Avatar: The Last Airbender copyright Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko

Danny Phantom copyright Butch Hartman

Teen Titans copyright DC Comics

Batman Beyond copyright DC Comics

Spider-Man 2099 copyright Marvel Comics

Avatar, Edge of Reality
Chapter 05: Welcome To Neotropolis

a Green swirly vortex materialized in the open air.

Toph soon emerges from the portal followed by Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko and Azula.

the group all look and find themselves in a small room.
it looked like a warehouse, and had small windows.

"where..are we?" asked Katara

before anyone could answer, a loud rumble was heard.
bright light shined thru the windows, then passed by (indicating something flying by the building they were in.)

"Everyone, OUTSIDE!" commanded Azula

the "gaang" ran down the warehouse and approach large, metal doors.
they all lifted it up and soon exited the building.

once outside...they all froze in Shock and Awe at what they saw.

they were in a street of some sort.
but, the street was reflective (almost like Glass)

the sidewalks and buildings were made entirely out of metal and, had the "weirdest" shapes that they had ever seen.

weirder still: the buildings and roads were adorned with bright lines of light.


just then, a beam of light shined at the group.
they looked up, and saw a strange metal airship hovering over them.

a hatch opened up, and several figures leap down them the ship.
the group saw that they were soldiers, wearing metallic armor and lensed helmets.

the troopers approached them.

(("YOU.")) said a trooper, his voice distorted

Toph eyed them.

"you t-talking to US?"

(("yes, i am.")) replied the trooper

(("this sector is Off-Limits, EXPLAIN yourselves."))

"uhh...well, i, uh-"

Azula stepped up.

"I'm SO SORRY, officer but, me and my friends are kinda lost.

we, uhh...got turned around.
we apologize if we caused any trouble."

there was a long (and, uncomfortable) silence.

(("just leave the premecise and be on your way."))

"could you give us a Lift?"

The trooper paused, them spoke again.

(("fine...so long as your Gone from here"))

the Trooper pressed a button on his forearm.
the airship then slowly lowered down and landed on the ground.

(("watch your step."))

Azula (along with the others) approached he ship.
once all were inside, the hatch closed and the ship lifted up.

the Gaang looked out the ship's windows and, nearly lost their breath at the sight before them.

They saw an entire city of Metal and Electric Lights.
the city itself TWICE the size of Ba Sing Se, and had buildings as tall as Moutains.

they even saw strange vehicles they flew in the air and, thousands upon thousands of people below them.

"my...goodness." said Katara, awestruck

"what...IS this place?" said Aang

(("Neotropolis")) replied a trooper.

the Airship soon flew over to a populated area of the city.
it lowed down and landed, opening it's hatch.

(("watch your step."))

Aang and the Gaang got off the ship and onto the ground.
the hatch then closed, lifted up and flew away.

once gone, the gang took a moment to servey their surrounding.
the buildings looked even HIGHER up close, and had "moving images" of light on them.

they saw dozens of people walking by ALL wearing black clothing with colored lights on them.

though, SOME people...looked "different"
some had metal body parts, while others looked "animal-like"

and, SOME...had the weirdest hairstyles that they ever saw.

"whoa...Clockwork wasn't kidding when he said this world was "different." said Katara

Sokka eyed some girls with pink mohawks and purple spike hair.

"Different?, for like: FREAKY!"

"and, Quan is somewhere in all of THIS?" said Zuko

Toph narrowed her eyes.

"i don't care.
wherever Quan is, i'm going to Find him and bring-him-home."

"Then, we'd better find Trigon...wherever he is." said Aang

Azula smirked.

"that should be Easy.
Clockwork said he's at WaithCORP."

"then, we find this world's "WraithCORP." said Katara

Azula scoffed.

"figure that out on your own?"

Katara scowled at her.

"just kidding." said Azula

Toph started walking.

"COME ON, we're wasting time just standing here."

Aang sighed sharply.
he and the others then followed Toph.

[Meanwhile, Elsewhere]

Quan lay sound asleep on a cot.
he soon opened his eyes and yawned loudly.

though he didn't know it...he was in a cell.
he got up and began to walk around, trying to figure out where he was.

he soon touched an energy gate (which shocked him.)


"heh-heh, sure STINGS doesn't it?" said a voice

Quan looked around.

"w-whose there!"

"just a fellow prisoner." replied the voice

Quan stared blankly.


"YEAH...welcome to WraithCorp Pen.
where Anton keeps his volenteirs BEFORE (and, at times AFTER) he experiments on them."

Quan gulps hard, not liking this.

"SO, what's your name, Newbie?"

"uhh...Q-Quan, Quan Jinn."

"well, I'M Hungry."


the stranger laughs.

"just kidding!
my names Willie, Willie Watt."

Quan paced around.

"why are YOU here, Willie?"

Willie scoffs.

"what else?
Mister Wraith is "interested" in my talents."


"I can move things with my mind."

Quan widened his eyes.


"YEAH, it's pretty cool.
SO...what can You do?"

Quan gulps, then frowns.



"no...Nothing." repeated Quan "the only thing about me that's changed is that I'm Blind."


Quan nodded.


Willie make a humming noise.

"well...that's odd."

Just then, a guard walks by.

"Whoa, HEADS UP!
here comes Wraith's Good Squad."

Quan gulps hard, feeling nervous.
the guard then slides a card in a slot, opening up Quan's cell.

before Quan knew what was happening the guard grabbed him and took him away.


as the guard dragged him away, Willie watched.

"So Long, Quan!
if you Survive, let's swap Horror Stories, EH!"

the guard dragged Quan to an elevator.
the doors shut tight, then the elevator shot UP.

"he's a goner."


