Chapter One: Morning
Once, in the far away realm of Zenith, there was a beautiful technological kingdom. Everyone was happy and prosperous, and the land was full of innovation and creation. In a lovely house, there lived a kind and giving man, and his young daughter, Tecna. He gave her everything she could ever want, love and comfort, and a learning experience at every turn, however he felt she needed a mother-figure in her life. And so he married once more, and for a second wife, he chose a woman with two daughters Tecna's age. Stacy, and Dana. Though, at the time of the good man's passing, was when the three had reveal their true identities as witches, and now were known as Icy, and her two daughters, Stormy and Darcy. Icy was a cold and cruel woman, and undeniable jealous of Tecna's intelligence and beauty, and she would stop at nothing to make her two awkward daughters look better than her.
As time passed, the lovely home that Tecna and her father resided in began to look old and dark, because of the negative energy surrounding it. All the family fortune that was suppose to be put into school for Tecna was being spent on the selfish and egotistic step-sisters. Meanwhile poor Tecna was emotional abused and put down, and eventually forced to be a maid in her own home. However she continued to be kind and optimistic, for with each passing day, she had hope that someday her dreams of freedom with come true.
It was morning, and a small magical yellow bird flew up to the attack of the house where Tecna lived, it slipped through the open window and landed on a button that would open the blinds and let light in, then it landed on the bed of the sleeping pink haired technology fairy. The bird first played with the long side of Tecna's hair and tweeted to get her to wake up, but she turned to her side and buried her pillow on her head. Determined to wake Tecna, the bird tip-toed underneath the pillow as she let at a giggle. Startled, the bird perched on top on her pillow, and she crept her fingers up and startled it again. As it flew up to Tecna's headboard, she laughed and sat up in bed.
"Chicko, do you mind, I was having s good dream." Tecna laughed, and Chicko flew to the window to tell her it was a beautiful day, "I know its the weather is going to be good, but the dream I had was even better." Then she sighed dreamily and learned back it her bed. Chicko just had to ask her what her dream was about.
"Now logically I can't tell you want it was about, because if you tell someone what you wish for, it won't come true." Tecna explained. Suddenly her alarm clock sounded.
"That clock will never give me a break, will it?" Tecna asked in a sigh as she slid out of her covers and began to make her bed happily. And with that, numerous pixies flew in from all corners of the room, and helped Tecna make her bed nice and neat. As she went downstairs to take a shower, the pixies took her pyjamas from the counter in the bathroom and organized her outfit for the day. The dusted it off, and took it downstairs for her. While she was getting dressed in the bathroom, the pixies polished her shoes, and when Tecna come back, she slipped her tiny feet in the nicely polished shoes. Then Chicko tied her apron in a neat bow around the back of her waist as she sat at her vanity and looked herself in the mirror, brushing her short pink hair. Suddenly, she heard her bonded pixie calling her.
"Tecna, Tecna, come quick!" she called her.
"What's the matter, Digit?" Tecna asked.
"There's a new pixie in the house that we've never seen before." Digit explained.
"Oh, well he'll need a jacket and shoes and…" Tecna began picking out an outfit for their new visitor, but was interrupted by Digit.
"No, it's a girl, you know all pixies are girls." Digit pointed out.
"Right, I forgot, will in that case, she'll need a new dress." Tecna replied as she put the other clothes back and took out a pink dress.
"There's no time for that, the witches have her in a trap!" Digit exclaimed.
"Well why didn't you tell me that in the first place, Digit!" Tecna gasped as they left the room in horror.
Tecna ran down the stairs to see a pixie trapped in the corner of the room in one of the witches' many pixie traps.
"Calm down, we're here." Tecna told everyone as she knelt down and looked at the pixie in the trap, "Look, the poor thing's trembling. Digit, could you talk to her."
"Right away, Tecna." Digit then walked into the trap, and began talking to the new pixie, "We're not going to hurt you, at least not us. We're all going to like you here, and Tecna's going to like you too. She is a very kind hearted, wise fairy. Come on, come say hi to everybody." and so Digit guided the new pixie out of the trap and into the welcoming arms of everyone else.
"Isn't that better?" Tecna asked the new pixie with a genuine smile, she gave her the dress that she had, "Now, do you have a name?"
"Lockette." the new pixie introduced herself, "the pixie of portals."
"Well, welcome to our little family, Lockette." Tecna replied as she stood up "I have to run, so keep Lockette out of trouble, and don't forget to tell her about what those horrible witches would do if they catch any one of you." As Tecna left, Lockette look really worried.
"What would they do if they caught us?" she asked Digit.
"Those witches are so cruel, they would pluck our wings off one by one, and then Darcy would surround us in darkness, or Stormy would watch as she zapped us until our hair fries and our little lungs are sour from panting. But what is worse is if you get caught by Icy, she is like a death trap, she will encase us in ice and will hide us in her closet so that Tecna can't find us, and as pixies, we can't last long on ice. That's what happened to one of us last year… poor Charmy…"
"That's terrible." Lockette trembled with all the descriptions of what could happen to them if they were caught, "I'll stick around with you and Tecna."