Hermione fixed a bottle for Cameron. Her breast milk had dried up so he was now on formula. Draco followed them back to Cameron's room and watched as Hermione fed him. When Cameron was done, she burped him and then rocked him to sleep. Draco was fascinated as he watched Hermione place Cameron in his crib. She put her right index finger to her lips, cocked her head towards the door and they walked out.
"Does he sleep through the night?" Draco asked softly.
"Pretty much unless he needs his diaper changed," Hermione replied.
They went into the kitchen and Hermione looked at Draco. "I hate to bring this up, but I have to ask because it's been bothering me. Why did you think I was sleeping with Stuart?"
Draco sighed and shook his head. "Theo told me that was the story going around since you and Stuart left at the same time. No one had any idea that Stuart is an Auror and that he was working undercover. I'm sorry I accused you of that and that I believed that you chose money over me. I should've known better Hermione, but my father had so much power over my mind. I'll never forgive myself for doubting you."
Hermione touched his arm. "Don't feel that way Draco. I can about imagine what you were going through. It's over now and we can move forward."
Draco closed his eyes when he felt her touch. He opened them and looked at her. "Hermione, I never stopped loving you."
"Draco, I never stopped either. Do you think we can try to make this work?" Hermione asked and looked into his eyes.
"Definitely, you don't know how badly I was waiting to hear that," Draco replied and pulled her close to him, embracing her tightly and kissing her soft hair.
Hermione returned the embrace and let the warmth envelop her. This was so much more than she expected. Draco still loved her and wanted to be a part of Cameron's life. She looked up at Draco as her raised his head and bent towards her. He kissed her softly and Hermione melted into him. It had been so long since their last kiss. They pulled apart and Draco led her to the loveseat in the living room. They sat together and talked for another two hours. When they were done, Draco decided to go back to his apartment. As much as he wanted Hermione, he didn't want to her to think he was only there to sleep with her. He wanted to show her that he was serious about getting back together and building a life with Cameron.
Before he left, Draco went to Cameron's bedroom and gave his son a kiss on his cheek. Hermione walked him to the door, where Draco enveloped her in a tight hug and kissed her.
"Can I call you or come by tomorrow?" Draco asked.
"Sure. We're having lunch with my parents, so you can come by tomorrow afternoon. I'd like you to meet them when you're ready," Hermione said and smiled.
"I'd like that. Hermione, you don't know how happy you've made me tonight. I didn't think I'd ever see you again," Draco said softly, as he caressed her cheek.
"I'm not going anywhere. I love you Draco," Hermione said and looked into his eyes.
"I love you Hermione. I'd like to take you out to dinner tomorrow night, a date," Draco said.
"That would be nice. I'll see if my parents feel like babysitting and I'll let you know," Hermione replied.
Draco nodded and smiled. He kissed her one more time and left quickly, because he knew if he would've stayed a moment longer, he wasn't going to leave. He was so relieved with the way the evening had gone and exhilarated too. Hermione was his again; he wasn't going to let anything screw it up this time.
Hermione changed into pajamas and went to bed, feeling exhilarated and ecstatic. She fell into a dreamless sleep and looked forward to what the next day would bring. Everything was finally coming together.
She and Cameron met her parents for lunch at their home. When they were done, Hermione sat with them in the living room and told them about reconciling with Cameron's father. She decided not to leave anything out; telling them the whole story of what had occurred with Lucius. Her parents were somewhat shocked and apprehensive about Hermione getting back with Draco. They were concerned that he would be as delusional as his father, but Hermione did her best to reassure them that Draco was nothing like Lucius. They agreed to babysit Cameron that evening, but they wanted to meet Draco first.
Draco woke up in a great mood. He couldn't recall ever feeling so happy. He wanted his date with Hermione that evening to be perfect. Draco had so much he wanted to share with her; she had to know that she was everything to him and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and their son. If last night was any indication, he was pretty sure Hermione felt the same way. He hated thinking about how much time they had lost being apart, but Hermione and Cameron were back in his life and that was all that mattered.
He called Hermione that afternoon to let her know what time he was going to pick her up. When he heard her voice, he immediately picked up there was something hesitant in her tone.
"Hermione, is everything okay? I understand if you don't want to go out," Draco said, but was disappointed.
"I do want to go out Draco, but my parents want to meet you," Hermione said quickly.
"I can do that Hermione. Were you afraid to ask me to meet them?" Draco asked softly.
"Yes. I didn't want to seem pushy," Hermione replied.
"Love you and I have a child together, I totally understand that they want to meet me. I hope your father doesn't have any muggle weapons," Draco joked.
"I'm glad you're good with this. I guess I'll see you about 6 pm?" Hermione asked, relieved.
"I'll be there," Draco said warmly.
