Rizzoli & Isles – I certainly don't own them. I give a lot of credit to the people that do and thank them for letting me mess about with them for a bit.

Fair warning, I just wrote this over the weekend and therefore I'm not giving it the time to sit before I reread to try to catch/edit. I also took a smidge of liberty with the science, places etc. Poor Billy Elliot was victimized only because it was streaming as I was writing. I love the movie, if you haven't seen it please do :)

Many thanks and credit for the story theme to' tattoo me1969'. Please see the authors note at the end of the last chapter.

M is very much the word on this one.

Maura swatted lightly at Jane's face. "Stop that, your hair tickles and it's getting in my way."

Jane just leaned further over the back of the couch and rested her chin on Maura's shoulder "Well I'm trying to read about whatever thing you're doing rather than stay in Boston and have a movie night with me."

"Jane."Maura drew the name across her tongue warm and indulgent.

Jane reached over and tipped the laptop screen up a bit "What could possibly be so important at The Epidemiology and Population Health Summer Institute at Columbia University that you're going to miss the premiere Isles home theatre release of Assassination Games?"

"I think the point to this guilt trip is to make movie night more appealing than lecturing at EPIC. Assassination Games as the highlight is not influential."

Jane walked around the couch and flopped down "EPIC huh? Better than PUKE I suppose. However the movie is not supposed to influence you." She bumped their shoulders together. "Spending time with the EPIC'ness that is your best friend is supposed to influence you."

"Hmmm well the best friend is epic but she was also invited to come to New York for the weekend and she did a lot of whining about boutiques and missing the BPD softball game. There may have even been a slight rude comment or two regarding my shoe collection."

"Maura, it's not a game! It's the championship tournament. Let me put this in Isles-ese. Calling the tournament a game is like calling Jimmy Choos BRASH from Payless."

Jane enjoyed watching her quip hit home, loved how it made both of Maura's eyebrows rise until her forehead was creased, loved the crossed arms and the way she bit her lip trying not to laugh. Jane batted her eyes and that did it, laughter escaped.

Maura shook her head and leaned forward, closing the laptop and putting in on the coffee table "You're lucky I like you. I'll be home Saturday evening. I think you'll survive me missing one movie night."

Jane just groaned and turned so she could put both her legs across Maura's lap and lie down with her arm over her eyes. "I'm going to be so bored. Frost and Agent Farrell are going to the House of Blues, Korsak is getting some award from the MSPCA and my mother is going with him. Ewww by the way. "

She waved her free hand in exasperation. "Frankie and Tommy are out communing in the woods or something at DAR State Forest and I'm not sharing a tent with either of them ever again. Plus you're abandoning me to go lecture about," She lifted her arm from her eyes to look at Maura "What exactly again?"

"The course is called The Ethics of Public Health, but I like to focus my lecture on mass behavior changes as influenced by the HIV/AIDS epidemic." She rubbed Jane's legs absently.

Jane sighed. An idea made her sit up on her elbows. "How about we still have movie night?" She pointed to the laptop "We can pick something out on Netflix and watch it together over the phone."

Maura sighed "That is hardly practical, besides, I have dinner with a colleague planned but I'll call you to let you know I made to New York and I'll call you Saturday night when the car service drops me home." The sudden stillness under her hands made her study the sprawled figure on her couch.

Jane cleared her throat "You're right, I'm just being silly. I should have realized you'd have a date. I'll see you Sunday at dinner." She put her head back down and put arm back over her eyes.

Maura considered her for a long moment before moving a hand down to rub a foot "I never said it was silly. It didn't seem practical because of my dinner plans but if you're not going to have anything better to do, why don't I call you when I get in and you can keep me company until I fall asleep. The movie idea I'll consider if I get to pick. It will be late okay?"

Jane felt her face flush, realizing Maura was changing her plans, feeling a bit childish, but there was only one answer she wanted to give "Okay."