A/N. I'm glad for all the postivie response for the last chapter! So here's part two of it, there probably won't be a part three anymore though.

Note: I do not own Hart of Dixie or its characters.

Shallow, Selfish, and Snobbish

Part II

"Is there a medical emergency?" Zoe asked with exaggerated patience. She dropped her bag on the small desk by her door and began to walk past Wade.

"No, but—" he attempted, but Zoe wasn't interested in anything other than yes or no answers.

"Anybody who needs my help?" she asked, not even looking at him as he tried to block her way.

"Well, no, but—" he tried again.

"Crisis? Alien invasion?" Zoe interrupted, angrily,

"Hell no, but—" Wade replied, frustrated.

"Then get out!" Zoe pushed passed him.

"Damnit, Zoe, I just wanna talk to you!" Wade ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated.

Zoe stopped and spun around to face him, radiating pure anger. "Why? You have more insults to throw at me? Cause' if you do, let me tell you, Mr. Kinsella, that I really don't have the time for it."

"I came here to apologize!" he fired back, then repeated in a much softer tone, "I'm here to apologize, Doc."

"Why? So we can be friends again? Why would you want to be friends with a shallow, snobbish, selfish New Yorker?" She jabbed her finger with each adjective for emphasis.

Wade caught her hand to stop her. Zoe tried to pull it back, but he didn't loosen his grip. "I didn't mean it, alright? I wasn't thinkin' straight. I know I said I meant it, but I don't. I was just mad at everything from Jesse to the failed huntin' trip—" He tried to explain.

"So you decided to take it out on me," Zoe finished for him. This time she was able to pull her hand back and made a point of wiping it on her shorts.

"Well I was mad at you, too," he admitted.

"Why? What did I do exactly to make you so mad?" she asked him, and crossed her arms defiantly.

"Damnit, Zoe, you just don't get it, do you?" Wade sighed.

"You're right! I don't get it. I am not shallow just because I liked Judson and George and Jesse. It was a coincidence. Besides, what's your problem with them? What's wrong with them?" she yelled, practically stomping her feet in frustration.

"What's wrong with me?" Wade yelled back then froze, realizing what he just said.

Zoe took a step back, "What?"

Wade took a deep breath then exhaled. He noticed that for the first time Zoe was looking him in the eyes and he held her gaze. "What's wrong with me?" he repeated, "Damnit, Zoe, I've been here this entire time yet you never gave me so much as a second glance."

Taken aback, Zoe replied, "You like me?"

"Well why else would I keep drivin' you 'round town? Or makin' that stupid gumbo, or asking you for that drink, or arguin' with you when I could be out pickin' up some chick from the Rammer Jammer, or refusin' to fix that damn fuse box? Yes, I like you, Zoe Hart. There, I said, now go on and shoot me down cause' I'm just some bartender who ain't got no prospect or money," he sighed.

"You're an idiot," she whispered.

"You could've just said you didn't like me back, Doc. Well, I'll be on my way out so I can drink this night outta my memory," he gave her a slight grin and turned back for the door.

"You're an idiot," she repeated.

"I heard you the first time, Doc!" he called out to her, already making his way back to his place.

He heard a shuffle of footsteps behind him and heard her call, "Wait!"

He stopped and turned around slowly, not sure he could take much more of this.

"You're an idiot, Wade Kinsella, because I do like you back. I just didn't want to be another one of your one night stands. Why do you think I was so upset when you called me those things? Because I liked you and hearing those things come out of your mouth was worse than if it came out of anybody else's," she told him.

Wade sighed, "Don't play with me, Doc, it ain't funny." He turned back around when Zoe caught up to him. She grabbed his arm and forced him to look at her.

"I'm not joking, Wade. If you honestly thought I cared about you being a bartender then you don't know me as well as you thought you did," she gave him a nervous smile.

Wade returned the smile and put a hand on her cheek, "You mean it?"

She nodded.

"Cause' you better be sure, I don't want you runnin' out on me cause' you found somebody better," he joked.

She smacked his arm playfully and smiled at him, "You know I won't."

"Good, cause' I've been waiting a long time for this," he whispered, and pressed his lip to hers.

It wasn't like the other times they kissed. It wasn't fiery and filled with lust, it was slow and sweet. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer and he put his other hand on the small of her back.

Someone let out a low whistle and the two jumped apart.

Lavon was giving them a knowing smile and had his arms crossed across his chest, satisfied. "It's about time, guys, 'bout time."

A/N. I haven't seen the next episode after this yet, but I really look forward to it! If any of you have seen it, could you please give me some spoilers? Thanks!