They spoke for a few more minutes and Hermione gave him the directions to her parents' home. She let out the breath she'd been holding and smiled. She was nervous, but was looking forward to her parents meeting Draco.
Hermione's parents kept Cameron at home with them while she went back to her apartment to get ready. She decided to relax and take a warm bath, which was something she hadn't done since Cameron was born. She soaked in the vanilla and honeysuckle scented bubble bath, soothed by the scent. When she caught herself drifting off and the water was getting cold, Hermione decided it was time to get out. She toweled off and looked in the mirror. She experimented with different hairstyles, but decided to leave it down. Her hair fell in soft waves down her back and she pulled it away from her face, fastening her hair with a comb. Hermione applied her makeup lightly, mostly on her eyes and lips. Taking a look in the mirror, she shrugged. That was as good as it was going to get, might as well get dressed, she thought.
Deciding on a long-sleeved green faux-wrap dress, Hermione slipped it on and smoothed it down. The dress accentuated her slender curves and the color complemented her complexion. She decided to pair it with a pair of black peep-toe heels. It had been ages since she had dressed up; she was always in jeans or casual pants when she was at school or running errands. She wanted to look nice for Draco and hoped she succeeded. Hermione looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:20 pm, so she headed back to her parents' home.
Draco closed his eyes and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell at the Grangers' home. He pressed it and waited a few moments. Hermione answered the door with Cameron in her arms. She smiled when she saw Draco.
"Hi, I'm glad you didn't have any problems finding the house. Come in," she said. Hermione figured Draco must've liked what he saw; he couldn't keep his eyes off of her.
"You gave good directions. You look amazing," Draco replied. She truly took his breath away, Merlin the way that dress hugged her body. He had no idea how he was going to keep his hands off of her tonight. These thoughts quickly disappeared when he saw Mr. and Mrs. Granger seated in the living room.
Hermione introduced her parents to Draco and pleasantries were exchanged. Mr. and Mrs. Granger could not get over how much Cameron resembled his father. They spoke for a few minutes, it was a bit awkward considering they were just meeting Cameron's father for the first time. Mrs. Granger noticed the way Draco looked at Hermione. Her mother's intuition told her that this young man loved her daughter and their son. She hoped that everything would work out for Hermione. Mr. Granger was a little wary since he still thought of Hermione as his "little girl." It would take some time before he would warm up to Draco.
Before Hermione and Draco left for the date, she went into the kitchen with her mother to make sure she had brought everything Cameron would need. Mrs. Granger smiled at her and hugged her. Hermione was a little surprised and hugged her mother back.
"I'm just going to dinner Mum," Hermione joked.
"I don't know what came over me dear. You look so nice, I hope you and Draco can work it all out," Mrs. Granger said.
"Thanks Mum. I think Draco and I are headed in the right direction. Looks like Cam is all set. I'll pick him up as soon as soon as we're done with dinner," Hermione said softly and smiled.
Mrs. Granger shook her head. "No Hermione, your father and I will keep Cam overnight. Enjoy your night out and we'll see you tomorrow."
"Mum, you don't have to do that. I'll come back and get Cam," Hermione protested.
"Hermione, you never take time for yourself. Have a nice time," Mrs. Granger said and pecked her on the cheek.
"Thank you so much, but if you need anything I'll have my phone," Hermione advised.
"I think your father and I did an okay job raising you. Cam will be fine," Mrs. Granger chuckled.
Hermione smiled and they went back to the living room. She gave Cameron a kiss goodnight and waved to her parents. She smiled at Draco and they left. Draco sighed and smiled at her.
"You can't imagine how nervous I was to meet your parents. I'm glad that's over!"
"You did well, I think they liked you," Hermione said and laughed at how relieved he was.
"I think your mum did, but your dad is a different story," Draco replied and raised his eyebrows.
"You have to understand I'm his only child and a girl, he's very protective of me," Hermione explained.
"I get it. I'll have to work to get his approval, but you're worth it Hermione," Draco said with a serious look and kissed her. "I love you and I love Cameron, I want us to be a family."
"I love you too Draco. I'm so glad you're back in my life," Hermione replied as they disapparated to a restaurant in Diagon Alley.
Dinner went well and they enjoyed their meal. A band was playing and a few couples were dancing. Hermione was watching them and smiling. A slow song came on and Draco extended his hand to Hermione. He led her to the dance floor and wrapped her in his arms. They barely moved; it was as if they were the only two people in the room. Draco tilted her chin up and kissed her deeply, not caring if anyone was watching or disapproving. He wanted everyone to know he was in love with Hermione and that she was his.
Hermione loved being in Draco's arms. She didn't care what anyone thought either. They finished their dance and left the restaurant. Draco took her arm and before they left, he turned to her.
"Do you have to get back to pick up Cameron?"