Quan found himself latched to a metal chair in a semi-dark room.

he struggled, but couldn't get free.
Quan then heard a low, sinister laugh.


"that's "Mister Anton Wraith" to YOU, boy."

Trigon (now in Human form) walked beside Quan.
Wraith smirked as he slowly circled the blind boy.

"I suppose your wondering just what i am planning on doing to you."

Quan groaned, then spoke.

"yeah...the thought HAS crossed my mind."

"FINE...then alow me to clarify.
i mean, i wouldn't want to "leave-you-in-the-dark", heh-heh-heh..."

Quan scowled at this.
Wraith then patted Quan on his head.

"but, all joking aside...you should be Happy."

"Oh?, and why would i?"

Wraith smirked, then lit a cigar.
he sucked on it, then blew some smoke at Quan...who coughed at this.

"simple...i am going to grant you something you never had: POWER."

Quan was silent, Wraith then continued to speak.

"did you know...that a Blind Man is more Agile and Aware than a Sighted Man?"

"I should hope so...seeing a show I'M blind, now."

Wraith chuckled, the spoke again.

"yes, well...my point is THIS.
not long ago, i once encountered man named Matt Murdock.

he was a skilled warrior, kept beating me at every turn.
he was also BLIND...though, he was ALOT more agile than a "normal" blind man."

Quan smirked.

"so, you git your butt kicked by a Blind Guy.
somehow, i'm not seeing the point in this."

Wraith growled.

"my POINT is, that a Blind Warrior has capabilities of being more Agile than a Sighted one...

Murdock was strong, but i know that I can do BETTER.
and, THAT...is where you come in, my young friend."


"I am going to Improve you.
take your remaining senses to a level BEYOND just "heightened"

when i'm done...you won't even WANT your Sight back."

Wraith then pressed a button.
this made various equipment lower down before Quan.

"of course, the process will be quite Extreme.
your chances of surviving will be VERY slim."

Wraith grabs a device, which sparked with electros.

"just do me a favor: TRY not to scream Too Loudly."

Quan gulped, feeling dread.

"a-are you REALLY gonna risk my life?
giving all the hard work you went through to get me?"

"it wasn't THAT hard." replied Wraith

"and, BESIDES: there are "suckers" born EVERYDAY.
if you die...i can just get more "test subjects."

Quan widened his eyes, feeling terrified.

"T-Toph will s-save me...SHE WILL!
she'll f-find me, and HURT you for this."

Wraith laughed cruely.

"I find that unlikely.
now, hold still: this is gonna hurt you, ALOT more than it hurts me."

Wraith zapped Quan, he yelled out in pain.

"(deep sigh) okay, fine: i'm lying.
it's just gonna hurt YOU, ME and the other hand...not-so-much, HA! HA! HAAAAA!"

as Wraith edged closer for Another attack...
a spinning black-and-red projectile flew and sliced thru the cable.

Wraith looked up and saw a dark figure in the shadows.


[Meanwhile, Back In The City]

Toph ran through the streets at a pretty quick speed.
she was going so fast, that the others could Barely keep up.

"Toph, SLOW DOWN!" called Katara

Toph stopped and looked back at the others.

Quan could be in danger, i HAVE to find him!"

Once the others finally caught up with Toph they all stopped to catch their breaths.

then, Azula spoke.

"you'll never find your friend if you keep running around aimlessly."

Toph approached Azula, glaring at her.

"oh?, and what do YOU think we should do "Crazula!"

Azula scowled at her.

"first, DON'T call me that.
Second, WraithCorp shouldn't be hard to find.
since it's a thiving company, EVERYONE should know where it is."

Toph crossed her arms, then huffed.

"So, does that me we should Ask some people?" asked Aang

Azula rolled her eyes.

"no, duh, "Arrow-Head."

Katara scowled at Azula.
Aang then looked around and spotted someone.

"Let's go ask HIM!"

the group looked at a "large" man in a trenchcoat.

are you SURE this is a good idea?" said Sokka, nervously

Aang ignored Sokka's warning and approached the stranger.

"Excuse me, mister.
i was wondering if i could ask you something."

"goooo...away." said the man, his voice Low and Raspy

"WEEEELL, he doesn't want to talk.
Come On, Aang...let's go ask somebody el-"

"But, it'll only take a few minutes." repeated Aang, ignoring Sokka

"leave me alone..." growled the man


Suddenly, the man turned and face Aang.
he gasped upon seeing an Insectoid Face with razor sharp teeth.



the man ripped his trenchcoat apart.
revealing his body to be that of a Green, Humanoid Scorpion.

the towering mutant approached Aang, growling.

"what are YOU staring at?" snarled the Scorpion

Aang gulped as he stepped back.

"i, uhhh..."

"so...you've come to Gawk at THE SCORPION, HUH!"

"N-NO!, of course not!
I just wanted-GAAAHH!"

Scorpion suddenly grabbed Aang with his massive "crab claw"

"AANG!" exclaimed Katara, in fear

Aang struggled against the Scorpions grip.

"NOBODY makes fun of KRON and gets away with it!"

Scorpion raised up his claw, ready to smash Aang into the ground.

but, then, his claw is suddenly snagged by a "silver rope"
the others look and see a man in a strange costume, clinging to the side of a building.

"take it easy, Kron..." began the man

"you KNOW that temper of yours isn't good for your Blood Pressure."

Scorpion released Aang and glared at the man.


Author Note: Most of you probably thought that Aang and the Gaang
would be going to "The Grid" from Disney's TRON (and, that IS understandable)

but, in This Chapter, I hint at something else entirely.
and, in case you haven't figured it out...then, i'll just tell you

It's a World where BATMAN BEYOND and SPIDER-MAN 2099 Co-Exist.
(yep, i'm putting futuristic versions of Two Popular heroes together.)