"No my parents are keeping him overnight. We can do anything you want," Hermione replied and looked into his eyes.
Draco gulped, not trusting himself to speak. If he didn't get them away from there at that moment, he would end up shagging Hermione in full-view of the restaurant. They disapparated to his apartment. As soon as they were inside, they began kissing. Draco pushed her against the wall in his living room, his lips moving down to her neck. Hermione moaned and laced her fingers in his hair. He pushed up her dress and moved down, kissing her through her panties and then he pulled them down. Draco wanted her so badly and Hermione wanted him too. He quickly unbuckled his pants and pulled down his boxers, letting them pool at his feet. He had been having an erection since they left the restaurant and couldn't wait to be inside of her. Silently reciting a contraceptive charm, Draco positioned himself at her entrance and entered her slowly. Hermione groaned as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He closed his eyes as he savored how good she felt joined with him. Hermione watched as he pumped slowly into her, as his eyes opened and he looked at her with every thrust. They began kissing again and the lovemaking intensified. Draco felt his testicles tighten and his release came soon after. He cried out Hermione's name as he pushed into her. Breathing heavily, he kissed her again as she wiped the sweat from his brow and slowly unwound her legs from his waist.
"I'm sorry that was so quick love. I needed you so badly and the way you looked in that dress was driving me crazy!" Draco said huskily.
"I understand Draco, we have all night," Hermione said with a seductive smile. She enjoyed Draco taking her so quickly. They would definitely have to do that again.
"I love you woman, let's get to the bedroom so I can make love to you properly," Draco said as he kicked his pants and boxers away. Hermione squealed when he picked her up and put her over his shoulder. He brought her to his bedroom and made good on his promise. They made love until the wee hours of the morning.
After that night, everything began to fall into place. Within a few months, Draco had made an honest woman out of Hermione. They were married in a quiet ceremony with only family and a few friends. Hermione and Cameron moved in with Draco, they were the perfect little family. They eventually settled in a home that wasn't too far from her parents or Narcissa. It worked out very well.
Narcissa doted on Cameron and loved him with all her heart. She loved how he looked so much like Draco, yet she could see something of Hermione in him. She was so happy that the young couple was able to find each other again and reconnect. She relished her new life and being a grandmother. She hoped that Draco and Hermione were going to make more grandchildren for her to spoil.
Hermione graduated from veterinary school two years later and was now Dr. Granger. She went on to work in a muggle veterinary clinic in London. Draco continued to work for the Ministry. The star crossed lovers were more in love than ever, if that was possible.
After graduating, Thalia moved back to Columbia and married Lazaro. Hermione was her Matron of Honor. She and Thalia stayed in touch and visited each other often. Thalia set up a veterinary clinic in her town and it was thriving. She and Lazaro went on to have two sons, Lazaro, Jr. and Miguel.
Ten Years Later
Draco held Hermione on the platform at King's Cross Station. He kissed away her tears.
"I'm so silly Draco. I can't help it; I feel like a piece of me is going away," Hermione said sadly, but tried to smile.
"You're not silly love. Believe me, I want to cry too. I'm going to miss him," Draco replied as they watched the Hogwarts Express pull away from the station.
It was going to be Cameron Malfoy's first year at Hogwarts. His parents had a friendly wager going as to what house he was going to be sorted in. Hermione was certain it was going to be Gryffindor, but Draco had his hopes that it would be Slytherin.
Hermione wiped away the tears, smiling and waving when she saw Cameron waving to her and Draco. He looked so excited; he couldn't wait to start at Hogwarts. Cameron had inherited his mother's intelligence and his father's skills on a broom. He was going to be quite an asset for whichever house he was sorted into.
Draco was going to miss Cameron, but he was proud of their son. He held out his arms for the small girl as she ran to him. Maureen Malfoy was six years old and a daddy's girl. She had run with the train, waving to her brother until he and the train were out of sight. Maureen had pale hair like Draco, but it was curly like her mother's. She also had Hermione's eyes, but that was about all she had inherited from her mother. She was mischievous and cunning like her father. Draco had no doubt that she would be sorted into Slytherin when her time to attend Hogwarts would come.
Hermione smiled and looked fondly at her husband and daughter. She thought about all of the events that led them to this point. It still amazed her that she and Draco had been married for 10 years, but he still made her feel like a newlywed. One of Draco's favorite pastimes was getting naked and chasing her around the house when the children were staying with Narcissa or her parents. Although she had gone through a very bad time when she thought she'd lost Draco forever, Hermione wouldn't change a thing. She would remember the past, but would keep in mind yesterday's just a memory.
Hope you enjoyed the tumultuous journey of Dramione! I have another idea brewing in my head, so I suppose I'll get started on it. Again, thank you to all of you who always read my stories, I truly cherish your support. It keeps the creativity going!